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com.datastax.dse.driver.shaded.esri.core.geometry.Clusterer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.datastax.dse.driver.shaded.esri.core.geometry;

 * Implementation for the vertex clustering.
 * Used by the TopoGraph and Simplify.
final class Clusterer {
	// Clusters vertices of the shape. Returns True, if some vertices were moved
	// (clustered).
	// Uses reciprocal clustering (cluster vertices that are mutual nearest
	// neighbours)
	 * static boolean executeReciprocal(EditShape shape, double tolerance) {
	 * Clusterer clusterer = new Clusterer(); clusterer.m_shape = shape;
	 * clusterer.m_tolerance = tolerance; clusterer.m_sqr_tolerance = tolerance
	 * * tolerance; clusterer.m_cell_size = 2 * tolerance;
	 * clusterer.m_inv_cell_size = 1.0 / clusterer.m_cell_size; return
	 * clusterer.clusterReciprocal_(); }

	// Clusters vertices of the shape. Returns True, if some vertices were moved
	// (clustered).
	// Uses non-reciprocal clustering (cluster any vertices that are closer than
	// the tolerance in the first-found-first-clustered order)
	static boolean executeNonReciprocal(EditShape shape, double tolerance) {
		Clusterer clusterer = new Clusterer();
		clusterer.m_shape = shape;
		clusterer.m_tolerance = tolerance;
		clusterer.m_sqr_tolerance = tolerance * tolerance;
		clusterer.m_cell_size = 2 * tolerance;
		clusterer.m_inv_cell_size = 1.0 / clusterer.m_cell_size;
		return clusterer.clusterNonReciprocal_();

	// Use b_conservative == True for simplify, and False for IsSimple. This
	// makes sure Simplified shape is more robust to transformations.
	static boolean isClusterCandidate_(double x_1, double y1, double x2,
			double y2, double sqr_tolerance) {
		double dx = x_1 - x2;
		double dy = y1 - y2;
		return dx * dx + dy * dy <= sqr_tolerance;

	Point2D m_origin = new Point2D();
	double m_tolerance;
	double m_sqr_tolerance;
	double m_cell_size;
	double m_inv_cell_size;
	int[] m_bucket_array = new int[4];// temporary 4 element array
	int[] m_bucket_hash = new int[4];// temporary 4 element array
	int m_dbg_candidate_check_count = 0;
	int m_hash_values = -1;
	int m_new_clusters = -1;

	static int hashFunction_(int xi, int yi) {
		int h = NumberUtils.hash(xi);
		return NumberUtils.hash(h, yi);

	final class ClusterHashFunction extends IndexHashTable.HashFunction {
		EditShape m_shape;
		double m_sqr_tolerance;
		double m_inv_cell_size;
		Point2D m_origin = new Point2D();
		Point2D m_pt = new Point2D();
		Point2D m_pt_2 = new Point2D();
		int m_hash_values;

		public ClusterHashFunction(EditShape shape, Point2D origin,
				double sqr_tolerance, double inv_cell_size, int hash_values) {
			m_shape = shape;
			m_sqr_tolerance = sqr_tolerance;
			m_inv_cell_size = inv_cell_size;
			m_origin = origin;
			m_hash_values = hash_values;

		int calculate_hash(int element) {
			return calculate_hash_from_vertex(element);

		int dbg_calculate_hash_from_xy(double x, double y) {
			double dx = x - m_origin.x;
			int xi = (int) (dx * m_inv_cell_size + 0.5);
			double dy = y - m_origin.y;
			int yi = (int) (dy * m_inv_cell_size + 0.5);
			return hashFunction_(xi, yi);

		int calculate_hash_from_vertex(int vertex) {
			m_shape.getXY(vertex, m_pt);
			double dx = m_pt.x - m_origin.x;
			int xi = (int) (dx * m_inv_cell_size + 0.5);
			double dy = m_pt.y - m_origin.y;
			int yi = (int) (dy * m_inv_cell_size + 0.5);
			return hashFunction_(xi, yi);

		public int getHash(int element) {
			return m_shape.getUserIndex(element, m_hash_values);

		public boolean equal(int element_1, int element_2) {
			int xyindex_1 = element_1;
			int xyindex_2 = element_2;
			m_shape.getXY(xyindex_1, m_pt);
			m_shape.getXY(xyindex_2, m_pt_2);
			return isClusterCandidate_(m_pt.x, m_pt.y, m_pt_2.x, m_pt_2.y,

		public int getHash(Object element_descriptor) {
			// UNUSED
			return 0;

		public boolean equal(Object element_descriptor, int element) {
			// UNUSED
			return false;

	EditShape m_shape;
	IndexMultiList m_clusters;
	ClusterHashFunction m_hash_function;
	IndexHashTable m_hash_table;

	static class ClusterCandidate {
		public int vertex;
		double distance;

	void getNearestNeighbourCandidate_(int xyindex, Point2D pointOfInterest,
			int bucket_ptr, ClusterCandidate candidate) {
		candidate.vertex = -1;
		candidate.distance = NumberUtils.doubleMax();

		Point2D pt = new Point2D();
		for (int node = bucket_ptr; node != -1; node = m_hash_table
				.getNextInBucket(node)) {
			int xyind = m_hash_table.getElement(node);
			if (xyindex == xyind)

			m_shape.getXY(xyind, pt);
			if (isClusterCandidate_(pointOfInterest.x, pointOfInterest.y, pt.x,
					pt.y, m_sqr_tolerance)) {
				double l = pt.length();
				if (l < candidate.distance) {
					candidate.distance = l;
					candidate.vertex = xyind;

	void findClusterCandidate_(int xyindex, ClusterCandidate candidate) {
		Point2D pointOfInterest = new Point2D();
		m_shape.getXY(xyindex, pointOfInterest);
		double x_0 = pointOfInterest.x - m_origin.x;
		double x = x_0 * m_inv_cell_size;
		double y0 = pointOfInterest.y - m_origin.y;
		double y = y0 * m_inv_cell_size;

		int xi = (int) x;
		int yi = (int) y;

		// find the nearest neighbour in the 4 neigbouring cells.

		candidate.vertex = -1;
		candidate.distance = NumberUtils.doubleMax();
		ClusterCandidate c = new ClusterCandidate();
		for (int dx = 0; dx <= 1; dx += 1) {
			for (int dy = 0; dy <= 1; dy += 1) {
				int bucket_ptr = m_hash_table.getFirstInBucket(hashFunction_(xi
						+ dx, yi + dy));
				if (bucket_ptr != IndexHashTable.nullNode()) {
					getNearestNeighbourCandidate_(xyindex, pointOfInterest,
							bucket_ptr, c);
					if (c.vertex != IndexHashTable.nullNode()
							&& c.distance < candidate.distance) {
						candidate = c;

	void collectClusterCandidates_(int xyindex,
			AttributeStreamOfInt32 candidates) {
		Point2D pointOfInterest = new Point2D();
		m_shape.getXY(xyindex, pointOfInterest);
		double x_0 = pointOfInterest.x - m_origin.x;
		double x = x_0 * m_inv_cell_size;
		double y0 = pointOfInterest.y - m_origin.y;
		double y = y0 * m_inv_cell_size;

		int xi = (int) x;
		int yi = (int) y;

		int bucket_count = 0;
		// find all nearest neighbours in the 4 neigbouring cells.
		// Note, because we check four neighbours, there should be 4 times more
		// bins in the hash table to reduce collision probability in this loop.
		for (int dx = 0; dx <= 1; dx += 1) {
			for (int dy = 0; dy <= 1; dy += 1) {
				int hash = hashFunction_(xi + dx, yi + dy);
				int bucket_ptr = m_hash_table.getFirstInBucket(hash);
				if (bucket_ptr != -1) {
					// Check if we already have this bucket.
					// There could be a hash collision for neighbouring buckets.
					m_bucket_array[bucket_count] = bucket_ptr;
					m_bucket_hash[bucket_count] = hash;


		// Clear duplicate buckets
		// There could be a hash collision for neighboring buckets.
		for (int j = bucket_count - 1; j >= 1; j--) {
			int bucket_ptr = m_bucket_array[j];
			for (int i = j - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				if (bucket_ptr == m_bucket_array[i])// hash values for two
													// neighbouring cells have
													// collided.
					m_bucket_hash[i] = -1; // forget collided hash
					if (j != bucket_count) {
						m_bucket_hash[j] = m_bucket_hash[bucket_count];
						m_bucket_array[j] = m_bucket_array[bucket_count];
					break;// duplicate

		for (int i = 0; i < bucket_count; i++) {
			collectNearestNeighbourCandidates_(xyindex, m_bucket_hash[i],
					pointOfInterest, m_bucket_array[i], candidates);

	void collectNearestNeighbourCandidates_(int xyindex, int hash,
			Point2D pointOfInterest, int bucket_ptr,
			AttributeStreamOfInt32 candidates) {
		Point2D pt = new Point2D();
		for (int node = bucket_ptr; node != -1; node = m_hash_table
				.getNextInBucket(node)) {
			int xyind = m_hash_table.getElement(node);
			if (xyindex == xyind || hash != -1
					&& m_shape.getUserIndex(xyind, m_hash_values) != hash)
				continue;// processing same vertex, or the bucket hash modulo
							// bin count collides.

			m_shape.getXY(xyind, pt);
			if (isClusterCandidate_(pointOfInterest.x, pointOfInterest.y, pt.x,
					pt.y, m_sqr_tolerance)) {
				candidates.add(node);// note that we add the cluster node
										// instead of the cluster.

	boolean mergeClusters_(int vertex1, int vertex2, boolean update_hash) {
		int cluster_1 = m_shape.getUserIndex(vertex1, m_new_clusters);
		int cluster_2 = m_shape.getUserIndex(vertex2, m_new_clusters);
		assert (cluster_1 != StridedIndexTypeCollection.impossibleIndex2());
		assert (cluster_2 != StridedIndexTypeCollection.impossibleIndex2());

		if (cluster_1 == -1) {
			cluster_1 = m_clusters.createList();
			m_clusters.addElement(cluster_1, vertex1);
			m_shape.setUserIndex(vertex1, m_new_clusters, cluster_1);

		if (cluster_2 == -1) {
			m_clusters.addElement(cluster_1, vertex2);
		} else {
			m_clusters.concatenateLists(cluster_1, cluster_2);

		// ensure only single vertex refers to the cluster.
		m_shape.setUserIndex(vertex2, m_new_clusters,

		// merge cordinates
		boolean res = mergeVertices_(vertex1, vertex2);

		if (update_hash) {
			int hash = m_hash_function.calculate_hash_from_vertex(vertex1);
			m_shape.setUserIndex(vertex1, m_hash_values, hash);
		} else {


		return res;

	// recalculate coordinates of the vertices by averaging them using weights.
	// return true if the coordinates has changed.
	static boolean mergeVertices(Point pt_1, Point pt_2, double w_1,
			int rank_1, double w_2, int rank_2, Point pt_res, double[] w_res,
			int[] rank_res) {
		assert (!pt_1.isEmpty() && !pt_2.isEmpty());
		boolean res = pt_1.equals(pt_2);

		if (rank_1 > rank_2) {
			pt_res = pt_1;
			if (w_res != null) {
				rank_res[0] = rank_1;
				w_res[0] = w_1;
			return res;
		} else if (rank_2 > rank_1) {
			pt_res = pt_2;
			if (w_res != null) {
				rank_res[0] = rank_1;
				w_res[0] = w_1;
			return res;

		pt_res = pt_1;
		Point2D pt2d = new Point2D();
		mergeVertices2D(pt_1.getXY(), pt_2.getXY(), w_1, rank_1, w_2, rank_2,
				pt2d, w_res, rank_res);
		return res;

	static boolean mergeVertices2D(Point2D pt_1, Point2D pt_2, double w_1,
			int rank_1, double w_2, int rank_2, Point2D pt_res, double[] w_res,
			int[] rank_res) {
		double w = w_1 + w_2;
		boolean r = false;
		double x = pt_1.x;
		if (pt_1.x != pt_2.x) {
			if (rank_1 == rank_2)
				x = (pt_1.x * w_1 + pt_2.x * w_2) / w;

			r = true;
		double y = pt_1.y;
		if (pt_1.y != pt_2.y) {
			if (rank_1 == rank_2)
				y = (pt_1.y * w_1 + pt_2.y * w_2) / w;

			r = true;

		if (rank_1 != rank_2) {
			if (rank_1 > rank_2) {
				if (w_res != null) {
					rank_res[0] = rank_1;
					w_res[0] = w_1;
				pt_res = pt_1;
			} else {
				if (w_res != null) {
					rank_res[0] = rank_2;
					w_res[0] = w_2;
				pt_res = pt_2;
		} else {
			pt_res.setCoords(x, y);
			if (w_res != null) {
				w_res[0] = w;
				rank_res[0] = rank_1;

		return r;

	boolean mergeVertices_(int vert_1, int vert_2) {
		Point2D pt_1 = new Point2D();
		m_shape.getXY(vert_1, pt_1);
		Point2D pt_2 = new Point2D();
		m_shape.getXY(vert_2, pt_2);

		double w_1 = m_shape.getWeight(vert_1);
		double w_2 = m_shape.getWeight(vert_2);
		double w = w_1 + w_2;
		int r = 0;
		double x = pt_1.x;
		if (pt_1.x != pt_2.x) {
			x = (pt_1.x * w_1 + pt_2.x * w_2) / w;
		double y = pt_1.y;
		if (pt_1.y != pt_2.y) {
			y = (pt_1.y * w_1 + pt_2.y * w_2) / w;

		if (r > 0)
			m_shape.setXY(vert_1, x, y);

		m_shape.setWeight(vert_1, w);
		return r != 0;

	boolean clusterNonReciprocal_() {
		int point_count = m_shape.getTotalPointCount();
		Envelope2D env = m_shape.getEnvelope2D();
		m_origin = env.getLowerLeft();
		double dim = Math.max(env.getHeight(), env.getWidth());
		double mincell = dim / (NumberUtils.intMax() - 1);
		if (m_cell_size < mincell) {
			m_cell_size = mincell;
			m_inv_cell_size = 1.0 / m_cell_size;

		// This holds clusters.
		m_clusters = new IndexMultiList();
		m_clusters.reserveLists(m_shape.getTotalPointCount() / 3 + 1);
		m_clusters.reserveNodes(m_shape.getTotalPointCount() / 3 + 1);

		m_hash_values = m_shape.createUserIndex();
		m_new_clusters = m_shape.createUserIndex();

		// Make the hash table. It serves a purpose of fine grain grid.
		// Make it 25% larger than the 4 times point count to reduce the chance
		// of collision.
		// The 4 times comes from the fact that we check four neighbouring cells
		// in the grid for each point.
		m_hash_function = new ClusterHashFunction(m_shape, m_origin,
				m_sqr_tolerance, m_inv_cell_size, m_hash_values);
		m_hash_table = new IndexHashTable(4 * point_count / 3, m_hash_function);
		boolean b_clustered = false;

		// Go through all vertices stored in the m_shape and put the handles of
		// the vertices into the clusters and the hash table.
		for (int geometry = m_shape.getFirstGeometry(); geometry != -1; geometry = m_shape
				.getNextGeometry(geometry)) {
			for (int path = m_shape.getFirstPath(geometry); path != -1; path = m_shape
					.getNextPath(path)) {
				int vertex = m_shape.getFirstVertex(path);
				for (int index = 0, nindex = m_shape.getPathSize(path); index < nindex; index++) {
					assert (vertex != -1);
					int hash = m_hash_function
					m_shape.setUserIndex(vertex, m_hash_values, hash);
					m_hash_table.addElement(vertex, hash); // add cluster to the
															// hash table
					assert (m_shape.getUserIndex(vertex, m_new_clusters) == -1);
					vertex = m_shape.getNextVertex(vertex);

		// m_hash_table->dbg_print_bucket_histogram_();

		{// scope for candidates array
			AttributeStreamOfInt32 candidates = new AttributeStreamOfInt32(0);

			for (int geometry = m_shape.getFirstGeometry(); geometry != -1; geometry = m_shape
					.getNextGeometry(geometry)) {
				for (int path = m_shape.getFirstPath(geometry); path != -1; path = m_shape
						.getNextPath(path)) {
					int vertex = m_shape.getFirstVertex(path);
					for (int index = 0, nindex = m_shape.getPathSize(path); index < nindex; index++) {
						if (m_shape.getUserIndex(vertex, m_new_clusters) == StridedIndexTypeCollection
								.impossibleIndex2()) {
							vertex = m_shape.getNextVertex(vertex);
							continue;// this vertex was merged with another
										// cluster. It also was removed from the
										// hash table.

						int hash = m_shape.getUserIndex(vertex, m_hash_values);
						m_hash_table.deleteElement(vertex, hash);

						while (true) {
							collectClusterCandidates_(vertex, candidates);
							if (candidates.size() == 0) {// no candidate for
															// clustering has
															// been found for
															// the cluster_1.

							boolean clustered = false;
							for (int candidate_index = 0, ncandidates = candidates
									.size(); candidate_index < ncandidates; candidate_index++) {
								int cluster_node = candidates
								int other_vertex = m_hash_table
								clustered |= mergeClusters_(vertex,
										candidate_index + 1 == ncandidates);

							b_clustered |= clustered;
							// repeat search for the cluster candidates for
							// cluster_1
							if (!clustered)
								break;// positions did not change

						// m_shape->set_user_index(vertex, m_new_clusters,
						// Strided_index_type_collection::impossible_index_2());
						vertex = m_shape.getNextVertex(vertex);

		if (b_clustered) {

		m_hash_table = null;
		m_hash_function = null;

		// output_debug_printf("total: %d\n",m_shape->get_total_point_count());
		// output_debug_printf("clustered: %d\n",m_dbg_candidate_check_count);
		return b_clustered;

	void applyClusterPositions_() {
		Point2D cluster_pt = new Point2D();
		// move vertices to the clustered positions.
		for (int list = m_clusters.getFirstList(); list != -1; list = m_clusters
				.getNextList(list)) {
			int node = m_clusters.getFirst(list);
			assert (node != -1);
			int vertex = m_clusters.getElement(node);
			m_shape.getXY(vertex, cluster_pt);
			for (node = m_clusters.getNext(node); node != -1; node = m_clusters
					.getNext(node)) {
				int vertex_1 = m_clusters.getElement(node);
				m_shape.setXY(vertex_1, cluster_pt);

	Clusterer() {


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