com.devsisters.shardcake.Sharding.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.devsisters.shardcake
import com.devsisters.shardcake.Messenger.MessengerTimeout
import com.devsisters.shardcake.Sharding.{ EntityState, ShardingRegistrationEvent }
import com.devsisters.shardcake.errors.{ EntityNotManagedByThisPod, PodUnavailable, SendTimeoutException }
import com.devsisters.shardcake.interfaces.Pods.BinaryMessage
import com.devsisters.shardcake.interfaces.{ Pods, Serialization, Storage }
import com.devsisters.shardcake.internal.{ EntityManager, ReplyChannel, SendChannel }
import zio.{ Config => _, _ }
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import scala.util.Try
* A component that takes care of communicating with sharded entities.
* See the companion object for layer creation and public methods.
class Sharding private (
address: PodAddress,
config: Config,
shardAssignments: Ref[Map[ShardId, PodAddress]],
entityStates: Ref[Map[String, EntityState]],
singletons: Ref.Synchronized[List[(String, UIO[Nothing], Option[Fiber[Nothing, Nothing]])]],
replyChannels: Ref[Map[String, ReplyChannel[Nothing]]], // channel for each pending reply,
lastUnhealthyNodeReported: Ref[OffsetDateTime],
isShuttingDownRef: Ref[Boolean],
shardManager: ShardManagerClient,
pods: Pods,
storage: Storage,
serialization: Serialization,
eventsHub: Hub[ShardingRegistrationEvent]
) { self =>
private[shardcake] def getShardId(recipientType: RecipientType[_], entityId: String): ShardId =
recipientType.getShardId(entityId, config.numberOfShards)
val register: Task[Unit] =
ZIO.logDebug(s"Registering pod $address to Shard Manager") *>
isShuttingDownRef.set(false) *>
val unregister: UIO[Unit] =
// ping the shard manager first to stop if it's not available
ZIO.logWarningCause("Shard Manager not available. Can't unregister cleanly", _),
_ =>
ZIO.logDebug(s"Stopping local entities") *>
isShuttingDownRef.set(true) *>
ZIO.foreachDiscard(_) { case (name, entity) =>
entity.entityManager.terminateAllEntities.forkDaemon // run in a daemon fiber to make sure it doesn't get interrupted
.catchAllCause(ZIO.logErrorCause(s"Error during stop of entity $name", _))
) *>
ZIO.logDebug(s"Unregistering pod $address to Shard Manager") *>
shardManager.unregister(address).catchAllCause(ZIO.logErrorCause("Error during unregister", _))
val isSingletonNode: UIO[Boolean] =
// Start singletons on the pod hosting shard 1.
private def startSingletonsIfNeeded: UIO[Unit] =
.whenZIO(isSingletonNode) {
singletons.updateZIO { singletons =>
ZIO.foreach(singletons) {
case (name, run, None) =>
ZIO.logDebug(s"Starting singleton $name") *>
Metrics.singletons.tagged("singleton_name", name).increment *> => (name, run, Some(fiber)))
case other => ZIO.succeed(other)
private def stopSingletonsIfNeeded: UIO[Unit] =
.unlessZIO(isSingletonNode) {
singletons.updateZIO { singletons =>
ZIO.foreach(singletons) {
case (name, run, Some(fiber)) =>
ZIO.logDebug(s"Stopping singleton $name") *>
Metrics.singletons.tagged("singleton_name", name).decrement *>, run, None))
case other => ZIO.succeed(other)
def registerSingleton[R](name: String, run: URIO[R, Nothing]): URIO[R, Unit] =
ZIO.environment[R].flatMap(env => singletons.update(list => (name, run.provideEnvironment(env), None) :: list)) <*
startSingletonsIfNeeded *>
private[shardcake] def assign(shards: Set[ShardId]): UIO[Unit] =
.unlessZIO(isShuttingDown) {
shardAssignments.update(shards.foldLeft(_) { case (map, shard) => map.updated(shard, address) }) *>
Metrics.shards.incrementBy(shards.size) *>
startSingletonsIfNeeded *>
ZIO.logDebug(s"Assigned shards: ${renderShardIds(shards)}")
private[shardcake] def unassign(shards: Set[ShardId]): UIO[Unit] =
shardAssignments.update(shards.foldLeft(_) { case (map, shard) =>
if (map.get(shard).contains(address)) map - shard else map
}) *>
ZIO.logDebug(s"Unassigning shards: ${renderShardIds(shards)}") *>
entityStates.get.flatMap(state =>
_.entityManager.terminateEntitiesOnShards(shards) // this will return once all shards are terminated
) *>
Metrics.shards.decrementBy(shards.size) *>
stopSingletonsIfNeeded *>
ZIO.logDebug(s"Unassigned shards: ${renderShardIds(shards)}")
private[shardcake] def isEntityOnLocalShards(recipientType: RecipientType[_], entityId: String): UIO[Boolean] =
for {
shards <- shardAssignments.get
shardId = getShardId(recipientType, entityId)
pod = shards.get(shardId)
} yield pod.contains(address)
val getAssignments: UIO[Map[ShardId, PodAddress]] =
val thisPodAssignments: UIO[Chunk[ShardId]] = =>
Chunk.fromIterable(a.view.collect { case (shardId, addr) if addr == this.address => shardId })
val getPods: UIO[Set[PodAddress]] =
private def updateAssignments(
assignmentsOpt: Map[ShardId, Option[PodAddress]],
replaceAllAssignments: Boolean
): UIO[Unit] = {
val assignments = assignmentsOpt.flatMap { case (k, v) => -> _) }
ZIO.logDebug("Received new shard assignments") *>
.set(assignmentsOpt.count { case (_, podOpt) => podOpt.contains(address) })
.when(replaceAllAssignments) *>
(if (replaceAllAssignments) shardAssignments.set(assignments)
shardAssignments.update(map =>
// we keep self assignments (we don't override them with the new assignments
// because only the Shard Manager is able to change assignments of the current node, via assign/unassign
assignments.filter { case (_, pod) => pod != address } ++
map.filter { case (_, pod) => pod == address }
private[shardcake] val refreshAssignments: ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Unit] =
for {
latch <- Promise.make[Nothing, Unit]
assignmentStream = ZStream.fromZIO(
// first, get the assignments from the shard manager directly -> true)
) ++
// then, get assignments changes from Redis -> false)
_ <- assignmentStream.mapZIO { case (assignmentsOpt, replaceAllAssignments) =>
updateAssignments(assignmentsOpt, replaceAllAssignments) *> latch.succeed(()).when(replaceAllAssignments)
_ <- latch.await
} yield ()
private[shardcake] def isShuttingDown: UIO[Boolean] =
def sendToLocalEntity(msg: BinaryMessage): Task[Option[Array[Byte]]] =
for {
replyChannel <- ReplyChannel.single[Any]
_ <- sendToLocalEntity(msg, replyChannel)
res <- replyChannel.output
bytes <- ZIO.foreach(res)(serialization.encode)
} yield bytes
def sendToLocalEntityAndReceiveStream(msg: BinaryMessage): ZStream[Any, Throwable, Array[Byte]] =
ZStream.unwrap {
for {
replyChannel <-[Any]
_ <- sendToLocalEntity(msg, replyChannel)
} yield replyChannel.output.mapChunksZIO(serialization.encodeChunk)
def sendStreamToLocalEntity(messages: ZStream[Any, Throwable, BinaryMessage]): Task[Option[Array[Byte]]] =
ZIO.scoped {
for {
replyChannel <- ReplyChannel.single[Any]
_ <- messages.runForeach(sendToLocalEntity(_, replyChannel)).onError(
res <- replyChannel.output
bytes <- ZIO.foreach(res)(serialization.encode)
} yield bytes
def sendStreamToLocalEntityAndReceiveStream(
messages: ZStream[Any, Throwable, BinaryMessage]
): ZStream[Any, Throwable, Array[Byte]] =
ZStream.unwrapScoped {
for {
replyChannel <-[Any]
_ <- messages.runForeach(sendToLocalEntity(_, replyChannel)).onError(
} yield replyChannel.output.mapChunksZIO(serialization.encodeChunk)
private def sendToLocalEntity(msg: BinaryMessage, replyChannel: ReplyChannel[Nothing]): Task[Unit] =
entityStates.get.flatMap(_.get(msg.entityType) match {
case Some(state) => state.processBinary(msg, replyChannel).unit
case None => Exception(s"Entity type ${msg.entityType} was not registered."))
private[shardcake] def initReply(id: String, replyChannel: ReplyChannel[Nothing]): UIO[Unit] =
.getAndUpdate(_.updated(id, replyChannel))
.flatMap(beforeReplyChannels =>
replyChannel.await.ensuring(replyChannels.update(_ - id)).forkDaemon.unless(beforeReplyChannels.contains(id))
def reply[Reply](reply: Reply, replier: Replier[Reply]): UIO[Unit] =
.modify(repliers => (repliers.get(, repliers -
def replyStream[Reply](replies: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Reply], replier: StreamReplier[Reply]): UIO[Unit] =
.modify(repliers => (repliers.get(, repliers -
private def handleError(ex: Throwable): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Any] =
.whenCase(ex) { case PodUnavailable(pod) =>
val notify = Clock.currentDateTime.flatMap(cdt =>
.updateAndGet(old =>
if (old.plusNanos(config.unhealthyPodReportInterval.toNanos) isBefore cdt) cdt
else old
.map(_ isEqual cdt)
(shardManager.notifyUnhealthyPod(pod) *>
// just in case we missed the update from the pubsub, refresh assignments
.flatMap[Any, Throwable, Unit](updateAssignments(_, replaceAllAssignments = false))).forkDaemon
private def sendToSelf[Msg, Res](
recipientTypeName: String,
entityId: String,
msg: Msg,
replyId: Option[String],
replyChannel: ReplyChannel[Res]
): Task[Unit] =
// if pod = self, shortcut and send directly without serialization
_.get(recipientTypeName) match {
case Some(state) =>
state.entityManager.asInstanceOf[EntityManager[Msg]].send(entityId, msg, replyId, replyChannel)
case None => Exception(s"Entity type $recipientTypeName was not registered."))
private def sendToPod[Msg, Res](
recipientTypeName: String,
entityId: String,
pod: PodAddress,
sendChannel: SendChannel[Msg],
replyChannel: ReplyChannel[Res],
replyId: Option[String]
): Task[Unit] =
if (pod == address && !config.simulateRemotePods) {
val run = sendChannel.foreach(sendToSelf(recipientTypeName, entityId, _, replyId, replyChannel))
sendChannel match {
case _: SendChannel.Single[_] => run
case _: SendChannel.Stream[_] => if (replyId.isDefined) (run race replyChannel.await).fork.unit else run
} else {
replyChannel match {
case _: ReplyChannel.FromPromise[_] =>
.send(pods, serialization, pod, entityId, recipientTypeName, replyId)
.flatMap {
case Some(bytes) => serialization.decode[Res](bytes).flatMap(replyChannel.replySingle)
case None => replyChannel.end
case _: ReplyChannel.FromQueue[_] =>
.sendAndReceiveStream(pods, serialization, pod, entityId, recipientTypeName, replyId)
def messenger[Msg](
entityType: EntityType[Msg],
sendTimeout: MessengerTimeout = MessengerTimeout.InheritConfigTimeout
): Messenger[Msg] =
new Messenger[Msg] {
private val timeout = sendTimeout match {
case MessengerTimeout.NoTimeout => None
case MessengerTimeout.InheritConfigTimeout => Some(config.sendTimeout)
case MessengerTimeout.Timeout(duration) => Some(duration)
def sendDiscard(entityId: String)(msg: Msg): Task[Unit] = {
val send = sendMessage(entityId, msg, None)
timeout.fold(send.unit)(t => send.timeout(t).unit)
def send[Res](entityId: String)(msg: Replier[Res] => Msg): Task[Res] =
Random.nextUUID.flatMap { uuid =>
val body = msg(Replier(uuid.toString))
val send = sendMessage[Res](entityId, body, Some(uuid.toString)).flatMap {
case Some(value) => ZIO.succeed(value)
case None => Exception(s"Send returned nothing, entityId=$entityId, body=$body"))
timeout.fold(send)(t => send.timeoutFail(SendTimeoutException(entityType, entityId, body))(t).interruptible)
def sendAndReceiveStream[Res](
entityId: String
)(msg: StreamReplier[Res] => Msg): Task[ZStream[Any, Throwable, Res]] =
Random.nextUUID.flatMap { uuid =>
sendMessageAndReceiveStream[Res](entityId, msg(StreamReplier(uuid.toString)), Some(uuid.toString))
def sendStream(entityId: String)(messages: ZStream[Any, Throwable, Msg]): Task[Unit] = {
val send =
ReplyChannel.single[Unit].flatMap[Any, Throwable, Unit](sendStreamGeneric(entityId, messages, None, _))
timeout.fold(send)(t => send.timeout(t).unit)
def sendStreamAndReceiveStream[Res](entityId: String)(
messages: StreamReplier[Res] => ZStream[Any, Throwable, Msg]
): Task[ZStream[Any, Throwable, Res]] =
Random.nextUUID.flatMap { uuid =>
sendStreamAndReceiveStream[Res](entityId, messages(StreamReplier(uuid.toString)), Some(uuid.toString))
private def sendMessage[Res](entityId: String, msg: Msg, replyId: Option[String]): Task[Option[Res]] =
for {
replyChannel <- ReplyChannel.single[Res]
_ <- sendMessageGeneric(entityId, msg, replyId, replyChannel)
res <- replyChannel.output
} yield res
private def sendMessageAndReceiveStream[Res](
entityId: String,
msg: Msg,
replyId: Option[String]
): Task[ZStream[Any, Throwable, Res]] =
for {
replyChannel <-[Res]
_ <- sendMessageGeneric(entityId, msg, replyId, replyChannel)
} yield replyChannel.output
private def sendStreamAndReceiveStream[Res](
entityId: String,
messages: ZStream[Any, Throwable, Msg],
replyId: Option[String]
): Task[ZStream[Any, Throwable, Res]] =
for {
replyChannel <-[Res]
_ <- sendStreamGeneric(entityId, messages, replyId, replyChannel)
} yield replyChannel.output
private def sendMessageGeneric[Res](
entityId: String,
msg: Msg,
replyId: Option[String],
replyChannel: ReplyChannel[Res]
): Task[Unit] = {
val shardId = getShardId(entityType, entityId)
def trySend: Task[Unit] =
for {
shards <- shardAssignments.get
pod = shards.get(shardId)
_ <- pod match {
case Some(pod) =>
sendToPod[Msg, Res](,
).catchSome { case _: EntityNotManagedByThisPod | _: PodUnavailable =>
Clock.sleep(200.millis) *> trySend
case None =>
// no shard assignment, retry
Clock.sleep(100.millis) *> trySend
} yield ()
private def sendStreamGeneric[Res](
entityId: String,
messages: ZStream[Any, Throwable, Msg],
replyId: Option[String],
replyChannel: ReplyChannel[Res]
): Task[Unit] = {
val shardId = getShardId(entityType, entityId)
def trySend: Task[Unit] =
for {
shards <- shardAssignments.get
pod = shards.get(shardId)
_ <- pod match {
case Some(pod) =>
sendToPod[Msg, Res](,
).catchSome { case _: EntityNotManagedByThisPod | _: PodUnavailable =>
Clock.sleep(200.millis) *> trySend
case None =>
// no shard assignment, retry
Clock.sleep(100.millis) *> trySend
} yield ()
def broadcaster[Msg](
topicType: TopicType[Msg],
sendTimeout: MessengerTimeout = MessengerTimeout.InheritConfigTimeout
): Broadcaster[Msg] =
new Broadcaster[Msg] {
private val timeout = sendTimeout match {
case MessengerTimeout.NoTimeout => None
case MessengerTimeout.InheritConfigTimeout => Some(config.sendTimeout)
case MessengerTimeout.Timeout(duration) => Some(duration)
def broadcastDiscard(topic: String)(msg: Msg): UIO[Unit] =
sendMessage(topic, msg, None).unit
def broadcast[Res](topic: String)(msg: Replier[Res] => Msg): UIO[Map[PodAddress, Try[Res]]] =
Random.nextUUID.flatMap { uuid =>
val body = msg(Replier(uuid.toString))
sendMessage[Res](topic, body, Some(uuid.toString)).interruptible
private def sendMessage[Res](topic: String, msg: Msg, replyId: Option[String]): UIO[Map[PodAddress, Try[Res]]] =
for {
pods <- getPods
res <- ZIO
.foreachPar(pods.toList) { pod =>
def trySend: Task[Option[Res]] =
for {
replyChannel <- ReplyChannel.single[Res]
_ <- sendToPod(,
).catchSome { case _: PodUnavailable =>
Clock.sleep(200.millis) *> trySend
res <- replyChannel.output
} yield res
val send = trySend.flatMap {
case Some(value) => ZIO.succeed(value)
case None =>
if (replyId.isDefined) Exception(s"Send returned nothing, topic=$topic"))
else ZIO.succeed(null.asInstanceOf[Res])
.fold(send)(t => send.timeoutFail(new Exception(s"Send timed out, topic=$topic"))(t))
.map(pod -> _.toTry)
} yield res.toMap
def registerEntity[R, Req: Tag](
entityType: EntityType[Req],
behavior: (String, Queue[Req]) => RIO[R, Nothing],
terminateMessage: Promise[Nothing, Unit] => Option[Req] = (_: Promise[Nothing, Unit]) => None,
entityMaxIdleTime: Option[Duration] = None
): URIO[Scope with R, Unit] = registerRecipient(entityType, behavior, terminateMessage, entityMaxIdleTime) *>
def registerTopic[R, Req: Tag](
topicType: TopicType[Req],
behavior: (String, Queue[Req]) => RIO[R, Nothing],
terminateMessage: Promise[Nothing, Unit] => Option[Req] = (_: Promise[Nothing, Unit]) => None
): URIO[Scope with R, Unit] = registerRecipient(topicType, behavior, terminateMessage) *>
def getShardingRegistrationEvents: ZStream[Any, Nothing, ShardingRegistrationEvent] =
private def registerRecipient[R, Req: Tag](
recipientType: RecipientType[Req],
behavior: (String, Queue[Req]) => RIO[R, Nothing],
terminateMessage: Promise[Nothing, Unit] => Option[Req] = (_: Promise[Nothing, Unit]) => None,
entityMaxIdleTime: Option[Duration] = None
): URIO[Scope with R, Unit] =
for {
entityManager <- EntityManager.make(recipientType, behavior, terminateMessage, self, config, entityMaxIdleTime)
processBinary = (msg: BinaryMessage, replyChannel: ReplyChannel[Nothing]) =>
.flatMap(entityManager.send(msg.entityId, _, msg.replyId, replyChannel))
_ <- entityStates.update(_.updated(, EntityState(entityManager, processBinary)))
} yield ()
def terminateLocalEntity(entityType: EntityType[_], entityId: String): UIO[Unit] =
entityStates.get.flatMap(_.get( match {
case Some(state) => state.entityManager.terminateEntity(entityId)
case None => ZIO.unit
object Sharding {
sealed trait ShardingRegistrationEvent
object ShardingRegistrationEvent {
case class EntityRegistered(entityType: EntityType[_]) extends ShardingRegistrationEvent {
override def toString: String = s"Registered entity ${}"
case class SingletonRegistered(name: String) extends ShardingRegistrationEvent {
override def toString: String = s"Registered singleton $name"
case class TopicRegistered(topicType: TopicType[_]) extends ShardingRegistrationEvent {
override def toString: String = s"Registered topic ${}"
private[shardcake] case class EntityState(
entityManager: EntityManager[Nothing],
processBinary: (BinaryMessage, ReplyChannel[Nothing]) => UIO[Unit]
* A layer that sets up sharding communication between pods.
val live: ZLayer[Pods with ShardManagerClient with Storage with Serialization with Config, Throwable, Sharding] =
ZLayer.scoped {
for {
config <- ZIO.service[Config]
pods <- ZIO.service[Pods]
shardManager <- ZIO.service[ShardManagerClient]
storage <- ZIO.service[Storage]
serialization <- ZIO.service[Serialization]
shardsCache <- Ref.make(Map.empty[ShardId, PodAddress])
entityStates <- Ref.make[Map[String, EntityState]](Map())
singletons <- Ref.Synchronized
.make[List[(String, UIO[Nothing], Option[Fiber[Nothing, Nothing]])]](Nil)
_.get.flatMap(singletons =>
ZIO.foreach(singletons) {
case (_, _, Some(fiber)) => fiber.interrupt
case _ => ZIO.unit
replyChannels <- Ref.make[Map[String, ReplyChannel[Nothing]]](Map())
cdt <- Clock.currentDateTime
lastUnhealthyNodeReported <- Ref.make(cdt)
shuttingDown <- Ref.make(false)
eventsHub <- Hub.unbounded[ShardingRegistrationEvent]
sharding = new Sharding(
PodAddress(config.selfHost, config.shardingPort),
_ <- sharding.getShardingRegistrationEvents.mapZIO(event => ZIO.logInfo(event.toString)).runDrain.forkDaemon
_ <- sharding.refreshAssignments
} yield sharding
* Notify the shard manager that shards can now be assigned to this pod.
def register: RIO[Sharding, Unit] =
* Notify the shard manager that shards must be unassigned from this pod.
def unregister: URIO[Sharding, Unit] =
* Same as `register`, but will automatically call `unregister` when the `Scope` is terminated.
def registerScoped: RIO[Sharding with Scope, Unit] =
Sharding.register.withFinalizer(_ => Sharding.unregister)
* Returns true if current node contains the singletons
def isSingletonNode: RIO[Sharding, Boolean] =
* Start a computation that is guaranteed to run only on a single pod.
* Each pod should call `registerSingleton` but only a single pod will actually run it at any given time.
def registerSingleton[R](name: String, run: URIO[R, Nothing]): URIO[Sharding with R, Unit] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Sharding](_.registerSingleton[R](name, run))
* Register a new entity type, allowing pods to send messages to entities of this type.
* It takes a `behavior` which is a function from an entity ID and a queue of messages to a ZIO computation that runs forever and consumes those messages.
* You can use `ZIO.interrupt` from the behavior to stop it (it will be restarted the next time the entity receives a message).
* If provided, the optional `terminateMessage` will be sent to the entity before it is stopped, allowing for cleanup logic.
def registerEntity[R, Req: Tag](
entityType: EntityType[Req],
behavior: (String, Queue[Req]) => RIO[R, Nothing],
terminateMessage: Promise[Nothing, Unit] => Option[Req] = (_: Promise[Nothing, Unit]) => None,
entityMaxIdleTime: Option[Duration] = None
): URIO[Sharding with Scope with R, Unit] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Sharding](_.registerEntity[R, Req](entityType, behavior, terminateMessage, entityMaxIdleTime))
* Register a new topic type, allowing pods to broadcast messages to subscribers.
* It takes a `behavior` which is a function from a topic and a queue of messages to a ZIO computation that runs forever and consumes those messages.
* You can use `ZIO.interrupt` from the behavior to stop it (it will be restarted the next time the topic receives a message).
* If provided, the optional `terminateMessage` will be sent to the topic before it is stopped, allowing for cleanup logic.
def registerTopic[R, Req: Tag](
topicType: TopicType[Req],
behavior: (String, Queue[Req]) => RIO[R, Nothing],
terminateMessage: Promise[Nothing, Unit] => Option[Req] = (_: Promise[Nothing, Unit]) => None
): URIO[Sharding with Scope with R, Unit] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Sharding](_.registerTopic[R, Req](topicType, behavior, terminateMessage))
* Get an object that allows sending messages to a given entity type.
* You can provide a custom send timeout to override the one globally defined.
def messenger[Msg](
entityType: EntityType[Msg],
sendTimeout: MessengerTimeout = MessengerTimeout.InheritConfigTimeout
): URIO[Sharding, Messenger[Msg]] =
ZIO.serviceWith[Sharding](_.messenger(entityType, sendTimeout))
* Get an object that allows broadcasting messages to a given topic type.
* You can provide a custom send timeout to override the one globally defined.
def broadcaster[Msg](
topicType: TopicType[Msg],
sendTimeout: MessengerTimeout = MessengerTimeout.InheritConfigTimeout
): URIO[Sharding, Broadcaster[Msg]] =
ZIO.serviceWith[Sharding](_.broadcaster(topicType, sendTimeout))
* Get the list of shards and the pod that holds them.
* Note: ShardId may not show up if the shard is not assigned to any pod.
def getAssignments: RIO[Sharding, Map[ShardId, PodAddress]] =
* Get the list of shards currently assigned to the current pod
def thisPodAssignments: RIO[Sharding, Chunk[ShardId]] =
* Get the list of pods currently registered to the Shard Manager
def getPods: RIO[Sharding, Set[PodAddress]] =
* Terminate a given entity. If a termination message was provided, that message will be sent to the entity and
* no new message will be enqueued after that. If no termination message was provided, the entity will be stopped immediately.
* This method can only be used if the entity is hosted on the current pod (otherwise it will do nothing).
* Typically, you would use this method from inside the entity behavior to stop itself.
def terminateLocalEntity(entityType: EntityType[_], entityId: String): URIO[Sharding, Unit] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Sharding](_.terminateLocalEntity(entityType, entityId))
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