com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.influx.writers.InfluxBatchPointsBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017 Datamountaineer.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.influx.writers
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import com.datamountaineer.kcql.{Field, Kcql, Tag}
import com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.influx.NanoClock
import com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.influx.config.InfluxSettings
import com.landoop.json.sql.JacksonJson
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.StrictLogging
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigException
import{Schema, Struct}
import org.apache.kafka.connect.sink.SinkRecord
import org.influxdb.dto.{BatchPoints, Point}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.concurrent.duration.TimeUnit
* Builds an InfluxDb point for the incoming SinkRecord.
* It handles SinkRecord payloads as :
* - Kafka Connect Struct
* - Java Map
* - Json String
* @param settings - An instance of [[InfluxSettings]]
class InfluxBatchPointsBuilder(settings: InfluxSettings, nanoClock: NanoClock) extends StrictLogging {
// private val nanoClock = new NanoClock()
//We build a map to cache the field paths. Avoids creating it everytime
private val kcqlMap = settings.kcqls.groupBy(_.getSource).map { case (topic, kcqls) =>
def buildFieldPath(field: Field) = {
field -> (Option(field.getParentFields).map(_.toVector).getOrElse(Vector.empty[String]) :+ field.getName)
topic -> { kcql =>
val fields = kcql.getFields().map(buildFieldPath)
val ignoredFields =
val timestampField = Option(kcql.getTimestamp) match {
case Some(Kcql.TIMESTAMP) => None
case other => other
val tags = Option(kcql.getTags).map { tags => { tag =>
if (tag.getType == Tag.TagType.CONSTANT) tag -> Vector.empty
else tag -> tag.getKey.split('.').toVector
KcqlCache(kcql, fields, ignoredFields, tags,'.').toVector))
def build(records: Iterable[SinkRecord]): BatchPoints = {
def handleSinkRecord(record: SinkRecord): Seq[Point] = {
Option(record.valueSchema()) match {
case None =>
//try to take it as string
record.value() match {
case _: java.util.Map[_, _] => buildPointFromMap(record)
case _ => sys.error("For schemaless record only String and Map types are supported")
case Some(schema: Schema) =>
schema.`type`() match {
case Schema.Type.STRING => buildPointFromJson(record)
case Schema.Type.STRUCT => buildPointFromStruct(record)
case other => sys.error(s"$other schema is not supported")
val batchPoints = BatchPoints
records.foreach(r => handleSinkRecord(r).map(batchPoints.point))
* Builds an InfluxDb [[Point]] from a [[java.util.Map]]
* @param record - An instance of [[SinkRecord]] with the payload expected to be [[java.util.Map]]
* @return An instance [[Seq[Point]]. The reason for sequence is because we might have multiple KCQL on the same topic
private def buildPointFromMap(record: SinkRecord): Seq[Point] = {
require(record.value() != null && record.value().isInstanceOf[java.util.Map[_, _]],
"The SinkRecord payload should be of type java.util.Map[String, Any]")
val map = record.value().asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String, Any]]
val kcqls = kcqlMap.getOrElse(record.topic(),
throw new ConfigException(s"Topic '${record.topic()}' is missing KCQL mapping.")) { k =>
var tsUnit: Option[TimeUnit] = None
val timestamp = { implicit fieldPath =>
val tsRaw = ValuesExtractor.extract(map, fieldPath)
}.getOrElse {
tsUnit = Some(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
val measurement = getMeasurement(k) { fieldPath => ValuesExtractor.extract(map, fieldPath) }
implicit val builder = Point.measurement(measurement).time(timestamp, tsUnit.getOrElse(k.kcql.getTimestampUnit))
ValuesExtractor.extract(map, _),
ValuesExtractor.extractAllFieldsCallback(map, k.IgnoredAndAliasFields, _)
k.tagsAndPaths.foreach { case (tag, path) =>
tag.getType match {
case Tag.TagType.CONSTANT =>
builder.tag(tag.getKey, tag.getValue)
case Tag.TagType.ALIAS =>
Option(ValuesExtractor.extract(map, path)).foreach { v =>
builder.tag(tag.getValue, v.toString)
case _ =>
Option(ValuesExtractor.extract(map, path)).foreach { v =>
builder.tag(tag.getKey, v.toString)
* Builds an InfluxDb [[Point]] from a [[com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode]]
* @param record - An instance of [[SinkRecord]] with the payload expected to be [[com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode]]
* @return An instance [[Seq[Point]]. The reason for sequence is because we might have multiple KCQL on the same topic
private def buildPointFromJson(record: SinkRecord): Seq[Point] = {
require(record.value() != null && record.value().getClass == classOf[String], "The SinkRecord payload should be of type String")
val json = JacksonJson.asJson(record.value().asInstanceOf[String])
val kcqls = kcqlMap.getOrElse(record.topic(), throw new ConfigException(s"Topic '${record.topic()}' is missing KCQL mapping.")) { k =>
var tsUnit: Option[TimeUnit] = None
val timestamp = { implicit fieldPath =>
val tsRaw = ValuesExtractor.extract(json, fieldPath)
}.getOrElse {
tsUnit = Some(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
val measurement = getMeasurement(k) { fieldPath => ValuesExtractor.extract(json, fieldPath) }
implicit val builder = Point.measurement(measurement).time(timestamp, tsUnit.getOrElse(k.kcql.getTimestampUnit))
ValuesExtractor.extract(json, _),
ValuesExtractor.extractAllFieldsCallback(json, k.IgnoredAndAliasFields, _)
k.tagsAndPaths.foreach { case (tag, path) =>
tag.getType match {
case Tag.TagType.CONSTANT =>
builder.tag(tag.getKey, tag.getValue)
case Tag.TagType.ALIAS =>
Option(ValuesExtractor.extract(json, path)).foreach { v =>
builder.tag(tag.getValue, v.toString)
case other =>
Option(ValuesExtractor.extract(json, path)).foreach { v =>
builder.tag(tag.getKey, v.toString)
private def getMeasurement(k: KcqlCache)(thunk: Vector[String] => Any): String = {
.map { fieldPath =>
* Builds an InfluxDb [[Point]] from a [[Struct]].This is when the payload of Kafka message is AVRO
* @param record - An instance of [[SinkRecord]] with the payload expected to be [[Struct]]
* @return An instance [[Seq[Point]]. The reason for sequence is because we might have multiple KCQL on the same topic
private def buildPointFromStruct(record: SinkRecord): Seq[Point] = {
require(record.value() != null && record.value().getClass == classOf[Struct], "The SinkRecord payload should be of type Struct")
val struct = record.value().asInstanceOf[Struct]
val kcqls = kcqlMap.getOrElse(record.topic(), throw new ConfigException(s"Topic '${record.topic()}' is missing KCQL mapping.")) { k =>
var tsUnit: Option[TimeUnit] = None
val timestamp = { implicit fieldPath =>
val tsRaw = ValuesExtractor.extract(struct, fieldPath)
}.getOrElse {
tsUnit = Some(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
val measurement = getMeasurement(k) { fieldPath => ValuesExtractor.extract(struct, fieldPath) }
implicit val builder = Point.measurement(measurement).time(timestamp, tsUnit.getOrElse(k.kcql.getTimestampUnit))
ValuesExtractor.extract(struct, _),
ValuesExtractor.extractAllFieldsCallback(struct, k.IgnoredAndAliasFields, _)
k.tagsAndPaths.foreach { case (tag, path) =>
tag.getType match {
case Tag.TagType.CONSTANT =>
builder.tag(tag.getKey, tag.getValue)
case Tag.TagType.ALIAS =>
Option(ValuesExtractor.extract(struct, path)).foreach { v =>
builder.tag(tag.getValue, v.toString)
case other =>
Option(ValuesExtractor.extract(struct, path)).foreach { v =>
builder.tag(tag.getKey, v.toString)
* Populates the fields for the [[Point.Builder]]
* @param kcqlCache - Wraps the KCQL by caching a few values around the fields path
* @param extractorFn - A function accepting a field path and returns its value
* @param getAllFieldsFn - Returns all the fields. Used when KCQL includes all fields via '*'
private def buildPointFields(kcqlCache: KcqlCache,
extractorFn: Vector[String] => Any,
getAllFieldsFn: ((String, Any) => Unit) => Unit)(implicit builder: Point.Builder) = {
val populateFieldFn = (field: String, v: Any) => v match {
case value: Long => builder.addField(field, value)
case value: Int => builder.addField(field, value)
case value: BigInt => builder.addField(field, value)
case value: Byte => builder.addField(field, value)
case value: Short => builder.addField(field, value)
case value: Double => builder.addField(field, value)
case value: Float => builder.addField(field, value)
case value: Boolean => builder.addField(field, value)
case value: java.math.BigDecimal => builder.addField(field, value)
case value: BigDecimal => builder.addField(field, value.bigDecimal)
case value: String => builder.addField(field, value)
case value: java.util.Date => builder.addField(field, value.getTime)
//we should never reach this since the extractor should not allow it
case value => sys.error(s"Can't select field:'$field' because it leads to value:'$value' (${Option(value).map(_.getClass.getName).getOrElse("")})is not a valid type for InfluxDb.")
//ignore all the fields we should ignore
kcqlCache.fieldsAndPaths.filter(p => !kcqlCache.ignoredFields.contains(p._1.toString))
.foreach { case (field, path) =>
if (field.getName == "*") {
getAllFieldsFn({ case (f, value) => populateFieldFn(f, value) })
else {
Option(extractorFn(path)).foreach(populateFieldFn(field.getAlias, _))
* Builds a cache of fields path (fields to select, fields to ignore, tags and timestamp)
* @param kcql
* @param fieldsAndPaths
* @param ignoredFields
* @param tagsAndPaths
* @param timestampField
case class KcqlCache(kcql: Kcql,
fieldsAndPaths: Seq[(Field, Vector[String])],
ignoredFields: Set[String],
tagsAndPaths: Seq[(Tag, Vector[String])],
timestampField: Option[Vector[String]]) {
val IgnoredAndAliasFields: Set[String] = {
val allIgnored = fieldsAndPaths
.filter(p => p._1.getAlias != p._1.getName)
.foldLeft(ignoredFields) { case (acc, f) => acc + f.toString }
val DynamicTarget = Option(kcql.getDynamicTarget).map(_.split('.').toVector)
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