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akka.util.ByteString.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.util
import java.nio.{ ByteBuffer, ByteOrder }
import java.lang.{ Iterable ⇒ JIterable }
import scala.annotation.varargs
import scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimized
import scala.collection.mutable.{ Builder, WrappedArray }
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.collection.immutable.{ IndexedSeq, VectorBuilder }
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object ByteString {
* Creates a new ByteString by copying a byte array.
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): ByteString = CompactByteString(bytes)
* Creates a new ByteString by copying bytes.
def apply(bytes: Byte*): ByteString = CompactByteString(bytes: _*)
* Creates a new ByteString by converting from integral numbers to bytes.
def apply[T](bytes: T*)(implicit num: Integral[T]): ByteString =
CompactByteString(bytes: _*)(num)
* Creates a new ByteString by copying bytes from a ByteBuffer.
def apply(bytes: ByteBuffer): ByteString = CompactByteString(bytes)
* Creates a new ByteString by encoding a String as UTF-8.
def apply(string: String): ByteString = apply(string, "UTF-8")
* Creates a new ByteString by encoding a String with a charset.
def apply(string: String, charset: String): ByteString = CompactByteString(string, charset)
* Creates a new ByteString by copying a byte array.
def fromArray(array: Array[Byte]): ByteString = apply(array)
* Creates a new ByteString by copying length bytes starting at offset from
* an Array.
def fromArray(array: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int): ByteString =
CompactByteString.fromArray(array, offset, length)
* Creates a new ByteString by copying an int array by converting from integral numbers to bytes.
def fromInts(array: Int*): ByteString =
apply(array: _*)(scala.math.Numeric.IntIsIntegral)
* Creates a new ByteString which will contain the UTF-8 representation of the given String
def fromString(string: String): ByteString = apply(string)
* Creates a new ByteString which will contain the representation of the given String in the given charset
def fromString(string: String, charset: String): ByteString = apply(string, charset)
* Creates a new ByteString by copying bytes out of a ByteBuffer.
def fromByteBuffer(buffer: ByteBuffer): ByteString = apply(buffer)
val empty: ByteString = CompactByteString(Array.empty[Byte])
def newBuilder: ByteStringBuilder = new ByteStringBuilder
implicit val canBuildFrom: CanBuildFrom[TraversableOnce[Byte], Byte, ByteString] =
new CanBuildFrom[TraversableOnce[Byte], Byte, ByteString] {
def apply(ignore: TraversableOnce[Byte]): ByteStringBuilder = newBuilder
def apply(): ByteStringBuilder = newBuilder
private[akka] object ByteString1C {
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): ByteString1C = new ByteString1C(bytes)
* A compact (unsliced) and unfragmented ByteString, implementation of ByteString1C.
final class ByteString1C private (private val bytes: Array[Byte]) extends CompactByteString {
def apply(idx: Int): Byte = bytes(idx)
override def length: Int = bytes.length
override def iterator: ByteIterator.ByteArrayIterator = ByteIterator.ByteArrayIterator(bytes, 0, bytes.length)
private[akka] def toByteString1: ByteString1 = ByteString1(bytes)
def asByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = toByteString1.asByteBuffer
def asByteBuffers: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[ByteBuffer] = List(asByteBuffer)
def decodeString(charset: String): String =
if (isEmpty) "" else new String(bytes, charset)
def ++(that: ByteString): ByteString =
if (that.isEmpty) this
else if (this.isEmpty) that
else toByteString1 ++ that
override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): ByteString =
if ((from != 0) || (until != length)) toByteString1.slice(from, until)
else this
private[akka] object ByteString1 {
val empty: ByteString1 = new ByteString1(Array.empty[Byte])
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): ByteString1 = ByteString1(bytes, 0, bytes.length)
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], startIndex: Int, length: Int): ByteString1 =
if (length == 0) empty else new ByteString1(bytes, startIndex, length)
* An unfragmented ByteString.
final class ByteString1 private (private val bytes: Array[Byte], private val startIndex: Int, val length: Int) extends ByteString {
private def this(bytes: Array[Byte]) = this(bytes, 0, bytes.length)
def apply(idx: Int): Byte = bytes(checkRangeConvert(idx))
override def iterator: ByteIterator.ByteArrayIterator =
ByteIterator.ByteArrayIterator(bytes, startIndex, startIndex + length)
private def checkRangeConvert(index: Int): Int = {
if (0 <= index && length > index)
index + startIndex
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index.toString)
def isCompact: Boolean = (length == bytes.length)
def compact: CompactByteString =
if (isCompact) ByteString1C(bytes) else ByteString1C(toArray)
def asByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = {
val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, startIndex, length).asReadOnlyBuffer
if (buffer.remaining < bytes.length) buffer.slice
else buffer
def asByteBuffers: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[ByteBuffer] = List(asByteBuffer)
def decodeString(charset: String): String =
new String(if (length == bytes.length) bytes else toArray, charset)
def ++(that: ByteString): ByteString = {
if (that.isEmpty) this
else if (this.isEmpty) that
else that match {
case b: ByteString1C ⇒ ByteStrings(this, b.toByteString1)
case b: ByteString1 ⇒
if ((bytes eq b.bytes) && (startIndex + length == b.startIndex))
new ByteString1(bytes, startIndex, length + b.length)
else ByteStrings(this, b)
case bs: ByteStrings ⇒ ByteStrings(this, bs)
private[akka] object ByteStrings {
def apply(bytestrings: Vector[ByteString1]): ByteString = new ByteStrings(bytestrings, (0 /: bytestrings)(_ + _.length))
def apply(bytestrings: Vector[ByteString1], length: Int): ByteString = new ByteStrings(bytestrings, length)
def apply(b1: ByteString1, b2: ByteString1): ByteString = compare(b1, b2) match {
case 3 ⇒ new ByteStrings(Vector(b1, b2), b1.length + b2.length)
case 2 ⇒ b2
case 1 ⇒ b1
case 0 ⇒ ByteString.empty
def apply(b: ByteString1, bs: ByteStrings): ByteString = compare(b, bs) match {
case 3 ⇒ new ByteStrings(b +: bs.bytestrings, bs.length + b.length)
case 2 ⇒ bs
case 1 ⇒ b
case 0 ⇒ ByteString.empty
def apply(bs: ByteStrings, b: ByteString1): ByteString = compare(bs, b) match {
case 3 ⇒ new ByteStrings(bs.bytestrings :+ b, bs.length + b.length)
case 2 ⇒ b
case 1 ⇒ bs
case 0 ⇒ ByteString.empty
def apply(bs1: ByteStrings, bs2: ByteStrings): ByteString = compare(bs1, bs2) match {
case 3 ⇒ new ByteStrings(bs1.bytestrings ++ bs2.bytestrings, bs1.length + bs2.length)
case 2 ⇒ bs2
case 1 ⇒ bs1
case 0 ⇒ ByteString.empty
// 0: both empty, 1: 2nd empty, 2: 1st empty, 3: neither empty
def compare(b1: ByteString, b2: ByteString): Int =
if (b1.isEmpty)
if (b2.isEmpty) 0 else 2
else if (b2.isEmpty) 1 else 3
* A ByteString with 2 or more fragments.
final class ByteStrings private (private[akka] val bytestrings: Vector[ByteString1], val length: Int) extends ByteString {
if (bytestrings.isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytestrings must not be empty")
def apply(idx: Int): Byte =
if (0 <= idx && idx < length) {
var pos = 0
var seen = 0
while (idx >= seen + bytestrings(pos).length) {
seen += bytestrings(pos).length
pos += 1
bytestrings(pos)(idx - seen)
} else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)
override def iterator: ByteIterator.MultiByteArrayIterator =
ByteIterator.MultiByteArrayIterator(bytestrings.toStream map { _.iterator })
def ++(that: ByteString): ByteString = {
if (that.isEmpty) this
else if (this.isEmpty) that
else that match {
case b: ByteString1C ⇒ ByteStrings(this, b.toByteString1)
case b: ByteString1 ⇒ ByteStrings(this, b)
case bs: ByteStrings ⇒ ByteStrings(this, bs)
def isCompact: Boolean = if (bytestrings.length == 1) bytestrings.head.isCompact else false
def compact: CompactByteString = {
if (isCompact) bytestrings.head.compact
else {
val ar = new Array[Byte](length)
var pos = 0
bytestrings foreach { b ⇒
b.copyToArray(ar, pos, b.length)
pos += b.length
def asByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = compact.asByteBuffer
def asByteBuffers: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[ByteBuffer] = bytestrings map { _.asByteBuffer }
def decodeString(charset: String): String = compact.decodeString(charset)
* A rope-like immutable data structure containing bytes.
* The goal of this structure is to reduce copying of arrays
* when concatenating and slicing sequences of bytes,
* and also providing a thread safe way of working with bytes.
* TODO: Add performance characteristics
sealed abstract class ByteString extends IndexedSeq[Byte] with IndexedSeqOptimized[Byte, ByteString] {
def apply(idx: Int): Byte
override protected[this] def newBuilder: ByteStringBuilder = ByteString.newBuilder
// *must* be overridden by derived classes. This construction is necessary
// to specialize the return type, as the method is already implemented in
// a parent trait.
override def iterator: ByteIterator = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method iterator is not implemented in ByteString")
override def head: Byte = apply(0)
override def tail: ByteString = drop(1)
override def last: Byte = apply(length - 1)
override def init: ByteString = dropRight(1)
override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): ByteString =
if ((from == 0) && (until == length)) this
else iterator.slice(from, until).toByteString
override def take(n: Int): ByteString = slice(0, n)
override def takeRight(n: Int): ByteString = slice(length - n, length)
override def drop(n: Int): ByteString = slice(n, length)
override def dropRight(n: Int): ByteString = slice(0, length - n)
override def takeWhile(p: Byte ⇒ Boolean): ByteString = iterator.takeWhile(p).toByteString
override def dropWhile(p: Byte ⇒ Boolean): ByteString = iterator.dropWhile(p).toByteString
override def span(p: Byte ⇒ Boolean): (ByteString, ByteString) =
{ val (a, b) = iterator.span(p); (a.toByteString, b.toByteString) }
override def splitAt(n: Int): (ByteString, ByteString) = (take(n), drop(n))
override def indexWhere(p: Byte ⇒ Boolean): Int = iterator.indexWhere(p)
override def indexOf[B >: Byte](elem: B): Int = iterator.indexOf(elem)
* Java API: copy this ByteString into a fresh byte array
* @return this ByteString copied into a byte array
protected[ByteString] def toArray: Array[Byte] = toArray[Byte] // protected[ByteString] == public to Java but hidden to Scala * fnizz *
override def toArray[B >: Byte](implicit arg0: ClassTag[B]): Array[B] = iterator.toArray
override def copyToArray[B >: Byte](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Unit =
iterator.copyToArray(xs, start, len)
override def foreach[@specialized U](f: Byte ⇒ U): Unit = iterator foreach f
* Efficiently concatenate another ByteString.
def ++(that: ByteString): ByteString
* Java API: efficiently concatenate another ByteString.
def concat(that: ByteString): ByteString = this ++ that
* Copy as many bytes as possible to a ByteBuffer, starting from it's
* current position. This method will not overflow the buffer.
* @param buffer a ByteBuffer to copy bytes to
* @return the number of bytes actually copied
def copyToBuffer(buffer: ByteBuffer): Int = iterator.copyToBuffer(buffer)
* Create a new ByteString with all contents compacted into a single,
* full byte array.
* If isCompact returns true, compact is an O(1) operation, but
* might return a different object with an optimized implementation.
def compact: CompactByteString
* Check whether this ByteString is compact in memory.
* If the ByteString is compact, it might, however, not be represented
* by an object that takes full advantage of that fact. Use compact to
* get such an object.
def isCompact: Boolean
* Returns a read-only ByteBuffer that directly wraps this ByteString
* if it is not fragmented.
def asByteBuffer: ByteBuffer
* Scala API: Returns an immutable Iterable of read-only ByteBuffers that directly wraps this ByteStrings
* all fragments. Will always have at least one entry.
def asByteBuffers: immutable.Iterable[ByteBuffer]
* Java API: Returns an Iterable of read-only ByteBuffers that directly wraps this ByteStrings
* all fragments. Will always have at least one entry.
def getByteBuffers(): JIterable[ByteBuffer] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters.asJavaIterableConverter
* Creates a new ByteBuffer with a copy of all bytes contained in this
* ByteString.
def toByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(toArray)
* Decodes this ByteString as a UTF-8 encoded String.
final def utf8String: String = decodeString("UTF-8")
* Decodes this ByteString using a charset to produce a String.
def decodeString(charset: String): String
* map method that will automatically cast Int back into Byte.
final def mapI(f: Byte ⇒ Int): ByteString = map(f andThen (_.toByte))
object CompactByteString {
* Creates a new CompactByteString by copying a byte array.
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): CompactByteString =
if (bytes.isEmpty) empty else ByteString.ByteString1C(bytes.clone)
* Creates a new CompactByteString by copying bytes.
def apply(bytes: Byte*): CompactByteString = {
if (bytes.isEmpty) empty
else {
val ar = new Array[Byte](bytes.size)
* Creates a new CompactByteString by converting from integral numbers to bytes.
def apply[T](bytes: T*)(implicit num: Integral[T]): CompactByteString = {
if (bytes.isEmpty) empty
else ByteString.ByteString1C( ⇒ num.toInt(x).toByte)(collection.breakOut))
* Creates a new CompactByteString by copying bytes from a ByteBuffer.
def apply(bytes: ByteBuffer): CompactByteString = {
if (bytes.remaining < 1) empty
else {
val ar = new Array[Byte](bytes.remaining)
* Creates a new CompactByteString by encoding a String as UTF-8.
def apply(string: String): CompactByteString = apply(string, "UTF-8")
* Creates a new CompactByteString by encoding a String with a charset.
def apply(string: String, charset: String): CompactByteString =
if (string.isEmpty) empty else ByteString.ByteString1C(string.getBytes(charset))
* Creates a new CompactByteString by copying length bytes starting at offset from
* an Array.
def fromArray(array: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int): CompactByteString = {
val copyOffset = math.max(offset, 0)
val copyLength = math.max(math.min(array.length - copyOffset, length), 0)
if (copyLength == 0) empty
else {
val copyArray = new Array[Byte](copyLength)
Array.copy(array, copyOffset, copyArray, 0, copyLength)
val empty: CompactByteString = ByteString.ByteString1C(Array.empty[Byte])
* A compact ByteString.
* The ByteString is guarantied to be contiguous in memory and to use only
* as much memory as required for its contents.
sealed abstract class CompactByteString extends ByteString with Serializable {
def isCompact: Boolean = true
def compact: this.type = this
* A mutable builder for efficiently creating a [[akka.util.ByteString]].
* The created ByteString is not automatically compacted.
final class ByteStringBuilder extends Builder[Byte, ByteString] {
builder ⇒
import ByteString.{ ByteString1C, ByteString1, ByteStrings }
private var _length: Int = 0
private val _builder: VectorBuilder[ByteString1] = new VectorBuilder[ByteString1]()
private var _temp: Array[Byte] = _
private var _tempLength: Int = 0
private var _tempCapacity: Int = 0
protected def fillArray(len: Int)(fill: (Array[Byte], Int) ⇒ Unit): this.type = {
ensureTempSize(_tempLength + len)
fill(_temp, _tempLength)
_tempLength += len
_length += len
@inline protected final def fillByteBuffer(len: Int, byteOrder: ByteOrder)(fill: ByteBuffer ⇒ Unit): this.type = {
fillArray(len) {
case (array, start) ⇒
val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(array, start, len)
def length: Int = _length
override def sizeHint(len: Int): Unit = {
resizeTemp(len - (_length - _tempLength))
private def clearTemp(): Unit = {
if (_tempLength > 0) {
val arr = new Array[Byte](_tempLength)
Array.copy(_temp, 0, arr, 0, _tempLength)
_builder += ByteString1(arr)
_tempLength = 0
private def resizeTemp(size: Int): Unit = {
val newtemp = new Array[Byte](size)
if (_tempLength > 0) Array.copy(_temp, 0, newtemp, 0, _tempLength)
_temp = newtemp
_tempCapacity = _temp.length
private def ensureTempSize(size: Int): Unit = {
if (_tempCapacity < size || _tempCapacity == 0) {
var newSize = if (_tempCapacity == 0) 16 else _tempCapacity * 2
while (newSize < size) newSize *= 2
def +=(elem: Byte): this.type = {
ensureTempSize(_tempLength + 1)
_temp(_tempLength) = elem
_tempLength += 1
_length += 1
override def ++=(xs: TraversableOnce[Byte]): this.type = {
xs match {
case b: ByteString1C ⇒
_builder += b.toByteString1
_length += b.length
case b: ByteString1 ⇒
_builder += b
_length += b.length
case bs: ByteStrings ⇒
_builder ++= bs.bytestrings
_length += bs.length
case xs: WrappedArray.ofByte ⇒
case seq: collection.IndexedSeq[_] ⇒
ensureTempSize(_tempLength + xs.size)
xs.copyToArray(_temp, _tempLength)
_tempLength += seq.length
_length += seq.length
case _ ⇒
private[akka] def putByteArrayUnsafe(xs: Array[Byte]): this.type = {
_builder += ByteString1(xs)
_length += xs.length
* Java API: append a ByteString to this builder.
def append(bs: ByteString): this.type = this ++= bs
* Add a single Byte to this builder.
def putByte(x: Byte): this.type = this += x
* Add a single Short to this builder.
def putShort(x: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type = {
if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
this += (x >>> 8).toByte
this += (x >>> 0).toByte
} else if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
this += (x >>> 0).toByte
this += (x >>> 8).toByte
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown byte order " + byteOrder)
* Add a single Int to this builder.
def putInt(x: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type = {
fillArray(4) { (target, offset) ⇒
if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
target(offset + 0) = (x >>> 24).toByte
target(offset + 1) = (x >>> 16).toByte
target(offset + 2) = (x >>> 8).toByte
target(offset + 3) = (x >>> 0).toByte
} else if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
target(offset + 0) = (x >>> 0).toByte
target(offset + 1) = (x >>> 8).toByte
target(offset + 2) = (x >>> 16).toByte
target(offset + 3) = (x >>> 24).toByte
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown byte order " + byteOrder)
* Add a single Long to this builder.
def putLong(x: Long)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type = {
fillArray(8) { (target, offset) ⇒
if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
target(offset + 0) = (x >>> 56).toByte
target(offset + 1) = (x >>> 48).toByte
target(offset + 2) = (x >>> 40).toByte
target(offset + 3) = (x >>> 32).toByte
target(offset + 4) = (x >>> 24).toByte
target(offset + 5) = (x >>> 16).toByte
target(offset + 6) = (x >>> 8).toByte
target(offset + 7) = (x >>> 0).toByte
} else if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
target(offset + 0) = (x >>> 0).toByte
target(offset + 1) = (x >>> 8).toByte
target(offset + 2) = (x >>> 16).toByte
target(offset + 3) = (x >>> 24).toByte
target(offset + 4) = (x >>> 32).toByte
target(offset + 5) = (x >>> 40).toByte
target(offset + 6) = (x >>> 48).toByte
target(offset + 7) = (x >>> 56).toByte
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown byte order " + byteOrder)
* Add the `n` least significant bytes of the given Long to this builder.
def putLongPart(x: Long, n: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type = {
fillArray(n) { (target, offset) ⇒
if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
val start = n * 8 - 8
(0 until n) foreach { i ⇒ target(offset + i) = (x >>> start - 8 * i).toByte }
} else if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
(0 until n) foreach { i ⇒ target(offset + i) = (x >>> 8 * i).toByte }
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown byte order " + byteOrder)
* Add a single Float to this builder.
def putFloat(x: Float)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
* Add a single Double to this builder.
def putDouble(x: Double)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
* Add a number of Bytes from an array to this builder.
def putBytes(array: Array[Byte]): this.type =
putBytes(array, 0, array.length)
* Add a number of Bytes from an array to this builder.
def putBytes(array: Array[Byte], start: Int, len: Int): this.type =
fillArray(len) { case (target, targetOffset) ⇒ Array.copy(array, start, target, targetOffset, len) }
* Add a number of Shorts from an array to this builder.
def putShorts(array: Array[Short])(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
putShorts(array, 0, array.length)(byteOrder)
* Add a number of Shorts from an array to this builder.
def putShorts(array: Array[Short], start: Int, len: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
fillByteBuffer(len * 2, byteOrder) { _.asShortBuffer.put(array, start, len) }
* Add a number of Ints from an array to this builder.
def putInts(array: Array[Int])(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
putInts(array, 0, array.length)(byteOrder)
* Add a number of Ints from an array to this builder.
def putInts(array: Array[Int], start: Int, len: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
fillByteBuffer(len * 4, byteOrder) { _.asIntBuffer.put(array, start, len) }
* Add a number of Longs from an array to this builder.
def putLongs(array: Array[Long])(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
putLongs(array, 0, array.length)(byteOrder)
* Add a number of Longs from an array to this builder.
def putLongs(array: Array[Long], start: Int, len: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
fillByteBuffer(len * 8, byteOrder) { _.asLongBuffer.put(array, start, len) }
* Add a number of Floats from an array to this builder.
def putFloats(array: Array[Float])(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
putFloats(array, 0, array.length)(byteOrder)
* Add a number of Floats from an array to this builder.
def putFloats(array: Array[Float], start: Int, len: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
fillByteBuffer(len * 4, byteOrder) { _.asFloatBuffer.put(array, start, len) }
* Add a number of Doubles from an array to this builder.
def putDoubles(array: Array[Double])(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
putDoubles(array, 0, array.length)(byteOrder)
* Add a number of Doubles from an array to this builder.
def putDoubles(array: Array[Double], start: Int, len: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
fillByteBuffer(len * 8, byteOrder) { _.asDoubleBuffer.put(array, start, len) }
def clear(): Unit = {
_length = 0
_tempLength = 0
def result: ByteString =
if (_length == 0) ByteString.empty
else {
val bytestrings = _builder.result
if (bytestrings.size == 1)
ByteStrings(bytestrings, _length)
* Directly wraps this ByteStringBuilder in an OutputStream. Write
* operations on the stream are forwarded to the builder.
def asOutputStream: = new {
def write(b: Int): Unit = builder += b.toByte
override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = { builder.putBytes(b, off, len) }