com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.CassandraTableScanRDD.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd
import com.datastax.spark.connector._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.partitioner._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.partitioner.dht.{Token => ConnectorToken}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.reader._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.types.ColumnType
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.CqlWhereParser.{EqPredicate, InListPredicate, InPredicate, Predicate, RangePredicate}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.Quote._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.{CountingIterator, CqlWhereParser}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.writer.RowWriterFactory
import com.datastax.driver.core._
import org.apache.spark.metrics.InputMetricsUpdater
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, Partitioner, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** RDD representing a Table Scan of A Cassandra table.
* This class is the main entry point for analyzing data in Cassandra database with Spark.
* Obtain objects of this class by calling
* [[com.datastax.spark.connector.SparkContextFunctions.cassandraTable]].
* Configuration properties should be passed in the [[org.apache.spark.SparkConf SparkConf]]
* configuration of [[org.apache.spark.SparkContext SparkContext]].
* `CassandraRDD` needs to open connection to Cassandra, therefore it requires appropriate
* connection property values to be present in [[org.apache.spark.SparkConf SparkConf]].
* For the list of required and available properties, see
* [[com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector CassandraConnector]].
* `CassandraRDD` divides the data set into smaller partitions, processed locally on every
* cluster node. A data partition consists of one or more contiguous token ranges.
* To reduce the number of roundtrips to Cassandra, every partition is fetched in batches.
* The following properties control the number of partitions and the fetch size:
* - spark.cassandra.input.split.size_in_mb: approx amount of data to be fetched into a single Spark
* partition, default 64 MB
* - spark.cassandra.input.fetch.size_in_rows: number of CQL rows fetched per roundtrip,
* default 1000
* A `CassandraRDD` object gets serialized and sent to every Spark Executor, which then
* calls the `compute` method to fetch the data on every node. The `getPreferredLocations`
* method tells Spark the preferred nodes to fetch a partition from, so that the data for
* the partition are at the same node the task was sent to. If Cassandra nodes are collocated
* with Spark nodes, the queries are always sent to the Cassandra process running on the same
* node as the Spark Executor process, hence data are not transferred between nodes.
* If a Cassandra node fails or gets overloaded during read, the queries are retried
* to a different node.
* By default, reads are performed at ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE in order to leverage data-locality
* and minimize network traffic. This read consistency level is controlled by the
* spark.cassandra.input.consistency.level property.
class CassandraTableScanRDD[R] private[connector](
@transient val sc: SparkContext,
val connector: CassandraConnector,
val keyspaceName: String,
val tableName: String,
val columnNames: ColumnSelector = AllColumns,
val where: CqlWhereClause = CqlWhereClause.empty,
val limit: Option[Long] = None,
val clusteringOrder: Option[ClusteringOrder] = None,
val readConf: ReadConf = ReadConf(),
overridePartitioner: Option[Partitioner] = None)(
val classTag: ClassTag[R],
@transient val rowReaderFactory: RowReaderFactory[R])
extends CassandraRDD[R](sc, Seq.empty)
with CassandraTableRowReaderProvider[R] {
override type Self = CassandraTableScanRDD[R]
override protected def copy(
columnNames: ColumnSelector = columnNames,
where: CqlWhereClause = where,
limit: Option[Long] = limit,
clusteringOrder: Option[ClusteringOrder] = None,
readConf: ReadConf = readConf,
connector: CassandraConnector = connector): Self = {
require(sc != null,
"RDD transformation requires a non-null SparkContext. " +
"Unfortunately SparkContext in this CassandraRDD is null. " +
"This can happen after CassandraRDD has been deserialized. " +
"SparkContext is not Serializable, therefore it deserializes to null." +
"RDD transformations are not allowed inside lambdas used in other RDD transformations.")
new CassandraTableScanRDD[R](
sc = sc,
connector = connector,
keyspaceName = keyspaceName,
tableName = tableName,
columnNames = columnNames,
where = where,
limit = limit,
clusteringOrder = clusteringOrder,
readConf = readConf,
overridePartitioner = overridePartitioner)
override protected def convertTo[B : ClassTag : RowReaderFactory]: CassandraTableScanRDD[B] = {
new CassandraTableScanRDD[B](
sc = sc,
connector = connector,
keyspaceName = keyspaceName,
tableName = tableName,
columnNames = columnNames,
where = where,
limit = limit,
clusteringOrder = clusteringOrder,
readConf = readConf,
overridePartitioner = overridePartitioner)
* Internal method for assigning a partitioner to this RDD, this lacks type safety checks for
* the Partitioner of type [K]. End users will use the implicit provided in
* [[CassandraTableScanPairRDDFunctions]]
private[connector] def withPartitioner[K, V, T <: ConnectorToken[V]](
partitioner: Option[Partitioner]): CassandraTableScanRDD[R] = {
val cassPart = partitioner match {
case Some(newPartitioner: CassandraPartitioner[K, V, T]) => {
this.partitioner match {
case Some(currentPartitioner: CassandraPartitioner[K, V, T]) =>
/** Preserve the mapping set by the current partitioner **/
s"""Preserving Partitioner: $currentPartitioner with mapping
case _ =>
logDebug(s"Assigning new Partitioner $newPartitioner")
case Some(other: Partitioner) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"""Unable to assign
|non-CassandraPartitioner $other to CassandraTableScanRDD """.stripMargin)
case None => None
new CassandraTableScanRDD[R](
sc = sc,
connector = connector,
keyspaceName = keyspaceName,
tableName = tableName,
columnNames = columnNames,
where = where,
limit = limit,
clusteringOrder = clusteringOrder,
readConf = readConf,
overridePartitioner = cassPart)
/** Selects a subset of columns mapped to the key and returns an RDD of pairs.
* Similar to the builtin Spark keyBy method, but this one uses implicit
* RowReaderFactory to construct the key objects.
* The selected columns must be available in the CassandraRDD.
* If the selected columns contain the complete partition key a
* `CassandraPartitioner` will also be created.
* @param columns column selector passed to the rrf to create the row reader,
* useful when the key is mapped to a tuple or a single value
def keyBy[K](columns: ColumnSelector)(implicit
classtag: ClassTag[K],
rrf: RowReaderFactory[K],
rwf: RowWriterFactory[K]): CassandraTableScanRDD[(K, R)] = {
val kRRF = implicitly[RowReaderFactory[K]]
val vRRF = rowReaderFactory
implicit val kvRRF = new KeyValueRowReaderFactory[K, R](columns, kRRF, vRRF)
val selectedColumnNames = columns.selectFrom(tableDef).map(_.columnName).toSet
val partitionKeyColumnNames = PartitionKeyColumns.selectFrom(tableDef).map(_.columnName).toSet
if (selectedColumnNames.containsAll(partitionKeyColumnNames)) {
val partitioner = partitionGenerator.partitioner[K](columns)
s"""Made partitioner ${partitioner} for $this""".stripMargin)
convertTo[(K, R)].withPartitioner(partitioner)
} else {
convertTo[(K, R)]
/** Extracts a key of the given class from the given columns.
* @see `keyBy(ColumnSelector)` */
def keyBy[K](columns: ColumnRef*)(implicit
classtag: ClassTag[K],
rrf: RowReaderFactory[K],
rwf: RowWriterFactory[K]): CassandraTableScanRDD[(K, R)] =
keyBy(SomeColumns(columns: _*))
/** Extracts a key of the given class from all the available columns.
* @see `keyBy(ColumnSelector)` */
def keyBy[K]()(implicit
classtag: ClassTag[K],
rrf: RowReaderFactory[K],
rwf: RowWriterFactory[K]): CassandraTableScanRDD[(K, R)] =
@transient lazy val partitionGenerator = {
if (containsPartitionKey(where)) {
CassandraPartitionGenerator(connector, tableDef, Some(1), splitSize)
} else {
CassandraPartitionGenerator(connector, tableDef, splitCount, splitSize)
@transient override val partitioner = overridePartitioner
override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
verify() // let's fail fast
val partitions: Array[Partition] = partitioner match {
case Some(cassPartitioner: CassandraPartitioner[_, _, _]) => {
case Some(other: Partitioner) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid partitioner $other")
case None => partitionGenerator.partitions.toArray[Partition]
logDebug(s"Created total ${partitions.length} partitions for $keyspaceName.$tableName.")
logTrace("Partitions: \n" + partitions.mkString("\n"))
private lazy val nodeAddresses = new NodeAddresses(connector)
private lazy val partitionKeyStr =", ")
override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =
split.asInstanceOf[CassandraPartition[_, _]].endpoints.flatMap(nodeAddresses.hostNames).toSeq
private def tokenRangeToCqlQuery(range: CqlTokenRange[_, _]): (String, Seq[Any]) = {
val columns =", ")
val (cql, values) = if (containsPartitionKey(where)) {
("", Seq.empty)
} else {
val filter = (cql +: where.predicates).filter(_.nonEmpty).mkString(" AND ")
val limitClause = => s"LIMIT $limit").getOrElse("")
val orderBy ="")
val quotedKeyspaceName = quote(keyspaceName)
val quotedTableName = quote(tableName)
val queryTemplate =
s"SELECT $columns " +
s"FROM $quotedKeyspaceName.$quotedTableName " +
s"WHERE $filter $orderBy $limitClause ALLOW FILTERING"
val queryParamValues = values ++ where.values
(queryTemplate, queryParamValues)
private def createStatement(session: Session, cql: String, values: Any*): Statement = {
try {
val stmt = session.prepare(cql)
val converters = stmt.getVariables
.map(v => ColumnType.converterToCassandra(v.getType))
val convertedValues =
for ((value, converter) <- values zip converters)
yield converter.convert(value)
val bstm = stmt.bind(convertedValues: _*)
catch {
case t: Throwable =>
throw new IOException(s"Exception during preparation of $cql: ${t.getMessage}", t)
private def fetchTokenRange(
session: Session,
range: CqlTokenRange[_, _],
inputMetricsUpdater: InputMetricsUpdater): Iterator[R] = {
val (cql, values) = tokenRangeToCqlQuery(range)
s"Fetching data for range ${range.cql(partitionKeyStr)} " +
s"with $cql " +
s"with params ${values.mkString("[", ",", "]")}")
val stmt = createStatement(session, cql, values: _*)
try {
val rs = session.execute(stmt)
val columnNames =
val columnMetaData = CassandraRowMetadata.fromResultSet(columnNames,rs)
val iterator = new PrefetchingResultSetIterator(rs, fetchSize)
val iteratorWithMetrics =
val result =, columnMetaData))
logDebug(s"Row iterator for range ${range.cql(partitionKeyStr)} obtained successfully.")
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
throw new IOException(s"Exception during execution of $cql: ${t.getMessage}", t)
override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[R] = {
val session = connector.openSession()
val partition = split.asInstanceOf[CassandraPartition[_, _]]
val tokenRanges = partition.tokenRanges
val metricsUpdater = InputMetricsUpdater(context, readConf)
// Iterator flatMap trick flattens the iterator-of-iterator structure into a single iterator.
// flatMap on iterator is lazy, therefore a query for the next token range is executed not earlier
// than all of the rows returned by the previous query have been consumed
val rowIterator = tokenRanges.iterator.flatMap(
fetchTokenRange(session, _: CqlTokenRange[_, _], metricsUpdater))
val countingIterator = new CountingIterator(rowIterator, limit)
context.addTaskCompletionListener { (context) =>
val duration = metricsUpdater.finish() / 1000000000d
logDebug(f"Fetched ${countingIterator.count} rows from $keyspaceName.$tableName " +
f"for partition ${partition.index} in $duration%.3f s.")
override def toEmptyCassandraRDD: EmptyCassandraRDD[R] = {
new EmptyCassandraRDD[R](
sc = sc,
keyspaceName = keyspaceName,
tableName = tableName,
columnNames = columnNames,
where = where,
limit = limit,
clusteringOrder = clusteringOrder,
readConf = readConf)
override def cassandraCount(): Long = {
columnNames match {
case SomeColumns(_) =>
logWarning("You are about to count rows but an explicit projection has been specified.")
case _ =>
val counts =
new CassandraTableScanRDD[Long](
sc = sc,
connector = connector,
keyspaceName = keyspaceName,
tableName = tableName,
columnNames = SomeColumns(RowCountRef),
where = where,
limit = limit,
clusteringOrder = clusteringOrder,
readConf = readConf)
counts.reduce(_ + _)
private def containsPartitionKey(clause: CqlWhereClause): Boolean = {
val pk =
val wherePredicates: Seq[Predicate] = clause.predicates.flatMap(CqlWhereParser.parse)
val whereColumns: Set[String] = wherePredicates.collect {
case EqPredicate(c, _) if pk.contains(c) => c
case InPredicate(c) if pk.contains(c) => c
case InListPredicate(c, _) if pk.contains(c) => c
case RangePredicate(c, _, _) if pk.contains(c) =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"Range predicates on partition key columns (here: $c) are " +
s"not supported in where. Use filter instead.")
val primaryKeyComplete = whereColumns.nonEmpty && whereColumns.size == pk.size
val whereColumnsAllIndexed = whereColumns.forall(tableDef.isIndexed)
if (!primaryKeyComplete && !whereColumnsAllIndexed) {
val missing = pk -- whereColumns
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"Partition key predicate must include all partition key columns or partition key columns need" +
s" to be indexed. Missing columns: ${missing.mkString(",")}"
object CassandraTableScanRDD {
def apply[T : ClassTag : RowReaderFactory](
sc: SparkContext,
keyspaceName: String,
tableName: String): CassandraTableScanRDD[T] = {
new CassandraTableScanRDD[T](
sc = sc,
connector = CassandraConnector(sc.getConf),
keyspaceName = keyspaceName,
tableName = tableName,
readConf = ReadConf.fromSparkConf(sc.getConf),
columnNames = AllColumns,
where = CqlWhereClause.empty)
def apply[K, V](
sc: SparkContext,
keyspaceName: String,
tableName: String)(
keyCT: ClassTag[K],
valueCT: ClassTag[V],
rrf: RowReaderFactory[(K, V)],
rwf: RowWriterFactory[K]): CassandraTableScanRDD[(K, V)] = {
val rdd = new CassandraTableScanRDD[(K, V)](
sc = sc,
connector = CassandraConnector(sc.getConf),
keyspaceName = keyspaceName,
tableName = tableName,
readConf = ReadConf.fromSparkConf(sc.getConf),
columnNames = AllColumns,
where = CqlWhereClause.empty)
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