sjsonnet.Importer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sjsonnet
import{BufferedInputStream, BufferedReader, ByteArrayInputStream, File, FileInputStream, FileReader, InputStream, RandomAccessFile, Reader, StringReader}
import java.nio.file.Files
import scala.collection.mutable
import fastparse.{IndexedParserInput, Parsed, ParserInput}
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
/** Resolve and read imported files */
abstract class Importer {
def resolve(docBase: Path, importName: String): Option[Path]
def read(path: Path): Option[ResolvedFile]
def resolveAndRead(docBase: Path, importName: String): Option[(Path, ResolvedFile)] = for {
path <- resolve(docBase, importName)
txt <- read(path)
} yield (path, txt)
def resolveAndReadOrFail(value: String, pos: Position)(implicit ev: EvalErrorScope): (Path, ResolvedFile) =
resolveAndRead(pos.fileScope.currentFile.parent(), value)
.getOrElse("Couldn't import file: " + pprint.Util.literalize(value), pos))
object Importer {
val empty: Importer = new Importer {
def resolve(docBase: Path, importName: String): Option[Path] = None
def read(path: Path): Option[ResolvedFile] = None
case class FileParserInput(file: File) extends ParserInput {
private[this] val bufferedFile = new BufferedRandomAccessFile(file.getAbsolutePath, 1024 * 8)
private lazy val fileLength = file.length.toInt
override def apply(index: Int): Char = {
override def dropBuffer(index: Int): Unit = {}
override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): String = {
bufferedFile.readString(from, until)
override def length: Int = fileLength
override def innerLength: Int = length
override def isReachable(index: Int): Boolean = index < length
override def checkTraceable(): Unit = {}
private[this] lazy val lineNumberLookup: Array[Int] = {
val lines = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
val bufferedStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))
var byteRead: Int = 0
var currentPosition = 0
while ({ byteRead =; byteRead != -1 }) {
if (byteRead == '\n') {
lines += currentPosition + 1
currentPosition += 1
def prettyIndex(index: Int): String = {
val line = lineNumberLookup.indexWhere(_ > index) match {
case -1 => lineNumberLookup.length - 1
case n => math.max(0, n - 1)
val col = index - lineNumberLookup(line)
s"${line + 1}:${col + 1}"
class BufferedRandomAccessFile(fileName: String, bufferSize: Int) {
// The file is opened in read-only mode
private val file = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "r")
private val buffer = new Array[Byte](bufferSize)
private var bufferStart: Long = -1
private var bufferEnd: Long = -1
private val fileLength: Long = file.length()
private def fillBuffer(position: Long): Unit = {
if (file.getFilePointer() != position) {
val bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize)
bufferStart = position
bufferEnd = position + bytesRead
def readChar(index: Long): Char = {
if (index >= fileLength) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Index $index is out of bounds for file of length $fileLength")
if (index < bufferStart || index >= bufferEnd) {
buffer((index - bufferStart).toInt).toChar
def readString(from: Long, until: Long): String = {
if (!(from < fileLength && until <= fileLength && from <= until)) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Invalid range: $from-$until for file of length $fileLength")
val length = (until - from).toInt
if (from >= bufferStart && until <= bufferEnd) {
// Range is within the buffer
new String(buffer, (from - bufferStart).toInt, length, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
} else {
// Range is outside the buffer
val stringBytes = new Array[Byte](length)
file.readFully(stringBytes, 0, length)
new String(stringBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
def close(): Unit = {
trait ResolvedFile {
* Get an efficient parser input for this resolved file. Large files will be read from disk
* (buffered reads), while small files will be served from memory.
def getParserInput(): ParserInput
// Use this to read the file as a string. This is generally used for `importstr`
def readString(): String
// Get a content hash of the file suitable for detecting changes in a given file.
def contentHash(): String
case class StaticResolvedFile(content: String) extends ResolvedFile {
def getParserInput(): ParserInput = IndexedParserInput(content)
def readString(): String = content
// We just cheat, the content hash can be the content itself for static imports
lazy val contentHash: String = content
class CachedImporter(parent: Importer) extends Importer {
val cache = mutable.HashMap.empty[Path, ResolvedFile]
def resolve(docBase: Path, importName: String): Option[Path] = parent.resolve(docBase, importName)
def read(path: Path): Option[ResolvedFile] = cache.get(path) match {
case s @ Some(x) =>
if(x == null) None else s
case None =>
val x =
cache.put(path, x.getOrElse(null))
class CachedResolver(
parentImporter: Importer,
val parseCache: ParseCache,
strictImportSyntax: Boolean,
internedStrings: mutable.HashMap[String, String],
internedStaticFieldSets: mutable.HashMap[Val.StaticObjectFieldSet, java.util.LinkedHashMap[String, java.lang.Boolean]]) extends CachedImporter(parentImporter) {
def parse(path: Path, content: ResolvedFile)(implicit ev: EvalErrorScope): Either[Error, (Expr, FileScope)] = {
parseCache.getOrElseUpdate((path, content.contentHash.toString), {
val parsed = fastparse.parse(content.getParserInput(), new Parser(path, strictImportSyntax, internedStrings, internedStaticFieldSets).document(_)) match {
case f @ Parsed.Failure(_, _, _) =>
val traced = f.trace()
val pos = new Position(new FileScope(path), traced.index)
Left(new ParseError(traced.msg).addFrame(pos))
case Parsed.Success(r, _) => Right(r)
parsed.flatMap { case (e, fs) => process(e, fs) }
def process(expr: Expr, fs: FileScope): Either[Error, (Expr, FileScope)] = Right((expr, fs))
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