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* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.routing
import language.implicitConversions
import language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.ConfigurationException
import akka.dispatch.{ Envelope, Dispatchers }
import akka.pattern.pipe
import akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicLong, AtomicBoolean }
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import akka.event.Logging.Warning
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import akka.event.Logging.Warning
import akka.dispatch.{ MailboxType, MessageDispatcher }
* Sending this message to a router will make it send back its currently used routees.
* A RouterRoutees message is sent asynchronously to the "requester" containing information
* about what routees the router is routing over.
@deprecated("Use GetRoutees", "2.3")
@SerialVersionUID(1L) abstract class CurrentRoutees extends RouterManagementMesssage
@deprecated("Use GetRoutees", "2.3")
@SerialVersionUID(1L) case object CurrentRoutees extends CurrentRoutees {
* Java API: get the singleton instance
def getInstance = this
* Message used to carry information about what routees the router is currently using.
@deprecated("Use GetRoutees", "2.3")
case class RouterRoutees(routees: immutable.IndexedSeq[ActorRef]) {
* Java API
def getRoutees: java.util.List[ActorRef] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
@deprecated("Use Pool or Group", "2.3")
trait DeprecatedRouterConfig extends Group with Pool
@deprecated("Use RoundRobinPool or RoundRobinGroup", "2.3")
object RoundRobinRouter {
* Creates a new RoundRobinRouter, routing to the specified routees
def apply(routees: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef]): RoundRobinRouter =
new RoundRobinRouter(routees = routees map (_.path.toString))
* Java API to create router with the supplied 'routees' actors.
def create(routees: java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef]): RoundRobinRouter =
* A Router that uses round-robin to select a connection. For concurrent calls, round robin is just a best effort.
* Please note that providing both 'nrOfInstances' and 'routees' does not make logical sense as this means
* that the router should both create new actors and use the 'routees' actor(s).
* In this case the 'nrOfInstances' will be ignored and the 'routees' will be used.
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that
* if you provide either 'nrOfInstances' or 'routees' during instantiation they will
* be ignored if the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used.
Supervision Setup
* Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children.
* The router is therefore also the children's supervisor.
* The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with
* [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to
* a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the
* router's supervisor for handling.
* The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself.
* Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or
* restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart.
* @param routees string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up
* using `actorFor` in [[]]
@deprecated("Use RoundRobinPool or RoundRobinGroup", "2.3")
case class RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances: Int = 0, routees: immutable.Iterable[String] = Nil, override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None,
val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId,
val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy)
extends DeprecatedRouterConfig with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[RoundRobinRouter] {
* Java API: Constructor that sets nrOfInstances to be created.
def this(nr: Int) = this(nrOfInstances = nr)
* Java API: Constructor that sets the routees to be used.
* @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up
* using `actorFor` in [[]]
def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String]) = this(routees = immutableSeq(routeePaths))
* Java API: Constructor that sets the resizer to be used.
def this(resizer: Resizer) = this(resizer = Some(resizer))
override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = routees
* Java API for setting routerDispatcher
def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String): RoundRobinRouter = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId)
* Java API for setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head”
* Router actor.
def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): RoundRobinRouter = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy)
* Java API for setting the resizer to be used.
def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): RoundRobinRouter = copy(resizer = Some(resizer))
* Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given Routerconfig
* if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if
* resizer was not defined in config.
override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = this.overrideUnsetConfig(other)
override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = new Router(RoundRobinRoutingLogic())
@deprecated("Use RandomPool or RandomGroup", "2.3")
object RandomRouter {
* Creates a new RandomRouter, routing to the specified routees
def apply(routees: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef]): RandomRouter = new RandomRouter(routees = routees map (_.path.toString))
* Java API to create router with the supplied 'routees' actors.
def create(routees: java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef]): RandomRouter =
* A Router that randomly selects one of the target connections to send a message to.
* Please note that providing both 'nrOfInstances' and 'routees' does not make logical sense as this means
* that the router should both create new actors and use the 'routees' actor(s).
* In this case the 'nrOfInstances' will be ignored and the 'routees' will be used.
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that
* if you provide either 'nrOfInstances' or 'routees' during instantiation they will
* be ignored if the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used.
Supervision Setup
* Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children.
* The router is therefore also the children's supervisor.
* The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with
* [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to
* a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the
* router's supervisor for handling.
* The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself.
* Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or
* restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart.
* @param routees string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up
* using `actorFor` in [[]]
@deprecated("Use RandomPool or RandomGroup", "2.3")
case class RandomRouter(nrOfInstances: Int = 0, routees: immutable.Iterable[String] = Nil, override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None,
val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId,
val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy)
extends DeprecatedRouterConfig with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[RandomRouter] {
* Java API: Constructor that sets nrOfInstances to be created.
def this(nr: Int) = this(nrOfInstances = nr)
* Java API: Constructor that sets the routees to be used.
* @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up
* using `actorFor` in [[]]
def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String]) = this(routees = immutableSeq(routeePaths))
* Java API: Constructor that sets the resizer to be used.
def this(resizer: Resizer) = this(resizer = Some(resizer))
override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = routees
* Java API for setting routerDispatcher
def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String): RandomRouter = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId)
* Java API for setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head”
* Router actor.
def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): RandomRouter = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy)
* Java API for setting the resizer to be used.
def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): RandomRouter = copy(resizer = Some(resizer))
* Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given Routerconfig
* if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if
* resizer was not defined in config.
override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = this.overrideUnsetConfig(other)
override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = new Router(RandomRoutingLogic())
@deprecated("Use SmallestMailboxPool", "2.3")
object SmallestMailboxRouter {
* Creates a new SmallestMailboxRouter, routing to the specified routees
def apply(routees: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef]): SmallestMailboxRouter =
new SmallestMailboxRouter(routees = routees map (_.path.toString))
* Java API to create router with the supplied 'routees' actors.
def create(routees: java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef]): SmallestMailboxRouter =
* A Router that tries to send to the non-suspended routee with fewest messages in mailbox.
* The selection is done in this order:
pick any idle routee (not processing message) with empty mailbox
pick any routee with empty mailbox
pick routee with fewest pending messages in mailbox
pick any remote routee, remote actors are consider lowest priority,
* since their mailbox size is unknown
* Please note that providing both 'nrOfInstances' and 'routees' does not make logical sense as this means
* that the router should both create new actors and use the 'routees' actor(s).
* In this case the 'nrOfInstances' will be ignored and the 'routees' will be used.
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that
* if you provide either 'nrOfInstances' or 'routees' during instantiation they will
* be ignored if the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used.
Supervision Setup
* Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children.
* The router is therefore also the children's supervisor.
* The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with
* [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to
* a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the
* router's supervisor for handling.
* The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself.
* Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or
* restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart.
* @param routees string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up
* using `actorFor` in [[]]
@deprecated("Use SmallestMailboxPool", "2.3")
case class SmallestMailboxRouter(nrOfInstances: Int = 0, routees: immutable.Iterable[String] = Nil, override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None,
val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId,
val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy)
extends DeprecatedRouterConfig with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[SmallestMailboxRouter] {
* Java API: Constructor that sets nrOfInstances to be created.
def this(nr: Int) = this(nrOfInstances = nr)
* Java API: Constructor that sets the routees to be used.
* @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up
* using `actorFor` in [[]]
def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String]) = this(routees = immutableSeq(routeePaths))
* Java API: Constructor that sets the resizer to be used.
def this(resizer: Resizer) = this(resizer = Some(resizer))
override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = routees
* Java API for setting routerDispatcher
def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String): SmallestMailboxRouter = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId)
* Java API for setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head”
* Router actor.
def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): SmallestMailboxRouter = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy)
* Java API for setting the resizer to be used.
def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): SmallestMailboxRouter = copy(resizer = Some(resizer))
* Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given Routerconfig
* if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if
* resizer was not defined in config.
override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = this.overrideUnsetConfig(other)
override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = new Router(SmallestMailboxRoutingLogic())
@deprecated("Use BroadcastPool or BroadcastGroup", "2.3")
object BroadcastRouter {
* Creates a new BroadcastRouter, routing to the specified routees
def apply(routees: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef]): BroadcastRouter = new BroadcastRouter(routees = routees map (_.path.toString))
* Java API to create router with the supplied 'routees' actors.
def create(routees: java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef]): BroadcastRouter =
* A Router that uses broadcasts a message to all its connections.
* Please note that providing both 'nrOfInstances' and 'routees' does not make logical sense as this means
* that the router should both create new actors and use the 'routees' actor(s).
* In this case the 'nrOfInstances' will be ignored and the 'routees' will be used.
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that
* if you provide either 'nrOfInstances' or 'routees' during instantiation they will
* be ignored if the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used.
Supervision Setup
* Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children.
* The router is therefore also the children's supervisor.
* The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with
* [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to
* a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the
* router's supervisor for handling.
* The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself.
* Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or
* restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart.
* @param routees string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up
* using `actorFor` in [[]]
@deprecated("Use BroadcastPool or BroadcastGroup", "2.3")
case class BroadcastRouter(nrOfInstances: Int = 0, routees: immutable.Iterable[String] = Nil, override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None,
val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId,
val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy)
extends DeprecatedRouterConfig with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[BroadcastRouter] {
* Java API: Constructor that sets nrOfInstances to be created.
def this(nr: Int) = this(nrOfInstances = nr)
* Java API: Constructor that sets the routees to be used.
* @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up
* using `actorFor` in [[]]
def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String]) = this(routees = immutableSeq(routeePaths))
* Java API: Constructor that sets the resizer to be used.
def this(resizer: Resizer) = this(resizer = Some(resizer))
override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = routees
* Java API for setting routerDispatcher
def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String): BroadcastRouter = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId)
* Java API for setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head”
* Router actor.
def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): BroadcastRouter = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy)
* Java API for setting the resizer to be used.
def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): BroadcastRouter = copy(resizer = Some(resizer))
* Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given Routerconfig
* if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if
* resizer was not defined in config.
override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = this.overrideUnsetConfig(other)
override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = new Router(BroadcastRoutingLogic())
@deprecated("Use ScatterGatherFirstCompletedPool or ScatterGatherFirstCompletedGroup", "2.3")
object ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter {
* Creates a new ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter, routing to the specified routees, timing out after the specified Duration
def apply(routees: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef], within: FiniteDuration): ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter =
new ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter(routees = routees map (_.path.toString), within = within)
* Java API to create router with the supplied 'routees' actors.
def create(routees: java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef], within: FiniteDuration): ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter =
apply(immutableSeq(routees), within)
* Simple router that broadcasts the message to all routees, and replies with the first response.
* You have to defin the 'within: Duration' parameter (f.e: within = 10 seconds).
* Please note that providing both 'nrOfInstances' and 'routees' does not make logical sense as this means
* that the router should both create new actors and use the 'routees' actor(s).
* In this case the 'nrOfInstances' will be ignored and the 'routees' will be used.
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that
* if you provide either 'nrOfInstances' or 'routees' during instantiation they will
* be ignored if the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used.
Supervision Setup
* Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children.
* The router is therefore also the children's supervisor.
* The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with
* [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to
* a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the
* router's supervisor for handling.
* The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself.
* Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or
* restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart.
* @param routees string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up
* using `actorFor` in [[]]
@deprecated("Use ScatterGatherFirstCompletedPool or ScatterGatherFirstCompletedGroup", "2.3")
case class ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter(nrOfInstances: Int = 0, routees: immutable.Iterable[String] = Nil, within: FiniteDuration,
override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None,
val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId,
val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy)
extends DeprecatedRouterConfig with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter] {
if (within <= Duration.Zero) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"[within: Duration] can not be zero or negative, was [" + within + "]")
* Java API: Constructor that sets nrOfInstances to be created.
def this(nr: Int, w: FiniteDuration) = this(nrOfInstances = nr, within = w)
* Java API: Constructor that sets the routees to be used.
* @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up
* using `actorFor` in [[]]
def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String], w: FiniteDuration) = this(routees = immutableSeq(routeePaths), within = w)
* Java API: Constructor that sets the resizer to be used.
def this(resizer: Resizer, w: FiniteDuration) = this(resizer = Some(resizer), within = w)
override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = routees
* Java API for setting routerDispatcher
def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String) = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId)
* Java API for setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head”
* Router actor.
def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy)
* Java API for setting the resizer to be used.
def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter = copy(resizer = Some(resizer))
* Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given Routerconfig
* if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if
* resizer was not defined in config.
override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = this.overrideUnsetConfig(other)
override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = new Router(SmallestMailboxRoutingLogic())