Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Code generated from OpenAPI specs by Databricks SDK Generator. DO NOT EDIT.
* Experiments are the primary unit of organization in MLflow; all MLflow runs belong to an
* experiment. Each experiment lets you visualize, search, and compare runs, as well as download run
* artifacts or metadata for analysis in other tools. Experiments are maintained in a Databricks
* hosted MLflow tracking server.
* Experiments are located in the workspace file tree. You manage experiments using the same
* tools you use to manage other workspace objects such as folders, notebooks, and libraries.
This is the high-level interface, that contains generated methods.
Evolving: this interface is under development. Method signatures may change.
public interface ExperimentsService {
* Create experiment.
Creates an experiment with a name. Returns the ID of the newly created experiment. Validates
* that another experiment with the same name does not already exist and fails if another
* experiment with the same name already exists.
Throws `RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS` if a experiment with the given name exists.
CreateExperimentResponse createExperiment(CreateExperiment createExperiment);
* Create a run.
Creates a new run within an experiment. A run is usually a single execution of a machine
* learning or data ETL pipeline. MLflow uses runs to track the `mlflowParam`, `mlflowMetric` and
* `mlflowRunTag` associated with a single execution.
CreateRunResponse createRun(CreateRun createRun);
* Delete an experiment.
Marks an experiment and associated metadata, runs, metrics, params, and tags for deletion.
* If the experiment uses FileStore, artifacts associated with experiment are also deleted.
void deleteExperiment(DeleteExperiment deleteExperiment);
* Delete a run.
Marks a run for deletion.
void deleteRun(DeleteRun deleteRun);
* Delete runs by creation time.
Bulk delete runs in an experiment that were created prior to or at the specified timestamp.
* Deletes at most max_runs per request. To call this API from a Databricks Notebook in Python,
* you can use the client code snippet on
DeleteRunsResponse deleteRuns(DeleteRuns deleteRuns);
* Delete a tag.
Deletes a tag on a run. Tags are run metadata that can be updated during a run and after a
* run completes.
void deleteTag(DeleteTag deleteTag);
* Get metadata.
Gets metadata for an experiment.
This endpoint will return deleted experiments, but prefers the active experiment if an
* active and deleted experiment share the same name. If multiple deleted experiments share the
* same name, the API will return one of them.
Throws `RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST` if no experiment with the specified name exists.
GetExperimentResponse getByName(GetByNameRequest getByNameRequest);
* Get an experiment.
Gets metadata for an experiment. This method works on deleted experiments.
GetExperimentResponse getExperiment(GetExperimentRequest getExperimentRequest);
* Get history of a given metric within a run.
Gets a list of all values for the specified metric for a given run.
GetMetricHistoryResponse getHistory(GetHistoryRequest getHistoryRequest);
* Get experiment permission levels.
Gets the permission levels that a user can have on an object.
GetExperimentPermissionLevelsResponse getPermissionLevels(
GetExperimentPermissionLevelsRequest getExperimentPermissionLevelsRequest);
* Get experiment permissions.
Gets the permissions of an experiment. Experiments can inherit permissions from their root
* object.
ExperimentPermissions getPermissions(
GetExperimentPermissionsRequest getExperimentPermissionsRequest);
* Get a run.
Gets the metadata, metrics, params, and tags for a run. In the case where multiple metrics
* with the same key are logged for a run, return only the value with the latest timestamp.
If there are multiple values with the latest timestamp, return the maximum of these values.
GetRunResponse getRun(GetRunRequest getRunRequest);
* Get all artifacts.
List artifacts for a run. Takes an optional `artifact_path` prefix. If it is specified, the
* response contains only artifacts with the specified prefix. This API does not support
* pagination when listing artifacts in UC Volumes. A maximum of 1000 artifacts will be retrieved
* for UC Volumes. Please call `/api/2.0/fs/directories{directory_path}` for listing artifacts in
* UC Volumes, which supports pagination. See [List directory contents | Files
* API](/api/workspace/files/listdirectorycontents).
ListArtifactsResponse listArtifacts(ListArtifactsRequest listArtifactsRequest);
* List experiments.
Gets a list of all experiments.
ListExperimentsResponse listExperiments(ListExperimentsRequest listExperimentsRequest);
* Log a batch.
Logs a batch of metrics, params, and tags for a run. If any data failed to be persisted, the
* server will respond with an error (non-200 status code).
In case of error (due to internal server error or an invalid request), partial data may be
* written.
You can write metrics, params, and tags in interleaving fashion, but within a given entity
* type are guaranteed to follow the order specified in the request body.
The overwrite behavior for metrics, params, and tags is as follows:
* Metrics: metric values are never overwritten. Logging a metric (key, value, timestamp)
* appends to the set of values for the metric with the provided key.
* Tags: tag values can be overwritten by successive writes to the same tag key. That is, if
* multiple tag values with the same key are provided in the same API request, the last-provided
* tag value is written. Logging the same tag (key, value) is permitted. Specifically, logging a
* tag is idempotent.
* Parameters: once written, param values cannot be changed (attempting to overwrite a param
* value will result in an error). However, logging the same param (key, value) is permitted.
* Specifically, logging a param is idempotent.
Request Limits ------------------------------- A single JSON-serialized API request may be
* up to 1 MB in size and contain:
* No more than 1000 metrics, params, and tags in total * Up to 1000 metrics * Up to 100
* params * Up to 100 tags
For example, a valid request might contain 900 metrics, 50 params, and 50 tags, but logging
* 900 metrics, 50 params, and 51 tags is invalid.
The following limits also apply to metric, param, and tag keys and values:
* Metric keys, param keys, and tag keys can be up to 250 characters in length * Parameter
* and tag values can be up to 250 characters in length
void logBatch(LogBatch logBatch);
* Log inputs to a run.
**NOTE:** Experimental: This API may change or be removed in a future release without
* warning.
void logInputs(LogInputs logInputs);
* Log a metric.
Logs a metric for a run. A metric is a key-value pair (string key, float value) with an
* associated timestamp. Examples include the various metrics that represent ML model accuracy. A
* metric can be logged multiple times.
void logMetric(LogMetric logMetric);
* Log a model.
**NOTE:** Experimental: This API may change or be removed in a future release without
* warning.
void logModel(LogModel logModel);
* Log a param.
Logs a param used for a run. A param is a key-value pair (string key, string value).
* Examples include hyperparameters used for ML model training and constant dates and values used
* in an ETL pipeline. A param can be logged only once for a run.
void logParam(LogParam logParam);
* Restores an experiment.
Restore an experiment marked for deletion. This also restores associated metadata, runs,
* metrics, params, and tags. If experiment uses FileStore, underlying artifacts associated with
* experiment are also restored.
Throws `RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST` if experiment was never created or was permanently deleted.
void restoreExperiment(RestoreExperiment restoreExperiment);
* Restore a run.
Restores a deleted run.
void restoreRun(RestoreRun restoreRun);
* Restore runs by deletion time.
Bulk restore runs in an experiment that were deleted no earlier than the specified
* timestamp. Restores at most max_runs per request. To call this API from a Databricks Notebook
* in Python, you can use the client code snippet on
RestoreRunsResponse restoreRuns(RestoreRuns restoreRuns);
* Search experiments.
Searches for experiments that satisfy specified search criteria.
SearchExperimentsResponse searchExperiments(SearchExperiments searchExperiments);
* Search for runs.
Searches for runs that satisfy expressions.
Search expressions can use `mlflowMetric` and `mlflowParam` keys.",
SearchRunsResponse searchRuns(SearchRuns searchRuns);
* Set a tag.
Sets a tag on an experiment. Experiment tags are metadata that can be updated.
void setExperimentTag(SetExperimentTag setExperimentTag);
* Set experiment permissions.
Sets permissions on an object, replacing existing permissions if they exist. Deletes all
* direct permissions if none are specified. Objects can inherit permissions from their root
* object.
ExperimentPermissions setPermissions(ExperimentPermissionsRequest experimentPermissionsRequest);
* Set a tag.
Sets a tag on a run. Tags are run metadata that can be updated during a run and after a run
* completes.
void setTag(SetTag setTag);
* Update an experiment.
Updates experiment metadata.
void updateExperiment(UpdateExperiment updateExperiment);
* Update experiment permissions.
Updates the permissions on an experiment. Experiments can inherit permissions from their
* root object.
ExperimentPermissions updatePermissions(
ExperimentPermissionsRequest experimentPermissionsRequest);
* Update a run.
Updates run metadata.
UpdateRunResponse updateRun(UpdateRun updateRun);