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sjsonnet.Evaluator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sjsonnet
import Expr.{Error => _, _}
import sjsonnet.Expr.Member.Visibility
import ujson.Value
import scala.collection.mutable
* Recursively walks the [[Expr]] trees to convert them into into [[Val]]
* objects that can be materialized to JSON.
* Performs import resolution and parsing on-demand when the relevant nodes
* in the syntax tree are reached, and caches the evaluated result of each
* imported module to be re-used. Parsing is cached separatedly by an external
* `parseCache`.
class Evaluator(resolver: CachedResolver,
val extVars: String => Option[Expr],
val wd: Path,
val settings: Settings,
warnLogger: Error => Unit = null) extends EvalScope {
implicit def evalScope: EvalScope = this
def importer: CachedImporter = resolver
def warn(e: Error): Unit = if(warnLogger != null) warnLogger(e)
def materialize(v: Val): Value = Materializer.apply(v)
val cachedImports = collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[Path, Val]
def visitExpr(e: Expr)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = try {
e match {
case e: ValidId => visitValidId(e)
case e: BinaryOp => visitBinaryOp(e)
case e: Select => visitSelect(e)
case e: Val => e
case e: ApplyBuiltin1 => visitApplyBuiltin1(e)
case e: ApplyBuiltin2 => visitApplyBuiltin2(e)
case e: And => visitAnd(e)
case e: Or => visitOr(e)
case e: UnaryOp => visitUnaryOp(e)
case e: Apply1 => visitApply1(e)
case e: Lookup => visitLookup(e)
case e: Function => visitMethod(e.body, e.params, e.pos)
case e: LocalExpr => visitLocalExpr(e)
case e: Apply => visitApply(e)
case e: IfElse => visitIfElse(e)
case e: Apply3 => visitApply3(e)
case e: ObjBody.MemberList => visitMemberList(e.pos, e, null)
case e: Apply2 => visitApply2(e)
case e: AssertExpr => visitAssert(e)
case e: ApplyBuiltin => visitApplyBuiltin(e)
case e: Comp => visitComp(e)
case e: Arr => visitArr(e)
case e: SelectSuper => visitSelectSuper(e)
case e: LookupSuper => visitLookupSuper(e)
case e: InSuper => visitInSuper(e)
case e: ObjExtend => visitObjExtend(e)
case e: ObjBody.ObjComp => visitObjComp(e, null)
case e: Slice => visitSlice(e)
case e: Import => visitImport(e)
case e: Apply0 => visitApply0(e)
case e: ImportStr => visitImportStr(e)
case e: Expr.Error => visitError(e)
case e => visitInvalid(e)
} catch Error.withStackFrame(e)
// This is only needed for --no-static-errors, otherwise these expression types do not make it past the optimizer
def visitInvalid(e: Expr): Nothing = e match {
case Id(pos, name) =>
Error.fail("Unknown variable: " + name, pos)
case Self(pos) =>
Error.fail("Can't use self outside of an object", pos)
case $(pos) =>
Error.fail("Can't use $ outside of an object", pos)
case Super(pos) =>
Error.fail("Can't use super outside of an object", pos)
def visitAsLazy(e: Expr)(implicit scope: ValScope): Lazy = e match {
case v: Val => v
case e => () => visitExpr(e)
def visitValidId(e: ValidId)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val ref = scope.bindings(e.nameIdx)
def visitSelect(e: Select)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = visitExpr(e.value) match {
case obj: Val.Obj => obj.value(e.name, e.pos)
case r => Error.fail(s"attempted to index a ${r.prettyName} with string ${e.name}", e.pos)
def visitLocalExpr(e: LocalExpr)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val bindings = e.bindings
val s =
if(bindings == null) scope else {
val base = scope.length
val newScope = scope.extendBy(bindings.length)
var i = 0
while(i < bindings.length) {
val b = bindings(i)
newScope.bindings(base+i) = b.args match {
case null => visitAsLazy(b.rhs)(newScope)
case argSpec => () => visitMethod(b.rhs, argSpec, b.pos)(newScope)
i += 1
def visitComp(e: Comp)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val =
new Val.Arr(e.pos, visitComp(e.first :: e.rest.toList, Array(scope)).map(s => visitAsLazy(e.value)(s)))
def visitArr(e: Arr)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val =
new Val.Arr(e.pos, e.value.map(visitAsLazy))
def visitSelectSuper(e: SelectSuper)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val sup = scope.bindings(e.selfIdx+1).asInstanceOf[Val.Obj]
if(sup == null) Error.fail("Attempt to use `super` when there is no super class", e.pos)
else sup.value(e.name, e.pos, scope.bindings(e.selfIdx).asInstanceOf[Val.Obj])
def visitObjExtend(e: ObjExtend)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val original = visitExpr(e.base).cast[Val.Obj]
e.ext match {
case ext: ObjBody.MemberList => visitMemberList(e.pos, ext, original)
case ext: ObjBody.ObjComp => visitObjComp(ext, original)
case o: Val.Obj => o.addSuper(e.pos, original)
def visitIfElse(e: IfElse)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
visitExpr(e.cond) match {
case Val.True(_) => visitExpr(e.`then`)
case Val.False(_) =>
e.`else` match {
case null => Val.Null(e.pos)
case v => visitExpr(v)
case v => Error.fail("Need boolean, found " + v.prettyName, e.pos)
def visitError(e: Expr.Error)(implicit scope: ValScope): Nothing = {
Error.fail(materializeError(visitExpr(e.value)), e.pos)
private def materializeError(value: Val) = value match {
case Val.Str(_, s) => s
case r => Materializer.stringify(r)
def visitUnaryOp(e: UnaryOp)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val v = visitExpr(e.value)
val pos = e.pos
def fail() = Error.fail(s"Unknown unary operation: ${Expr.UnaryOp.name(e.op)} ${v.prettyName}", pos)
e.op match {
case Expr.UnaryOp.OP_! => v match {
case Val.True(_) => Val.False(pos)
case Val.False(_) => Val.True(pos)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.UnaryOp.OP_- => v match {
case Val.Num(_, v) => Val.Num(pos, -v)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.UnaryOp.OP_~ => v match {
case Val.Num(_, v) => Val.Num(pos, ~v.toLong)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.UnaryOp.OP_+ => v match {
case Val.Num(_, v) => Val.Num(pos, v)
case _ => fail()
case _ => fail()
private def visitApply(e: Apply)(implicit scope: ValScope) = {
val lhs = visitExpr(e.value)
val args = e.args
val argsL = new Array[Lazy](args.length)
var idx = 0
while (idx < args.length) {
argsL(idx) = visitAsLazy(args(idx))
idx += 1
lhs.cast[Val.Func].apply(argsL, e.namedNames, e.pos)
private def visitApply0(e: Apply0)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val lhs = visitExpr(e.value)
private def visitApply1(e: Apply1)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val lhs = visitExpr(e.value)
val l1 = visitAsLazy(e.a1)
lhs.cast[Val.Func].apply1(l1, e.pos)
private def visitApply2(e: Apply2)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val lhs = visitExpr(e.value)
val l1 = visitAsLazy(e.a1)
val l2 = visitAsLazy(e.a2)
lhs.cast[Val.Func].apply2(l1, l2, e.pos)
private def visitApply3(e: Apply3)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val lhs = visitExpr(e.value)
val l1 = visitAsLazy(e.a1)
val l2 = visitAsLazy(e.a2)
val l3 = visitAsLazy(e.a3)
lhs.cast[Val.Func].apply3(l1, l2, l3, e.pos)
private def visitApplyBuiltin1(e: ApplyBuiltin1)(implicit scope: ValScope) =
e.func.evalRhs(visitExpr(e.a1), this, e.pos)
private def visitApplyBuiltin2(e: ApplyBuiltin2)(implicit scope: ValScope) =
e.func.evalRhs(visitExpr(e.a1), visitExpr(e.a2), this, e.pos)
private def visitApplyBuiltin(e: ApplyBuiltin)(implicit scope: ValScope) = {
val arr = new Array[Val](e.argExprs.length)
var idx = 0
while (idx < e.argExprs.length) {
val boundIdx = idx
arr(idx) = visitExpr(e.argExprs(boundIdx))
idx += 1
e.func.evalRhs(arr, this, e.pos)
def visitAssert(e: AssertExpr)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
if (!visitExpr(e.asserted.value).isInstanceOf[Val.True]) {
e.asserted.msg match {
case null => Error.fail("Assertion failed", e)
case msg =>
Error.fail("Assertion failed: " + materializeError(visitExpr(msg)), e)
private def visitSlice(e: Slice)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
visitExpr(e.value) match {
case a: Val.Arr =>
new Val.Arr(
case Val.Str(_, s) =>
case x => Error.fail("Can only slice array or string, not " + x.prettyName, e.pos)
def visitLookup(e: Lookup)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val pos = e.pos
(visitExpr(e.value), visitExpr(e.index)) match {
case (v: Val.Arr, i: Val.Num) =>
val int = i.value.toInt
if (int != i.value) Error.fail("array index was not integer: " + i.value, pos)
if (int >= v.length) Error.fail(s"array bounds error: ${int} not within [0, ${v.length})", pos)
case (v: Val.Str, i: Val.Num) => Val.Str(pos, new String(Array(v.value(i.value.toInt))))
case (v: Val.Obj, i: Val.Str) =>
v.value(i.value, pos)
case (lhs, rhs) =>
Error.fail(s"attempted to index a ${lhs.prettyName} with ${rhs.prettyName}", pos)
def visitLookupSuper(e: LookupSuper)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
var sup = scope.bindings(e.selfIdx+1).asInstanceOf[Val.Obj]
val key = visitExpr(e.index).cast[Val.Str]
if(sup == null) sup = scope.bindings(e.selfIdx).asInstanceOf[Val.Obj]
sup.value(key.value, e.pos)
def visitImportStr(e: ImportStr)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val.Str =
Val.Str(e.pos, importer.resolveAndReadOrFail(e.value, e.pos)._2.readString())
def visitImport(e: Import)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val = {
val (p, str) = importer.resolveAndReadOrFail(e.value, e.pos)
val doc = resolver.parse(p, str) match {
case Right((expr, _)) => expr
case Left(err) => throw err.asSeenFrom(this)
def visitAnd(e: And)(implicit scope: ValScope) = {
visitExpr(e.lhs) match {
case _: Val.True =>
visitExpr(e.rhs) match{
case b: Val.Bool => b
case unknown =>
Error.fail(s"binary operator && does not operate on ${unknown.prettyName}s.", e.pos)
case _: Val.False => Val.False(e.pos)
case unknown =>
Error.fail(s"binary operator && does not operate on ${unknown.prettyName}s.", e.pos)
def visitOr(e: Or)(implicit scope: ValScope) = {
visitExpr(e.lhs) match {
case _: Val.True => Val.True(e.pos)
case _: Val.False =>
visitExpr(e.rhs) match{
case b: Val.Bool => b
case unknown =>
Error.fail(s"binary operator || does not operate on ${unknown.prettyName}s.", e.pos)
case unknown =>
Error.fail(s"binary operator || does not operate on ${unknown.prettyName}s.", e.pos)
def visitInSuper(e: InSuper)(implicit scope: ValScope) = {
val sup = scope.bindings(e.selfIdx+1).asInstanceOf[Val.Obj]
if(sup == null) Val.False(e.pos)
else {
val key = visitExpr(e.value).cast[Val.Str]
Val.bool(e.pos, sup.containsKey(key.value))
def visitBinaryOp(e: BinaryOp)(implicit scope: ValScope) = {
val l = visitExpr(e.lhs)
val r = visitExpr(e.rhs)
val pos = e.pos
def fail() = Error.fail(s"Unknown binary operation: ${l.prettyName} ${Expr.BinaryOp.name(e.op)} ${r.prettyName}", pos)
e.op match {
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_== =>
if (l.isInstanceOf[Val.Func] && r.isInstanceOf[Val.Func]) {
Error.fail("cannot test equality of functions", pos)
Val.bool(pos, equal(l, r))
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_!= =>
if (l.isInstanceOf[Val.Func] && r.isInstanceOf[Val.Func]) {
Error.fail("cannot test equality of functions", pos)
Val.bool(pos, !equal(l, r))
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_+ => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.Num(pos, l + r)
case (Val.Str(_, l), Val.Str(_, r)) => Val.Str(pos, l + r)
case (Val.Str(_, l), r) => Val.Str(pos, l + Materializer.stringify(r))
case (l, Val.Str(_, r)) => Val.Str(pos, Materializer.stringify(l) + r)
case (l: Val.Obj, r: Val.Obj) => r.addSuper(pos, l)
case (l: Val.Arr, r: Val.Arr) => l.concat(pos, r)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_- => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.Num(pos, l - r)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_* => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.Num(pos, l * r)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_/ => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) =>
if (r == 0) Error.fail("division by zero", pos)
Val.Num(pos, l / r)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_% => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.Num(pos, l % r)
case (Val.Str(_, l), r) => Val.Str(pos, Format.format(l, r, pos))
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_< => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Str(_, l), Val.Str(_, r)) => Val.bool(pos, l < r)
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.bool(pos, l < r)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_> => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Str(_, l), Val.Str(_, r)) => Val.bool(pos, l > r)
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.bool(pos, l > r)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_<= => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Str(_, l), Val.Str(_, r)) => Val.bool(pos, l <= r)
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.bool(pos, l <= r)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_>= => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Str(_, l), Val.Str(_, r)) => Val.bool(pos, l >= r)
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.bool(pos, l >= r)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_<< => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.Num(pos, l.toLong << r.toLong)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_>> => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.Num(pos, l.toLong >> r.toLong)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_in => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Str(_, l), o: Val.Obj) => Val.bool(pos, o.containsKey(l))
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_& => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.Num(pos, l.toLong & r.toLong)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_^ => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.Num(pos, l.toLong ^ r.toLong)
case _ => fail()
case Expr.BinaryOp.OP_| => (l, r) match {
case (Val.Num(_, l), Val.Num(_, r)) => Val.Num(pos, l.toLong | r.toLong)
case _ => fail()
case _ => fail()
def visitFieldName(fieldName: FieldName, pos: Position)(implicit scope: ValScope): String = {
fieldName match {
case FieldName.Fixed(s) => s
case FieldName.Dyn(k) => visitExpr(k) match{
case Val.Str(_, k1) => k1
case Val.Null(_) => null
case x => Error.fail(
s"Field name must be string or null, not ${x.prettyName}",
def visitMethod(rhs: Expr, params: Params, outerPos: Position)(implicit scope: ValScope) =
new Val.Func(outerPos, scope, params) {
def evalRhs(vs: ValScope, es: EvalScope, fs: FileScope, pos: Position): Val = visitExpr(rhs)(vs)
override def evalDefault(expr: Expr, vs: ValScope, es: EvalScope) = visitExpr(expr)(vs)
def visitBindings(bindings: Array[Bind], scope: (Val.Obj, Val.Obj) => ValScope): Array[(Val.Obj, Val.Obj) => Lazy] = {
val arrF = new Array[(Val.Obj, Val.Obj) => Lazy](bindings.length)
var i = 0
while(i < bindings.length) {
val b = bindings(i)
arrF(i) = b.args match {
case null =>
(self: Val.Obj, sup: Val.Obj) => () => visitExpr(b.rhs)(scope(self, sup))
case argSpec =>
(self: Val.Obj, sup: Val.Obj) => () => visitMethod(b.rhs, argSpec, b.pos)(scope(self, sup))
i += 1
def visitMemberList(objPos: Position, e: ObjBody.MemberList, sup: Val.Obj)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val.Obj = {
val asserts = e.asserts
val fields = e.fields
var cachedSimpleScope: ValScope = null.asInstanceOf[ValScope]
var cachedObj: Val.Obj = null
var asserting: Boolean = false
def makeNewScope(self: Val.Obj, sup: Val.Obj): ValScope = {
if((sup eq null) && (self eq cachedObj)) {
if(cachedSimpleScope == null.asInstanceOf[ValScope]) cachedSimpleScope = createNewScope(self, sup)
} else createNewScope(self, sup)
def assertions(self: Val.Obj): Unit = if (
// We need to avoid asserting the same object more than once to prevent
// infinite recursion, but the previous implementation had the `asserting`
// flag kept under the object's *instantiation* rather than under the
// object itself. That means that objects that are instantiated once then
// extended multiple times would only trigger the assertions once, rather
// than once per extension.
// Due to backwards compatibility concerns, this fix has to go in under
// the flag `strictInheritedAssertions`, to be removed after an appropriate
// time period has passed.
(settings.strictInheritedAssertions && !self.asserting) ||
(!settings.strictInheritedAssertions && !asserting)
) {
if (settings.strictInheritedAssertions) self.asserting = true
else asserting = true
val newScope: ValScope = makeNewScope(self, self.getSuper)
var i = 0
while(i < asserts.length) {
val a = asserts(i)
if (!visitExpr(a.value)(newScope).isInstanceOf[Val.True]) {
a.msg match {
case null => Error.fail("Assertion failed", a.value.pos, "Assert")
case msg =>
"Assertion failed: " + visitExpr(msg)(newScope).cast[Val.Str].value,
a.value.pos, "Assert"
i += 1
def createNewScope(self: Val.Obj, sup: Val.Obj): ValScope = {
val scopeLen = scope.length
val binds = e.binds
val by = if(binds == null) 2 else 2 + binds.length
val newScope = scope.extendBy(by)
newScope.bindings(scopeLen) = self
newScope.bindings(scopeLen+1) = sup
if(binds != null) {
val arrF = newScope.bindings
var i = 0
var j = scopeLen+2
while(i < binds.length) {
val b = binds(i)
arrF(j) = b.args match {
case null =>
case argSpec =>
() => visitMethod(b.rhs, argSpec, b.pos)(newScope)
i += 1
j += 1
val builder = new java.util.LinkedHashMap[String, Val.Obj.Member]
fields.foreach {
case Member.Field(offset, fieldName, plus, null, sep, rhs) =>
val k = visitFieldName(fieldName, offset)
if(k != null) {
val v = new Val.Obj.Member(plus, sep) {
def invoke(self: Val.Obj, sup: Val.Obj, fs: FileScope, ev: EvalScope): Val = {
if(asserts != null) assertions(self)
visitExpr(rhs)(makeNewScope(self, sup))
builder.put(k, v)
case Member.Field(offset, fieldName, false, argSpec, sep, rhs) =>
val k = visitFieldName(fieldName, offset)
if(k != null) {
val v = new Val.Obj.Member(false, sep) {
def invoke(self: Val.Obj, sup: Val.Obj, fs: FileScope, ev: EvalScope): Val = {
if(asserts != null) assertions(self)
visitMethod(rhs, argSpec, offset)(makeNewScope(self, sup))
builder.put(k, v)
cachedObj = new Val.Obj(objPos, builder, false, if(asserts != null) assertions else null, sup)
def visitObjComp(e: ObjBody.ObjComp, sup: Val.Obj)(implicit scope: ValScope): Val.Obj = {
val binds = e.preLocals ++ e.postLocals
val compScope: ValScope = scope //.clearSuper
lazy val newSelf: Val.Obj = {
val builder = new java.util.LinkedHashMap[String, Val.Obj.Member]
for(s <- visitComp(e.first :: e.rest, Array(compScope))){
lazy val newScope: ValScope = s.extend(newBindings, newSelf, null)
lazy val newBindings = visitBindings(binds, (self, sup) => newScope)
visitExpr(e.key)(s) match {
case Val.Str(_, k) =>
val prev_length = builder.size()
builder.put(k, new Val.Obj.Member(e.plus, Visibility.Normal) {
def invoke(self: Val.Obj, sup: Val.Obj, fs: FileScope, ev: EvalScope): Val =
s.extend(newBindings, self, null)
if (prev_length == builder.size() && settings.noDuplicateKeysInComprehension) {
Error.fail(s"Duplicate key ${k} in evaluated object comprehension.", e.pos);
case Val.Null(_) => // do nothing
new Val.Obj(e.pos, builder, false, null, sup)
def visitComp(f: List[CompSpec], scopes: Array[ValScope]): Array[ValScope] = f match{
case (spec @ ForSpec(_, name, expr)) :: rest =>
s <- scopes
e <- visitExpr(expr)(s) match{
case a: Val.Arr => a.asLazyArray
case r => Error.fail(
"In comprehension, can only iterate over array, not " + r.prettyName,
} yield s.extendSimple(e)
case (spec @ IfSpec(offset, expr)) :: rest =>
visitComp(rest, scopes.filter(visitExpr(expr)(_) match {
case Val.True(_) => true
case Val.False(_) => false
case other => Error.fail(
"Condition must be boolean, got " + other.prettyName,
case Nil => scopes
def equal(x: Val, y: Val): Boolean = (x eq y) || (x match {
case _: Val.True => y.isInstanceOf[Val.True]
case _: Val.False => y.isInstanceOf[Val.False]
case _: Val.Null => y.isInstanceOf[Val.Null]
case x: Val.Str => y match {
case y: Val.Str => x.value == y.value
case _ => false
case x: Val.Num => y match {
case y: Val.Num => x.value == y.value
case _ => false
case x: Val.Arr => y match {
case y: Val.Arr =>
val xlen = x.length
if(xlen != y.length) return false
var i = 0
while(i < xlen) {
if(!equal(x.force(i), y.force(i))) return false
i += 1
case _ => false
case x: Val.Obj => y match {
case y: Val.Obj =>
val k1 = x.visibleKeyNames
val k2 = y.visibleKeyNames
val k1len = k1.length
if(k1len != k2.length) return false
var i = 0
while(i < k1len) {
val k = k1(i)
if(!y.containsKey(k)) return false
val v1 = x.value(k, emptyMaterializeFileScopePos)
val v2 = y.value(k, emptyMaterializeFileScopePos)
if(!equal(v1, v2)) return false
i += 1
case _ => false
case _ => false
object Evaluator {
val emptyStringArray = new Array[String](0)
val emptyLazyArray = new Array[Lazy](0)
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