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checklist.Rule.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package checklist
import cats.{Applicative, Monoid, Traverse}
import{Ior, Kleisli}
import cats.implicits._
import monocle.PLens
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import Message.errors
import cats.arrow.Profunctor
import checklist.SizeableSyntax._
* A Rule validates/sanitizes a value of type `A` producing a type `B` inside an `Ior[NonEmptyList[Messages], B]`
* @tparam A The type to be validated
* @tparam B The type to be produced
sealed abstract class Rule[A, B] {
* Performs validation on `A`
* @tparam A The value to be validated
def apply(value: A): Checked[B]
def map[C](func: B => C): Rule[A, C] =
Rule.pure(value => this(value) map func)
* Maps the result type with the potential for a failure to occur.
def emap[C](func: B => Checked[C]): Rule[A, C] =
Rule.pure(value => this(value) flatMap func)
def recover(func: Messages => Checked[B]): Rule[A, B] =
Rule.pure(value => this(value).fold(func, Ior.right, Ior.both))
def mapMessages(func: Messages => Messages): Rule[A, B] =
Rule.pure(value => this(value).fold(func andThen Ior.left, Ior.right, (msgs, r) => Ior.both(func(msgs), r)))
def mapEachMessage(func: Message => Message): Rule[A, B] =
def contramap[C](func: C => A): Rule[C, B] =
Rule.pure(value => this(func(value)))
def contramapPath[C, D: PathPrefix](path: D)(func: C => A): Rule[C, B] =
def flatMap[C](func: B => Rule[A, C]): Rule[A, C] =
Rule.pure(value => this(value) flatMap (func(_)(value)))
def andThen[C](that: Rule[B, C]): Rule[A, C] =
Rule.pure(value => this(value) flatMap (that.apply))
def zip[C](that: Rule[A, C]): Rule[A, (B, C)] =
Rule.pure { a =>
this(a) match {
case Ior.Left(msg1) =>
that(a) match {
case Ior.Left(msg2) => Ior.left(msg1 concatNel msg2)
case Ior.Both(msg2, _) => Ior.left(msg1 concatNel msg2)
case Ior.Right(_) => Ior.left(msg1)
case Ior.Both(msg1, b) =>
that(a) match {
case Ior.Left(msg2) => Ior.left(msg1 concatNel msg2)
case Ior.Both(msg2, c) => Ior.both(msg1 concatNel msg2, (b, c))
case Ior.Right(c) => Ior.both(msg1, (b, c))
case Ior.Right(b) =>
that(a) match {
case Ior.Left(msg2) => Ior.left(msg2)
case Ior.Both(msg2, c) => Ior.both(msg2, (b, c))
case Ior.Right(c) => Ior.right((b, c))
def seq[S[_]: Traverse]: Rule[S[A], S[B]] =
def opt: Rule[Option[A], Option[B]] =
def req: Rule[Option[A], B] =
def prefix[P: PathPrefix](prefix: P): Rule[A, B] =
def composeLens[S, T](lens: PLens[S, T, A, B]): Rule[S, T] =
Rule.pure(value => this(lens.get(value)) map (lens.set(_)(value)))
def at[P: PathPrefix, S, T](prefix: P, lens: PLens[S, T, A, B]): Rule[S, T] =
this composeLens lens prefix prefix
def kleisli: Kleisli[Checked, A, B] = Kleisli(apply)
object Rule extends BaseRules
with ConverterRules
with PropertyRules
with CollectionRules
with RuleInstances
with Rule1Syntax
trait BaseRules {
def apply[A]: Rule[A, A] =
def pure[A, B](func: A => Checked[B]): Rule[A, B] =
new Rule[A, B] {
def apply(value: A) =
def fromKleisli[A, B](func: Kleisli[Checked, A, B]): Rule[A, B] = pure(func.apply)
def pass[A]: Rule[A, A] =
def fail[A](messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
pure(Ior.both(messages, _))
/** Rules that convert one type to another. */
trait ConverterRules {
self: BaseRules =>
val parseInt: Rule[String, Int] =
parseInt(errors("Must be a whole number"))
def parseInt(messages: Messages): Rule[String, Int] =
pure(value => util.Try(value.toInt)
val parseDouble: Rule[String, Double] =
parseDouble(errors("Must be a number"))
def parseDouble(messages: Messages): Rule[String, Double] =
pure(value => util.Try(value.toDouble)
val trimString: Rule[String, String] =
pure(value => Ior.right(value.trim))
/** Rules that test a property of an existing value. */
trait PropertyRules {
self: BaseRules =>
def test[A](messages: => Messages, strict: Boolean = false)(func: A => Boolean): Rule[A, A] =
pure(value => if(func(value)) Ior.right(value) else {
if(strict) Ior.left(messages)
else Ior.both(messages, value)
def testStrict[A](messages: => Messages)(func: A => Boolean): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages, true)(func)
def eql[A](comp: A): Rule[A, A] =
eql(comp, errors(s"Must be ${comp}"))
def eql[A](comp: A, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(_ == comp)
def eqlStrict[A](comp: A): Rule[A, A] =
eqlStrict(comp, errors(s"Must be ${comp}"))
def eqlStrict[A](comp: A, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(_ == comp)
def neq[A](comp: A): Rule[A, A] =
neq[A](comp: A, errors(s"Must not be ${comp}"))
def neq[A](comp: A, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(_ != comp)
def neqStrict[A](comp: A): Rule[A, A] =
neqStrict[A](comp: A, errors(s"Must not be ${comp}"))
def neqStrict[A](comp: A, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(_ != comp)
def gt[A](comp: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
gt(comp, errors(s"Must be greater than ${comp}"))
def gt[A](comp: A, messages: Messages)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(, comp))
def gtStrict[A](comp: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Rule[A, A] =
gtStrict(comp, errors(s"Must be greater than ${comp}"))
def gtStrict[A](comp: A, messages: Messages)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(, comp))
def lt[A](comp: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
lt(comp, errors(s"Must be less than ${comp}"))
def lt[A](comp: A, messages: Messages)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(, comp))
def ltStrict[A](comp: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
ltStrict(comp, errors(s"Must be less than ${comp}"))
def ltStrict[A](comp: A, messages: Messages)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(, comp))
def gte[A](comp: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
gte(comp, errors(s"Must be greater than or equal to ${comp}"))
def gte[A](comp: A, messages: Messages)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(ord.gteq(_, comp))
def gteStrict[A](comp: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
gteStrict(comp, errors(s"Must be greater than or equal to ${comp}"))
def gteStrict[A](comp: A, messages: Messages)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(ord.gteq(_, comp))
def lte[A](comp: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
lte(comp, errors(s"Must be less than or equal to ${comp}"))
def lte[A](comp: A, messages: Messages)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(ord.lteq(_, comp))
def lteStrict[A](comp: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
lteStrict(comp, errors(s"Must be less than or equal to ${comp}"))
def lteStrict[A](comp: A, messages: Messages)(implicit ord: Ordering[_ >: A]): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(ord.lteq(_, comp))
def nonEmpty[S: Monoid]: Rule[S, S] =
nonEmpty(errors(s"Must not be empty"))
def nonEmpty[S: Monoid](messages: Messages): Rule[S, S] =
test(messages)(value => value != Monoid[S].empty)
def nonEmptyStrict[S: Monoid]: Rule[S, S] =
nonEmptyStrict(errors(s"Must not be empty"))
def nonEmptyStrict[S: Monoid](messages: Messages): Rule[S, S] =
testStrict(messages)(value => value != Monoid[S].empty)
def lengthEq[A: Sizeable](comp: Int): Rule[A, A] =
lengthEq(comp, errors(s"Must be length ${comp}"))
def lengthEq[A: Sizeable](comp: Int, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(_.size == comp)
def lengthEqStrict[A: Sizeable](comp: Int): Rule[A, A] =
lengthEqStrict(comp, errors(s"Must be length ${comp}"))
def lengthEqStrict[A: Sizeable](comp: Int, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(_.size == comp)
def lengthLt[A: Sizeable](comp: Int): Rule[A, A] =
lengthLt(comp, errors(s"Must be shorter than length ${comp}"))
def lengthLt[A: Sizeable](comp: Int, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(_.size < comp)
def lengthLtStrict[A: Sizeable](comp: Int): Rule[A, A] =
lengthLtStrict(comp, errors(s"Must be shorter than length ${comp}"))
def lengthLtStrict[A: Sizeable](comp: Int, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(_.size < comp)
def lengthGt[A: Sizeable](comp: Int): Rule[A, A] =
lengthGt(comp, errors(s"Must be longer than length ${comp}"))
def lengthGt[A: Sizeable](comp: Int, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(_.size > comp)
def lengthGtStrict[A: Sizeable](comp: Int): Rule[A, A] =
lengthGtStrict(comp, errors(s"Must be longer than length ${comp}"))
def lengthGtStrict[A: Sizeable](comp: Int, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(_.size > comp)
def lengthLte[A: Sizeable](comp: Int): Rule[A, A] =
lengthLte(comp, errors(s"Must be length ${comp} or shorter"))
def lengthLte[A: Sizeable](comp: Int, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(_.size <= comp)
def lengthLteStrict[A: Sizeable](comp: Int): Rule[A, A] =
lengthLteStrict(comp, errors(s"Must be length ${comp} or shorter"))
def lengthLteStrict[A: Sizeable](comp: Int, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(_.size <= comp)
def lengthGte[A: Sizeable](comp: Int): Rule[A, A] =
lengthGte(comp, errors(s"Must be length ${comp} or longer"))
def lengthGte[A: Sizeable](comp: Int, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(_.size >= comp)
def lengthGteStrict[A: Sizeable](comp: Int): Rule[A, A] =
lengthGteStrict(comp, errors(s"Must be length ${comp} or longer"))
def lengthGteStrict[A: Sizeable](comp: Int, messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(_.size >= comp)
def nonEmptyList[A]: Rule[List[A], NonEmptyList[A]] =
nonEmptyList(errors("Must not be empty"))
def nonEmptyList[A](messages: Messages): Rule[List[A], NonEmptyList[A]] =
Rule.pure {
case Nil => Ior.left(messages)
case h :: t => Ior.right(NonEmptyList(h, t))
def matchesRegex(regex: Regex): Rule[String, String] =
matchesRegex(regex, errors(s"Must match the pattern '${regex}'"))
def matchesRegex(regex: Regex, messages: Messages): Rule[String, String] =
def matchesRegexStrict(regex: Regex): Rule[String, String] =
matchesRegexStrict(regex, errors(s"Must match the pattern '${regex}'"))
def matchesRegexStrict(regex: Regex, messages: Messages): Rule[String, String] =
def containedIn[A](values: Seq[A]): Rule[A, A] =
containedIn(values, errors(s"Must be one of the values ${values.mkString(", ")}"))
def containedIn[A](values: Seq[A], messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(value => values contains value)
def containedInStrict[A](values: Seq[A]): Rule[A, A] =
containedInStrict(values, errors(s"Must be one of the values ${values.mkString(", ")}"))
def containedInStrict[A](values: Seq[A], messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(value => values contains value)
def notContainedIn[A](values: Seq[A]): Rule[A, A] =
notContainedIn(values, errors(s"Must not be one of the values ${values.mkString(", ")}"))
def notContainedIn[A](values: Seq[A], messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
test(messages)(value => !(values contains value))
def notContainedInStrict[A](values: Seq[A]): Rule[A, A] =
notContainedInStrict(values, errors(s"Must not be one of the values ${values.mkString(", ")}"))
def notContainedInStrict[A](values: Seq[A], messages: Messages): Rule[A, A] =
testStrict(messages)(value => !(values contains value))
trait CollectionRules {
self: BaseRules =>
def optional[A, B](rule: Rule[A, B]): Rule[Option[A], Option[B]] =
pure {
case Some(value) => rule(value) map (Some(_))
case None => Ior.right(None)
def required[A, B](rule: Rule[A, B]): Rule[Option[A], B] =
required(rule, errors("Value is required"))
def required[A, B](rule: Rule[A, B], messages: Messages): Rule[Option[A], B] =
pure {
case Some(value) => rule(value)
case None => Ior.left(messages)
def sequence[S[_] : Traverse, A, B](rule: Rule[A, B]): Rule[S[A], S[B]] =
pure { values =>
values.traverseWithIndexM { (value, index) =>
def mapValue[A: PathPrefix, B](key: A): Rule[Map[A, B], B] =
mapValue[A, B](key, errors(s"Value not found"))
def mapValue[A: PathPrefix, B](key: A, messages: Messages): Rule[Map[A, B], B] =
pure(map => map.get(key).map(Ior.right).getOrElse(Ior.left(messages map (_ prefix key))))
def mapValues[A: PathPrefix, B, C](rule: Rule[B, C]): Rule[Map[A, B], Map[A, C]] =
pure { in: Map[A, B] =>
in.toList.traverse {
case (key, value) =>
rule.prefix(key).apply(value).map(key -> _)
} map (_.toMap)
/** Type class instances for Rule */
trait RuleInstances {
self: BaseRules =>
implicit def ruleApplicative[A]: Applicative[Rule[A, ?]] =
new Applicative[Rule[A, ?]] {
def pure[B](value: B): Rule[A, B] =
Rule.pure(_ => Ior.right(value))
def ap[B, C](funcRule: Rule[A, B => C])(argRule: Rule[A, B]): Rule[A, C] =
(funcRule zip argRule) map { pair =>
val (func, arg) = pair
override def map[B, C](rule: Rule[A, B])(func: B => C): Rule[A, C] =
rule map func
override def product[B, C](rule1: Rule[A, B], rule2: Rule[A, C]): Rule[A, (B, C)] =
rule1 zip rule2
implicit val ruleProfunctor: Profunctor[Rule] =
new Profunctor[Rule] {
override def dimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Rule[A, B])(f: (C) => A)(g: (B) => D) =