com.datastax.spark.connector.ColumnRef.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.datastax.spark.connector
import scala.language.implicitConversions
/** A column that can be selected from CQL results set by name. */
sealed trait ColumnRef {
/** Returns the column name which this selection bases on.
* In case of a function, such as `ttl` or `writetime`,
* it returns the column name passed to that function. */
def columnName: String
/** Returns the name of the column to be used by the user in the RDD item object.
* If the column is selected into a CassandraRow, this name should be used to get the
* column value. Also this name will be matched to an object property by column mappers. */
def selectedAs: String
/** Returns a CQL phrase which has to be passed to the
* `SELECT` clause with appropriate quotation marks. */
def cql: String
/** Returns a name of the value of this column in the CQL result set.
* Used when retrieving values form the CQL result set.*/
def cqlValueName: String
/** Insert behaviors for Collections. */
sealed trait CollectionBehavior
case object CollectionOverwrite extends CollectionBehavior
case object CollectionAppend extends CollectionBehavior
case object CollectionPrepend extends CollectionBehavior
case object CollectionRemove extends CollectionBehavior
/** References a column by name. */
case class ColumnName(columnName: String, alias: Option[String] = None) extends ColumnRef {
override val cql = s""""$columnName""""
override def cqlValueName = columnName
override def selectedAs = alias.getOrElse(columnName)
override def toString: String = columnName
def overwrite = CollectionColumnName(columnName, alias, CollectionOverwrite)
def add = CollectionColumnName(columnName, alias, CollectionAppend)
def append = CollectionColumnName(columnName, alias, CollectionAppend)
def prepend = CollectionColumnName(columnName, alias, CollectionPrepend)
def remove = CollectionColumnName(columnName, alias, CollectionRemove)
def as(alias: String) = copy(alias = Some(alias))
/** References a collection column by name with insert instructions */
case class CollectionColumnName(
columnName: String,
alias: Option[String] = None,
collectionBehavior: CollectionBehavior = CollectionOverwrite) extends ColumnRef {
override val cql = s""""$columnName""""
override def cqlValueName = columnName
override def selectedAs = alias.getOrElse(columnName)
override def toString: String = columnName
def as(alias: String) = copy(alias = Some(alias))
def overwrite = copy(collectionBehavior = CollectionOverwrite)
def add = copy(collectionBehavior = CollectionAppend)
def append = copy(collectionBehavior = CollectionAppend)
def prepend = copy(collectionBehavior = CollectionPrepend)
def remove = copy(collectionBehavior = CollectionRemove)
/** References TTL of a column. */
case class TTL(columnName: String, alias: Option[String] = None) extends ColumnRef {
override val cql = s"""TTL("$columnName")"""
override val cqlValueName = s"ttl($columnName)"
override def selectedAs = alias.getOrElse(cqlValueName)
override def toString: String = cqlValueName
def as(alias: String) = copy(alias = Some(alias))
/** References write time of a column. */
case class WriteTime(columnName: String, alias: Option[String] = None) extends ColumnRef {
override val cql = s"""WRITETIME("$columnName")"""
override val cqlValueName = s"writetime($columnName)"
override def selectedAs = alias.getOrElse(cqlValueName)
override def toString: String = cqlValueName
def as(alias: String) = copy(alias = Some(alias))
/** References a row count value returned from SELECT count(*) */
case object RowCountRef extends ColumnRef {
override def selectedAs: String = "count"
override def columnName: String = "count"
override def cqlValueName: String = "count"
override def cql: String = "count(*)"
/** References a function call **/
case class FunctionCallRef(
columnName: String,
actualParams: Seq[Either[ColumnRef, String]] = Seq.empty,
alias: Option[String] = None) extends ColumnRef {
override def selectedAs: String = alias.getOrElse(cqlValueName)
override def cqlValueName: String = s"$columnName(${stringifyArguments(actualParams, _.cqlValueName)})"
override def cql: String = s"$columnName(${stringifyArguments(actualParams, _.cql)})"
def requiredColumns: Seq[ColumnRef] = actualParams flatMap {
case Left(fcall: FunctionCallRef) => fcall.requiredColumns
case Left(cref) => Seq(cref)
case Right(_) => Seq.empty
private def stringifyArguments(
child: Seq[Either[ColumnRef, String]],
stringifyColumn: ColumnRef => String): String = child map {
case Left(cr) => stringifyColumn(cr)
case Right(str) => str
} mkString ","
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