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akka.routing.DeprecatedRouting.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. 
package akka.routing

import language.implicitConversions
import language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.ConfigurationException
import akka.dispatch.{ Envelope, Dispatchers }
import akka.pattern.pipe
import akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicLong, AtomicBoolean }
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import akka.event.Logging.Warning
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import akka.event.Logging.Warning
import akka.dispatch.{ MailboxType, MessageDispatcher }

 * Sending this message to a router will make it send back its currently used routees.
 * A RouterRoutees message is sent asynchronously to the "requester" containing information
 * about what routees the router is routing over.
@deprecated("Use GetRoutees", "2.3")
@SerialVersionUID(1L) abstract class CurrentRoutees extends RouterManagementMesssage

@deprecated("Use GetRoutees", "2.3")
@SerialVersionUID(1L) case object CurrentRoutees extends CurrentRoutees {
   * Java API: get the singleton instance
  def getInstance = this

 * Message used to carry information about what routees the router is currently using.
@deprecated("Use GetRoutees", "2.3")
case class RouterRoutees(routees: immutable.IndexedSeq[ActorRef]) {
   * Java API
  def getRoutees: java.util.List[ActorRef] = {
    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

@deprecated("Use Pool or Group", "2.3")
trait DeprecatedRouterConfig extends Group with Pool

@deprecated("Use RoundRobinPool or RoundRobinGroup", "2.3")
object RoundRobinRouter {
   * Creates a new RoundRobinRouter, routing to the specified routees
  def apply(routees: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef]): RoundRobinRouter =
    new RoundRobinRouter(routees = routees map (_.path.toString))

   * Java API to create router with the supplied 'routees' actors.
  def create(routees: java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef]): RoundRobinRouter =
 * A Router that uses round-robin to select a connection. For concurrent calls, round robin is just a best effort.
* Please note that providing both 'nrOfInstances' and 'routees' does not make logical sense as this means * that the router should both create new actors and use the 'routees' actor(s). * In this case the 'nrOfInstances' will be ignored and the 'routees' will be used. *
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that * if you provide either 'nrOfInstances' or 'routees' during instantiation they will * be ignored if the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used. * *

Supervision Setup

* * Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children. * The router is therefore also the children's supervisor. * * The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with * [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to * a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the * router's supervisor for handling. * * The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself. * Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or * restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart. * * @param routees string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up * using `actorFor` in [[]] */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) @deprecated("Use RoundRobinPool or RoundRobinGroup", "2.3") case class RoundRobinRouter(nrOfInstances: Int = 0, routees: immutable.Iterable[String] = Nil, override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None, val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId, val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy) extends DeprecatedRouterConfig with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[RoundRobinRouter] { /** * Java API: Constructor that sets nrOfInstances to be created. */ def this(nr: Int) = this(nrOfInstances = nr) /** * Java API: Constructor that sets the routees to be used. * * @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up * using `actorFor` in [[]] */ def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String]) = this(routees = immutableSeq(routeePaths)) /** * Java API: Constructor that sets the resizer to be used. */ def this(resizer: Resizer) = this(resizer = Some(resizer)) override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = routees /** * Java API for setting routerDispatcher */ def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String): RoundRobinRouter = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId) /** * Java API for setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head” * Router actor. */ def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): RoundRobinRouter = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy) /** * Java API for setting the resizer to be used. */ def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): RoundRobinRouter = copy(resizer = Some(resizer)) /** * Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given Routerconfig * if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if * resizer was not defined in config. */ override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = this.overrideUnsetConfig(other) override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = new Router(RoundRobinRoutingLogic()) } @deprecated("Use RandomPool or RandomGroup", "2.3") object RandomRouter { /** * Creates a new RandomRouter, routing to the specified routees */ def apply(routees: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef]): RandomRouter = new RandomRouter(routees = routees map (_.path.toString)) /** * Java API to create router with the supplied 'routees' actors. */ def create(routees: java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef]): RandomRouter = apply(immutableSeq(routees)) } /** * A Router that randomly selects one of the target connections to send a message to. *
* Please note that providing both 'nrOfInstances' and 'routees' does not make logical sense as this means * that the router should both create new actors and use the 'routees' actor(s). * In this case the 'nrOfInstances' will be ignored and the 'routees' will be used. *
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that * if you provide either 'nrOfInstances' or 'routees' during instantiation they will * be ignored if the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used. * *

Supervision Setup

* * Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children. * The router is therefore also the children's supervisor. * * The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with * [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to * a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the * router's supervisor for handling. * * The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself. * Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or * restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart. * * @param routees string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up * using `actorFor` in [[]] */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) @deprecated("Use RandomPool or RandomGroup", "2.3") case class RandomRouter(nrOfInstances: Int = 0, routees: immutable.Iterable[String] = Nil, override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None, val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId, val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy) extends DeprecatedRouterConfig with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[RandomRouter] { /** * Java API: Constructor that sets nrOfInstances to be created. */ def this(nr: Int) = this(nrOfInstances = nr) /** * Java API: Constructor that sets the routees to be used. * * @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up * using `actorFor` in [[]] */ def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String]) = this(routees = immutableSeq(routeePaths)) /** * Java API: Constructor that sets the resizer to be used. */ def this(resizer: Resizer) = this(resizer = Some(resizer)) override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = routees /** * Java API for setting routerDispatcher */ def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String): RandomRouter = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId) /** * Java API for setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head” * Router actor. */ def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): RandomRouter = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy) /** * Java API for setting the resizer to be used. */ def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): RandomRouter = copy(resizer = Some(resizer)) /** * Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given Routerconfig * if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if * resizer was not defined in config. */ override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = this.overrideUnsetConfig(other) override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = new Router(RandomRoutingLogic()) } @deprecated("Use SmallestMailboxPool", "2.3") object SmallestMailboxRouter { /** * Creates a new SmallestMailboxRouter, routing to the specified routees */ def apply(routees: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef]): SmallestMailboxRouter = new SmallestMailboxRouter(routees = routees map (_.path.toString)) /** * Java API to create router with the supplied 'routees' actors. */ def create(routees: java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef]): SmallestMailboxRouter = apply(immutableSeq(routees)) } /** * A Router that tries to send to the non-suspended routee with fewest messages in mailbox. * The selection is done in this order: *
  • pick any idle routee (not processing message) with empty mailbox
  • *
  • pick any routee with empty mailbox
  • *
  • pick routee with fewest pending messages in mailbox
  • *
  • pick any remote routee, remote actors are consider lowest priority, * since their mailbox size is unknown
  • *
* *
* Please note that providing both 'nrOfInstances' and 'routees' does not make logical sense as this means * that the router should both create new actors and use the 'routees' actor(s). * In this case the 'nrOfInstances' will be ignored and the 'routees' will be used. *
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that * if you provide either 'nrOfInstances' or 'routees' during instantiation they will * be ignored if the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used. * *

Supervision Setup

* * Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children. * The router is therefore also the children's supervisor. * * The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with * [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to * a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the * router's supervisor for handling. * * The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself. * Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or * restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart. * * @param routees string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up * using `actorFor` in [[]] */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) @deprecated("Use SmallestMailboxPool", "2.3") case class SmallestMailboxRouter(nrOfInstances: Int = 0, routees: immutable.Iterable[String] = Nil, override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None, val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId, val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy) extends DeprecatedRouterConfig with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[SmallestMailboxRouter] { /** * Java API: Constructor that sets nrOfInstances to be created. */ def this(nr: Int) = this(nrOfInstances = nr) /** * Java API: Constructor that sets the routees to be used. * * @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up * using `actorFor` in [[]] */ def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String]) = this(routees = immutableSeq(routeePaths)) /** * Java API: Constructor that sets the resizer to be used. */ def this(resizer: Resizer) = this(resizer = Some(resizer)) override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = routees /** * Java API for setting routerDispatcher */ def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String): SmallestMailboxRouter = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId) /** * Java API for setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head” * Router actor. */ def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): SmallestMailboxRouter = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy) /** * Java API for setting the resizer to be used. */ def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): SmallestMailboxRouter = copy(resizer = Some(resizer)) /** * Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given Routerconfig * if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if * resizer was not defined in config. */ override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = this.overrideUnsetConfig(other) override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = new Router(SmallestMailboxRoutingLogic()) } @deprecated("Use BroadcastPool or BroadcastGroup", "2.3") object BroadcastRouter { /** * Creates a new BroadcastRouter, routing to the specified routees */ def apply(routees: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef]): BroadcastRouter = new BroadcastRouter(routees = routees map (_.path.toString)) /** * Java API to create router with the supplied 'routees' actors. */ def create(routees: java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef]): BroadcastRouter = apply(immutableSeq(routees)) } /** * A Router that uses broadcasts a message to all its connections. *
* Please note that providing both 'nrOfInstances' and 'routees' does not make logical sense as this means * that the router should both create new actors and use the 'routees' actor(s). * In this case the 'nrOfInstances' will be ignored and the 'routees' will be used. *
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that * if you provide either 'nrOfInstances' or 'routees' during instantiation they will * be ignored if the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used. * *

Supervision Setup

* * Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children. * The router is therefore also the children's supervisor. * * The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with * [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to * a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the * router's supervisor for handling. * * The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself. * Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or * restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart. * * @param routees string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up * using `actorFor` in [[]] */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) @deprecated("Use BroadcastPool or BroadcastGroup", "2.3") case class BroadcastRouter(nrOfInstances: Int = 0, routees: immutable.Iterable[String] = Nil, override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None, val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId, val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy) extends DeprecatedRouterConfig with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[BroadcastRouter] { /** * Java API: Constructor that sets nrOfInstances to be created. */ def this(nr: Int) = this(nrOfInstances = nr) /** * Java API: Constructor that sets the routees to be used. * * @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up * using `actorFor` in [[]] */ def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String]) = this(routees = immutableSeq(routeePaths)) /** * Java API: Constructor that sets the resizer to be used. */ def this(resizer: Resizer) = this(resizer = Some(resizer)) override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = routees /** * Java API for setting routerDispatcher */ def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String): BroadcastRouter = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId) /** * Java API for setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head” * Router actor. */ def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): BroadcastRouter = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy) /** * Java API for setting the resizer to be used. */ def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): BroadcastRouter = copy(resizer = Some(resizer)) /** * Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given Routerconfig * if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if * resizer was not defined in config. */ override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = this.overrideUnsetConfig(other) override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = new Router(BroadcastRoutingLogic()) } @deprecated("Use ScatterGatherFirstCompletedPool or ScatterGatherFirstCompletedGroup", "2.3") object ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter { /** * Creates a new ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter, routing to the specified routees, timing out after the specified Duration */ def apply(routees: immutable.Iterable[ActorRef], within: FiniteDuration): ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter = new ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter(routees = routees map (_.path.toString), within = within) /** * Java API to create router with the supplied 'routees' actors. */ def create(routees: java.lang.Iterable[ActorRef], within: FiniteDuration): ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter = apply(immutableSeq(routees), within) } /** * Simple router that broadcasts the message to all routees, and replies with the first response. *
* You have to defin the 'within: Duration' parameter (f.e: within = 10 seconds). *
* Please note that providing both 'nrOfInstances' and 'routees' does not make logical sense as this means * that the router should both create new actors and use the 'routees' actor(s). * In this case the 'nrOfInstances' will be ignored and the 'routees' will be used. *
* The configuration parameter trumps the constructor arguments. This means that * if you provide either 'nrOfInstances' or 'routees' during instantiation they will * be ignored if the router is defined in the configuration file for the actor being used. * *

Supervision Setup

* * Any routees that are created by a router will be created as the router's children. * The router is therefore also the children's supervisor. * * The supervision strategy of the router actor can be configured with * [[#withSupervisorStrategy]]. If no strategy is provided, routers default to * a strategy of “always escalate”. This means that errors are passed up to the * router's supervisor for handling. * * The router's supervisor will treat the error as an error with the router itself. * Therefore a directive to stop or restart will cause the router itself to stop or * restart. The router, in turn, will cause its children to stop and restart. * * @param routees string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up * using `actorFor` in [[]] */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) @deprecated("Use ScatterGatherFirstCompletedPool or ScatterGatherFirstCompletedGroup", "2.3") case class ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter(nrOfInstances: Int = 0, routees: immutable.Iterable[String] = Nil, within: FiniteDuration, override val resizer: Option[Resizer] = None, val routerDispatcher: String = Dispatchers.DefaultDispatcherId, val supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = Pool.defaultSupervisorStrategy) extends DeprecatedRouterConfig with PoolOverrideUnsetConfig[ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter] { if (within <= Duration.Zero) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "[within: Duration] can not be zero or negative, was [" + within + "]") /** * Java API: Constructor that sets nrOfInstances to be created. */ def this(nr: Int, w: FiniteDuration) = this(nrOfInstances = nr, within = w) /** * Java API: Constructor that sets the routees to be used. * * @param routeePaths string representation of the actor paths of the routees that will be looked up * using `actorFor` in [[]] */ def this(routeePaths: java.lang.Iterable[String], w: FiniteDuration) = this(routees = immutableSeq(routeePaths), within = w) /** * Java API: Constructor that sets the resizer to be used. */ def this(resizer: Resizer, w: FiniteDuration) = this(resizer = Some(resizer), within = w) override def paths: immutable.Iterable[String] = routees /** * Java API for setting routerDispatcher */ def withDispatcher(dispatcherId: String) = copy(routerDispatcher = dispatcherId) /** * Java API for setting the supervisor strategy to be used for the “head” * Router actor. */ def withSupervisorStrategy(strategy: SupervisorStrategy): ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter = copy(supervisorStrategy = strategy) /** * Java API for setting the resizer to be used. */ def withResizer(resizer: Resizer): ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter = copy(resizer = Some(resizer)) /** * Uses the resizer and/or the supervisor strategy of the given Routerconfig * if this RouterConfig doesn't have one, i.e. the resizer defined in code is used if * resizer was not defined in config. */ override def withFallback(other: RouterConfig): RouterConfig = this.overrideUnsetConfig(other) override def createRouter(system: ActorSystem): Router = new Router(SmallestMailboxRoutingLogic()) }

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