io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Show all versions of common-thirdparty.micrometer.core
* Copyright 2017 Pivotal Software, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.micrometer.core.instrument;
import io.micrometer.core.annotation.Incubating;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.Meter.Id;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.config.MeterFilter;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.config.MeterFilterReply;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.config.NamingConvention;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.distribution.DistributionStatisticConfig;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.distribution.pause.NoPauseDetector;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.distribution.pause.PauseDetector;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.noop.*;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.search.MeterNotFoundException;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.search.RequiredSearch;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.search.Search;
import io.micrometer.core.instrument.util.TimeUtils;
import io.micrometer.core.lang.Nullable;
import org.pcollections.HashTreePMap;
import org.pcollections.HashTreePSet;
import org.pcollections.PMap;
import org.pcollections.PSet;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.*;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* Creates and manages your application's set of meters. Exporters use the meter registry to iterate
* over the set of meters instrumenting your application, and then further iterate over each meter's metrics, generally
* resulting in a time series in the metrics backend for each combination of metrics and dimensions.
* MeterRegistry may be used in a reactive context. As such, implementations must not negatively impact the calling
* thread, e.g. it should respond immediately by avoiding IO call, deep stack recursion or any coordination.
* If you register meters having the same ID multiple times, the first registration only will work and the subsequent
* registrations will be ignored.
* @author Jon Schneider
* @author Johnny Lim
public abstract class MeterRegistry {
protected final Clock clock;
private final Object meterMapLock = new Object();
private volatile MeterFilter[] filters = new MeterFilter[0];
private final List> meterAddedListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private final List> meterRemovedListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private final Config config = new Config();
private final More more = new More();
private volatile PMap meterMap = HashTreePMap.empty();
* Map of meter id whose associated meter contains synthetic counterparts to those synthetic ids.
* We maintain these associations so that when we remove a meter with synthetics, they can removed
* as well.
private volatile PMap> syntheticAssociations = HashTreePMap.empty();
private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private PauseDetector pauseDetector = new NoPauseDetector();
* We'll use snake case as a general-purpose default for registries because it is the most
* likely to result in a portable name. Camel casing is also perfectly acceptable. '-' and '.'
* separators can pose problems for some monitoring systems. '-' is interpreted as metric
* subtraction in some (including Prometheus), and '.' is used to flatten tags into hierarchical
* names when shipping metrics to hierarchical backends such as Graphite.
private NamingConvention namingConvention = NamingConvention.snakeCase;
protected MeterRegistry(Clock clock) {
this.clock = clock;
* Build a new gauge to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the gauge doesn't already exist.
* @param id The id that uniquely identifies the gauge.
* @param obj State object used to compute a value.
* @param valueFunction Function that is applied on the value for the number.
* @param The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
* @return A new gauge.
protected abstract Gauge newGauge(Meter.Id id, @Nullable T obj, ToDoubleFunction valueFunction);
* Build a new counter to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the counter doesn't already exist.
* @param id The id that uniquely identifies the counter.
* @return A new counter.
protected abstract Counter newCounter(Meter.Id id);
* Build a new long task timer to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the long task timer doesn't already exist.
* @param id The id that uniquely identifies the long task timer.
* @return A new long task timer.
protected abstract LongTaskTimer newLongTaskTimer(Meter.Id id);
* Build a new timer to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the timer doesn't already exist.
* @param id The id that uniquely identifies the timer.
* @param distributionStatisticConfig Configuration for published distribution statistics.
* @param pauseDetector The pause detector to use for coordinated omission compensation.
* @return A new timer.
protected abstract Timer newTimer(Meter.Id id, DistributionStatisticConfig distributionStatisticConfig, PauseDetector pauseDetector);
* Build a new distribution summary to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the distribution summary doesn't already exist.
* @param id The id that uniquely identifies the distribution summary.
* @param distributionStatisticConfig Configuration for published distribution statistics.
* @param scale Multiply every recorded sample by this factor.
* @return A new distribution summary.
protected abstract DistributionSummary newDistributionSummary(Meter.Id id, DistributionStatisticConfig distributionStatisticConfig, double scale);
* Build a new custom meter to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the custom meter doesn't already exist.
* @param id The id that uniquely identifies the custom meter.
* @param type What kind of meter this is.
* @param measurements A set of measurements describing how to sample this meter.
* @return A new custom meter.
protected abstract Meter newMeter(Meter.Id id, Meter.Type type, Iterable measurements);
* Build a new time gauge to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the time gauge doesn't already exist.
* @param id The id that uniquely identifies the time gauge.
* @param obj The state object from which the value function derives a measurement.
* @param valueFunctionUnit The base unit of time returned by the value function.
* @param valueFunction A function returning a time value that can go up or down.
* @param The type of the object upon which the value function derives a measurement.
* @return A new time gauge.
protected TimeGauge newTimeGauge(Meter.Id id, @Nullable T obj, TimeUnit valueFunctionUnit, ToDoubleFunction valueFunction) {
Meter.Id withUnit = id.withBaseUnit(getBaseTimeUnitStr());
Gauge gauge = newGauge(withUnit, obj, obj2 -> TimeUtils.convert(valueFunction.applyAsDouble(obj2), valueFunctionUnit, getBaseTimeUnit()));
return new TimeGauge() {
public Id getId() {
return withUnit;
public double value() {
return gauge.value();
public TimeUnit baseTimeUnit() {
return getBaseTimeUnit();
* Build a new function timer to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the function timer doesn't already exist.
* @param id The id that uniquely identifies the function timer.
* @param obj The state object from which the count and total functions derive measurements.
* @param countFunction A monotonically increasing count function.
* @param totalTimeFunction A monotonically increasing total time function.
* @param totalTimeFunctionUnit The base unit of time of the totals returned by the total time function.
* @param The type of the object upon which the value functions derives their measurements.
* @return A new function timer.
protected abstract FunctionTimer newFunctionTimer(Meter.Id id, T obj, ToLongFunction countFunction, ToDoubleFunction totalTimeFunction, TimeUnit totalTimeFunctionUnit);
* Build a new function counter to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the function counter doesn't already exist.
* @param id The id that uniquely identifies the function counter.
* @param obj The state object from which the count function derives a measurement.
* @param countFunction A monotonically increasing count function.
* @param The type of the object upon which the value function derives a measurement.
* @return A new function counter.
protected abstract FunctionCounter newFunctionCounter(Id id, T obj, ToDoubleFunction countFunction);
protected List getConventionTags(Meter.Id id) {
return id.getConventionTags(config().namingConvention());
protected String getConventionName(Meter.Id id) {
return id.getConventionName(config().namingConvention());
* @return the registry's base TimeUnit. Must not be null.
protected abstract TimeUnit getBaseTimeUnit();
* Every custom registry implementation should define a default histogram expiry at a minimum:
* DistributionStatisticConfig.builder()
* .expiry(defaultStep)
* .build()
* .merge(DistributionStatisticConfig.DEFAULT);
* @return The default distribution statistics config.
protected abstract DistributionStatisticConfig defaultHistogramConfig();
private String getBaseTimeUnitStr() {
return getBaseTimeUnit().toString().toLowerCase();
* Only used by {@link Counter#builder(String)}.
* @param id The identifier for this counter.
* @return A new or existing counter.
Counter counter(Meter.Id id) {
return registerMeterIfNecessary(Counter.class, id, this::newCounter, NoopCounter::new);
* Only used by {@link Gauge#builder(String, Object, ToDoubleFunction)}.
* @param id The identifier for this gauge.
* @param obj State object used to compute a value.
* @param valueFunction Function that is applied on the value for the number.
* @param The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
* @return A new or existing gauge.
Gauge gauge(Meter.Id id, @Nullable T obj, ToDoubleFunction valueFunction) {
return registerMeterIfNecessary(Gauge.class, id, id2 -> newGauge(id2, obj, valueFunction), NoopGauge::new);
* Only used by {@link Timer#builder(String)}.
* @param id The identifier for this timer.
* @param distributionStatisticConfig Configuration that governs how distribution statistics are computed.
* @return A new or existing timer.
Timer timer(Meter.Id id, DistributionStatisticConfig distributionStatisticConfig, PauseDetector pauseDetectorOverride) {
return registerMeterIfNecessary(Timer.class, id, distributionStatisticConfig, (id2, filteredConfig) -> {
Meter.Id withUnit = id2.withBaseUnit(getBaseTimeUnitStr());
return newTimer(withUnit, filteredConfig.merge(defaultHistogramConfig()), pauseDetectorOverride);
}, NoopTimer::new);
* Only used by {@link DistributionSummary#builder(String)}.
* @param id The identifier for this distribution summary.
* @param distributionStatisticConfig Configuration that governs how distribution statistics are computed.
* @return A new or existing distribution summary.
DistributionSummary summary(Meter.Id id, DistributionStatisticConfig distributionStatisticConfig, double scale) {
return registerMeterIfNecessary(DistributionSummary.class, id, distributionStatisticConfig, (id2, filteredConfig) ->
newDistributionSummary(id2, filteredConfig.merge(defaultHistogramConfig()), scale), NoopDistributionSummary::new);
* Register a custom meter type.
* @param id Id of the meter being registered.
* @param type Meter type, which may be used by naming conventions to normalize the name.
* @param measurements A sequence of measurements describing how to sample the meter.
* @return The meter.
Meter register(Meter.Id id, Meter.Type type, Iterable measurements) {
return registerMeterIfNecessary(Meter.class, id, id2 -> newMeter(id2, type, measurements), NoopMeter::new);
* @return The set of registered meters.
public List getMeters() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(meterMap.values()));
* Iterate over each meter in the registry.
* @param consumer Consumer of each meter during iteration.
public void forEachMeter(Consumer super Meter> consumer) {
* @return A configuration object used to change the behavior of this registry.
public Config config() {
return config;
* Initiate a search beginning with a metric name. If constraints added in the search are not satisfied, the search
* will return {@code null}.
* @param name The meter name to locate.
* @return A new search.
public Search find(String name) {
return Search.in(this).name(name);
* Initiate a search beginning with a metric name. All constraints added in the search must be satisfied or
* an {@link MeterNotFoundException} is thrown.
* @param name The meter name to locate.
* @return A new search.
public RequiredSearch get(String name) {
return RequiredSearch.in(this).name(name);
* Tracks a monotonically increasing value.
* @param name The base metric name
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @return A new or existing counter.
public Counter counter(String name, Iterable tags) {
return Counter.builder(name).tags(tags).register(this);
* Tracks a monotonically increasing value.
* @param name The base metric name
* @param tags MUST be an even number of arguments representing key/value pairs of tags.
* @return A new or existing counter.
public Counter counter(String name, String... tags) {
return counter(name, Tags.of(tags));
* Measures the distribution of samples.
* @param name The base metric name
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @return A new or existing distribution summary.
public DistributionSummary summary(String name, Iterable tags) {
return DistributionSummary.builder(name).tags(tags).register(this);
* Measures the distribution of samples.
* @param name The base metric name
* @param tags MUST be an even number of arguments representing key/value pairs of tags.
* @return A new or existing distribution summary.
public DistributionSummary summary(String name, String... tags) {
return summary(name, Tags.of(tags));
* Measures the time taken for short tasks and the count of these tasks.
* @param name The base metric name
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @return A new or existing timer.
public Timer timer(String name, Iterable tags) {
return Timer.builder(name).tags(tags).register(this);
* Measures the time taken for short tasks and the count of these tasks.
* @param name The base metric name
* @param tags MUST be an even number of arguments representing key/value pairs of tags.
* @return A new or existing timer.
public Timer timer(String name, String... tags) {
return timer(name, Tags.of(tags));
* Access to less frequently used meter types and patterns.
* @return Access to additional meter types and patterns.
public More more() {
return more;
* Register a gauge that reports the value of the object after the function
* {@code valueFunction} is applied. The registration will keep a weak reference to the object so it will
* not prevent garbage collection. Applying {@code valueFunction} on the object should be thread safe.
* @param name Name of the gauge being registered.
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @param obj State object used to compute a value.
* @param valueFunction Function that produces an instantaneous gauge value from the state object.
* @param The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
* @return The number that was passed in so the registration can be done as part of an assignment
* statement.
public T gauge(String name, Iterable tags, @Nullable T obj, ToDoubleFunction valueFunction) {
Gauge.builder(name, obj, valueFunction).tags(tags).register(this);
return obj;
* Register a gauge that reports the value of the {@link Number}.
* @param name Name of the gauge being registered.
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @param number Thread-safe implementation of {@link Number} used to access the value.
* @param The type of the number from which the gauge value is extracted.
* @return The number that was passed in so the registration can be done as part of an assignment
* statement.
public T gauge(String name, Iterable tags, T number) {
return gauge(name, tags, number, Number::doubleValue);
* Register a gauge that reports the value of the {@link Number}.
* @param name Name of the gauge being registered.
* @param number Thread-safe implementation of {@link Number} used to access the value.
* @param The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
* @return The number that was passed in so the registration can be done as part of an assignment
* statement.
public T gauge(String name, T number) {
return gauge(name, emptyList(), number);
* Register a gauge that reports the value of the object.
* @param name Name of the gauge being registered.
* @param obj State object used to compute a value.
* @param valueFunction Function that produces an instantaneous gauge value from the state object.
* @param The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
* @return The number that was passed in so the registration can be done as part of an assignment
* statement.
public T gauge(String name, T obj, ToDoubleFunction valueFunction) {
return gauge(name, emptyList(), obj, valueFunction);
* Register a gauge that reports the size of the {@link Collection}. The registration
* will keep a weak reference to the collection so it will not prevent garbage collection.
* The collection implementation used should be thread safe. Note that calling
* {@link Collection#size()} can be expensive for some collection implementations
* and should be considered before registering.
* @param name Name of the gauge being registered.
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @param collection Thread-safe implementation of {@link Collection} used to access the value.
* @param The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
* @return The number that was passed in so the registration can be done as part of an assignment
* statement.
public > T gaugeCollectionSize(String name, Iterable tags, T collection) {
return gauge(name, tags, collection, Collection::size);
* Register a gauge that reports the size of the {@link Map}. The registration
* will keep a weak reference to the collection so it will not prevent garbage collection.
* The collection implementation used should be thread safe. Note that calling
* {@link Map#size()} can be expensive for some collection implementations
* and should be considered before registering.
* @param name Name of the gauge being registered.
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @param map Thread-safe implementation of {@link Map} used to access the value.
* @param The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
* @return The number that was passed in so the registration can be done as part of an assignment
* statement.
public > T gaugeMapSize(String name, Iterable tags, T map) {
return gauge(name, tags, map, Map::size);
private M registerMeterIfNecessary(Class meterClass, Meter.Id id, Function builder,
Function noopBuilder) {
return registerMeterIfNecessary(meterClass, id, null, (id2, conf) -> builder.apply(id2), noopBuilder);
private M registerMeterIfNecessary(Class meterClass, Meter.Id id,
@Nullable DistributionStatisticConfig config, BiFunction builder,
Function noopBuilder) {
Id mappedId = getMappedId(id);
Meter m = getOrCreateMeter(config, builder, id, mappedId, noopBuilder);
if (!meterClass.isInstance(m)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is already a registered meter of a different type with the same name");
return meterClass.cast(m);
private Id getMappedId(Id id) {
if (id.syntheticAssociation() != null) {
return id;
Id mappedId = id;
for (MeterFilter filter : filters) {
mappedId = filter.map(mappedId);
return mappedId;
private Meter getOrCreateMeter(@Nullable DistributionStatisticConfig config,
BiFunction builder,
Id originalId, Id mappedId, Function noopBuilder) {
Meter m = meterMap.get(mappedId);
if (m == null) {
if (isClosed()) {
return noopBuilder.apply(mappedId);
synchronized (meterMapLock) {
m = meterMap.get(mappedId);
if (m == null) {
if (!accept(mappedId)) {
return noopBuilder.apply(mappedId);
if (config != null) {
for (MeterFilter filter : filters) {
DistributionStatisticConfig filteredConfig = filter.configure(mappedId, config);
if (filteredConfig != null) {
config = filteredConfig;
m = builder.apply(mappedId, config);
Id synAssoc = originalId.syntheticAssociation();
if (synAssoc != null) {
PSet existingSynthetics = syntheticAssociations.getOrDefault(synAssoc, HashTreePSet.empty());
syntheticAssociations = syntheticAssociations.plus(synAssoc, existingSynthetics.plus(originalId));
for (Consumer onAdd : meterAddedListeners) {
meterMap = meterMap.plus(mappedId, m);
return m;
private boolean accept(Meter.Id id) {
for (MeterFilter filter : filters) {
MeterFilterReply reply = filter.accept(id);
if (reply == MeterFilterReply.DENY) {
return false;
} else if (reply == MeterFilterReply.ACCEPT) {
return true;
return true;
* @param meter The meter to remove
* @return The removed meter, or null if the provided meter is not currently registered.
* @since 1.1.0
@Incubating(since = "1.1.0")
public Meter remove(Meter meter) {
return remove(meter.getId());
* @param id The id of the meter to remove
* @return The removed meter, or null if no meter matched the provided id.
* @since 1.1.0
@Incubating(since = "1.1.0")
public Meter remove(Meter.Id id) {
Id mappedId = getMappedId(id);
Meter m = meterMap.get(mappedId);
if (m != null) {
synchronized (meterMapLock) {
m = meterMap.get(mappedId);
if (m != null) {
meterMap = meterMap.minus(mappedId);
for (Id synthetic : syntheticAssociations.getOrDefault(id, HashTreePSet.empty())) {
syntheticAssociations = syntheticAssociations.minus(id);
for (Consumer onRemove : meterRemovedListeners) {
return m;
return null;
* Clear all meters.
* @since 1.2.0
@Incubating(since = "1.2.0")
public void clear() {
* Access to configuration options for this registry.
public class Config {
* Append a list of common tags to apply to all metrics reported to the monitoring system.
* @param tags Tags to add to every metric.
* @return This configuration instance.
public Config commonTags(Iterable tags) {
return meterFilter(MeterFilter.commonTags(tags));
* Append a list of common tags to apply to all metrics reported to the monitoring system.
* Must be an even number of arguments representing key/value pairs of tags.
* @param tags MUST be an even number of arguments representing key/value pairs of tags.
* @return This configuration instance.
public Config commonTags(String... tags) {
return commonTags(Tags.of(tags));
* Add a meter filter to the registry. Filters are applied in the order in which they are added.
* @param filter The filter to add to the registry.
* @return This configuration instance.
public synchronized Config meterFilter(MeterFilter filter) {
MeterFilter[] newFilters = new MeterFilter[filters.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(filters, 0, newFilters, 0, filters.length);
newFilters[filters.length] = filter;
filters = newFilters;
return this;
* Register an event listener for each meter added to the registry.
* @param meterAddedListener a meter-added event listener to be added
* @return This configuration instance.
public Config onMeterAdded(Consumer meterAddedListener) {
return this;
* Register an event listener for each meter removed from the registry.
* @param meterRemovedListener a meter-removed event listener to be added
* @return This configuration instance.
* @since 1.1.0
@Incubating(since = "1.1.0")
public Config onMeterRemoved(Consumer meterRemovedListener) {
return this;
* Use the provided naming convention, overriding the default for your monitoring system.
* @param convention The naming convention to use.
* @return This configuration instance.
public Config namingConvention(NamingConvention convention) {
namingConvention = convention;
return this;
* @return The naming convention currently in use on this registry.
public NamingConvention namingConvention() {
return namingConvention;
* @return The clock used to measure durations of timers and long task timers (and sometimes
* influences publishing behavior).
public Clock clock() {
return clock;
* Sets the default pause detector to use for all timers in this registry.
* @param detector The pause detector to use.
* @return This configuration instance.
* @see io.micrometer.core.instrument.distribution.pause.NoPauseDetector
* @see io.micrometer.core.instrument.distribution.pause.ClockDriftPauseDetector
public Config pauseDetector(PauseDetector detector) {
pauseDetector = detector;
return this;
* @return The pause detector that is currently in effect.
public PauseDetector pauseDetector() {
return pauseDetector;
* Additional, less commonly used meter types.
public class More {
* Measures the time taken for long tasks.
* @param name Name of the long task timer being registered.
* @param tags MUST be an even number of arguments representing key/value pairs of tags.
* @return A new or existing long task timer.
public LongTaskTimer longTaskTimer(String name, String... tags) {
return longTaskTimer(name, Tags.of(tags));
* Measures the time taken for long tasks.
* @param name Name of the long task timer being registered.
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @return A new or existing long task timer.
public LongTaskTimer longTaskTimer(String name, Iterable tags) {
return LongTaskTimer.builder(name).tags(tags).register(MeterRegistry.this);
* Only used by {@link LongTaskTimer#builder(String)}.
* @param id The identifier for this long task timer.
* @return A new or existing long task timer.
LongTaskTimer longTaskTimer(Meter.Id id) {
return registerMeterIfNecessary(LongTaskTimer.class, id, id2 -> {
Meter.Id withUnit = id2.withBaseUnit(getBaseTimeUnitStr());
return newLongTaskTimer(withUnit);
}, NoopLongTaskTimer::new);
* Tracks a monotonically increasing value, automatically incrementing the counter whenever
* the value is observed.
* @param name Name of the counter being registered.
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @param obj State object used to compute a value.
* @param countFunction Function that produces a monotonically increasing counter value from the state object.
* @param The type of the state object from which the counter value is extracted.
* @return A new or existing function counter.
public FunctionCounter counter(String name, Iterable tags, T obj, ToDoubleFunction countFunction) {
return FunctionCounter.builder(name, obj, countFunction).tags(tags).register(MeterRegistry.this);
* Tracks a number, maintaining a weak reference on it.
* @param name Name of the counter being registered.
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @param number A monotonically increasing number to track.
* @param The type of the state object from which the counter value is extracted.
* @return A new or existing function counter.
public FunctionCounter counter(String name, Iterable tags, T number) {
return FunctionCounter.builder(name, number, Number::doubleValue).tags(tags).register(MeterRegistry.this);
* Tracks a number, maintaining a weak reference on it.
* @param id The identifier for this function counter.
* @param obj State object used to compute a value.
* @param countFunction Function that produces a monotonically increasing counter value from the state object.
* @param The type of the state object from which the counter value is extracted.
* @return A new or existing function counter.
FunctionCounter counter(Meter.Id id, T obj, ToDoubleFunction countFunction) {
return registerMeterIfNecessary(FunctionCounter.class, id, id2 -> newFunctionCounter(id2, obj, countFunction),
* A timer that tracks monotonically increasing functions for count and totalTime.
* @param name Name of the timer being registered.
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @param obj State object used to compute a value.
* @param countFunction Function that produces a monotonically increasing counter value from the state object.
* @param totalTimeFunction Function that produces a monotonically increasing total time value from the state object.
* @param totalTimeFunctionUnit The base unit of time produced by the total time function.
* @param The type of the state object from which the function values are extracted.
* @return A new or existing function timer.
public FunctionTimer timer(String name, Iterable tags, T obj,
ToLongFunction countFunction,
ToDoubleFunction totalTimeFunction,
TimeUnit totalTimeFunctionUnit) {
return FunctionTimer.builder(name, obj, countFunction, totalTimeFunction, totalTimeFunctionUnit)
* A timer that tracks monotonically increasing functions for count and totalTime.
* @param id The identifier for this function timer.
* @param obj State object used to compute a value.
* @param countFunction Function that produces a monotonically increasing counter value from the state object.
* @param totalTimeFunction Function that produces a monotonically increasing total time value from the state object.
* @param totalTimeFunctionUnit The base unit of time produced by the total time function.
* @param The type of the state object from which the function values are extracted.F
* @return A new or existing function timer.
FunctionTimer timer(Meter.Id id, T obj,
ToLongFunction countFunction,
ToDoubleFunction totalTimeFunction,
TimeUnit totalTimeFunctionUnit) {
return registerMeterIfNecessary(FunctionTimer.class, id, id2 -> {
Meter.Id withUnit = id2.withBaseUnit(getBaseTimeUnitStr());
return newFunctionTimer(withUnit, obj, countFunction, totalTimeFunction, totalTimeFunctionUnit);
}, NoopFunctionTimer::new);
* A gauge that tracks a time value, to be scaled to the monitoring system's base time unit.
* @param name Name of the gauge being registered.
* @param tags Sequence of dimensions for breaking down the name.
* @param obj State object used to compute a value.
* @param timeFunctionUnit The base unit of time produced by the total time function.
* @param timeFunction Function that produces a time value from the state object. This value may increase and decrease over time.
* @param The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
* @return A new or existing time gauge.
public TimeGauge timeGauge(String name, Iterable tags, T obj,
TimeUnit timeFunctionUnit, ToDoubleFunction timeFunction) {
return TimeGauge.builder(name, obj, timeFunctionUnit, timeFunction).tags(tags).register(MeterRegistry.this);
* A gauge that tracks a time value, to be scaled to the monitoring system's base time unit.
* @param id The identifier for this time gauge.
* @param obj State object used to compute a value.
* @param timeFunctionUnit The base unit of time produced by the total time function.
* @param timeFunction Function that produces a time value from the state object. This value may increase and decrease over time.
* @param The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
* @return A new or existing time gauge.
TimeGauge timeGauge(Meter.Id id, @Nullable T obj, TimeUnit timeFunctionUnit, ToDoubleFunction timeFunction) {
return registerMeterIfNecessary(TimeGauge.class, id, id2 -> newTimeGauge(id2, obj, timeFunctionUnit, timeFunction), NoopTimeGauge::new);
* Closes this registry, releasing any resources in the process. Once closed, this registry will no longer
* accept new meters and any publishing activity will cease.
public void close() {
if (closed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
synchronized (meterMapLock) {
for (Meter meter : meterMap.values()) {
* If the registry is closed, it will no longer accept new meters and any publishing activity will cease.
* @return {@code true} if this registry is closed.
public boolean isClosed() {
return closed.get();