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akka.contrib.pattern.ClusterSharding.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. 
package akka.contrib.pattern

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom
import akka.cluster.Cluster
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.CurrentClusterState
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.MemberEvent
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.MemberRemoved
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.MemberUp
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.ClusterShuttingDown
import akka.cluster.Member
import akka.cluster.MemberStatus
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.persistence.PersistentActor
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.ClusterDomainEvent
import akka.persistence.SnapshotOffer
import akka.persistence.SaveSnapshotSuccess
import akka.persistence.SaveSnapshotFailure

 * This extension provides sharding functionality of actors in a cluster.
 * The typical use case is when you have many stateful actors that together consume
 * more resources (e.g. memory) than fit on one machine. You need to distribute them across
 * several nodes in the cluster and you want to be able to interact with them using their
 * logical identifier, but without having to care about their physical location in the cluster,
 * which might also change over time. It could for example be actors representing Aggregate Roots in
 * Domain-Driven Design terminology. Here we call these actors "entries". These actors
 * typically have persistent (durable) state, but this feature is not limited to
 * actors with persistent state.
 * In this context sharding means that actors with an identifier, so called entries,
 * can be automatically distributed across multiple nodes in the cluster. Each entry
 * actor runs only at one place, and messages can be sent to the entry without requiring
 * the sender to know the location of the destination actor. This is achieved by sending
 * the messages via a [[ShardRegion]] actor provided by this extension, which knows how
 * to route the message with the entry id to the final destination.
 * This extension is supposed to be used by first, typically at system startup on each node
 * in the cluster, registering the supported entry types with the [[ClusterSharding#start]]
 * method and then the `ShardRegion` actor for a named entry type can be retrieved with
 * [[ClusterSharding#shardRegion]]. Messages to the entries are always sent via the local
 * `ShardRegion`. Some settings can be configured as described in the `akka.contrib.cluster.sharding`
 * section of the `reference.conf`.
 * The `ShardRegion` actor is started on each node in the cluster, or group of nodes
 * tagged with a specific role. The `ShardRegion` is created with two application specific
 * functions to extract the entry identifier and the shard identifier from incoming messages.
 * A shard is a group of entries that will be managed together. For the first message in a
 * specific shard the `ShardRegion` request the location of the shard from a central coordinator,
 * the [[ShardCoordinator]]. The `ShardCoordinator` decides which `ShardRegion` that
 * owns the shard. The `ShardRegion` receives the decided home of the shard
 * and if that is the `ShardRegion` instance itself it will create a local child
 * actor representing the entry and direct all messages for that entry to it.
 * If the shard home is another `ShardRegion` instance messages will be forwarded
 * to that `ShardRegion` instance instead. While resolving the location of a
 * shard incoming messages for that shard are buffered and later delivered when the
 * shard home is known. Subsequent messages to the resolved shard can be delivered
 * to the target destination immediately without involving the `ShardCoordinator`.
 * To make sure that at most one instance of a specific entry actor is running somewhere
 * in the cluster it is important that all nodes have the same view of where the shards
 * are located. Therefore the shard allocation decisions are taken by the central
 * `ShardCoordinator`, which is running as a cluster singleton, i.e. one instance on
 * the oldest member among all cluster nodes or a group of nodes tagged with a specific
 * role. The oldest member can be determined by [[akka.cluster.Member#isOlderThan]].
 * The logic that decides where a shard is to be located is defined in a pluggable shard
 * allocation strategy. The default implementation [[ShardCoordinator.LeastShardAllocationStrategy]]
 * allocates new shards to the `ShardRegion` with least number of previously allocated shards.
 * This strategy can be replaced by an application specific implementation.
 * To be able to use newly added members in the cluster the coordinator facilitates rebalancing
 * of shards, i.e. migrate entries from one node to another. In the rebalance process the
 * coordinator first notifies all `ShardRegion` actors that a handoff for a shard has started.
 * That means they will start buffering incoming messages for that shard, in the same way as if the
 * shard location is unknown. During the rebalance process the coordinator will not answer any
 * requests for the location of shards that are being rebalanced, i.e. local buffering will
 * continue until the handoff is completed. The `ShardRegion` responsible for the rebalanced shard
 * will stop all entries in that shard by sending `PoisonPill` to them. When all entries have
 * been terminated the `ShardRegion` owning the entries will acknowledge the handoff as completed
 * to the coordinator. Thereafter the coordinator will reply to requests for the location of
 * the shard and thereby allocate a new home for the shard and then buffered messages in the
 * `ShardRegion` actors are delivered to the new location. This means that the state of the entries
 * are not transferred or migrated. If the state of the entries are of importance it should be
 * persistent (durable), e.g. with `akka-persistence`, so that it can be recovered at the new
 * location.
 * The logic that decides which shards to rebalance is defined in a pluggable shard
 * allocation strategy. The default implementation [[ShardCoordinator.LeastShardAllocationStrategy]]
 * picks shards for handoff from the `ShardRegion` with most number of previously allocated shards.
 * They will then be allocated to the `ShardRegion` with least number of previously allocated shards,
 * i.e. new members in the cluster. There is a configurable threshold of how large the difference
 * must be to begin the rebalancing. This strategy can be replaced by an application specific
 * implementation.
 * The state of shard locations in the `ShardCoordinator` is persistent (durable) with
 * `akka-persistence` to survive failures. Since it is running in a cluster `akka-persistence`
 * must be configured with a distributed journal. When a crashed or unreachable coordinator
 * node has been removed (via down) from the cluster a new `ShardCoordinator` singleton
 * actor will take over and the state is recovered. During such a failure period shards
 * with known location are still available, while messages for new (unknown) shards
 * are buffered until the new `ShardCoordinator` becomes available.
 * As long as a sender uses the same `ShardRegion` actor to deliver messages to an entry
 * actor the order of the messages is preserved. As long as the buffer limit is not reached
 * messages are delivered on a best effort basis, with at-most once delivery semantics,
 * in the same way as ordinary message sending. Reliable end-to-end messaging, with
 * at-least-once semantics can be added by using channels in `akka-persistence`.
 * Some additional latency is introduced for messages targeted to new or previously
 * unused shards due to the round-trip to the coordinator. Rebalancing of shards may
 * also add latency. This should be considered when designing the application specific
 * shard resolution, e.g. to avoid too fine grained shards.
 * The `ShardRegion` actor can also be started in proxy only mode, i.e. it will not
 * host any entries itself, but knows how to delegate messages to the right location.
 * A `ShardRegion` starts in proxy only mode if the roles of the node does not include
 * the node role specified in `akka.contrib.cluster.sharding.role` config property
 * or if the specified `entryProps` is `None`/`null`.
 * If the state of the entries are persistent you may stop entries that are not used to
 * reduce memory consumption. This is done by the application specific implementation of
 * the entry actors for example by defining receive timeout (`context.setReceiveTimeout`).
 * If a message is already enqueued to the entry when it stops itself the enqueued message
 * in the mailbox will be dropped. To support graceful passivation without loosing such
 * messages the entry actor can send [[ShardRegion.Passivate]] to its parent `ShardRegion`.
 * The specified wrapped message in `Passivate` will be sent back to the entry, which is
 * then supposed to stop itself. Incoming messages will be buffered by the `ShardRegion`
 * between reception of `Passivate` and termination of the entry. Such buffered messages
 * are thereafter delivered to a new incarnation of the entry.
object ClusterSharding extends ExtensionId[ClusterSharding] with ExtensionIdProvider {
  override def get(system: ActorSystem): ClusterSharding = super.get(system)

  override def lookup = ClusterSharding

  override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): ClusterSharding =
    new ClusterSharding(system)

 * @see [[ClusterSharding$ ClusterSharding companion object]]
class ClusterSharding(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension {
  import ClusterShardingGuardian._
  import ShardCoordinator.ShardAllocationStrategy
  import ShardCoordinator.LeastShardAllocationStrategy

  private val cluster = Cluster(system)
  private[akka] object Settings {
    val config = system.settings.config.getConfig("akka.contrib.cluster.sharding")
    val Role: Option[String] = config.getString("role") match {
      case "" ⇒ None
      case r  ⇒ Some(r)
    val HasNecessaryClusterRole: Boolean = Role.forall(cluster.selfRoles.contains)
    val GuardianName: String = config.getString("guardian-name")
    val CoordinatorFailureBackoff = config.getDuration("coordinator-failure-backoff", MILLISECONDS).millis
    val RetryInterval: FiniteDuration = config.getDuration("retry-interval", MILLISECONDS).millis
    val BufferSize: Int = config.getInt("buffer-size")
    val HandOffTimeout: FiniteDuration = config.getDuration("handoff-timeout", MILLISECONDS).millis
    val RebalanceInterval: FiniteDuration = config.getDuration("rebalance-interval", MILLISECONDS).millis
    val SnapshotInterval: FiniteDuration = config.getDuration("snapshot-interval", MILLISECONDS).millis
    val LeastShardAllocationRebalanceThreshold: Int =
    val LeastShardAllocationMaxSimultaneousRebalance: Int =
  import Settings._
  private val regions: ConcurrentHashMap[String, ActorRef] = new ConcurrentHashMap
  private lazy val guardian = system.actorOf(Props[ClusterShardingGuardian], Settings.GuardianName)

   * Scala API: Register a named entry type by defining the [[]] of the entry actor
   * and functions to extract entry and shard identifier from messages. The [[ShardRegion]] actor
   * for this type can later be retrieved with the [[#shardRegion]] method.
   * Some settings can be configured as described in the `akka.contrib.cluster.sharding` section
   * of the `reference.conf`.
   * @param typeName the name of the entry type
   * @param entryProps the `Props` of the entry actors that will be created by the `ShardRegion`,
   *   if not defined (None) the `ShardRegion` on this node will run in proxy only mode, i.e.
   *   it will delegate messages to other `ShardRegion` actors on other nodes, but not host any
   *   entry actors itself
   * @param idExtractor partial function to extract the entry id and the message to send to the
   *   entry from the incoming message, if the partial function does not match the message will
   *   be `unhandled`, i.e. posted as `Unhandled` messages on the event stream
   * @param shardResolver function to determine the shard id for an incoming message, only messages
   *   that passed the `idExtractor` will be used
   * @param allocationStrategy possibility to use a custom shard allocation and
   *   rebalancing logic
   * @return the actor ref of the [[ShardRegion]] that is to be responsible for the shard
  def start(
    typeName: String,
    entryProps: Option[Props],
    idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor,
    shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver,
    allocationStrategy: ShardAllocationStrategy): ActorRef = {

    implicit val timeout = system.settings.CreationTimeout
    val startMsg = Start(typeName, entryProps, idExtractor, shardResolver, allocationStrategy)
    val Started(shardRegion) = Await.result(guardian ? startMsg, timeout.duration)
    regions.put(typeName, shardRegion)

   * Register a named entry type by defining the [[]] of the entry actor and
   * functions to extract entry and shard identifier from messages. The [[ShardRegion]] actor
   * for this type can later be retrieved with the [[#shardRegion]] method.
   * The default shard allocation strategy [[ShardCoordinator.LeastShardAllocationStrategy]]
   * is used.
   * Some settings can be configured as described in the `akka.contrib.cluster.sharding` section
   * of the `reference.conf`.
   * @param typeName the name of the entry type
   * @param entryProps the `Props` of the entry actors that will be created by the `ShardRegion`,
   *   if not defined (None) the `ShardRegion` on this node will run in proxy only mode, i.e.
   *   it will delegate messages to other `ShardRegion` actors on other nodes, but not host any
   *   entry actors itself
   * @param idExtractor partial function to extract the entry id and the message to send to the
   *   entry from the incoming message, if the partial function does not match the message will
   *   be `unhandled`, i.e. posted as `Unhandled` messages on the event stream
   * @param shardResolver function to determine the shard id for an incoming message, only messages
   *   that passed the `idExtractor` will be used
   * @return the actor ref of the [[ShardRegion]] that is to be responsible for the shard
  def start(
    typeName: String,
    entryProps: Option[Props],
    idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor,
    shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver): ActorRef = {

    start(typeName, entryProps, idExtractor, shardResolver,
      new LeastShardAllocationStrategy(LeastShardAllocationRebalanceThreshold, LeastShardAllocationMaxSimultaneousRebalance))

   * Java API: Register a named entry type by defining the [[]] of the entry actor
   * and functions to extract entry and shard identifier from messages. The [[ShardRegion]] actor
   * for this type can later be retrieved with the [[#shardRegion]] method.
   * Some settings can be configured as described in the `akka.contrib.cluster.sharding` section
   * of the `reference.conf`.
   * @param typeName the name of the entry type
   * @param entryProps the `Props` of the entry actors that will be created by the `ShardRegion`,
   *   if not defined (null) the `ShardRegion` on this node will run in proxy only mode, i.e.
   *   it will delegate messages to other `ShardRegion` actors on other nodes, but not host any
   *   entry actors itself
   * @param messageExtractor functions to extract the entry id, shard id, and the message to send to the
   *   entry from the incoming message
   * @param allocationStrategy possibility to use a custom shard allocation and
   *   rebalancing logic
   * @return the actor ref of the [[ShardRegion]] that is to be responsible for the shard
  def start(
    typeName: String,
    entryProps: Props,
    messageExtractor: ShardRegion.MessageExtractor,
    allocationStrategy: ShardAllocationStrategy): ActorRef = {

    start(typeName, entryProps = Option(entryProps),
      idExtractor = {
        case msg if messageExtractor.entryId(msg) ne null ⇒
          (messageExtractor.entryId(msg), messageExtractor.entryMessage(msg))
      shardResolver = msg ⇒ messageExtractor.shardId(msg),
      allocationStrategy = allocationStrategy)

   * Java API: Register a named entry type by defining the [[]] of the entry actor
   * and functions to extract entry and shard identifier from messages. The [[ShardRegion]] actor
   * for this type can later be retrieved with the [[#shardRegion]] method.
   * The default shard allocation strategy [[ShardCoordinator.LeastShardAllocationStrategy]]
   * is used.
   * Some settings can be configured as described in the `akka.contrib.cluster.sharding` section
   * of the `reference.conf`.
   * @param typeName the name of the entry type
   * @param entryProps the `Props` of the entry actors that will be created by the `ShardRegion`,
   *   if not defined (null) the `ShardRegion` on this node will run in proxy only mode, i.e.
   *   it will delegate messages to other `ShardRegion` actors on other nodes, but not host any
   *   entry actors itself
   * @param messageExtractor functions to extract the entry id, shard id, and the message to send to the
   *   entry from the incoming message
   * @return the actor ref of the [[ShardRegion]] that is to be responsible for the shard
  def start(
    typeName: String,
    entryProps: Props,
    messageExtractor: ShardRegion.MessageExtractor): ActorRef = {

    start(typeName, entryProps, messageExtractor,
      new LeastShardAllocationStrategy(LeastShardAllocationRebalanceThreshold, LeastShardAllocationMaxSimultaneousRebalance))

   * Retrieve the actor reference of the [[ShardRegion]] actor responsible for the named entry type.
   * The entry type must be registered with the [[#start]] method before it can be used here.
   * Messages to the entry is always sent via the `ShardRegion`.
  def shardRegion(typeName: String): ActorRef = regions.get(typeName) match {
    case null ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Shard type [$typeName] must be started first")
    case ref  ⇒ ref


private[akka] object ClusterShardingGuardian {
  import ShardCoordinator.ShardAllocationStrategy
  case class Start(typeName: String, entryProps: Option[Props], idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor,
                   shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver, allocationStrategy: ShardAllocationStrategy)
    extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
  case class Started(shardRegion: ActorRef) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

 * INTERNAL API. [[ShardRegion]] and [[ShardCoordinator]] actors are createad as children
 * of this actor.
private[akka] class ClusterShardingGuardian extends Actor {
  import ClusterShardingGuardian._

  val cluster = Cluster(context.system)
  val sharding = ClusterSharding(context.system)
  import sharding.Settings._

  def receive = {
    case Start(typeName, entryProps, idExtractor, shardResolver, allocationStrategy) ⇒
      val encName = URLEncoder.encode(typeName, "utf-8")
      val coordinatorSingletonManagerName = encName + "Coordinator"
      val coordinatorPath = (self.path / coordinatorSingletonManagerName / "singleton" / "coordinator").toStringWithoutAddress
      val shardRegion = context.child(encName).getOrElse {
        if (HasNecessaryClusterRole && context.child(coordinatorSingletonManagerName).isEmpty) {
          val coordinatorProps = ShardCoordinator.props(handOffTimeout = HandOffTimeout,
            rebalanceInterval = RebalanceInterval, snapshotInterval = SnapshotInterval, allocationStrategy)
          val singletonProps = ShardCoordinatorSupervisor.props(CoordinatorFailureBackoff, coordinatorProps)
            singletonName = "singleton",
            terminationMessage = PoisonPill,
            role = Role),
            name = coordinatorSingletonManagerName)

          entryProps = if (HasNecessaryClusterRole) entryProps else None,
          role = Role,
          coordinatorPath = coordinatorPath,
          retryInterval = RetryInterval,
          bufferSize = BufferSize,
          idExtractor = idExtractor,
          shardResolver = shardResolver),
          name = encName)
      sender() ! Started(shardRegion)



 * @see [[ClusterSharding$ ClusterSharding extension]]
object ShardRegion {

   * Scala API: Factory method for the [[]] of the [[ShardRegion]] actor.
  def props(
    entryProps: Option[Props],
    role: Option[String],
    coordinatorPath: String,
    retryInterval: FiniteDuration,
    bufferSize: Int,
    idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor,
    shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver): Props =
    Props(classOf[ShardRegion], entryProps, role, coordinatorPath, retryInterval, bufferSize, idExtractor, shardResolver)

   * Scala API: Factory method for the [[]] of the [[ShardRegion]] actor.
  def props(
    entryProps: Props,
    role: Option[String],
    coordinatorPath: String,
    retryInterval: FiniteDuration,
    bufferSize: Int,
    idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor,
    shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver): Props =
    props(Some(entryProps), role, coordinatorPath, retryInterval, bufferSize, idExtractor, shardResolver)

   * Java API: Factory method for the [[]] of the [[ShardRegion]] actor.
  def props(
    entryProps: Props,
    role: String,
    coordinatorPath: String,
    retryInterval: FiniteDuration,
    bufferSize: Int,
    messageExtractor: ShardRegion.MessageExtractor): Props = {

    props(Option(entryProps), roleOption(role), coordinatorPath, retryInterval, bufferSize,
      idExtractor = {
        case msg if messageExtractor.entryId(msg) ne null ⇒
          (messageExtractor.entryId(msg), messageExtractor.entryMessage(msg))
      }: ShardRegion.IdExtractor,
      shardResolver = msg ⇒ messageExtractor.shardId(msg))

   * Scala API: Factory method for the [[]] of the [[ShardRegion]] actor
   * when using it in proxy only mode.
  def proxyProps(
    role: Option[String],
    coordinatorPath: String,
    retryInterval: FiniteDuration,
    bufferSize: Int,
    idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor,
    shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver): Props =
    Props(classOf[ShardRegion], None, role, coordinatorPath, retryInterval, bufferSize, idExtractor, shardResolver)

   * Java API: : Factory method for the [[]] of the [[ShardRegion]] actor
   * when using it in proxy only mode.
  def proxyProps(
    role: String,
    coordinatorPath: String,
    retryInterval: FiniteDuration,
    bufferSize: Int,
    messageExtractor: ShardRegion.MessageExtractor): Props = {

    proxyProps(roleOption(role), coordinatorPath, retryInterval, bufferSize,
      idExtractor = {
        case msg if messageExtractor.entryId(msg) ne null ⇒
          (messageExtractor.entryId(msg), messageExtractor.entryMessage(msg))
      shardResolver = msg ⇒ messageExtractor.shardId(msg))

   * Marker type of entry identifier (`String`).
  type EntryId = String
   * Marker type of shard identifier (`String`).
  type ShardId = String
   * Marker type of application messages (`Any`).
  type Msg = Any
   * Interface of the partial function used by the [[ShardRegion]] to
   * extract the entry id and the message to send to the entry from an
   * incoming message. The implementation is application specific.
   * If the partial function does not match the message will be
   * `unhandled`, i.e. posted as `Unhandled` messages on the event stream.
   * Note that the extracted  message does not have to be the same as the incoming
   * message to support wrapping in message envelope that is unwrapped before
   * sending to the entry actor.
  type IdExtractor = PartialFunction[Msg, (EntryId, Msg)]
   * Interface of the function used by the [[ShardRegion]] to
   * extract the shard id from an incoming message.
   * Only messages that passed the [[IdExtractor]] will be used
   * as input to this function.
  type ShardResolver = Msg ⇒ ShardId

   * Java API: Interface of functions to extract entry id,
   * shard id, and the message to send to the entry from an
   * incoming message.
  trait MessageExtractor {
     * Extract the entry id from an incoming `message`. If `null` is returned
     * the message will be `unhandled`, i.e. posted as `Unhandled` messages on the event stream
    def entryId(message: Any): String
     * Extract the message to send to the entry from an incoming `message`.
     * Note that the extracted message does not have to be the same as the incoming
     * message to support wrapping in message envelope that is unwrapped before
     * sending to the entry actor.
    def entryMessage(message: Any): Any
     * Extract the entry id from an incoming `message`. Only messages that passed the [[#entryId]]
     * function will be used as input to this function.
    def shardId(message: Any): String

  sealed trait ShardRegionCommand

   * If the state of the entries are persistent you may stop entries that are not used to
   * reduce memory consumption. This is done by the application specific implementation of
   * the entry actors for example by defining receive timeout (`context.setReceiveTimeout`).
   * If a message is already enqueued to the entry when it stops itself the enqueued message
   * in the mailbox will be dropped. To support graceful passivation without loosing such
   * messages the entry actor can send this `Passivate` message to its parent `ShardRegion`.
   * The specified wrapped `stopMessage` will be sent back to the entry, which is
   * then supposed to stop itself. Incoming messages will be buffered by the `ShardRegion`
   * between reception of `Passivate` and termination of the entry. Such buffered messages
   * are thereafter delivered to a new incarnation of the entry.
   * [[]] is a perfectly fine `stopMessage`.
  @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class Passivate(stopMessage: Any) extends ShardRegionCommand

  private case object Retry extends ShardRegionCommand

  private def roleOption(role: String): Option[String] = role match {
    case null | "" ⇒ None
    case _         ⇒ Some(role)

   * INTERNAL API. Sends `PoisonPill` to the entries and when all of them have terminated
   * it replies with `ShardStopped`.
  private[akka] class HandOffStopper(shard: String, replyTo: ActorRef, entries: Set[ActorRef]) extends Actor {
    import ShardCoordinator.Internal.ShardStopped

    entries.foreach { a ⇒
      context watch a
      a ! PoisonPill

    var remaining = entries

    def receive = {
      case Terminated(ref) ⇒
        remaining -= ref
        if (remaining.isEmpty) {
          replyTo ! ShardStopped(shard)
          context stop self

 * This actor creates children entry actors on demand for the shards that it is told to be
 * responsible for. It delegates messages targeted to other shards to the responsible
 * `ShardRegion` actor on other nodes.
 * @see [[ClusterSharding$ ClusterSharding extension]]
class ShardRegion(
  entryProps: Option[Props],
  role: Option[String],
  coordinatorPath: String,
  retryInterval: FiniteDuration,
  bufferSize: Int,
  idExtractor: ShardRegion.IdExtractor,
  shardResolver: ShardRegion.ShardResolver) extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  import ShardCoordinator.Internal._
  import ShardRegion._

  val cluster = Cluster(context.system)

  // sort by age, oldest first
  val ageOrdering = Ordering.fromLessThan[Member] { (a, b) ⇒ a.isOlderThan(b) }
  var membersByAge: immutable.SortedSet[Member] = immutable.SortedSet.empty(ageOrdering)

  var regions = Map.empty[ActorRef, Set[ShardId]]
  var regionByShard = Map.empty[ShardId, ActorRef]
  var entries = Map.empty[ActorRef, ShardId]
  var entriesByShard = Map.empty[ShardId, Set[ActorRef]]
  var shardBuffers = Map.empty[ShardId, Vector[(Msg, ActorRef)]]
  var passivatingBuffers = Map.empty[ActorRef, Vector[(Msg, ActorRef)]]

  def totalBufferSize = { { case (_, buf) ⇒ buf.size }.sum + { case (_, buf) ⇒ buf.size }.sum

  import context.dispatcher
  val retryTask = context.system.scheduler.schedule(retryInterval, retryInterval, self, Retry)

  // subscribe to MemberEvent, re-subscribe when restart
  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    cluster.subscribe(self, classOf[MemberEvent])

  override def postStop(): Unit = {

  def matchingRole(member: Member): Boolean = role match {
    case None    ⇒ true
    case Some(r) ⇒ member.hasRole(r)

  def coordinatorSelection: Option[ActorSelection] = ⇒ context.actorSelection(RootActorPath(m.address) + coordinatorPath))

  var coordinator: Option[ActorRef] = None

  def changeMembers(newMembers: immutable.SortedSet[Member]): Unit = {
    val before = membersByAge.headOption
    val after = newMembers.headOption
    membersByAge = newMembers
    if (before != after) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled)
        log.debug("Coordinator moved from [{}] to [{}]",""),""))
      coordinator = None

  def receive = {
    case Terminated(ref)                     ⇒ receiveTerminated(ref)
    case evt: ClusterDomainEvent             ⇒ receiveClusterEvent(evt)
    case state: CurrentClusterState          ⇒ receiveClusterState(state)
    case msg: CoordinatorMessage             ⇒ receiveCoordinatorMessage(msg)
    case cmd: ShardRegionCommand             ⇒ receiveCommand(cmd)
    case msg if idExtractor.isDefinedAt(msg) ⇒ deliverMessage(msg, sender())

  def receiveClusterState(state: CurrentClusterState): Unit = {
    changeMembers(immutable.SortedSet.empty(ageOrdering) ++ state.members.filter(m ⇒
      m.status == MemberStatus.Up && matchingRole(m)))

  def receiveClusterEvent(evt: ClusterDomainEvent): Unit = evt match {
    case MemberUp(m) ⇒
      if (matchingRole(m))
        changeMembers(membersByAge + m)

    case MemberRemoved(m, _) ⇒
      if (m.uniqueAddress == cluster.selfUniqueAddress)
      else if (matchingRole(m))
        changeMembers(membersByAge - m)

    case _ ⇒ unhandled(evt)

  def receiveCoordinatorMessage(msg: CoordinatorMessage): Unit = msg match {
    case ShardHome(shard, ref) ⇒
      log.debug("Shard [{}] located at [{}]", shard, ref)
      regionByShard.get(shard) match {
        case Some(r) if r == self && ref != self ⇒
          // should not happen, inconsistency between ShardRegion and ShardCoordinator
          throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected change of shard [${shard}] from self to [${ref}]")
        case _ ⇒
      regionByShard = regionByShard.updated(shard, ref)
      regions = regions.updated(ref, regions.getOrElse(ref, Set.empty) + shard)
      if (ref != self)
      shardBuffers.get(shard) match {
        case Some(buf) ⇒
          buf.foreach {
            case (msg, snd) ⇒ deliverMessage(msg, snd)
          shardBuffers -= shard
        case None ⇒

    case RegisterAck(coord) ⇒
      coordinator = Some(coord)

    case BeginHandOff(shard) ⇒
      log.debug("BeginHandOff shard [{}]", shard)
      if (regionByShard.contains(shard)) {
        val regionRef = regionByShard(shard)
        val updatedShards = regions(regionRef) - shard
        if (updatedShards.isEmpty) regions -= regionRef
        else regions = regions.updated(regionRef, updatedShards)
        regionByShard -= shard
      sender() ! BeginHandOffAck(shard)

    case HandOff(shard) ⇒
      log.debug("HandOff shard [{}]", shard)

      // must drop requests that came in between the BeginHandOff and now,
      // because they might be forwarded from other regions and there
      // is a risk or message re-ordering otherwise
      if (shardBuffers.contains(shard))
        shardBuffers -= shard

      if (entriesByShard.contains(shard))
        context.actorOf(Props(classOf[HandOffStopper], shard, sender(), entriesByShard(shard)))
        sender() ! ShardStopped(shard)

    case _ ⇒ unhandled(msg)


  def receiveCommand(cmd: ShardRegionCommand): Unit = cmd match {
    case Passivate(stopMessage) ⇒
      passivate(sender(), stopMessage)

    case Retry ⇒
      if (coordinator.isEmpty)

    case _ ⇒ unhandled(cmd)

  def receiveTerminated(ref: ActorRef): Unit = {
    if (coordinator.exists(_ == ref))
      coordinator = None
    else if (regions.contains(ref)) {
      val shards = regions(ref)
      regionByShard --= shards
      regions -= ref
      if (log.isDebugEnabled)
        log.debug("Region [{}] with shards [{}] terminated", ref, shards.mkString(", "))
    } else if (entries.contains(ref)) {
      val shard = entries(ref)
      val newShardEntities = entriesByShard(shard) - ref
      if (newShardEntities.isEmpty)
        entriesByShard -= shard
        entriesByShard = entriesByShard.updated(shard, newShardEntities)
      entries -= ref
      if (passivatingBuffers.contains(ref)) {
        log.debug("Passivating completed {}, buffered [{}]", ref, passivatingBuffers(ref).size)
        // deliver messages that were received between Passivate and Terminated,
        // will create new entry instance and deliver the messages to it
        passivatingBuffers(ref) foreach {
          case (msg, snd) ⇒ deliverMessage(msg, snd)
        passivatingBuffers -= ref

  def register(): Unit = {
    coordinatorSelection.foreach(_ ! registrationMessage)

  def registrationMessage: Any =
    if (entryProps.isDefined) Register(self) else RegisterProxy(self)

  def requestShardBufferHomes(): Unit = {
    shardBuffers.foreach {
      case (shard, _) ⇒ coordinator.foreach { c ⇒
        log.debug("Retry request for shard [{}] homes", shard)
        c ! GetShardHome(shard)

  def deliverMessage(msg: Any, snd: ActorRef): Unit = {
    val shard = shardResolver(msg)
    regionByShard.get(shard) match {
      case Some(ref) if ref == self ⇒
        val (id, m) = idExtractor(msg)
        if (id == null || id == "") {
          log.warning("Id must not be empty, dropping message [{}]", msg.getClass.getName)
          context.system.deadLetters ! msg
        } else {
          val name = URLEncoder.encode(id, "utf-8")
          val entry = context.child(name).getOrElse {
            if (entryProps.isEmpty)
              throw new IllegalStateException("Shard must not be allocated to a proxy only ShardRegion")
            log.debug("Starting entry [{}] in shard [{}]", id, shard)
            val a =, name))
            entries = entries.updated(a, shard)
            entriesByShard = entriesByShard.updated(shard, entriesByShard.getOrElse(shard, Set.empty) + a)
          passivatingBuffers.get(entry) match {
            case None ⇒
              log.debug("Message [{}] for shard [{}] sent to entry", m.getClass.getName, shard)
              entry.tell(m, snd)
            case Some(buf) ⇒
              if (totalBufferSize >= bufferSize) {
                log.debug("Buffer is full, dropping message for passivated entry in shard [{}]", shard)
                context.system.deadLetters ! msg
              } else {
                log.debug("Message for shard [{}] buffered due to entry being passivated", shard)
                passivatingBuffers = passivatingBuffers.updated(entry, buf :+ ((msg, snd)))
      case Some(ref) ⇒
        log.debug("Forwarding request for shard [{}] to [{}]", shard, ref)
        ref.tell(msg, snd)
      case None if (shard == null || shard == "") ⇒
        log.warning("Shard must not be empty, dropping message [{}]", msg.getClass.getName)
        context.system.deadLetters ! msg
      case None ⇒
        if (!shardBuffers.contains(shard)) {
          log.debug("Request shard [{}] home", shard)
          coordinator.foreach(_ ! GetShardHome(shard))
        if (totalBufferSize >= bufferSize) {
          log.debug("Buffer is full, dropping message for shard [{}]", shard)
          context.system.deadLetters ! msg
        } else {
          val buf = shardBuffers.getOrElse(shard, Vector.empty)
          shardBuffers = shardBuffers.updated(shard, buf :+ ((msg, snd)))

  def passivate(entry: ActorRef, stopMessage: Any): Unit = {
    val entry = sender()
    if (entries.contains(entry) && !passivatingBuffers.contains(entry)) {
      log.debug("Passivating started {}", entry)
      passivatingBuffers = passivatingBuffers.updated(entry, Vector.empty)
      entry ! stopMessage


 * @see [[ClusterSharding$ ClusterSharding extension]]
object ShardCoordinatorSupervisor {
   * Factory method for the [[]] of the [[ShardCoordinator]] actor.
  def props(failureBackoff: FiniteDuration, coordinatorProps: Props): Props =
    Props(classOf[ShardCoordinatorSupervisor], failureBackoff, coordinatorProps)

  private case object StartCoordinator

class ShardCoordinatorSupervisor(failureBackoff: FiniteDuration, coordinatorProps: Props) extends Actor {
  import ShardCoordinatorSupervisor._

  def startCoordinator(): Unit = {
    // it will be stopped in case of PersistenceFailure, "coordinator"))

  override def preStart(): Unit = startCoordinator()

  def receive = {
    case Terminated(_) ⇒
      import context.dispatcher
      context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(failureBackoff, self, StartCoordinator)
    case StartCoordinator ⇒ startCoordinator()

 * @see [[ClusterSharding$ ClusterSharding extension]]
object ShardCoordinator {

  import ShardRegion.ShardId

   * Factory method for the [[]] of the [[ShardCoordinator]] actor.
  def props(handOffTimeout: FiniteDuration, rebalanceInterval: FiniteDuration, snapshotInterval: FiniteDuration,
            allocationStrategy: ShardAllocationStrategy): Props =
    Props(classOf[ShardCoordinator], handOffTimeout, rebalanceInterval, snapshotInterval, allocationStrategy)

   * Interface of the pluggable shard allocation and rebalancing logic used by the [[ShardCoordinator]].
   * Java implementations should extend [[AbstractShardAllocationStrategy]].
  trait ShardAllocationStrategy extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded {
     * Invoked when the location of a new shard is to be decided.
     * @param requester actor reference to the [[ShardRegion]] that requested the location of the
     *   shard, can be returned if preference should be given to the node where the shard was first accessed
     * @param shardId the id of the shard to allocate
     * @param currentShardAllocations all actor refs to `ShardRegion` and their current allocated shards,
     *   in the order they were allocated
     * @return the actor ref of the [[ShardRegion]] that is to be responsible for the shard, must be one of
     *   the references included in the `currentShardAllocations` parameter
    def allocateShard(requester: ActorRef, shardId: ShardId,
                      currentShardAllocations: Map[ActorRef, immutable.IndexedSeq[ShardId]]): ActorRef

     * Invoked periodically to decide which shards to rebalance to another location.
     * @param currentShardAllocations all actor refs to `ShardRegion` and their current allocated shards,
     *   in the order they were allocated
     * @param rebalanceInProgress set of shards that are currently being rebalanced, i.e.
     *   you should not include these in the returned set
     * @return the shards to be migrated, may be empty to skip rebalance in this round
    def rebalance(currentShardAllocations: Map[ActorRef, immutable.IndexedSeq[ShardId]],
                  rebalanceInProgress: Set[ShardId]): Set[ShardId]

   * Java API: Java implementations of custom shard allocation and rebalancing logic used by the [[ShardCoordinator]]
   * should extend this abstract class and implement the two methods.
  abstract class AbstractShardAllocationStrategy extends ShardAllocationStrategy {
    override final def allocateShard(requester: ActorRef, shardId: ShardId,
                                     currentShardAllocations: Map[ActorRef, immutable.IndexedSeq[ShardId]]): ActorRef = {
      import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
      allocateShard(requester, shardId, currentShardAllocations.asJava)

    override final def rebalance(currentShardAllocations: Map[ActorRef, immutable.IndexedSeq[ShardId]],
                                 rebalanceInProgress: Set[ShardId]): Set[ShardId] = {
      import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
      rebalance(currentShardAllocations.asJava, rebalanceInProgress.asJava).asScala.toSet

     * Invoked when the location of a new shard is to be decided.
     * @param requester actor reference to the [[ShardRegion]] that requested the location of the
     *   shard, can be returned if preference should be given to the node where the shard was first accessed
     * @param shardId the id of the shard to allocate
     * @param currentShardAllocations all actor refs to `ShardRegion` and their current allocated shards,
     *   in the order they were allocated
     * @return the actor ref of the [[ShardRegion]] that is to be responsible for the shard, must be one of
     *   the references included in the `currentShardAllocations` parameter
    def allocateShard(requester: ActorRef, shardId: String,
                      currentShardAllocations: java.util.Map[ActorRef, immutable.IndexedSeq[String]]): ActorRef

     * Invoked periodically to decide which shards to rebalance to another location.
     * @param currentShardAllocations all actor refs to `ShardRegion` and their current allocated shards,
     *   in the order they were allocated
     * @param rebalanceInProgress set of shards that are currently being rebalanced, i.e.
     *   you should not include these in the returned set
     * @return the shards to be migrated, may be empty to skip rebalance in this round
    def rebalance(currentShardAllocations: java.util.Map[ActorRef, immutable.IndexedSeq[String]],
                  rebalanceInProgress: java.util.Set[String]): java.util.Set[String]

   * The default implementation of [[ShardCoordinator.LeastShardAllocationStrategy]]
   * allocates new shards to the `ShardRegion` with least number of previously allocated shards.
   * It picks shards for rebalancing handoff from the `ShardRegion` with most number of previously allocated shards.
   * They will then be allocated to the `ShardRegion` with least number of previously allocated shards,
   * i.e. new members in the cluster. There is a configurable threshold of how large the difference
   * must be to begin the rebalancing. The number of ongoing rebalancing processes can be limited.
  class LeastShardAllocationStrategy(rebalanceThreshold: Int, maxSimultaneousRebalance: Int)
    extends ShardAllocationStrategy with Serializable {

    override def allocateShard(requester: ActorRef, shardId: ShardId,
                               currentShardAllocations: Map[ActorRef, immutable.IndexedSeq[ShardId]]): ActorRef = {
      val (regionWithLeastShards, _) = currentShardAllocations.minBy { case (_, v) ⇒ v.size }

    override def rebalance(currentShardAllocations: Map[ActorRef, immutable.IndexedSeq[ShardId]],
                           rebalanceInProgress: Set[ShardId]): Set[ShardId] = {
      if (rebalanceInProgress.size < maxSimultaneousRebalance) {
        val (regionWithLeastShards, leastShards) = currentShardAllocations.minBy { case (_, v) ⇒ v.size }
        val mostShards = currentShardAllocations.collect {
          case (_, v) ⇒ v.filterNot(s ⇒ rebalanceInProgress(s))
        if (mostShards.size - leastShards.size >= rebalanceThreshold)
      } else Set.empty

  private[akka] object Internal {
     * Messages sent to the coordinator
    sealed trait CoordinatorCommand
     * Messages sent from the coordinator
    sealed trait CoordinatorMessage
     * `ShardRegion` registers to `ShardCoordinator`, until it receives [[RegisterAck]]. 
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class Register(shardRegion: ActorRef) extends CoordinatorCommand
     * `ShardRegion` in proxy only mode registers to `ShardCoordinator`, until it receives [[RegisterAck]]. 
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class RegisterProxy(shardRegionProxy: ActorRef) extends CoordinatorCommand
     * Acknowledgement from `ShardCoordinator` that [[Register]] or [[RegisterProxy]] was sucessful.
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class RegisterAck(coordinator: ActorRef) extends CoordinatorMessage
     * `ShardRegion` requests the location of a shard by sending this message
     * to the `ShardCoordinator`.
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class GetShardHome(shard: ShardId) extends CoordinatorCommand
     * `ShardCoordinator` replies with this message for [[GetShardHome]] requests.
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class ShardHome(shard: ShardId, ref: ActorRef) extends CoordinatorMessage
     * `ShardCoordinator` initiates rebalancing process by sending this message
     * to all registered `ShardRegion` actors (including proxy only). They are
     * supposed to discard their known location of the shard, i.e. start buffering
     * incoming messages for the shard. They reply with [[BeginHandOffAck]].
     * When all have replied the `ShardCoordinator` continues by sending
     * [[HandOff]] to the `ShardRegion` responsible for the shard.
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class BeginHandOff(shard: ShardId) extends CoordinatorMessage
     * Acknowledgement of [[BeginHandOff]]
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class BeginHandOffAck(shard: ShardId) extends CoordinatorCommand
     * When all `ShardRegion` actors have acknoledged the [[BeginHandOff]] the
     * ShardCoordinator` sends this message to the `ShardRegion` responsible for the
     * shard. The `ShardRegion` is supposed to stop all entries in that shard and when
     * all entries have terminated reply with `ShardStopped` to the `ShardCoordinator`.
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class HandOff(shard: ShardId) extends CoordinatorMessage
     * Reply to [[HandOff]] when all entries in the shard have been terminated.
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class ShardStopped(shard: ShardId) extends CoordinatorCommand

    // DomainEvents for the persistent state of the event sourced ShardCoordinator
    sealed trait DomainEvent
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class ShardRegionRegistered(region: ActorRef) extends DomainEvent
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class ShardRegionProxyRegistered(regionProxy: ActorRef) extends DomainEvent
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class ShardRegionTerminated(region: ActorRef) extends DomainEvent
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class ShardRegionProxyTerminated(regionProxy: ActorRef) extends DomainEvent
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class ShardHomeAllocated(shard: ShardId, region: ActorRef) extends DomainEvent
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class ShardHomeDeallocated(shard: ShardId) extends DomainEvent

    object State {
      val empty = State()

     * Persistent state of the event sourced ShardCoordinator.
    @SerialVersionUID(1L) case class State private (
      // region for each shard
      val shards: Map[ShardId, ActorRef] = Map.empty,
      // shards for each region
      val regions: Map[ActorRef, Vector[ShardId]] = Map.empty,
      val regionProxies: Set[ActorRef] = Set.empty) {

      def updated(event: DomainEvent): State = event match {
        case ShardRegionRegistered(region) ⇒
          require(!regions.contains(region), s"Region $region already registered: $this")
          copy(regions = regions.updated(region, Vector.empty))
        case ShardRegionProxyRegistered(proxy) ⇒
          require(!regionProxies.contains(proxy), s"Region proxy $proxy already registered: $this")
          copy(regionProxies = regionProxies + proxy)
        case ShardRegionTerminated(region) ⇒
          require(regions.contains(region), s"Terminated region $region not registered: $this")
            regions = regions - region,
            shards = shards -- regions(region))
        case ShardRegionProxyTerminated(proxy) ⇒
          require(regionProxies.contains(proxy), s"Terminated region proxy $proxy not registered: $this")
          copy(regionProxies = regionProxies - proxy)
        case ShardHomeAllocated(shard, region) ⇒
          require(regions.contains(region), s"Region $region not registered: $this")
          require(!shards.contains(shard), s"Shard [$shard] already allocated: $this")
            shards = shards.updated(shard, region),
            regions = regions.updated(region, regions(region) :+ shard))
        case ShardHomeDeallocated(shard) ⇒
          require(shards.contains(shard), s"Shard [$shard] not allocated: $this")
          val region = shards(shard)
          require(regions.contains(region), s"Region $region for shard [$shard] not registered: $this")
            shards = shards - shard,
            regions = regions.updated(region, regions(region).filterNot(_ == shard)))


   * Periodic message to trigger rebalance
  private case object RebalanceTick
   * Periodic message to trigger persistent snapshot
  private case object SnapshotTick
   * End of rebalance process performed by [[RebalanceWorker]]
  private case class RebalanceDone(shard: ShardId, ok: Boolean)

  private case object AfterRecover

   * INTERNAL API. Rebalancing process is performed by this actor.
   * It sends [[BeginHandOff]] to all `ShardRegion` actors followed by
   * [[HandOff]] to the `ShardRegion` responsible for the shard.
   * When the handoff is completed it sends [[RebalanceDone]] to its
   * parent `ShardCoordinator`. If the process takes longer than the
   * `handOffTimeout` it also sends [[RebalanceDone]].
  private[akka] class RebalanceWorker(shard: String, from: ActorRef, handOffTimeout: FiniteDuration,
                                      regions: Set[ActorRef]) extends Actor {
    import Internal._
    regions.foreach(_ ! BeginHandOff(shard))
    var remaining = regions

    import context.dispatcher
    context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(handOffTimeout, self, ReceiveTimeout)

    def receive = {
      case BeginHandOffAck(`shard`) ⇒
        remaining -= sender()
        if (remaining.isEmpty) {
          from ! HandOff(shard)
          context.become(stoppingShard, discardOld = true)
      case ReceiveTimeout ⇒ done(ok = false)

    def stoppingShard: Receive = {
      case ShardStopped(shard) ⇒ done(ok = true)
      case ReceiveTimeout      ⇒ done(ok = false)

    def done(ok: Boolean): Unit = {
      context.parent ! RebalanceDone(shard, ok)


 * Singleton coordinator that decides where to allocate shards.
 * @see [[ClusterSharding$ ClusterSharding extension]]
class ShardCoordinator(handOffTimeout: FiniteDuration, rebalanceInterval: FiniteDuration,
                       snapshotInterval: FiniteDuration, allocationStrategy: ShardCoordinator.ShardAllocationStrategy)
  extends PersistentActor with ActorLogging {
  import ShardCoordinator._
  import ShardCoordinator.Internal._
  import ShardRegion.ShardId

  override def persistenceId = self.path.toStringWithoutAddress

  var persistentState = State.empty
  var rebalanceInProgress = Set.empty[ShardId]

  import context.dispatcher
  val rebalanceTask = context.system.scheduler.schedule(rebalanceInterval, rebalanceInterval, self, RebalanceTick)
  val snapshotTask = context.system.scheduler.schedule(snapshotInterval, snapshotInterval, self, SnapshotTick)

  Cluster(context.system).subscribe(self, ClusterShuttingDown.getClass)

  // this will be stashed and received when the recovery is completed
  self ! AfterRecover

  override def postStop(): Unit = {

  override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
    case evt: DomainEvent ⇒
      log.debug("receiveRecover {}", evt)
      evt match {
        case ShardRegionRegistered(region) ⇒
          persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)
        case ShardRegionProxyRegistered(proxy) ⇒
          persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)
        case ShardRegionTerminated(region) ⇒
          if (persistentState.regions.contains(region))
            persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)
          else {
            log.debug("ShardRegionTerminated, but region {} was not registered. This inconsistency is due to that " +
              " some stored ActorRef in Akka v2.3.0 and v2.3.1 did not contain full address information. It will be " +
              "removed by later watch.", region)
        case ShardRegionProxyTerminated(proxy) ⇒
          if (persistentState.regionProxies.contains(proxy))
            persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)
        case ShardHomeAllocated(shard, region) ⇒
          persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)
        case _: ShardHomeDeallocated ⇒
          persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)

    case SnapshotOffer(_, state: State) ⇒
      log.debug("receiveRecover SnapshotOffer {}", state)
      persistentState = state

  override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
    case Register(region) ⇒
      log.debug("ShardRegion registered: [{}]", region)
      if (persistentState.regions.contains(region))
        sender() ! RegisterAck(self)
        persist(ShardRegionRegistered(region)) { evt ⇒
          persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)

          sender() ! RegisterAck(self)

    case RegisterProxy(proxy) ⇒
      log.debug("ShardRegion proxy registered: [{}]", proxy)
      if (persistentState.regionProxies.contains(proxy))
        sender() ! RegisterAck(self)
        persist(ShardRegionProxyRegistered(proxy)) { evt ⇒
          persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)

          sender() ! RegisterAck(self)

    case Terminated(ref) ⇒
      if (persistentState.regions.contains(ref)) {
        log.debug("ShardRegion terminated: [{}]", ref)
        persist(ShardRegionTerminated(ref)) { evt ⇒
          persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)
      } else if (persistentState.regionProxies.contains(ref)) {
        log.debug("ShardRegion proxy terminated: [{}]", ref)
        persist(ShardRegionProxyTerminated(ref)) { evt ⇒
          persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)

    case GetShardHome(shard) ⇒
      if (!rebalanceInProgress.contains(shard)) {
        persistentState.shards.get(shard) match {
          case Some(ref) ⇒ sender() ! ShardHome(shard, ref)
          case None ⇒
            if (persistentState.regions.nonEmpty) {
              val region = allocationStrategy.allocateShard(sender(), shard, persistentState.regions)
                s"Allocated region $region for shard [$shard] must be one of the registered regions: $persistentState")
              persist(ShardHomeAllocated(shard, region)) { evt ⇒
                persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)
                log.debug("Shard [{}] allocated at [{}]", evt.shard, evt.region)
                sender() ! ShardHome(evt.shard, evt.region)

    case RebalanceTick ⇒
      if (persistentState.regions.nonEmpty)
        allocationStrategy.rebalance(persistentState.regions, rebalanceInProgress).foreach { shard ⇒
          rebalanceInProgress += shard
          val rebalanceFromRegion = persistentState.shards(shard)
          log.debug("Rebalance shard [{}] from [{}]", shard, rebalanceFromRegion)
          context.actorOf(Props(classOf[RebalanceWorker], shard, rebalanceFromRegion, handOffTimeout,
            persistentState.regions.keySet ++ persistentState.regionProxies))

    case RebalanceDone(shard, ok) ⇒
      rebalanceInProgress -= shard
      log.debug("Rebalance shard [{}] done [{}]", shard, ok)
      // The shard could have been removed by ShardRegionTerminated
      if (ok && persistentState.shards.contains(shard))
        persist(ShardHomeDeallocated(shard)) { evt ⇒
          persistentState = persistentState.updated(evt)
          log.debug("Shard [{}] deallocated", evt.shard)

    case SnapshotTick ⇒
      log.debug("Saving persistent snapshot")

    case SaveSnapshotSuccess(_) ⇒
      log.debug("Persistent snapshot saved successfully")

    case SaveSnapshotFailure(_, reason) ⇒
      log.warning("Persistent snapshot failure: {}", reason.getMessage)

    case AfterRecover ⇒
      persistentState.regions.foreach { case (a, _) ⇒ }

    case ClusterShuttingDown ⇒
      log.debug("Shutting down ShardCoordinator")
      // can't stop because supervisor will start it again,
      // it will soon be stopped when singleton is stopped

    case _: CurrentClusterState ⇒


  def shuttingDown: Receive = {
    case _ ⇒ // ignore all


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