com.datastax.driver.dse.geometry.WkbUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016 DataStax Inc.
* This software can be used solely with DataStax Enterprise. Please consult the license at
package com.datastax.driver.dse.geometry;
import com.esri.core.geometry.Geometry;
import com.esri.core.geometry.*;
import com.esri.core.geometry.ogc.OGCGeometry;
import com.esri.core.geometry.ogc.OGCLineString;
import com.esri.core.geometry.ogc.OGCPoint;
import com.esri.core.geometry.ogc.OGCPolygon;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
* Helper class to serialize OGC geometries to Well-Known Binary, forcing the byte order to little endian.
* WKB encodes the byte order, so in theory we could send the buffer in any order, even if it is different from the
* server. However DSE server performs an additional validation step server-side: it deserializes to Java, serializes
* back to WKB, and then compares the original buffer to the "re-serialized" one. If they don't match, a
* MarshalException is thrown. So with a client in big-endian and a server in little-endian, we would get:
* incoming buffer (big endian) --> Java --> reserialized buffer (little endian)
* Since the two buffers have a different endian-ness, they don't match.
* The ESRI library defaults to the native byte order and doesn't let us change it. Therefore:
* - if the native order is little endian (vast majority of cases), this class simply delegates to the appropriate
* public API method;
* - if the native order is big endian, it re-implements the serialization code, using reflection to get access to a
* private method. If reflection fails for any reason (updated ESRI library, security manager...), a runtime exception
* will be thrown.
class WkbUtil {
private static final boolean IS_NATIVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN = ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) &&
System.getProperty("com.datastax.driver.dse.geometry.FORCE_REFLECTION_WKB") == null; // only for tests
static ByteBuffer asLittleEndianBinary(OGCGeometry ogcGeometry) {
return ogcGeometry.asBinary(); // the default implementation does what we want
else {
int exportFlags;
if (ogcGeometry instanceof OGCPoint)
exportFlags = 0;
else if (ogcGeometry instanceof OGCLineString)
exportFlags = WkbExportFlags.wkbExportLineString;
else if (ogcGeometry instanceof OGCPolygon)
exportFlags = WkbExportFlags.wkbExportPolygon;
throw new AssertionError("Unsupported type: " + ogcGeometry.getClass());
// Copy-pasted from OperatorExportToWkbLocal#execute, except for the flags and order
int size = exportToWKB(exportFlags, ogcGeometry.getEsriGeometry(), null);
ByteBuffer wkbBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(size).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
exportToWKB(exportFlags, ogcGeometry.getEsriGeometry(), wkbBuffer);
return wkbBuffer;
// Provides reflective access to the private static method OperatorExportToWkbLocal#exportToWKB
private static int exportToWKB(int exportFlags, Geometry geometry,
ByteBuffer wkbBuffer) {
try {
return (Integer) exportToWKB.invoke(null, exportFlags, geometry, wkbBuffer);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't invoke private method OperatorExportToWkbLocal#exportToWKB", e);
private static final Method exportToWKB;
static {
exportToWKB = null; // won't be used
try {
OperatorExportToWkb op = (OperatorExportToWkb) OperatorFactoryLocal
exportToWKB = op.getClass()
.getDeclaredMethod("exportToWKB", int.class, Geometry.class, ByteBuffer.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't get access to private method OperatorExportToWkbLocal#exportToWKB", e);