com.datamountaineer.avro.kcql.AvroKcql.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.datamountaineer.avro.kcql
import java.util
import com.datamountaineer.avro.kcql.AvroSchemaKcql._
import com.datamountaineer.kcql.{Kcql, Field => KcqlField}
import io.confluent.kafka.serializers.NonRecordContainer
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericContainer, GenericData, IndexedRecord}
import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object AvroKcql extends AvroFieldValueGetter {
private val StringSchema = Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING)
implicit class IndexedRecordExtension(val record: IndexedRecord) extends AnyVal {
def get(fieldName: String): Any = {
.map(f => record.get(f.pos))
implicit class GenericContainerKcqlConverter(val from: GenericContainer) extends AnyVal {
def kcql(query: String): GenericContainer = {
val k = Kcql.parse(query)
def kcql(query: Kcql): GenericContainer = {
Option(from).map { _ =>
from match {
case _: NonRecordContainer =>
case _: IndexedRecord =>
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Avro type ${other.getClass.getName} is not supported")
if (query.hasRetainStructure) {
implicit val kcqlContext = new KcqlContext(query.getFields)
val schema = from.getSchema.copy()
} else {
implicit val fields = query.getFields.asScala
val schema = from.getSchema.flatten(query.getFields)
def kcql(fields: Seq[KcqlField], flatten: Boolean): GenericContainer = {
Option(from).map { _ =>
from match {
case _: NonRecordContainer =>
case _: IndexedRecord =>
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Avro type ${other.getClass.getName} is not supported")
if (!flatten) {
implicit val kcqlContext = new KcqlContext(fields)
val schema = from.getSchema.copy()
} else {
implicit val f = fields
val schema = from.getSchema.flatten(fields)
def kcql(newSchema: Schema)(implicit kcqlContext: KcqlContext): GenericContainer = {
from match {
case container: NonRecordContainer =>
kcqlContext.fields match {
case Seq(f) if f.getName == "*" => container
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Can't select specific fields from primitive avro record:${from.getClass.getName}")
case record: IndexedRecord => fromRecord(record, record.getSchema, newSchema, Vector.empty[String]).asInstanceOf[IndexedRecord]
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"${other.getClass.getName} is not handled")
def kcqlFlatten(newSchema: Schema)(implicit fields: Seq[KcqlField]): GenericContainer = {
from match {
case container: NonRecordContainer => flattenPrimitive(container)
case record: IndexedRecord => flattenIndexedRecord(record, newSchema)
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"${other.getClass.getName} is not handled")
def flattenPrimitive(value: NonRecordContainer)(implicit fields: Seq[KcqlField]): GenericContainer = {
fields match {
case Seq(f) if f.getName == "*" => value
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Can't select multiple fields from ${value.getSchema}")
def flattenIndexedRecord(record: IndexedRecord, newSchema: Schema)(implicit fields: Seq[KcqlField]): GenericContainer = {
val fieldsParentMap = fields.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, ArrayBuffer[String]]) { case (map, f) =>
val key = Option(f.getParentFields).map(_.mkString(".")).getOrElse("")
val buffer = map.getOrElse(key, ArrayBuffer.empty[String])
buffer += f.getName
map + (key -> buffer)
val newRecord = new GenericData.Record(newSchema)
fields.foldLeft(0) { case (index, field) =>
if (field.getName == "*") {
val sourceFields = record.getSchema.getFields(Option(field.getParentFields).map(_.asScala).getOrElse(Seq.empty))
val key = Option(field.getParentFields).map(_.mkString(".")).getOrElse("")
.filter { f =>
}.foldLeft(index) { case (i, f) =>
val extractedValue = get(record, record.getSchema, Option(field.getParentFields).map(_.asScala).getOrElse(Seq.empty[String]) :+
newRecord.put(i, extractedValue.orNull)
i + 1
else {
val extractedValue = get(record, record.getSchema, Option(field.getParentFields).map(_.asScala).getOrElse(Seq.empty[String]) :+ field.getName)
newRecord.put(index, extractedValue.orNull)
index + 1
def fromUnion(value: Any,
fromSchema: Schema,
targetSchema: Schema,
parents: Seq[String])(implicit kcqlContext: KcqlContext): Any = {
from(value, fromSchema.fromUnion(), targetSchema.fromUnion(), parents)
def fromArray(value: Any,
schema: Schema,
parents: Seq[String])(implicit kcqlContext: KcqlContext): Any = {
value match {
case c: java.util.Collection[_] =>
c.foldLeft(new java.util.ArrayList[Any](c.size())) { (acc, e) =>
acc.add(from(e, schema.getElementType, targetSchema.getElementType, parents))
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"${other.getClass.getName} is not handled")
def fromRecord(value: Any,
schema: Schema,
targetSchema: Schema,
parents: Seq[String])(implicit kcqlContext: KcqlContext): Any = {
val record = value.asInstanceOf[IndexedRecord]
val fields = kcqlContext.getFieldsForPath(parents)
val fieldsTuple = { _ =>
fields.flatMap {
case Left(field) if field.getName == "*" =>
val filteredFields = fields.collect { case Left(f) if f.getName != "*" => f.getName }.toSet
.withFilter(f => !filteredFields.contains(
.map { f =>
val sourceField = Option(schema.getField(
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"${} was not found in $schema"))
sourceField -> f
case Left(field) =>
val sourceField = Option(schema.getField(field.getName))
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"${field.getName} can't be found in $schema"))
val targetField = Option(targetSchema.getField(field.getAlias))
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"${field.getName} can't be found in $targetSchema"))
List(sourceField -> targetField)
case Right(field) =>
val sourceField = Option(schema.getField(field))
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$field can't be found in $schema"))
val targetField = Option(targetSchema.getField(field))
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$field can't be found in $targetSchema"))
List(sourceField -> targetField)
}.getOrElse {
.map { f =>
val sourceField = Option(schema.getField(
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Can't find the field ${} in ${",")}"))
sourceField -> f
val newRecord = new GenericData.Record(targetSchema)
fieldsTuple.foreach { case (sourceField, targetField) =>
val v = from(record.get(,
parents :+
newRecord.put(, v)
def fromMap(value: Any, fromSchema: Schema,
targetSchema: Schema,
parents: Seq[String])(implicit kcqlContext: KcqlContext): Any = {
Option(value.asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[CharSequence, Any]]).map { map =>
val newMap = new util.HashMap[CharSequence, Any]()
//check if there are keys for this
val fields = kcqlContext.getFieldsForPath(parents)
val initialMap = {
if (fields.exists(f => f.isLeft && f.left.get.getName == "*")) {
map.keySet().map(k => k.toString -> k.toString).toMap
} else {
Map.empty[String, String]
} { _ =>
fields.filterNot(f => f.isLeft && f.left.get.getName != "*")
.foldLeft(initialMap) {
case (m, Left(f)) => m + (f.getName -> f.getAlias)
case (m, Right(f)) => m + (f -> f)
.getOrElse(map.keySet().map(k => k.toString -> k.toString).toMap)
.foreach { case (key, alias) =>
Option(map.get(key)).foreach { v =>
from(key, StringSchema, StringSchema, null).asInstanceOf[CharSequence],
from(v, fromSchema.getValueType, targetSchema.getValueType, parents))
def from(from: Any,
fromSchema: Schema,
targetSchema: Schema,
parents: Seq[String])(implicit kcqlContext: KcqlContext): Any = {
Option(from).map { _ =>
implicit val s = fromSchema
fromSchema.getType match {
case Schema.Type.BOOLEAN | Schema.Type.NULL |
Schema.Type.DOUBLE | Schema.Type.FLOAT |
Schema.Type.LONG | Schema.Type.INT |
Schema.Type.ENUM | Schema.Type.BYTES | Schema.Type.FIXED => from
case Schema.Type.STRING => new Utf8(from.toString).asInstanceOf[Any] //yes UTF8
case Schema.Type.UNION => fromUnion(from, fromSchema, targetSchema, parents)
case Schema.Type.ARRAY => fromArray(from, fromSchema, targetSchema, parents)
case Schema.Type.MAP => fromMap(from, fromSchema, targetSchema, parents)
case Schema.Type.RECORD => fromRecord(from, fromSchema, targetSchema, parents)
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid Avro schema type:$other")
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