com.databricks.spark.xml.util.InferSchema.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Databricks
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.databricks.spark.xml.util
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
import javax.xml.stream.events._
import javax.xml.stream.{XMLStreamConstants, XMLStreamException, XMLEventReader, XMLInputFactory}
import com.databricks.spark.xml.parsers.StaxXmlParserUtils
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scala.collection.Seq
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import com.databricks.spark.xml.util.TypeCast._
import com.databricks.spark.xml.XmlOptions
private[xml] object InferSchema {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InferSchema.getClass)
* Copied from internal Spark api
* [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.HiveTypeCoercion]]
private val numericPrecedence: IndexedSeq[DataType] =
val findTightestCommonTypeOfTwo: (DataType, DataType) => Option[DataType] = {
case (t1, t2) if t1 == t2 => Some(t1)
// Promote numeric types to the highest of the two
case (t1, t2) if Seq(t1, t2).forall(numericPrecedence.contains) =>
val index = numericPrecedence.lastIndexWhere(t => t == t1 || t == t2)
case _ => None
* Infer the type of a collection of XML records in three stages:
* 1. Infer the type of each record
* 2. Merge types by choosing the lowest type necessary to cover equal keys
* 3. Replace any remaining null fields with string, the top type
def infer(xml: RDD[String], options: XmlOptions): StructType = {
require(options.samplingRatio > 0,
s"samplingRatio ($options.samplingRatio) should be greater than 0")
val schemaData = if (options.samplingRatio > 0.99) {
} else {
xml.sample(withReplacement = false, options.samplingRatio, 1)
val failFast = options.failFastFlag
// perform schema inference on each row and merge afterwards
val rootType = schemaData.mapPartitions { iter =>
val factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance()
factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_NAMESPACE_AWARE, false)
factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING, true)
iter.flatMap { xml =>
// It does not have to skip for white space, since [[XmlInputFormat]]
// always finds the root tag without a heading space.
val reader = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes)
val parser = factory.createXMLEventReader(reader)
try {
val rootEvent =
StaxXmlParserUtils.skipUntil(parser, XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT)
val rootAttributes =
Some(inferObject(parser, options, rootAttributes))
} catch {
case _: XMLStreamException if !failFast =>
logger.warn(s"Dropping malformed row: ${xml.replaceAll("\n", "")}")
case _: XMLStreamException if failFast =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"Malformed row (failing fast): ${xml.replaceAll("\n", "")}")
compatibleType(options), compatibleType(options))
canonicalizeType(rootType) match {
case Some(st: StructType) => st
case _ =>
// canonicalizeType erases all empty structs, including the only one we want to keep
private def inferFrom: String => DataType = {
case null => NullType
case v if v.isEmpty => NullType
case v if isLong(v) => LongType
case v if isInteger(v) => IntegerType
case v if isDouble(v) => DoubleType
case v if isBoolean(v) => BooleanType
case v if isTimestamp(v) => TimestampType
case v => StringType
private def inferField(parser: XMLEventReader, options: XmlOptions): DataType = {
parser.peek match {
case _: EndElement => NullType
case _: StartElement => inferObject(parser, options)
case c: Characters if c.isWhiteSpace =>
// When `Characters` is found, we need to look further to decide
// if this is really data or space between other elements.
val data = c.getData
parser.peek match {
case _: StartElement => inferObject(parser, options)
case _: EndElement if data.isEmpty => NullType
case _: EndElement if options.treatEmptyValuesAsNulls => NullType
case _: EndElement => StringType
case c: Characters if !c.isWhiteSpace =>
// This means data exists
case e: XMLEvent =>
sys.error(s"Failed to parse data with unexpected event ${e.toString}")
* Infer the type of a xml document from the parser's token stream
private def inferObject(
parser: XMLEventReader,
options: XmlOptions,
rootAttributes: Array[Attribute] = Array.empty): DataType = {
val builder = Seq.newBuilder[StructField]
val nameToDataType = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, ArrayBuffer[DataType]]
var shouldStop = false
while (!shouldStop) {
parser.nextEvent match {
case e: StartElement =>
// If there are attributes, then we should process them first.
val rootValuesMap =
StaxXmlParserUtils.convertAttributesToValuesMap(rootAttributes, options)
rootValuesMap.foreach {
case (f, v) =>
nameToDataType += (f -> ArrayBuffer(inferFrom(v)))
val attributes = e.getAttributes.map(_.asInstanceOf[Attribute]).toArray
val valuesMap = StaxXmlParserUtils.convertAttributesToValuesMap(attributes, options)
val inferredType = inferField(parser, options) match {
case st: StructType if valuesMap.nonEmpty =>
// Merge attributes to the field
val nestedBuilder = Seq.newBuilder[StructField]
nestedBuilder ++= st.fields
valuesMap.foreach {
case (f, v) =>
nestedBuilder += StructField(f, inferFrom(v), nullable = true)
case dt: DataType if valuesMap.nonEmpty =>
// We need to manually add the field for value.
val nestedBuilder = Seq.newBuilder[StructField]
nestedBuilder += StructField(options.valueTag, dt, nullable = true)
valuesMap.foreach {
case (f, v) =>
nestedBuilder += StructField(f, inferFrom(v), nullable = true)
case dt: DataType => dt
// Add the field and datatypes so that we can check if this is ArrayType.
val field = e.asStartElement.getName.getLocalPart
val dataTypes = nameToDataType.getOrElse(field, ArrayBuffer.empty[DataType])
dataTypes += inferredType
nameToDataType += (field -> dataTypes)
case _: EndElement =>
shouldStop = StaxXmlParserUtils.checkEndElement(parser)
case _ =>
shouldStop = shouldStop && parser.hasNext
// We need to manually merges the fields having the sames so that
// This can be inferred as ArrayType.
case (field, dataTypes) if dataTypes.length > 1 =>
val elementType = dataTypes.reduceLeft(InferSchema.compatibleType(options))
builder += StructField(field, ArrayType(elementType), nullable = true)
case (field, dataTypes) =>
builder += StructField(field, dataTypes.head, nullable = true)
* Convert NullType to StringType and remove StructTypes with no fields
private def canonicalizeType: DataType => Option[DataType] = {
case at @ ArrayType(elementType, _) =>
for {
canonicalType <- canonicalizeType(elementType)
} yield {
case StructType(fields) =>
val canonicalFields = for {
field <- fields
if field.name.nonEmpty
canonicalType <- canonicalizeType(field.dataType)
} yield {
field.copy(dataType = canonicalType)
if (canonicalFields.nonEmpty) {
} else {
// per SPARK-8093: empty structs should be deleted
case NullType => Some(StringType)
case other => Some(other)
* Returns the most general data type for two given data types.
private[xml] def compatibleType(options: XmlOptions)(t1: DataType, t2: DataType): DataType = {
// TODO: Optimise this logic.
findTightestCommonTypeOfTwo(t1, t2).getOrElse {
// t1 or t2 is a StructType, ArrayType, or an unexpected type.
(t1, t2) match {
// Double support larger range than fixed decimal, DecimalType.Maximum should be enough
// in most case, also have better precision.
case (DoubleType, t: DecimalType) =>
case (t: DecimalType, DoubleType) =>
case (t1: DecimalType, t2: DecimalType) =>
val scale = math.max(t1.scale, t2.scale)
val range = math.max(t1.precision - t1.scale, t2.precision - t2.scale)
if (range + scale > 38) {
// DecimalType can't support precision > 38
} else {
DecimalType(range + scale, scale)
case (StructType(fields1), StructType(fields2)) =>
val newFields = (fields1 ++ fields2).groupBy(field => field.name).map {
case (name, fieldTypes) =>
val dataType = fieldTypes.view.map(_.dataType).reduce(compatibleType(options))
StructField(name, dataType, nullable = true)
case (ArrayType(elementType1, containsNull1), ArrayType(elementType2, containsNull2)) =>
compatibleType(options)(elementType1, elementType2), containsNull1 || containsNull2)
// In XML datasource, since StructType can be compared with ArrayType.
// In this case, ArrayType wraps the StructType.
case (ArrayType(ty1, _), ty2) =>
ArrayType(compatibleType(options)(ty1, ty2))
case (ty1, ArrayType(ty2, _)) =>
ArrayType(compatibleType(options)(ty1, ty2))
// As this library can infer an element with attributes as StructType whereas
// some can be inferred as other non-structural data types, this case should be
// treated.
case (st: StructType, dt: DataType) if st.fieldNames.contains(options.valueTag) =>
val valueIndex = st.fieldNames.indexOf(options.valueTag)
val valueField = st.fields(valueIndex)
val valueDataType = compatibleType(options)(valueField.dataType, dt)
st.fields(valueIndex) = StructField(options.valueTag, valueDataType, nullable = true)
case (dt: DataType, st: StructType) if st.fieldNames.contains(options.valueTag) =>
val valueIndex = st.fieldNames.indexOf(options.valueTag)
val valueField = st.fields(valueIndex)
val valueDataType = compatibleType(options)(dt, valueField.dataType)
st.fields(valueIndex) = StructField(options.valueTag, valueDataType, nullable = true)
// TODO: These null type checks should be in `findTightestCommonTypeOfTwo`.
case (_, NullType) => t1
case (NullType, _) => t2
// strings and every string is a XML object.
case (_, _) => StringType
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