com.datastax.spark.connector.writer.MappedToGettableDataConverter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.datastax.spark.connector.writer
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ReflectionLock.SparkReflectionLock
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.{Symbols, ReflectionUtil}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.{GettableByIndexData, TupleValue, UDTValue, ColumnRef}
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.StructDef
import com.datastax.spark.connector.mapper._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.types.{TupleType, MapType, SetType, ListType, ColumnType, TypeConverter}
private[connector] object MappedToGettableDataConverter {
def apply[T : TypeTag : ColumnMapper]
(struct: StructDef, columnSelection: IndexedSeq[ColumnRef]): TypeConverter[struct.ValueRepr] =
new TypeConverter[struct.ValueRepr] {
/** To determine which default column mapper to use for UDT fields.
* If this class is a Java bean, then the UDT fields will be mapped with
* the `JavaBeanColumnMapper` */
private val isJavaBean =
private val columnMap =
implicitly[ColumnMapper[T]].columnMapForWriting(struct, columnSelection)
/** Returns the column mapper associated with the given type.
* Used to find column mappers for UDT columns.
* For tuples, returns [[com.datastax.spark.connector.mapper.TupleColumnMapper TupleColumnMapper]],
* for Java beans uses
* [[com.datastax.spark.connector.mapper.JavaBeanColumnMapper JavaBeanColumnMapper]],
* and for everything else uses
* [[com.datastax.spark.connector.mapper.DefaultColumnMapper DefaultColumnMapper]] */
private def columnMapper[U: TypeTag]: ColumnMapper[U] = {
val tpe = SparkReflectionLock.synchronized(typeTag[U].tpe)
if (ReflectionUtil.isScalaTuple(tpe))
new TupleColumnMapper[U]
else if (isJavaBean)
new JavaBeanColumnMapper[U]()(ReflectionUtil.classTag[U])
new DefaultColumnMapper[U]
/** Returns true for tuple types that provide full type information of their components */
private def isTypedTuple(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
ReflectionUtil.isScalaTuple(sym) ||
sym == Symbols.PairSymbol ||
sym == Symbols.TripleSymbol
/** Returns a converter for converting given column to appropriate type savable to Cassandra */
private def converter[U : TypeTag](columnType: ColumnType[_]): TypeConverter[_ <: AnyRef] = {
SparkReflectionLock.synchronized {
val scalaType = typeTag[U].tpe
(columnType, scalaType) match {
// Collections need recursive call to get the converter for the collection elements
// to handle nested UDT values and tuples properly.
case (ListType(argColumnType), TypeRef(_, _, List(argScalaType))) =>
val argConverter = converter(argColumnType, argScalaType)
case (SetType(argColumnType), TypeRef(_, _, List(argScalaType))) =>
val argConverter = converter(argColumnType, argScalaType)
case (MapType(keyColumnType, valueColumnType),
TypeRef(_, _, List(keyScalaType, valueScalaType))) =>
val keyConverter = converter(keyColumnType, keyScalaType)
val valueConverter = converter(valueColumnType, valueScalaType)
TypeConverter.javaHashMapConverter(keyConverter, valueConverter)
case (tt @ TupleType(argColumnType1, argColumnType2),
TypeRef(_, Symbols.PairSymbol, List(argScalaType1, argScalaType2))) =>
val c1 = converter(argColumnType1.columnType, argScalaType1)
val c2 = converter(argColumnType2.columnType, argScalaType2)
tt.converterToCassandra(IndexedSeq(c1, c2))
case (tt @ TupleType(argColumnType1, argColumnType2, argColumnType3),
TypeRef(_, Symbols.TripleSymbol, List(argScalaType1, argScalaType2, argScalaType3))) =>
val c1 = converter(argColumnType1.columnType, argScalaType1)
val c2 = converter(argColumnType2.columnType, argScalaType2)
val c3 = converter(argColumnType3.columnType, argScalaType3)
tt.converterToCassandra(IndexedSeq(c1, c2, c3))
// If tuple with mismatched number of components, don't continue:
case (tt: TupleType, TypeRef(_, symbol, args))
if isTypedTuple(symbol) && tt.columns.length != args.length =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Expected ${tt.columns.length} components in the tuple, " +
s"instead of ${args.length} in $scalaType")
// UDTValue, TupleValue:
case (t: StructDef, _) if scalaType <:< typeOf[GettableByIndexData] =>
case (t: StructDef, TypeRef(_, _, List(argScalaType))) if scalaType <:< typeOf[Option[Any]] =>
type U2 = u2 forSome {type u2}
implicit val tt = ReflectionUtil.typeToTypeTag[U2](argScalaType)
implicit val cm: ColumnMapper[U2] = columnMapper[U2]
apply[U2](t, t.columnRefs)
// UDTs mapped to case classes and tuples mapped to Scala tuples.
// ColumnMappers support mapping Scala tuples, so we don't need a special case for them.
case (t: StructDef, _) =>
implicit val cm: ColumnMapper[U] = columnMapper[U]
apply[U](t, t.columnRefs)
// Primitive types
case _ =>
/** Returns a converter that can convert
* a Scala type given by `Type` to a Cassandra value of given `ColumnType` */
private def converter(columnType: ColumnType[_], tpe: Type): TypeConverter[_ <: AnyRef] = {
type U = u forSome {type u}
implicit val tt = ReflectionUtil.typeToTypeTag[U](tpe)
private val tpe = SparkReflectionLock.synchronized {
private val cls = typeTag[T].mirror.runtimeClass(typeTag[T].tpe).asInstanceOf[Class[T]]
private val typeName = tpe.toString
val columnNames =
private val getterByColumnName = {
case (name, colRef) => (colRef.columnName, name)
private val getters =
private val scalaTypes: IndexedSeq[Type] =, _))
private val columnTypes: IndexedSeq[ColumnType[_]] = => struct.columnByName(c).columnType)
private val extractor =
new PropertyExtractor(cls, getters)
private val converters = {
for (i <- columnNames.indices) yield {
try {
val ct = columnTypes(i)
val st = scalaTypes(i)
converter(ct, st)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"""Failed to get converter for field "${getters(i)}"
|of type ${scalaTypes(i)} in $typeName
|mapped to column "${columnNames(i)}" of "${}"
|""".stripMargin.replaceAll("\n", " "), e)
override def targetTypeTag = typeTag[struct.ValueRepr]
override def convertPF = {
case obj if cls.isInstance(obj) =>
val columnValues = extractor.extract(obj.asInstanceOf[T])
for (i <- columnValues.indices)
columnValues(i) = converters(i).convert(columnValues(i))
struct.newInstance(columnValues: _*)
case Some(obj) if cls.isInstance(obj) =>
val columnValues = extractor.extract(obj.asInstanceOf[T])
for (i <- columnValues.indices)
columnValues(i) = converters(i).convert(columnValues(i))
struct.newInstance(columnValues: _*)
case None =>
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