com.datastax.driver.core.NettyOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright DataStax, Inc.
* This software can be used solely with DataStax Enterprise. Please consult the license at
package com.datastax.driver.core;
import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap;
import io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer;
import io.netty.util.Timer;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
* A set of hooks that allow clients to customize the driver's underlying Netty layer.
* Clients that need to hook into the driver's underlying Netty layer can subclass this class and
* provide the necessary customization by overriding its methods.
Typically, clients would register this class with {@link Cluster#builder()}:
* NettyOptions nettyOptions = ...
* Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder()
* .addContactPoint(...)
* .withNettyOptions(nettyOptions)
* .build();
* Extending the NettyOptions API
Contrary to other driver options, the options available in this class should be considered as
* advanced features and as such, they should only be modified by expert users.
A misconfiguration introduced by the means of this API can have unexpected results and
* cause the driver to completely fail to connect.
Moreover, since versions 2.0.9 and 2.1.4 (see JAVA-538), the driver is available in two
* different flavors: with a standard Maven dependency on Netty, or with a "shaded" (internalized)
* Netty dependency.
Given that NettyOptions API exposes Netty classes ({@link SocketChannel}, etc.), it should
* only be extended by clients using the non-shaded version of driver.
Extending this API with shaded Netty classes is not supported, and in particular for
* OSGi applications, it is likely that such a configuration would lead to compile and/or runtime
* errors.
* @since 2.0.10
public class NettyOptions {
/** The default instance of {@link NettyOptions} to use. */
public static final NettyOptions DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new NettyOptions();
* Return the {@code EventLoopGroup} instance to use.
This hook is invoked only once at {@link Cluster} initialization; the returned instance will
* be kept in use throughout the cluster lifecycle.
Typically, implementors would return a newly-created instance; it is however possible to
* re-use a shared instance, but in this case implementors should also override {@link
* #onClusterClose(EventLoopGroup)} to prevent the shared instance to be closed when the cluster
* is closed.
The default implementation returns a new instance of {@code
*} if {@link NettyUtil#isEpollAvailable() epoll is
* available}, or {@code} otherwise.
* @param threadFactory The {@link ThreadFactory} to use when creating a new {@code
* EventLoopGroup} instance; The driver will provide its own internal thread factory here. It
* is safe to ignore it and use another thread factory. Note however that for optimal
* performance it is recommended to use a factory that returns {@link
* io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalThread} instances (such as Netty's {@link
* java.util.concurrent.Executors.DefaultThreadFactory}).
* @return the {@code EventLoopGroup} instance to use.
public EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup(ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
return NettyUtil.newEventLoopGroupInstance(threadFactory);
* Return the specific {@code SocketChannel} subclass to use.
This hook is invoked only once at {@link Cluster} initialization; the returned instance will
* then be used each time the driver creates a new {@link Connection} and configures a new
* instance of {@link Bootstrap} for it.
The default implementation returns {@code} if
* {@link NettyUtil#isEpollAvailable() epoll is available}, or {@code
*} otherwise.
* @return The {@code SocketChannel} subclass to use.
public Class extends SocketChannel> channelClass() {
return NettyUtil.channelClass();
* Hook invoked each time the driver creates a new {@link Connection} and configures a new
* instance of {@link Bootstrap} for it.
This hook is guaranteed to be called after the driver has applied all {@link
* SocketOptions}s.
This is a good place to add extra {@link ChannelOption}s to
* the boostrap; e.g. plug a custom {@link io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator ByteBufAllocator}
* implementation:
* ByteBufAllocator myCustomByteBufAllocator = ...
* public void afterBootstrapInitialized(Bootstrap bootstrap) {
* bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, myCustomByteBufAllocator);
* }
* Note that the default implementation of this method configures a pooled {@code
* ByteBufAllocator} (Netty 4.0 defaults to unpooled). If you override this method to set
* unrelated options, make sure you call {@code super.afterBootstrapInitialized(bootstrap)}.
* @param bootstrap the {@link Bootstrap} being initialized.
public void afterBootstrapInitialized(Bootstrap bootstrap) {
// In Netty 4.1.x, pooled will be the default, so this won't be necessary anymore
bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT);
* Hook invoked each time the driver creates a new {@link Connection} and initializes the {@link
* SocketChannel channel}.
This hook is guaranteed to be called after the driver has registered all its
* internal channel handlers, and applied the configured {@link SSLOptions}, if any.
This is a good place to add extra {@link ChannelHandler}s to
* the channel's pipeline; e.g. to add a custom SSL handler to the beginning of the handler chain,
* do the following:
* ChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.pipeline();
* SSLEngine myCustomSSLEngine = ...
* SslHandler myCustomSSLHandler = new SslHandler(myCustomSSLEngine);
* pipeline.addFirst("ssl", myCustomSSLHandler);
* Note: if you intend to provide your own SSL implementation, do not enable the driver's
* built-in {@link SSLOptions} at the same time.
* @param channel the {@link SocketChannel} instance, after being initialized by the driver.
* @throws Exception if this methods encounters any errors.
public void afterChannelInitialized(SocketChannel channel) throws Exception {
// noop
* Hook invoked when the cluster is shutting down after a call to {@link Cluster#close()}.
This is guaranteed to be called only after all connections have been individually closed,
* and their channels closed, and only once per {@link EventLoopGroup} instance.
This gives the implementor a chance to close the {@link EventLoopGroup} properly, if
* required.
The default implementation initiates a {@link EventLoopGroup#shutdownGracefully() graceful
* shutdown} of the passed {@link EventLoopGroup}, then waits uninterruptibly for the shutdown to
* complete or timeout.
Implementation note: if the {@link EventLoopGroup} instance is being shared, or used for
* other purposes than to coordinate Netty events for the current cluster, then it should not be
* shut down here; subclasses would have to override this method accordingly to take the
* appropriate action.
* @param eventLoopGroup the event loop group used by the cluster being closed
public void onClusterClose(EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup) {
* Return the {@link Timer} instance used by Read Timeouts and Speculative Execution.
This hook is invoked only once at {@link Cluster} initialization; the returned instance will
* be kept in use throughout the cluster lifecycle.
Typically, implementors would return a newly-created instance; it is however possible to
* re-use a shared instance, but in this case implementors should also override {@link
* #onClusterClose(Timer)} to prevent the shared instance to be closed when the cluster is closed.
The default implementation returns a new instance created by {@link
* HashedWheelTimer#HashedWheelTimer(ThreadFactory)}.
* @param threadFactory The {@link ThreadFactory} to use when creating a new {@link
* HashedWheelTimer} instance; The driver will provide its own internal thread factory here.
* It is safe to ignore it and use another thread factory. Note however that for optimal
* performance it is recommended to use a factory that returns {@link
* io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalThread} instances (such as Netty's {@link
* java.util.concurrent.Executors.DefaultThreadFactory}).
* @return the {@link Timer} instance to use.
public Timer timer(ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
return new HashedWheelTimer(threadFactory);
* Hook invoked when the cluster is shutting down after a call to {@link Cluster#close()}.
This is guaranteed to be called only after all connections have been individually closed,
* and their channels closed, and only once per {@link Timer} instance.
This gives the implementor a chance to close the {@link Timer} properly, if required.
The default implementation calls a {@link Timer#stop()} of the passed {@link Timer}
* instance.
Implementation note: if the {@link Timer} instance is being shared, or used for other
* purposes than to schedule actions for the current cluster, than it should not be stopped here;
* subclasses would have to override this method accordingly to take the appropriate action.
* @param timer the timer used by the cluster being closed
public void onClusterClose(Timer timer) {