akka.remote.testconductor.Player.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.remote.testconductor
import language.postfixOps
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import akka.actor._
import akka.remote.testconductor.RemoteConnection.getAddrString
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Await, Future }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import scala.reflect.classTag
import akka.util.Timeout
import org.jboss.netty.channel.{ Channel, SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler, ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelStateEvent, MessageEvent, WriteCompletionEvent, ExceptionEvent }
import akka.pattern.{ ask, pipe, AskTimeoutException }
import akka.event.{ LoggingAdapter, Logging }
import java.net.{ InetSocketAddress, ConnectException }
import akka.remote.transport.ThrottlerTransportAdapter.{ SetThrottle, TokenBucket, Blackhole, Unthrottled }
import akka.dispatch.{ UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, RequiresMessageQueue }
* The Player is the client component of the
* [[akka.remote.testconductor.TestConductorExt]] extension. It registers with
* the [[akka.remote.testconductor.Conductor]]’s [[akka.remote.testconductor.Controller]]
* in order to participate in barriers and enable network failure injection.
trait Player { this: TestConductorExt ⇒
private var _client: ActorRef = _
private def client = _client match {
case null ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("TestConductor client not yet started")
case _ if system.isTerminated ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("TestConductor unavailable because system is shutdown; you need to startNewSystem() before this point")
case x ⇒ x
* Connect to the conductor on the given port (the host is taken from setting
* `akka.testconductor.host`). The connection is made asynchronously, but you
* should await completion of the returned Future because that implies that
* all expected participants of this test have successfully connected (i.e.
* this is a first barrier in itself). The number of expected participants is
* set in [[akka.remote.testconductor.Conductor]]`.startController()`.
def startClient(name: RoleName, controllerAddr: InetSocketAddress): Future[Done] = {
import ClientFSM._
import akka.actor.FSM._
import Settings.BarrierTimeout
if (_client ne null) throw new IllegalStateException("TestConductorClient already started")
_client = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ClientFSM], name, controllerAddr), "TestConductorClient")
val a = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
var waiting: ActorRef = _
def receive = {
case fsm: ActorRef ⇒
waiting = sender(); fsm ! SubscribeTransitionCallBack(self)
case Transition(_, f: ClientFSM.State, t: ClientFSM.State) if (f == Connecting && t == AwaitDone) ⇒ // step 1, not there yet // // SI-5900 workaround
case Transition(_, f: ClientFSM.State, t: ClientFSM.State) if (f == AwaitDone && t == Connected) ⇒ // SI-5900 workaround
waiting ! Done; context stop self
case t: Transition[_] ⇒
waiting ! Status.Failure(new RuntimeException("unexpected transition: " + t)); context stop self
case CurrentState(_, s: ClientFSM.State) if (s == Connected) ⇒ // SI-5900 workaround
waiting ! Done; context stop self
case _: CurrentState[_] ⇒
a ? client mapTo classTag[Done]
* Enter the named barriers, one after the other, in the order given. Will
* throw an exception in case of timeouts or other errors.
def enter(name: String*): Unit = enter(Settings.BarrierTimeout, name.to[immutable.Seq])
* Enter the named barriers, one after the other, in the order given. Will
* throw an exception in case of timeouts or other errors.
def enter(timeout: Timeout, name: immutable.Seq[String]) {
system.log.debug("entering barriers " + name.mkString("(", ", ", ")"))
val stop = Deadline.now + timeout.duration
name foreach { b ⇒
val barrierTimeout = stop.timeLeft
if (barrierTimeout < Duration.Zero) {
client ! ToServer(FailBarrier(b))
throw new TimeoutException("Server timed out while waiting for barrier " + b);
try {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(barrierTimeout + Settings.QueryTimeout.duration)
Await.result(client ? ToServer(EnterBarrier(b, Option(barrierTimeout))), Duration.Inf)
} catch {
case e: AskTimeoutException ⇒
client ! ToServer(FailBarrier(b))
// Why don't TimeoutException have a constructor that takes a cause?
throw new TimeoutException("Client timed out while waiting for barrier " + b);
system.log.debug("passed barrier {}", b)
* Query remote transport address of named node.
def getAddressFor(name: RoleName): Future[Address] = {
import Settings.QueryTimeout
client ? ToServer(GetAddress(name)) mapTo classTag[Address]
private[akka] object ClientFSM {
sealed trait State
case object Connecting extends State
case object AwaitDone extends State
case object Connected extends State
case object Failed extends State
case class Data(channel: Option[Channel], runningOp: Option[(String, ActorRef)])
case class Connected(channel: Channel) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
case class ConnectionFailure(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg) with NoStackTrace
case object Disconnected
* This is the controlling entity on the [[akka.remote.testconductor.Player]]
* side: in a first step it registers itself with a symbolic name and its remote
* address at the [[akka.remote.testconductor.Controller]], then waits for the
* `Done` message which signals that all other expected test participants have
* done the same. After that, it will pass barrier requests to and from the
* coordinator and react to the [[akka.remote.testconductor.Conductor]]’s
* requests for failure injection.
* Note that you can't perform requests concurrently, e.g. enter barrier
* from one thread and ask for node address from another thread.
private[akka] class ClientFSM(name: RoleName, controllerAddr: InetSocketAddress) extends Actor
with LoggingFSM[ClientFSM.State, ClientFSM.Data] with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
import ClientFSM._
val settings = TestConductor().Settings
val handler = new PlayerHandler(controllerAddr, settings.ClientReconnects, settings.ReconnectBackoff,
settings.ClientSocketWorkerPoolSize, self, Logging(context.system, "PlayerHandler"),
startWith(Connecting, Data(None, None))
when(Connecting, stateTimeout = settings.ConnectTimeout) {
case Event(msg: ClientOp, _) ⇒
stay replying Status.Failure(new IllegalStateException("not connected yet"))
case Event(Connected(channel), _) ⇒
channel.write(Hello(name.name, TestConductor().address))
goto(AwaitDone) using Data(Some(channel), None)
case Event(_: ConnectionFailure, _) ⇒
case Event(StateTimeout, _) ⇒
log.error("connect timeout to TestConductor")
when(AwaitDone, stateTimeout = settings.BarrierTimeout.duration) {
case Event(Done, _) ⇒
log.debug("received Done: starting test")
case Event(msg: NetworkOp, _) ⇒
log.error("received {} instead of Done", msg)
case Event(msg: ServerOp, _) ⇒
stay replying Status.Failure(new IllegalStateException("not connected yet"))
case Event(StateTimeout, _) ⇒
log.error("connect timeout to TestConductor")
when(Connected) {
case Event(Disconnected, _) ⇒
log.info("disconnected from TestConductor")
throw new ConnectionFailure("disconnect")
case Event(ToServer(_: Done), Data(Some(channel), _)) ⇒
case Event(ToServer(msg), d @ Data(Some(channel), None)) ⇒
val token = msg match {
case EnterBarrier(barrier, timeout) ⇒ barrier
case GetAddress(node) ⇒ node.name
stay using d.copy(runningOp = Some(token -> sender()))
case Event(ToServer(op), Data(channel, Some((token, _)))) ⇒
log.error("cannot write {} while waiting for {}", op, token)
case Event(op: ClientOp, d @ Data(Some(channel), runningOp)) ⇒
op match {
case BarrierResult(b, success) ⇒
runningOp match {
case Some((barrier, requester)) ⇒
val response =
if (b != barrier) Status.Failure(new RuntimeException("wrong barrier " + b + " received while waiting for " + barrier))
else if (!success) Status.Failure(new RuntimeException("barrier failed: " + b))
else b
requester ! response
case None ⇒
log.warning("did not expect {}", op)
stay using d.copy(runningOp = None)
case AddressReply(node, addr) ⇒
runningOp match {
case Some((_, requester)) ⇒ requester ! addr
case None ⇒ log.warning("did not expect {}", op)
stay using d.copy(runningOp = None)
case t: ThrottleMsg ⇒
import settings.QueryTimeout
import context.dispatcher // FIXME is this the right EC for the future below?
val mode = if (t.rateMBit < 0.0f) Unthrottled
else if (t.rateMBit == 0.0f) Blackhole
// Conversion needed as the TokenBucket measures in octets: 125000 Octets/s = 1Mbit/s
// FIXME: Initial capacity should be carefully chosen
else TokenBucket(capacity = 1000, tokensPerSecond = t.rateMBit * 125000.0, nanoTimeOfLastSend = 0, availableTokens = 0)
val cmdFuture = TestConductor().transport.managementCommand(SetThrottle(t.target, t.direction, mode))
cmdFuture onSuccess {
case true ⇒ self ! ToServer(Done)
case _ ⇒ throw new RuntimeException("Throttle was requested from the TestConductor, but no transport " +
"adapters available that support throttling. Specify `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig")
case d: DisconnectMsg ⇒
import settings.QueryTimeout
import context.dispatcher // FIXME is this the right EC for the future below?
// FIXME: Currently ignoring, needs support from Remoting
case TerminateMsg(Left(false)) ⇒
case TerminateMsg(Left(true)) ⇒
case TerminateMsg(Right(exitValue)) ⇒
stay // needed because Java doesn’t have Nothing
case _: Done ⇒ stay //FIXME what should happen?
when(Failed) {
case Event(msg: ClientOp, _) ⇒
stay replying Status.Failure(new RuntimeException("cannot do " + msg + " while Failed"))
case Event(msg: NetworkOp, _) ⇒
log.warning("ignoring network message {} while Failed", msg)
onTermination {
case StopEvent(_, _, Data(Some(channel), _)) ⇒
* This handler only forwards messages received from the conductor to the [[akka.remote.testconductor.ClientFSM]].
private[akka] class PlayerHandler(
server: InetSocketAddress,
private var reconnects: Int,
backoff: FiniteDuration,
poolSize: Int,
fsm: ActorRef,
log: LoggingAdapter,
scheduler: Scheduler)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext)
extends SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler {
import ClientFSM._
var nextAttempt: Deadline = _
override def channelOpen(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = log.debug("channel {} open", event.getChannel)
override def channelClosed(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = log.debug("channel {} closed", event.getChannel)
override def channelBound(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = log.debug("channel {} bound", event.getChannel)
override def channelUnbound(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = log.debug("channel {} unbound", event.getChannel)
override def writeComplete(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: WriteCompletionEvent) = log.debug("channel {} written {}", event.getChannel, event.getWrittenAmount)
override def exceptionCaught(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ExceptionEvent) = {
log.debug("channel {} exception {}", event.getChannel, event.getCause)
event.getCause match {
case c: ConnectException if reconnects > 0 ⇒
reconnects -= 1
case e ⇒ fsm ! ConnectionFailure(e.getMessage)
private def reconnect(): Unit = {
nextAttempt = Deadline.now + backoff
RemoteConnection(Client, server, poolSize, this)
override def channelConnected(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = {
val ch = event.getChannel
log.debug("connected to {}", getAddrString(ch))
fsm ! Connected(ch)
override def channelDisconnected(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = {
val channel = event.getChannel
log.debug("disconnected from {}", getAddrString(channel))
fsm ! PoisonPill
executor.execute(new Runnable { def run = RemoteConnection.shutdown(channel) }) // Must be shutdown outside of the Netty IO pool
override def messageReceived(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: MessageEvent) = {
val channel = event.getChannel
log.debug("message from {}: {}", getAddrString(channel), event.getMessage)
event.getMessage match {
case msg: NetworkOp ⇒
fsm ! msg
case msg ⇒
log.info("server {} sent garbage '{}', disconnecting", getAddrString(channel), msg)
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