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com.datastax.spark.connector.types.TypeConverter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.datastax.spark.connector.types

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.time.{ZoneId, LocalDate => JavaLocalDate}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.{Calendar, Date, GregorianCalendar, TimeZone, UUID}

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.immutable.{TreeMap, TreeSet}
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple
import org.joda.time.{DateTime, LocalDate => JodaLocalDate}
import com.datastax.driver.core.LocalDate
import com.datastax.spark.connector.TupleValue
import com.datastax.spark.connector.UDTValue.UDTValueConverter
import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.{ByteBufferUtil, Symbols}
import Symbols._

class TypeConversionException(val message: String, cause: Exception = null) extends Exception(message, cause)

/** Machinery for converting objects of any type received from Cassandra into objects of Scala types.
  * Every converter knows how to convert object to one type. See `TypeConverter`
  * companion object for a list of available converters. */
trait TypeConverter[T] extends Serializable {
  /** Compile time type of the converter target */
  type targetType = T

  /** TypeTag for the target type. */
  def targetTypeTag: TypeTag[T]

  /** String representation of the converter target type.*/
  def targetTypeName: String = targetTypeTag.tpe.toString

  /** Returns a function converting an object into `T`. */
  def convertPF: PartialFunction[Any, T]

  /** Converts and object or throws TypeConversionException if the object can't be converted. */
  def convert(obj: Any): T = {
    convertPF.applyOrElse(obj, (_: Any) =>
      if (obj != null)
        throw new TypeConversionException(s"Cannot convert object $obj of type ${obj.getClass} to $targetTypeName.")
        throw new TypeConversionException(s"Cannot convert object $obj to $targetTypeName.")

/** Handles nullable types and converts any null to null. */
trait NullableTypeConverter[T] extends TypeConverter[T] {
  override def convert(obj: Any): T =
    if (obj != null)

/** Chains together several converters converting to the same type.
  * This way you can extend functionality of any converter to support new input types. */
class ChainedTypeConverter[T](converters: TypeConverter[T]*) extends NullableTypeConverter[T] {
  def targetTypeTag = converters.head.targetTypeTag
  def convertPF = orElse _)

/** Defines a set of converters and implicit functions used to look up an appropriate converter for
  * a desired type. Thanks to implicit method lookup, it is possible to implement a generic
  * method `CassandraRow#get`, which picks up the right converter basing solely on its type argument. */
object TypeConverter {

  lazy val defaultTimezone = TimeZone.getDefault

  private val AnyTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Any]]

  implicit object AnyConverter extends TypeConverter[Any] {
    def targetTypeTag = AnyTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case obj => obj

  private val AnyRefTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[AnyRef]]

  implicit object AnyRefConverter extends TypeConverter[AnyRef] {
    def targetTypeTag = AnyRefTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case obj => obj.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]

  private val BooleanTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Boolean]]

  implicit object BooleanConverter extends TypeConverter[Boolean] {
    def targetTypeTag = BooleanTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: java.lang.Boolean => x
      case x: java.lang.Integer => x != 0
      case x: java.lang.Long => x != 0L
      case x: java.math.BigInteger => x != java.math.BigInteger.ZERO
      case x: String => x.toBoolean

  private val JavaBooleanTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.lang.Boolean]]

  implicit object JavaBooleanConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.lang.Boolean] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaBooleanTypeTag

    def convertPF = BooleanConverter.convertPF.andThen(_.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean])

  private val ByteTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Byte]]

  implicit object ByteConverter extends TypeConverter[Byte] {
    def targetTypeTag = ByteTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: Number => x.byteValue
      case x: String => x.toByte

  private val JavaByteTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.lang.Byte]]

  implicit object JavaByteConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.lang.Byte] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaByteTypeTag

    def convertPF = ByteConverter.convertPF.andThen(_.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Byte])

  private val ShortTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Short]]

  implicit object ShortConverter extends TypeConverter[Short] {
    def targetTypeTag = ShortTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: Number => x.shortValue
      case x: String => x.toShort

  private val JavaShortTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.lang.Short]]

  implicit object JavaShortConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.lang.Short] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaShortTypeTag

    def convertPF = ShortConverter.convertPF.andThen(_.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Short])

  private val IntTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Int]]

  implicit object IntConverter extends TypeConverter[Int] {
    def targetTypeTag = IntTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: Number => x.intValue
      case x: String => x.toInt

  private val JavaIntTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.lang.Integer]]

  implicit object JavaIntConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.lang.Integer] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaIntTypeTag

    def convertPF = IntConverter.convertPF.andThen(_.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer])

  private val LongTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Long]]

  implicit object LongConverter extends TypeConverter[Long] {
    def targetTypeTag = LongTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: Number => x.longValue
      case x: Date => x.getTime
      case x: DateTime => x.toDate.getTime
      case x: Calendar => x.getTimeInMillis
      case x: java.time.Instant => x.toEpochMilli
      case x: java.time.LocalTime => x.toNanoOfDay
      case x: java.time.LocalDate => x.toEpochDay
      case x: java.time.Duration => x.toMillis
      case x: String => x.toLong

  private val JavaLongTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.lang.Long]]

  implicit object JavaLongConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.lang.Long] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaLongTypeTag

    def convertPF = LongConverter.convertPF.andThen(_.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Long])

  private val FloatTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Float]]

  implicit object FloatConverter extends TypeConverter[Float] {
    def targetTypeTag = FloatTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: Number => x.floatValue
      case x: String => x.toFloat

  private val JavaFloatTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.lang.Float]]

  implicit object JavaFloatConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.lang.Float] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaFloatTypeTag

    def convertPF = FloatConverter.convertPF.andThen(_.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Float])

  private val DoubleTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Double]]

  implicit object DoubleConverter extends TypeConverter[Double] {
    def targetTypeTag = DoubleTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: Number => x.doubleValue
      case x: String => x.toDouble

  private val JavaDoubleTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.lang.Double]]

  implicit object JavaDoubleConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.lang.Double] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaDoubleTypeTag

    def convertPF = DoubleConverter.convertPF.andThen(_.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Double])

  private val StringTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[String]]

  implicit object StringConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[String] {
    def targetTypeTag = StringTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: Date => TimestampFormatter.format(x)
      case x: Array[Byte] => "0x" +"%02x" format _).mkString
      case x: Map[_, _] => => convert(kv._1) + ": " + convert(kv._2)).mkString("{", ",", "}")
      case x: Set[_] =>"{", ",", "}")
      case x: Seq[_] =>"[", ",", "]")
      case x: Any => x.toString

  private val ByteBufferTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[ByteBuffer]]

  implicit object ByteBufferConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[ByteBuffer] {
    def targetTypeTag = ByteBufferTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: ByteBuffer => x
      case x: Array[Byte] => ByteBuffer.wrap(x)

  private val ByteArrayTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Array[Byte]]]

  implicit object ByteArrayConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[Array[Byte]] {
    def targetTypeTag = ByteArrayTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: Array[Byte] => x
      case x: ByteBuffer => ByteBufferUtil.toArray(x)

  private val DateTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Date]]

  implicit object DateConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[Date] {
    def targetTypeTag = DateTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: Date => x
      case x: DateTime => x.toDate
      case x: Calendar => x.getTime
      case x: Long => new Date(x)
      case x: UUID if x.version() == 1 => new Date(x.timestamp())
      case x: LocalDate => DateConverter.convert(JodaLocalDateConverter.convert(x))
      case x: String => TimestampParser.parse(x)
      case x: JodaLocalDate => x.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay.toDate
      case x: JavaLocalDate => Date.from(x.atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant)

  private val SqlDateTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.sql.Date]]

  implicit object SqlDateConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.sql.Date] {
    def targetTypeTag = SqlDateTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: String => SqlDateConverter.convert(JodaLocalDateConverter.convert(x))
      case x: Date => new java.sql.Date(x.getTime)
      case x: LocalDate => SqlDateConverter.convert(JodaLocalDateConverter.convert(x))
      case x: JodaLocalDate => new java.sql.Date(x.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay.getMillis)
      case x: JavaLocalDate => new java.sql.Date(x.atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant.toEpochMilli)

  private val JodaDateTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[DateTime]]

  implicit object JodaDateConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[DateTime] {
    def targetTypeTag = JodaDateTypeTag
    def convertPF = DateConverter.convertPF.andThen(new DateTime(_))

  private val JodaLocalDateTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[JodaLocalDate]]

  implicit object JodaLocalDateConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[JodaLocalDate] {
    def targetTypeTag = JodaLocalDateTypeTag
    def convertPF = {
      case x: String => JodaLocalDate.fromDateFields(TimestampParser.parse(x))
      case x: JodaLocalDate => x
      case x: LocalDate => new JodaLocalDate(x.getYear, x.getMonth, x.getDay)
      case x: java.util.Date => JodaLocalDate.fromDateFields(x)

  private val GregorianCalendarTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[GregorianCalendar]]

  implicit object GregorianCalendarConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[GregorianCalendar] {
    private[this] def calendar(date: Date): GregorianCalendar = {
      val c = new GregorianCalendar()
    def targetTypeTag = GregorianCalendarTypeTag
    def convertPF = DateConverter.convertPF.andThen(calendar)

  private val TimestampTypeTag = TypeTag.synchronized {

  implicit object TimestampConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[Timestamp] {
    def targetTypeTag = TimestampTypeTag
    override def convertPF = {
      case x: Timestamp => x
      case x => Timestamp.from(DateConverter.convert(x).toInstant())

  private val BigIntTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[BigInt]]

  implicit object BigIntConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[BigInt] {
    def targetTypeTag = BigIntTypeTag
    def convertPF = {
      case x: BigInt => x
      case x: java.math.BigInteger => x
      case x: java.lang.Integer => BigInt(x)
      case x: java.lang.Long => BigInt(x)
      case x: String => BigInt(x)

  private val JavaBigIntegerTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.math.BigInteger]]

  implicit object JavaBigIntegerConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.math.BigInteger] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaBigIntegerTypeTag
    def convertPF = {
      case x: BigInt => x.bigInteger
      case x: java.math.BigInteger => x
      case x: java.lang.Integer => new java.math.BigInteger(x.toString)
      case x: java.lang.Long => new java.math.BigInteger(x.toString)
      case x: String => new java.math.BigInteger(x)
      case x: java.math.BigDecimal if x.scale() <= 0 => x.toBigInteger
      case x: java.math.BigDecimal if x.scale() > 0 => throw new TypeConversionException(
        s"BigDecimal ($x) has scale greater than 0 (Scale: ${x.scale()}) and cannot be converted to BigInteger")

  private val BigDecimalTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[BigDecimal]]

  implicit object BigDecimalConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[BigDecimal] {
    def targetTypeTag = BigDecimalTypeTag
    def convertPF = {
      case x: Number => BigDecimal(x.toString)
      case x: String => BigDecimal(x)

  private val JavaBigDecimalTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.math.BigDecimal]]

  implicit object JavaBigDecimalConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.math.BigDecimal] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaBigDecimalTypeTag
    def convertPF = {
      case x: Number => new java.math.BigDecimal(x.toString)
      case x: String => new java.math.BigDecimal(x)

  private val UUIDTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[UUID]]

  implicit object UUIDConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[UUID] {
    def targetTypeTag = UUIDTypeTag
    def convertPF = {
      case x: UUID => x
      case x: String => UUID.fromString(x)

  private val InetAddressTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[InetAddress]]

  implicit object InetAddressConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[InetAddress] {
    def targetTypeTag = InetAddressTypeTag
    def convertPF = {
      case x: InetAddress => x
      case x: String => InetAddress.getByName(x)

  private val LocalDateTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[LocalDate]]

  implicit object LocalDateConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[LocalDate] {
    def targetTypeTag = LocalDateTypeTag
    val dateRegx = """(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)""".r
    val yearRegx = """(\d\d\d\d)""".r

    def convertPF = {
      case x: LocalDate => x
      case dateRegx(y, m, d) => LocalDate.fromYearMonthDay(y.toInt, m.toInt, d.toInt)
      case yearRegx(y) => LocalDate.fromYearMonthDay(y.toInt, 1, 1)
      case x: Int => LocalDate.fromDaysSinceEpoch(x)
      case x: JodaLocalDate => LocalDate.fromYearMonthDay(x.getYear, x.getMonthOfYear, x.getDayOfMonth)
      case x: JavaLocalDate => LocalDate.fromYearMonthDay(x.getYear, x.getMonthValue, x.getDayOfMonth)
      case x: DateTime => {
        val ld = x.toLocalDate
        LocalDate.fromYearMonthDay(x.getYear, x.getMonthOfYear, x.getDayOfMonth)
      case x: Date => convert(JodaLocalDate.fromDateFields(x))

  object TimeTypeConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.lang.Long] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaLongTypeTag
    def convertPF = {
      case x: Date => TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(x.getTime)
      case x: Long => x.toLong

  private val JavaLocalDateTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[JavaLocalDate]]

  implicit object JavaLocalDateConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[JavaLocalDate] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaLocalDateTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: JavaLocalDate => x
      case x: String => JavaLocalDate.parse(x)
      case x: Int => JavaLocalDate.ofEpochDay(x)
      case x: Long => JavaLocalDate.ofEpochDay(x)
      case x: JodaLocalDate => JavaLocalDate.of(x.getYear, x.getMonthOfYear, x.getDayOfMonth)
      case x: DateTime => {
        val ld = x.toLocalDate
        JavaLocalDate.of(x.getYear, x.getMonthOfYear, x.getDayOfMonth)
      case x: Date => convert(JodaLocalDate.fromDateFields(x))

  private val JavaLocalTimeTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.time.LocalTime]]

  implicit object JavaLocalTimeConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.time.LocalTime] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaLocalTimeTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: java.time.LocalTime => x
      case x: String => java.time.LocalTime.parse(x)
      case x: Long => java.time.LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay(x)
      case x: Int => java.time.LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay(x)

  private val JavaDurationTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.time.Duration]]

  implicit object JavaDurationConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.time.Duration] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaDurationTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: java.time.Duration => x
      case x: String => java.time.Duration.parse(x)
      case x: Long => java.time.Duration.ofMillis(x)
      case x: Int => java.time.Duration.ofMillis(x)

  private val JavaInstantTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.time.Instant]]

  implicit object JavaInstantConverter extends NullableTypeConverter[java.time.Instant] {
    def targetTypeTag = JavaInstantTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case x: java.time.Instant => x
      case x: String => java.time.Instant.parse(x)
      case x: Long => java.time.Instant.ofEpochMilli(x)
      case x: java.sql.Timestamp => x.toInstant

  class Tuple2Converter[K, V](implicit kc: TypeConverter[K], vc: TypeConverter[V])
    extends TypeConverter[(K, V)] {

    lazy val targetTypeTag = {
      implicit val kTag = kc.targetTypeTag
      implicit val vTag = vc.targetTypeTag
      implicitly[TypeTag[(K, V)]]
    def convertPF = {
      case TupleValue(k, v) => (kc.convert(k), vc.convert(v))
      case (k, v) => (kc.convert(k), vc.convert(v))

  class Tuple3Converter[C1 : TypeConverter, C2 : TypeConverter, C3 : TypeConverter]
    extends TypeConverter[(C1, C2, C3)] {

    private val c1 = implicitly[TypeConverter[C1]]
    private val c2 = implicitly[TypeConverter[C2]]
    private val c3 = implicitly[TypeConverter[C3]]

    lazy val targetTypeTag =  {
      implicit val tag1 = c1.targetTypeTag
      implicit val tag2 = c2.targetTypeTag
      implicit val tag3 = c3.targetTypeTag
      implicitly[TypeTag[(C1, C2, C3)]]

    def convertPF = {
      case TupleValue(a1, a2, a3) => (c1.convert(a1), c2.convert(a2), c3.convert(a3))
      case (a1, a2, a3) => (c1.convert(a1), c2.convert(a2), c3.convert(a3)) 

  class PairConverter[K, V](implicit kc: TypeConverter[K], vc: TypeConverter[V])
    extends TypeConverter[tuple.Pair[K, V]] {

    lazy val targetTypeTag =  {
      implicit val kTag = kc.targetTypeTag
      implicit val vTag = vc.targetTypeTag
      implicitly[TypeTag[tuple.Pair[K, V]]]

    def convertPF = {
      case TupleValue(k, v) => tuple.Pair.of(kc.convert(k), vc.convert(v))
      case (k, v) => tuple.Pair.of(kc.convert(k), vc.convert(v))

  class TripleConverter[C1 : TypeConverter, C2 : TypeConverter, C3 : TypeConverter]
    extends TypeConverter[tuple.Triple[C1, C2, C3]] {

    private val c1 = implicitly[TypeConverter[C1]]
    private val c2 = implicitly[TypeConverter[C2]]
    private val c3 = implicitly[TypeConverter[C3]]

    lazy val targetTypeTag =  {
      implicit val tag1 = c1.targetTypeTag
      implicit val tag2 = c2.targetTypeTag
      implicit val tag3 = c3.targetTypeTag
      implicitly[TypeTag[tuple.Triple[C1, C2, C3]]]

    def convertPF = {
      case TupleValue(a1, a2, a3) => tuple.Triple.of(c1.convert(a1), c2.convert(a2), c3.convert(a3))
      case (a1, a2, a3) => tuple.Triple.of(c1.convert(a1), c2.convert(a2), c3.convert(a3))

  class OptionConverter[T](implicit c: TypeConverter[T]) extends TypeConverter[Option[T]] {

    lazy val targetTypeTag =  {
      implicit val itemTypeTag = c.targetTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case null => None
      case None => None
      case other => Some(c.convert(other))

  class CassandraOptionConverter[T](implicit c: TypeConverter[T]) extends
    TypeConverter[CassandraOption[T]] {

    lazy val targetTypeTag = TypeTag.synchronized {
      implicit val itemTypeTag = c.targetTypeTag

    def convertPF = {
      case null => CassandraOption.Unset
      case other => CassandraOption.Value(c.convert(other))

  abstract class CollectionConverter[CC, T](implicit c: TypeConverter[T], bf: CanBuildFrom[T, CC])
    extends TypeConverter[CC] {

    protected implicit def itemTypeTag: TypeTag[T] = c.targetTypeTag

    private def newCollection(items: Iterable[Any]) = {
      val builder = bf()
      for (item <- items)
        builder += c.convert(item)

    def convertPF = {
      case null => bf.apply().result()
      case x: java.util.List[_] => newCollection(x)
      case x: java.util.Set[_] => newCollection(x)
      case x: java.util.Map[_, _] => newCollection(x)
      case x: Iterable[_] => newCollection(x)

  abstract class AbstractMapConverter[CC, K, V](implicit kc: TypeConverter[K], vc: TypeConverter[V], bf: CanBuildFrom[(K, V), CC])
    extends CollectionConverter[CC, (K, V)] {

    protected implicit def keyTypeTag: TypeTag[K] = kc.targetTypeTag
    protected implicit def valueTypeTag: TypeTag[V] = vc.targetTypeTag

  class ListConverter[T : TypeConverter] extends CollectionConverter[List[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[List[T]]]

  class VectorConverter[T : TypeConverter] extends CollectionConverter[Vector[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Vector[T]]]

  class SetConverter[T : TypeConverter] extends CollectionConverter[Set[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Set[T]]]

  class TreeSetConverter[T : TypeConverter : Ordering] extends CollectionConverter[TreeSet[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[TreeSet[T]]]

  class SeqConverter[T : TypeConverter] extends CollectionConverter[Seq[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Seq[T]]]

  class IndexedSeqConverter[T : TypeConverter] extends CollectionConverter[IndexedSeq[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[IndexedSeq[T]]]

  class IterableConverter[T : TypeConverter] extends CollectionConverter[Iterable[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Iterable[T]]]

  class JavaListConverter[T : TypeConverter] extends CollectionConverter[java.util.List[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.util.List[T]]]

  class JavaArrayListConverter[T : TypeConverter] extends CollectionConverter[java.util.ArrayList[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.util.ArrayList[T]]]

  class JavaSetConverter[T : TypeConverter] extends CollectionConverter[java.util.Set[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.util.Set[T]]]

  class JavaHashSetConverter[T : TypeConverter] extends CollectionConverter[java.util.HashSet[T], T] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.util.HashSet[T]]]

  class MapConverter[K : TypeConverter, V : TypeConverter] extends AbstractMapConverter[Map[K, V], K, V] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[Map[K, V]]]

  class TreeMapConverter[K : TypeConverter : Ordering, V : TypeConverter] extends AbstractMapConverter[TreeMap[K, V], K, V] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[TreeMap[K, V]]]

  class JavaMapConverter[K : TypeConverter, V : TypeConverter] extends AbstractMapConverter[java.util.Map[K, V], K, V] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.util.Map[K, V]]]

  class JavaHashMapConverter[K : TypeConverter, V : TypeConverter] extends AbstractMapConverter[java.util.HashMap[K, V], K, V] {
    lazy val targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[java.util.HashMap[K, V]]]

  implicit def cassandraOptionConverter[T: TypeConverter]: CassandraOptionConverter[T] =
    new CassandraOptionConverter[T]

  implicit def optionConverter[T : TypeConverter]: OptionConverter[T] =
    new OptionConverter[T]

  implicit def tuple2Converter[K : TypeConverter, V : TypeConverter]: Tuple2Converter[K, V] =
    new Tuple2Converter[K, V]

  implicit def tuple3Converter[A1 : TypeConverter, A2 : TypeConverter, A3 : TypeConverter]
    : Tuple3Converter[A1, A2, A3] = new Tuple3Converter[A1, A2, A3]

  implicit def pairConverter[K : TypeConverter, V : TypeConverter]: PairConverter[K, V] =
    new PairConverter[K, V]

  implicit def tripleConverter[A1 : TypeConverter, A2 : TypeConverter, A3 : TypeConverter]
    : TripleConverter[A1, A2, A3] = new TripleConverter[A1, A2, A3]

  implicit def listConverter[T : TypeConverter]: ListConverter[T] =
    new ListConverter[T]

  implicit def vectorConverter[T : TypeConverter]: VectorConverter[T] =
    new VectorConverter[T]

  implicit def setConverter[T : TypeConverter]: SetConverter[T] =
    new SetConverter[T]

  implicit def treeSetConverter[T : TypeConverter : Ordering]: TreeSetConverter[T] =
    new TreeSetConverter[T]

  implicit def seqConverter[T : TypeConverter]: SeqConverter[T] =
    new SeqConverter[T]

  implicit def indexedSeqConverter[T : TypeConverter]: IndexedSeqConverter[T] =
    new IndexedSeqConverter[T]

  implicit def iterableConverter[T : TypeConverter]: IterableConverter[T] =
    new IterableConverter[T]

  implicit def mapConverter[K : TypeConverter, V : TypeConverter]: MapConverter[K, V] =
    new MapConverter[K, V]

  implicit def treeMapConverter[K: TypeConverter : Ordering, V : TypeConverter]: TreeMapConverter[K, V] =
    new TreeMapConverter[K, V]

  // Support for Java collections:
  implicit def javaListConverter[T : TypeConverter]: JavaListConverter[T] =
    new JavaListConverter[T]

  implicit def javaArrayListConverter[T : TypeConverter]: JavaArrayListConverter[T] =
    new JavaArrayListConverter[T]

  implicit def javaSetConverter[T : TypeConverter]: JavaSetConverter[T] =
    new JavaSetConverter[T]

  implicit def javaHashSetConverter[T : TypeConverter]: JavaHashSetConverter[T] =
    new JavaHashSetConverter[T]

  implicit def javaMapConverter[K : TypeConverter, V : TypeConverter]: JavaMapConverter[K, V] =
    new JavaMapConverter[K, V]

  implicit def javaHashMapConverter[K : TypeConverter, V : TypeConverter]: JavaHashMapConverter[K, V] =
    new JavaHashMapConverter[K, V]

  /** Converts Scala Options to Java nullable references. Used when saving data to Cassandra. */
  class OptionToNullConverter(nestedConverter: TypeConverter[_]) extends NullableTypeConverter[AnyRef] {

    def targetTypeTag = implicitly[TypeTag[AnyRef]]

    def cassandraOptionToAnyRef(cassandraOption: CassandraOption[_]) = {
      cassandraOption match {
        case CassandraOption.Value(x) => nestedConverter.convert(x).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
        case CassandraOption.Unset => Unset
        case CassandraOption.Null => null

    def convertPF = {
      case x: CassandraOption[_] => cassandraOptionToAnyRef(x)
      case Some(x) => nestedConverter.convert(x).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      case None => null
      case Unset => Unset
      case x => nestedConverter.convert(x).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]

  private def orderingFor(tpe: Type): Option[Ordering[_]] = {
    if      (tpe =:= typeOf[Boolean]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[Boolean]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Byte]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[Byte]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Short]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[Short]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Int]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[Int]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Long]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[Long]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Float]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[Float]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[Double]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[Double]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[String]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[String]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[BigInt]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[BigInt]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[BigDecimal]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[BigDecimal]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[java.math.BigInteger]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[java.math.BigInteger]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[java.math.BigDecimal]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[java.math.BigDecimal]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[java.util.Date]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[java.util.Date]])
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[java.sql.Date]) Some( java.sql.Date) => x.getTime))
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[org.joda.time.DateTime]) Some( org.joda.time.DateTime) => x.toDate.getTime))
    else if (tpe =:= typeOf[UUID]) Some(implicitly[Ordering[UUID]])
    else None

  private var converters = Seq[TypeConverter[_]](

  private val originalConverters = converters.toSet

  private def forCollectionType(tpe: Type, moreConverters: Seq[TypeConverter[_]]): TypeConverter[_] = {
    tpe match {
      case TypeRef(_, symbol, List(arg)) =>
        val untypedItemConverter = forType(arg, moreConverters)
        type T = untypedItemConverter.targetType
        implicit val itemConverter = untypedItemConverter.asInstanceOf[TypeConverter[T]]
        implicit val ordering = orderingFor(arg).map(_.asInstanceOf[Ordering[T]]).orNull
        symbol match {
          case CassandraOptionSymbol => cassandraOptionConverter[T]
          case OptionSymbol => optionConverter[T]
          case ListSymbol => listConverter[T]
          case VectorSymbol => vectorConverter[T]
          case SetSymbol => setConverter[T]
          case TreeSetSymbol if ordering != null => treeSetConverter[T]
          case SeqSymbol => seqConverter[T]
          case IndexedSeqSymbol => indexedSeqConverter[T]
          case IterableSymbol => iterableConverter[T]
          case JavaListSymbol => javaListConverter[T]
          case JavaArrayListSymbol => javaArrayListConverter[T]
          case JavaSetSymbol => javaSetConverter[T]
          case JavaHashSetSymbol => javaHashSetConverter[T]
          case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported type: $tpe")

      case TypeRef(_, symbol, List(k, v)) =>
        val untypedKeyConverter = forType(k, moreConverters)
        val untypedValueConverter = forType(v, moreConverters)
        type K = untypedKeyConverter.targetType
        type V = untypedValueConverter.targetType
        implicit val keyConverter = untypedKeyConverter.asInstanceOf[TypeConverter[K]]
        implicit val valueConverter = untypedValueConverter.asInstanceOf[TypeConverter[V]]
        implicit val ordering = orderingFor(k).map(_.asInstanceOf[Ordering[K]]).orNull
        symbol match {
          case PairSymbol => pairConverter[K, V]
          case MapSymbol => mapConverter[K, V]
          case TreeMapSymbol if ordering != null => treeMapConverter[K, V]
          case JavaMapSymbol => javaMapConverter[K, V]
          case JavaHashMapSymbol => javaHashMapConverter[K, V]
          case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported type: $tpe")

      case TypeRef(_, symbol, List(t1, t2, t3)) =>
        val untypedConverter1 = forType(t1, moreConverters)
        val untypedConverter2 = forType(t2, moreConverters)
        val untypedConverter3 = forType(t3, moreConverters)
        type T1 = untypedConverter1.targetType
        type T2 = untypedConverter2.targetType
        type T3 = untypedConverter3.targetType
        implicit val converter1 = untypedConverter1.asInstanceOf[TypeConverter[T1]]
        implicit val converter2 = untypedConverter2.asInstanceOf[TypeConverter[T2]]
        implicit val converter3 = untypedConverter3.asInstanceOf[TypeConverter[T3]]
        symbol match {
          case TripleSymbol => tripleConverter[T1, T2, T3]
          case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported type: $tpe")

      case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported type: $tpe")

  /** Useful for getting converter based on a type received from Scala reflection.
    * Synchronized to workaround Scala 2.10 reflection thread-safety problems. */
  def forType(tpe: Type, moreConverters: Seq[TypeConverter[_]] = Seq.empty): TypeConverter[_] = {
      type T = TypeConverter[_]
      val selectedConverters =
        (converters ++ moreConverters).collect { case c: T if c.targetTypeTag.tpe =:= tpe => c }

      selectedConverters match {
        case Seq() => forCollectionType(tpe, moreConverters)
        case Seq(c) => c
        case Seq(cs @ _*) => new ChainedTypeConverter(cs: _*)

  /** Useful when implicit converters are not in scope, but a TypeTag is.
    * Synchronized to workaround Scala 2.10 reflection thread-safety problems. */
  def forType[T : TypeTag](moreConverters: Seq[TypeConverter[_]]): TypeConverter[T] = {
      forType(implicitly[TypeTag[T]].tpe, moreConverters).asInstanceOf[TypeConverter[T]]

  /** Useful when implicit converters are not in scope, but a TypeTag is.
    * Synchronized to workaround Scala 2.10 reflection thread-safety problems. */
  def forType[T : TypeTag]: TypeConverter[T] = {

  def forType(cl: Class[_]): TypeConverter[_] = {
    // scala reflection incorrectly returns Array[T] for byte[]. Force proper behaviour
    if (cl == classOf[Array[Byte]]) forType(ByteArrayTypeTag)
    else forType(runtimeMirror(cl.getClassLoader).classSymbol(cl).toType)

  /** Registers a custom converter */
  def registerConverter(c: TypeConverter[_]) {
    synchronized {
      converters = c +: converters

  /** Remove a custom converter */
  def unregisterConverter(c: TypeConverter[_]) {
    synchronized {
      require(!originalConverters.contains(c), "Cannot unregister built-in converter")
      converters = converters.filterNot(_ == c)

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