akka.remote.testkit.MultiNodeSpec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc.
package akka.remote.testkit
import language.implicitConversions
import language.postfixOps
import java.net.{ InetAddress, InetSocketAddress }
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import com.typesafe.config.{ ConfigObject, ConfigFactory, Config }
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Awaitable }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.collection.immutable
import akka.actor._
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.remote.testconductor.{ TestConductorExt, TestConductor, RoleName }
import akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider
import akka.testkit._
import akka.testkit.TestEvent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.remote.testconductor.RoleName
import akka.actor.RootActorPath
import akka.event.{ Logging, LoggingAdapter }
* Configure the role names and participants of the test, including configuration settings.
abstract class MultiNodeConfig {
private var _commonConf: Option[Config] = None
private var _nodeConf = Map[RoleName, Config]()
private var _roles = Vector[RoleName]()
private var _deployments = Map[RoleName, immutable.Seq[String]]()
private var _allDeploy = Vector[String]()
private var _testTransport = false
* Register a common base config for all test participants, if so desired.
def commonConfig(config: Config): Unit = _commonConf = Some(config)
* Register a config override for a specific participant.
def nodeConfig(roles: RoleName*)(configs: Config*): Unit = {
val c = configs.reduceLeft(_ withFallback _)
_nodeConf ++= roles map { _ -> c }
* Include for verbose debug logging
* @param on when `true` debug Config is returned, otherwise config with info logging
def debugConfig(on: Boolean): Config =
if (on)
akka.loglevel = DEBUG
akka.remote {
log-received-messages = on
log-sent-messages = on
akka.actor.debug {
receive = on
fsm = on
akka.remote.log-remote-lifecycle-events = on
* Construct a RoleName and return it, to be used as an identifier in the
* test. Registration of a role name creates a role which then needs to be
* filled.
def role(name: String): RoleName = {
if (_roles exists (_.name == name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("non-unique role name " + name)
val r = RoleName(name)
_roles :+= r
def deployOn(role: RoleName, deployment: String): Unit =
_deployments += role -> ((_deployments get role getOrElse Vector()) :+ deployment)
def deployOnAll(deployment: String): Unit = _allDeploy :+= deployment
* To be able to use `blackhole`, `passThrough`, and `throttle` you must
* activate the failure injector and throttler transport adapters by
* specifying `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig.
def testTransport(on: Boolean): Unit = _testTransport = on
private[testkit] lazy val myself: RoleName = {
require(_roles.size > MultiNodeSpec.selfIndex, "not enough roles declared for this test")
private[testkit] def config: Config = {
val transportConfig =
if (_testTransport) ConfigFactory.parseString(
akka.remote.netty.tcp.applied-adapters = [trttl, gremlin]
else ConfigFactory.empty
val configs = (_nodeConf get myself).toList ::: _commonConf.toList ::: transportConfig :: MultiNodeSpec.nodeConfig :: MultiNodeSpec.baseConfig :: Nil
configs reduceLeft (_ withFallback _)
private[testkit] def deployments(node: RoleName): immutable.Seq[String] = (_deployments get node getOrElse Nil) ++ _allDeploy
private[testkit] def roles: immutable.Seq[RoleName] = _roles
object MultiNodeSpec {
* Number of nodes node taking part in this test.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.max-nodes=4
* }}}
val maxNodes: Int = Option(Integer.getInteger("multinode.max-nodes")) getOrElse
(throw new IllegalStateException("need system property multinode.max-nodes to be set"))
require(maxNodes > 0, "multinode.max-nodes must be greater than 0")
* Name (or IP address; must be resolvable using InetAddress.getByName)
* of the host this node is running on.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.host=host.example.com
* }}}
* InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress is used if empty or "localhost"
* is defined as system property "multinode.host".
val selfName: String = Option(System.getProperty("multinode.host")) match {
case None ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("need system property multinode.host to be set")
case Some("") ⇒ InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress
case Some(host) ⇒ host
require(selfName != "", "multinode.host must not be empty")
* Port number of this node. Defaults to 0 which means a random port.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.port=0
* }}}
val selfPort: Int = Integer.getInteger("multinode.port", 0)
require(selfPort >= 0 && selfPort < 65535, "multinode.port is out of bounds: " + selfPort)
* Name (or IP address; must be resolvable using InetAddress.getByName)
* of the host that the server node is running on.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.server-host=server.example.com
* }}}
val serverName: String = Option(System.getProperty("multinode.server-host")) getOrElse
(throw new IllegalStateException("need system property multinode.server-host to be set"))
require(serverName != "", "multinode.server-host must not be empty")
* Port number of the node that's running the server system. Defaults to 4711.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.server-port=4711
* }}}
val serverPort: Int = Integer.getInteger("multinode.server-port", 4711)
require(serverPort > 0 && serverPort < 65535, "multinode.server-port is out of bounds: " + serverPort)
* Index of this node in the roles sequence. The TestConductor
* is started in “controller” mode on selfIndex 0, i.e. there you can inject
* failures and shutdown other nodes etc.
* {{{
* -Dmultinode.index=0
* }}}
val selfIndex = Option(Integer.getInteger("multinode.index")) getOrElse
(throw new IllegalStateException("need system property multinode.index to be set"))
require(selfIndex >= 0 && selfIndex < maxNodes, "multinode.index is out of bounds: " + selfIndex)
private[testkit] val nodeConfig = mapToConfig(Map(
"akka.actor.provider" -> "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider",
"akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname" -> selfName,
"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port" -> selfPort))
private[testkit] val baseConfig: Config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
akka {
loggers = ["akka.testkit.TestEventListener"]
loglevel = "WARNING"
stdout-loglevel = "WARNING"
actor {
default-dispatcher {
executor = "fork-join-executor"
fork-join-executor {
parallelism-min = 8
parallelism-factor = 2.0
parallelism-max = 8
private def mapToConfig(map: Map[String, Any]): Config = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
private def getCallerName(clazz: Class[_]): String = {
val s = Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace map (_.getClassName) drop 1 dropWhile (_ matches ".*MultiNodeSpec.?$")
val reduced = s.lastIndexWhere(_ == clazz.getName) match {
case -1 ⇒ s
case z ⇒ s drop (z + 1)
reduced.head.replaceFirst(""".*\.""", "").replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z_0-9]", "_")
* Note: To be able to run tests with everything ignored or excluded by tags
* you must not use `testconductor`, or helper methods that use `testconductor`,
* from the constructor of your test class. Otherwise the controller node might
* be shutdown before other nodes have completed and you will see errors like:
* `AskTimeoutException: sending to terminated ref breaks promises`. Using lazy
* val is fine.
abstract class MultiNodeSpec(val myself: RoleName, _system: ActorSystem, _roles: immutable.Seq[RoleName], deployments: RoleName ⇒ Seq[String])
extends TestKit(_system) with MultiNodeSpecCallbacks {
import MultiNodeSpec._
def this(config: MultiNodeConfig) =
this(config.myself, ActorSystem(MultiNodeSpec.getCallerName(classOf[MultiNodeSpec]), ConfigFactory.load(config.config)),
config.roles, config.deployments)
val log: LoggingAdapter = Logging(system, this.getClass)
* Enrich `.await()` onto all Awaitables, using remaining duration from the innermost
* enclosing `within` block or QueryTimeout.
implicit def awaitHelper[T](w: Awaitable[T]) = new AwaitHelper(w)
class AwaitHelper[T](w: Awaitable[T]) {
def await: T = Await.result(w, remainingOr(testConductor.Settings.QueryTimeout.duration))
final override def multiNodeSpecBeforeAll {
final override def multiNodeSpecAfterAll {
// wait for all nodes to remove themselves before we shut the conductor down
if (selfIndex == 0) {
within(testConductor.Settings.BarrierTimeout.duration) {
awaitCond {
// Await.result(testConductor.getNodes, remaining).filterNot(_ == myself).isEmpty
testConductor.getNodes.await.filterNot(_ == myself).isEmpty
def shutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration = 5.seconds.dilated
* Override this and return `true` to assert that the
* shutdown of the `ActorSystem` was done properly.
def verifySystemShutdown: Boolean = false
* Test Class Interface
* Override this method to do something when the whole test is starting up.
protected def atStartup(): Unit = ()
* Override this method to do something when the whole test is terminating.
protected def afterTermination(): Unit = ()
* All registered roles
def roles: immutable.Seq[RoleName] = _roles
* TO BE DEFINED BY USER: Defines the number of participants required for starting the test. This
* might not be equals to the number of nodes available to the test.
* Must be a `def`:
* {{{
* def initialParticipants = 5
* }}}
def initialParticipants: Int
require(initialParticipants > 0, "initialParticipants must be a 'def' or early initializer, and it must be greater zero")
require(initialParticipants <= maxNodes, "not enough nodes to run this test")
* Access to the barriers, failure injection, etc. The extension will have
* been started either in Conductor or Player mode when the constructor of
* MultiNodeSpec finishes, i.e. do not call the start*() methods yourself!
var testConductor: TestConductorExt = null
* Execute the given block of code only on the given nodes (names according
* to the `roleMap`).
def runOn(nodes: RoleName*)(thunk: ⇒ Unit): Unit = {
if (isNode(nodes: _*)) {
* Verify that the running node matches one of the given nodes
def isNode(nodes: RoleName*): Boolean = nodes contains myself
* Enter the named barriers in the order given. Use the remaining duration from
* the innermost enclosing `within` block or the default `BarrierTimeout`
def enterBarrier(name: String*): Unit =
* Query the controller for the transport address of the given node (by role name) and
* return that as an ActorPath for easy composition:
* {{{
* val serviceA = system.actorSelection(node("master") / "user" / "serviceA")
* }}}
def node(role: RoleName): ActorPath = RootActorPath(testConductor.getAddressFor(role).await)
def muteDeadLetters(messageClasses: Class[_]*)(sys: ActorSystem = system): Unit =
if (!sys.log.isDebugEnabled) {
def mute(clazz: Class[_]): Unit =
sys.eventStream.publish(Mute(DeadLettersFilter(clazz)(occurrences = Int.MaxValue)))
if (messageClasses.isEmpty) mute(classOf[AnyRef])
else messageClasses foreach mute
* Implementation (i.e. wait for start etc.)
private val controllerAddr = new InetSocketAddress(serverName, serverPort)
protected def attachConductor(tc: TestConductorExt): Unit = {
val timeout = tc.Settings.BarrierTimeout.duration
val startFuture =
if (selfIndex == 0) tc.startController(initialParticipants, myself, controllerAddr)
else tc.startClient(myself, controllerAddr)
try Await.result(startFuture, timeout)
catch {
case NonFatal(x) ⇒ throw new RuntimeException("failure while attaching new conductor", x)
testConductor = tc
// now add deployments, if so desired
private case class Replacement(tag: String, role: RoleName) {
lazy val addr = node(role).address.toString
private val replacements = roles map (r ⇒ Replacement("@" + r.name + "@", r))
protected def injectDeployments(sys: ActorSystem, role: RoleName): Unit = {
val deployer = sys.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].provider.deployer
deployments(role) foreach { str ⇒
val deployString = (str /: replacements) {
case (base, r @ Replacement(tag, _)) ⇒
base.indexOf(tag) match {
case -1 ⇒ base
case start ⇒
val replaceWith = try
catch {
case NonFatal(e) ⇒
// might happen if all test cases are ignored (excluded) and
// controller node is finished/exited before r.addr is run
// on the other nodes
val unresolved = "akka://unresolved-replacement-" + r.role.name
log.warning(unresolved + " due to: " + e.getMessage)
base.replace(tag, replaceWith)
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
ConfigFactory.parseString(deployString).root.asScala foreach {
case (key, value: ConfigObject) ⇒ deployer.parseConfig(key, value.toConfig) foreach deployer.deploy
case (key, x) ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"key $key must map to deployment section, not simple value $x")
injectDeployments(system, myself)
protected val myAddress = system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].provider.getDefaultAddress
// useful to see which jvm is running which role, used by LogRoleReplace utility
log.info("Role [{}] started with address [{}]", myself.name, myAddress)
* This method starts a new ActorSystem with the same configuration as the
* previous one on the current node, including deployments. It also creates
* a new TestConductor client and registers itself with the conductor so
* that it is possible to use barriers etc. normally after this method has
* been called.
* NOTICE: you MUST start a new system before trying to enter a barrier or
* otherwise using the TestConductor after having terminated this node’s
* system.
protected def startNewSystem(): ActorSystem = {
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp{port=${myAddress.port.get}\nhostname=${myAddress.host.get}}")
val sys = ActorSystem(system.name, config)
injectDeployments(sys, myself)
* Use this to hook MultiNodeSpec into your test framework lifecycle, either by having your test extend MultiNodeSpec
* and call these methods or by creating a trait that calls them and then mixing that trait with your test together
* with MultiNodeSpec.
* Example trait for MultiNodeSpec with ScalaTest
* {{{
* trait STMultiNodeSpec extends MultiNodeSpecCallbacks with WordSpecLike with MustMatchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {
* override def beforeAll() = multiNodeSpecBeforeAll()
* override def afterAll() = multiNodeSpecAfterAll()
* }
* }}}
trait MultiNodeSpecCallbacks {
* Call this before the start of the test run. NOT before every test case.
def multiNodeSpecBeforeAll(): Unit
* Call this after the all test cases have run. NOT after every test case.
def multiNodeSpecAfterAll(): Unit
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