org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2012, 2014 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osgi.container;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.StartOptions;
import org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.State;
import org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.StopOptions;
import org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainerAdaptor.ContainerEvent;
import org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleContainerAdaptor.ModuleEvent;
import org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleDatabase.Sort;
import org.eclipse.osgi.container.ModuleRequirement.DynamicModuleRequirement;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.util.SecureAction;
import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.container.InternalUtils;
import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.container.LockSet;
import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.debug.Debug;
import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.messages.Msg;
import org.eclipse.osgi.report.resolution.ResolutionReport;
import org.eclipse.osgi.report.resolution.ResolutionReport.Entry;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.debug.DebugOptions;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.debug.DebugOptionsListener;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.osgi.framework.*;
import org.osgi.framework.namespace.*;
import org.osgi.framework.startlevel.FrameworkStartLevel;
import org.osgi.framework.wiring.*;
import org.osgi.resource.*;
import org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException;
* A container for installing, updating, uninstalling and resolve modules.
* @since 3.10
public final class ModuleContainer implements DebugOptionsListener {
private final static SecureAction secureAction = AccessController.doPrivileged(SecureAction.createSecureAction());
* Used by install operations to establish a write lock on an install location
private final LockSet locationLocks = new LockSet();
* Used by install and update operations to establish a write lock for a name
private final LockSet nameLocks = new LockSet();
* An implementation of FrameworkWiring for this container
private final ContainerWiring frameworkWiring;
* An implementation of FrameworkStartLevel for this container
private final ContainerStartLevel frameworkStartLevel;
* The module database for this container.
final ModuleDatabase moduleDatabase;
* The module adaptor for this container.
final ModuleContainerAdaptor adaptor;
* The module resolver which implements the ResolverContext and handles calling the
* resolver service.
private final ModuleResolver moduleResolver;
* Holds the system module while it is being refreshed
private final AtomicReference refreshingSystemModule = new AtomicReference();
private final long moduleLockTimeout;
boolean DEBUG_MONITOR_LAZY = false;
* Constructs a new container with the specified adaptor, module database.
* @param adaptor the adaptor for the container
* @param moduledataBase the module database
public ModuleContainer(ModuleContainerAdaptor adaptor, ModuleDatabase moduledataBase) {
this.adaptor = adaptor;
this.moduleResolver = new ModuleResolver(adaptor);
this.moduleDatabase = moduledataBase;
this.frameworkWiring = new ContainerWiring();
this.frameworkStartLevel = new ContainerStartLevel();
long tempModuleLockTimeout = 5;
String moduleLockTimeoutProp = adaptor.getProperty(EquinoxConfiguration.PROP_MODULE_LOCK_TIMEOUT);
if (moduleLockTimeoutProp != null) {
try {
tempModuleLockTimeout = Long.parseLong(moduleLockTimeoutProp);
// don't do anything less than one second
if (tempModuleLockTimeout < 1) {
tempModuleLockTimeout = 1;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// will default to 5
this.moduleLockTimeout = tempModuleLockTimeout;
DebugOptions debugOptions = adaptor.getDebugOptions();
if (debugOptions != null) {
this.DEBUG_MONITOR_LAZY = debugOptions.getBooleanOption(Debug.OPTION_MONITOR_LAZY, false);
* Returns the adaptor for this container
* @return the adaptor for this container
public ModuleContainerAdaptor getAdaptor() {
return adaptor;
* Returns the list of currently installed modules sorted by module id.
* @return the list of currently installed modules sorted by module id.
public List getModules() {
return moduleDatabase.getModules();
* Returns the module installed with the specified id, or null if no
* such module is installed.
* @param id the id of the module
* @return the module with the specified id, or null of no such module is installed.
public Module getModule(long id) {
return moduleDatabase.getModule(id);
* Returns the module installed with the specified location, or null if no
* such module is installed.
* @param location the location of the module
* @return the module with the specified location, or null of no such module is installed.
public Module getModule(String location) {
return moduleDatabase.getModule(location);
* Creates a synthetic requirement that is not associated with any module revision.
* This is useful for calling {@link FrameworkWiring#findProviders(Requirement)}.
* @param namespace the requirement namespace
* @param directives the requriement directives
* @param attributes the requirement attributes
* @return a synthetic requirement
public static Requirement createRequirement(String namespace, Map directives, Map attributes) {
return new ModuleRequirement(namespace, directives, attributes, null);
* Installs a new module using the specified location. The specified
* builder is used to create a new {@link ModuleRevision revision}
* which will become the {@link Module#getCurrentRevision() current}
* revision of the new module.
* If a module already exists with the specified location then the
* existing module is returned and the builder is not used.
* @param origin the module performing the install, may be {@code null}.
* @param location The location identifier of the module to install.
* @param builder the builder used to create the revision to install.
* @param revisionInfo the revision info for the new revision, may be {@code null}.
* @return a new module or a existing module if one exists at the
* specified location.
* @throws BundleException if some error occurs installing the module
public Module install(Module origin, String location, ModuleRevisionBuilder builder, Object revisionInfo) throws BundleException {
String name = builder.getSymbolicName();
boolean locationLocked = false;
boolean nameLocked = false;
try {
// Attempt to lock the location and name
try {
locationLocked = locationLocks.tryLock(location, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
nameLocked = name != null && nameLocks.tryLock(name, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
if (!locationLocked) {
throw new BundleException("Failed to obtain location lock for installation: " + location, BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (name != null && !nameLocked) {
throw new BundleException("Failed to obtain symbolic name lock for installation: " + name, BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new BundleException("Failed to obtain id locks for installation.", BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR, e); //$NON-NLS-1$
Module existingLocation = null;
Collection collisionCandidates = Collections.emptyList();
try {
existingLocation = moduleDatabase.getModule(location);
if (existingLocation == null) {
// Collect existing current revisions with the same name and version as the revision we want to install
// This is to perform the collision check below
List sameIdentity = moduleDatabase.findCapabilities(getIdentityRequirement(name, builder.getVersion()));
if (!sameIdentity.isEmpty()) {
collisionCandidates = new ArrayList(1);
for (ModuleCapability identity : sameIdentity) {
ModuleRevision equinoxRevision = identity.getRevision();
if (!equinoxRevision.isCurrent())
continue; // only pay attention to current revisions
// need to prevent duplicates here; this is in case a revisions object contains multiple revision objects.
if (!collisionCandidates.contains(equinoxRevision.getRevisions().getModule()))
} finally {
// Check that the existing location is visible from the origin module
if (existingLocation != null) {
if (origin != null) {
Bundle bundle = origin.getBundle();
BundleContext context = bundle == null ? null : bundle.getBundleContext();
if (context != null && context.getBundle(existingLocation.getId()) == null) {
Bundle b = existingLocation.getBundle();
throw new BundleException(NLS.bind(Msg.ModuleContainer_NameCollisionWithLocation, new Object[] {b.getSymbolicName(), b.getVersion(), location}), BundleException.REJECTED_BY_HOOK);
return existingLocation;
// Check that the bundle does not collide with other bundles with the same name and version
// This is from the perspective of the origin bundle
if (origin != null && !collisionCandidates.isEmpty()) {
adaptor.getModuleCollisionHook().filterCollisions(ModuleCollisionHook.INSTALLING, origin, collisionCandidates);
if (!collisionCandidates.isEmpty()) {
throw new BundleException(NLS.bind(Msg.ModuleContainer_NameCollision, name, builder.getVersion()), BundleException.DUPLICATE_BUNDLE_ERROR);
Module result = moduleDatabase.install(location, builder, revisionInfo);
adaptor.publishModuleEvent(ModuleEvent.INSTALLED, result, origin);
return result;
} finally {
if (locationLocked)
if (nameLocked)
* Updates the specified module with a new revision. The specified
* builder is used to create a new {@link ModuleRevision revision}
* which will become the {@link Module#getCurrentRevision() current}
* revision of the new module.
* @param module the module to update
* @param builder the builder used to create the revision for the update.
* @param revisionInfo the revision info for the new revision, may be {@code null}.
* @throws BundleException if some error occurs updating the module
public void update(Module module, ModuleRevisionBuilder builder, Object revisionInfo) throws BundleException {
checkAdminPermission(module.getBundle(), AdminPermission.LIFECYCLE);
String name = builder.getSymbolicName();
boolean nameLocked = false;
try {
// Attempt to lock the name
try {
if (name != null && !(nameLocked = nameLocks.tryLock(name, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS))) {
throw new BundleException("Failed to obtain id locks for installation.", BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new BundleException("Failed to obtain id locks for installation.", BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR, e); //$NON-NLS-1$
Collection collisionCandidates = Collections.emptyList();
try {
// Collect existing bundles with the same name and version as the bundle we want to install
// This is to perform the collision check below
List sameIdentity = moduleDatabase.findCapabilities(getIdentityRequirement(name, builder.getVersion()));
if (!sameIdentity.isEmpty()) {
collisionCandidates = new ArrayList(1);
for (ModuleCapability identity : sameIdentity) {
ModuleRevision equinoxRevision = identity.getRevision();
if (!equinoxRevision.isCurrent())
Module m = equinoxRevision.getRevisions().getModule();
if (m.equals(module))
continue; // don't worry about the updating modules revisions
// need to prevent duplicates here; this is in case a revisions object contains multiple revision objects.
if (!collisionCandidates.contains(m))
} finally {
// Check that the module does not collide with other modules with the same name and version
// This is from the perspective of the module being updated
if (module != null && !collisionCandidates.isEmpty()) {
adaptor.getModuleCollisionHook().filterCollisions(ModuleCollisionHook.UPDATING, module, collisionCandidates);
if (!collisionCandidates.isEmpty()) {
throw new BundleException(NLS.bind(Msg.ModuleContainer_NameCollision, name, builder.getVersion()), BundleException.DUPLICATE_BUNDLE_ERROR);
State previousState;
try {
previousState = module.getState();
if (Module.ACTIVE_SET.contains(previousState)) {
// throwing an exception from stop terminates update
if (Module.RESOLVED_SET.contains(previousState)) {
// set the state to installed and publish unresolved event
adaptor.publishModuleEvent(ModuleEvent.UNRESOLVED, module, module);
moduleDatabase.update(module, builder, revisionInfo);
} finally {
// only publish updated event on success
adaptor.publishModuleEvent(ModuleEvent.UPDATED, module, module);
if (Module.ACTIVE_SET.contains(previousState)) {
try {
// restart the module if necessary
} catch (BundleException e) {
getAdaptor().publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, module, e);
} finally {
if (nameLocked)
* Uninstalls the specified module.
* @param module the module to uninstall
* @throws BundleException if some error occurs uninstalling the module
public void uninstall(Module module) throws BundleException {
checkAdminPermission(module.getBundle(), AdminPermission.LIFECYCLE);
State previousState;
try {
previousState = module.getState();
if (Module.ACTIVE_SET.contains(module.getState())) {
try {
} catch (BundleException e) {
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, module, e);
if (Module.RESOLVED_SET.contains(previousState)) {
// set the state to installed and publish unresolved event
adaptor.publishModuleEvent(ModuleEvent.UNRESOLVED, module, module);
} finally {
adaptor.publishModuleEvent(ModuleEvent.UNINSTALLED, module, module);
ModuleWiring getWiring(ModuleRevision revision) {
return moduleDatabase.getWiring(revision);
* Returns the {@link FrameworkWiring} for this container
* @return the framework wiring for this container.
public FrameworkWiring getFrameworkWiring() {
return frameworkWiring;
* Returns the {@link FrameworkStartLevel} for this container
* @return the framework start level for this container
public FrameworkStartLevel getFrameworkStartLevel() {
return frameworkStartLevel;
* Attempts to resolve the current revisions of the specified modules.
* @param triggers the modules to resolve or {@code null} to resolve all unresolved
* current revisions.
* @param triggersMandatory true if the triggers must be resolved. This will result in
* a {@link ResolutionException} if set to true and one of the triggers could not be resolved.
* @see FrameworkWiring#resolveBundles(Collection)
* @return A resolution report for the resolve operation
public ResolutionReport resolve(Collection triggers, boolean triggersMandatory) {
return resolve(triggers, triggersMandatory, false);
private ResolutionReport resolve(Collection triggers, boolean triggersMandatory, boolean restartTriggers) {
if (isRefreshingSystemModule()) {
return new ModuleResolutionReport(null, Collections.> emptyMap(), new ResolutionException("Unable to resolve while shutting down the framework.")); //$NON-NLS-1$
ResolutionReport report = null;
do {
try {
report = resolveAndApply(triggers, triggersMandatory, restartTriggers);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof BundleException) {
BundleException be = (BundleException) e.getCause();
if (be.getType() == BundleException.REJECTED_BY_HOOK || be.getType() == BundleException.STATECHANGE_ERROR) {
return new ModuleResolutionReport(null, Collections.> emptyMap(), new ResolutionException(be));
throw e;
} while (report == null);
return report;
private ResolutionReport resolveAndApply(Collection triggers, boolean triggersMandatory, boolean restartTriggers) {
if (triggers == null)
triggers = new ArrayList(0);
Collection triggerRevisions = new ArrayList(triggers.size());
Collection unresolved = new ArrayList();
Map wiringClone;
long timestamp;
try {
timestamp = moduleDatabase.getRevisionsTimestamp();
wiringClone = moduleDatabase.getWiringsClone();
for (Module module : triggers) {
if (!State.UNINSTALLED.equals(module.getState())) {
ModuleRevision current = module.getCurrentRevision();
if (current != null)
Collection allModules = moduleDatabase.getModules();
for (Module module : allModules) {
ModuleRevision revision = module.getCurrentRevision();
if (revision != null && !wiringClone.containsKey(revision))
} finally {
ModuleResolutionReport report = moduleResolver.resolveDelta(triggerRevisions, triggersMandatory, unresolved, wiringClone, moduleDatabase);
Map> resolutionResult = report.getResolutionResult();
Map deltaWiring = resolutionResult == null ? Collections. emptyMap() : moduleResolver.generateDelta(resolutionResult, wiringClone);
if (deltaWiring.isEmpty())
return report; // nothing to do
Collection modulesResolved = new ArrayList();
for (ModuleRevision deltaRevision : deltaWiring.keySet()) {
if (!wiringClone.containsKey(deltaRevision))
return applyDelta(deltaWiring, modulesResolved, triggers, timestamp, restartTriggers) ? report : null;
* Attempts to resolve the specified dynamic package name request for the specified revision.
* @param dynamicPkgName the package name to attempt a dynamic resolution for
* @param revision the module revision the dynamic resolution request is for
* @return the new resolution wire establishing a dynamic package resolution or null if
* a dynamic wire could not be established.
public ModuleWire resolveDynamic(String dynamicPkgName, ModuleRevision revision) {
ModuleWire result;
Map deltaWiring;
Collection modulesResolved;
long timestamp;
do {
result = null;
Map wiringClone = null;
List dynamicReqs = null;
Collection unresolved = new ArrayList();
try {
ModuleWiring wiring = revision.getWiring();
if (wiring == null) {
// not resolved!!
return null;
if (wiring.isDynamicPackageMiss(dynamicPkgName)) {
// cached a miss for this package
return null;
// need to check that another thread has not done the work already
result = findExistingDynamicWire(revision.getWiring(), dynamicPkgName);
if (result != null) {
return result;
dynamicReqs = getDynamicRequirements(dynamicPkgName, revision);
if (dynamicReqs.isEmpty()) {
// save the miss for the package name
return null;
timestamp = moduleDatabase.getRevisionsTimestamp();
wiringClone = moduleDatabase.getWiringsClone();
Collection allModules = moduleDatabase.getModules();
for (Module module : allModules) {
ModuleRevision current = module.getCurrentRevision();
if (current != null && !wiringClone.containsKey(current))
} finally {
deltaWiring = null;
boolean foundCandidates = false;
for (DynamicModuleRequirement dynamicReq : dynamicReqs) {
ModuleResolutionReport report = moduleResolver.resolveDynamicDelta(dynamicReq, unresolved, wiringClone, moduleDatabase);
Map> resolutionResult = report.getResolutionResult();
deltaWiring = resolutionResult == null ? Collections. emptyMap() : moduleResolver.generateDelta(resolutionResult, wiringClone);
if (deltaWiring.get(revision) != null) {
// Did not establish a valid wire.
// Check to see if any candidates were available.
// this is used for caching purposes below
List revisionEntries = report.getEntries().get(revision);
if (revisionEntries == null || revisionEntries.isEmpty()) {
foundCandidates = true;
} else {
// must make sure there is no MISSING_CAPABILITY type entry
boolean isMissingCapability = false;
for (Entry entry : revisionEntries) {
isMissingCapability |= Entry.Type.MISSING_CAPABILITY.equals(entry.getType());
foundCandidates |= !isMissingCapability;
if (deltaWiring == null || deltaWiring.get(revision) == null) {
if (!foundCandidates) {
ModuleWiring wiring = revision.getWiring();
if (wiring != null) {
// save the miss for the package name
return null; // nothing to do
modulesResolved = new ArrayList();
for (ModuleRevision deltaRevision : deltaWiring.keySet()) {
if (!wiringClone.containsKey(deltaRevision))
// Save the result
ModuleWiring wiring = deltaWiring.get(revision);
result = findExistingDynamicWire(wiring, dynamicPkgName);
} while (!applyDelta(deltaWiring, modulesResolved, Collections. emptyList(), timestamp, false));
return result;
private ModuleWire findExistingDynamicWire(ModuleWiring wiring, String dynamicPkgName) {
if (wiring == null) {
return null;
List wires = wiring.getRequiredModuleWires(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE);
// No null check; we are holding the database lock here.
// Work backwards to find the first wire with the dynamic requirement that matches package name
for (int i = wires.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ModuleWire wire = wires.get(i);
if (dynamicPkgName.equals(wire.getCapability().getAttributes().get(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE))) {
return wire;
if (!PackageNamespace.RESOLUTION_DYNAMIC.equals(wire.getRequirement().getDirectives().get(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE))) {
return null;
return null;
private final Object stateLockMonitor = new Object();
private boolean applyDelta(Map deltaWiring, Collection modulesResolved, Collection triggers, long timestamp, boolean restartTriggers) {
List modulesLocked = new ArrayList(modulesResolved.size());
// now attempt to apply the delta
try {
synchronized (stateLockMonitor) {
// Acquire the necessary RESOLVED state change lock.
// Note this is done while holding a global lock to avoid multiple threads trying to compete over
// locking multiple modules; otherwise out of order locks between modules can happen
// NOTE this MUST be done outside of holding the moduleDatabase lock also to avoid
// introducing out of order locks between the bundle state change lock and the moduleDatabase
// lock.
for (Module module : modulesResolved) {
try {
} catch (BundleException e) {
// TODO throw some appropriate exception
throw new IllegalStateException(Msg.ModuleContainer_StateLockError, e);
Map> hostsWithDynamicFrags = new HashMap>(0);
try {
if (timestamp != moduleDatabase.getRevisionsTimestamp())
return false; // need to try again
Map wiringCopy = moduleDatabase.getWiringsCopy();
for (Map.Entry deltaEntry : deltaWiring.entrySet()) {
ModuleWiring current = wiringCopy.get(deltaEntry.getKey());
if (current != null) {
// need to update the provided capabilities, provided and required wires for currently resolved
deltaEntry.setValue(current); // set the real wiring into the delta
} else {
ModuleRevision revision = deltaEntry.getValue().getRevision();
if ((revision.getTypes() & BundleRevision.TYPE_FRAGMENT) != 0) {
for (ModuleWire hostWire : deltaEntry.getValue().getRequiredModuleWires(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE)) {
// check to see if the host revision has a wiring
ModuleWiring hostWiring = hostWire.getProvider().getWiring();
if (hostWiring != null) {
Collection dynamicFragments = hostsWithDynamicFrags.get(hostWiring);
if (dynamicFragments == null) {
dynamicFragments = new ArrayList();
hostsWithDynamicFrags.put(hostWiring, dynamicFragments);
moduleDatabase.sortModules(modulesLocked, Sort.BY_DEPENDENCY, Sort.BY_START_LEVEL);
} finally {
// set the modules state to resolved
for (Module module : modulesLocked) {
// attach fragments to already resolved hosts that have
// dynamically attached fragments
for (Map.Entry> dynamicFragments : hostsWithDynamicFrags.entrySet()) {
} finally {
for (Module module : modulesLocked) {
for (Module module : modulesLocked) {
adaptor.publishModuleEvent(ModuleEvent.RESOLVED, module, module);
// If there are any triggers re-start them now if requested
Set triggerSet = restartTriggers ? new HashSet(triggers) : Collections. emptySet();
if (restartTriggers) {
for (Module module : triggers) {
try {
if (module.getId() != 0 && Module.RESOLVED_SET.contains(module.getState())) {
secureAction.start(module, StartOptions.TRANSIENT);
} catch (BundleException e) {
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, module, e);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// been uninstalled
// This is questionable behavior according to the spec but this was the way equinox previously behaved
// Need to auto-start any persistently started bundles that got resolved
for (Module module : modulesLocked) {
if (module.inStartResolve() || module.getId() == 0 || triggerSet.contains(module)) {
try {
secureAction.start(module, StartOptions.TRANSIENT_IF_AUTO_START, StartOptions.TRANSIENT_RESUME);
} catch (BundleException e) {
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, module, e);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// been uninstalled
return true;
private List getDynamicRequirements(String dynamicPkgName, ModuleRevision revision) {
// TODO Will likely need to optimize this
if ((revision.getTypes() & BundleRevision.TYPE_FRAGMENT) != 0) {
// only do this for hosts
return Collections.emptyList();
ModuleWiring wiring = revision.getWiring();
if (wiring == null) {
// not resolved!
return Collections.emptyList();
List result = new ArrayList(1);
// check the dynamic import packages
DynamicModuleRequirement dynamicRequirement;
for (ModuleRequirement requirement : wiring.getModuleRequirements(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE)) {
dynamicRequirement = requirement.getDynamicPackageRequirement(revision, dynamicPkgName);
if (dynamicRequirement != null) {
return result;
private Collection unresolve(Collection initial) {
Collection refreshTriggers = null;
while (refreshTriggers == null) {
refreshTriggers = unresolve0(initial);
return refreshTriggers;
private Collection unresolve0(Collection initial) {
Map wiringCopy;
List refreshTriggers;
Collection toRemoveRevisions;
Collection toRemoveWirings;
Map> toRemoveWireLists;
long timestamp;
try {
timestamp = moduleDatabase.getRevisionsTimestamp();
wiringCopy = moduleDatabase.getWiringsCopy();
refreshTriggers = new ArrayList(getRefreshClosure(initial, wiringCopy));
toRemoveRevisions = new ArrayList();
toRemoveWirings = new ArrayList();
toRemoveWireLists = new HashMap>();
for (Iterator iTriggers = refreshTriggers.iterator(); iTriggers.hasNext();) {
Module module = iTriggers.next();
boolean first = true;
for (ModuleRevision revision : module.getRevisions().getModuleRevisions()) {
ModuleWiring removedWiring = wiringCopy.remove(revision);
if (removedWiring != null) {
List removedWires = removedWiring.getRequiredModuleWires(null);
for (ModuleWire wire : removedWires) {
Collection providerWires = toRemoveWireLists.get(wire.getProviderWiring());
if (providerWires == null) {
providerWires = new ArrayList();
toRemoveWireLists.put(wire.getProviderWiring(), providerWires);
if (!first || revision.getRevisions().isUninstalled()) {
first = false;
if (module.getState().equals(State.UNINSTALLED)) {
moduleDatabase.sortModules(refreshTriggers, Sort.BY_START_LEVEL, Sort.BY_DEPENDENCY);
} finally {
Module systemModule = moduleDatabase.getModule(0);
if (refreshTriggers.contains(systemModule) && Module.ACTIVE_SET.contains(systemModule.getState())) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Collection modulesLocked = new ArrayList(refreshTriggers.size());
Collection modulesUnresolved = new ArrayList();
try {
// Acquire the module state change locks.
// Note this is done while holding a global lock to avoid multiple threads trying to compete over
// locking multiple modules; otherwise out of order locks between modules can happen
// NOTE this MUST be done outside of holding the moduleDatabase lock also to avoid
// introducing out of order locks between the bundle state change lock and the moduleDatabase
// lock.
synchronized (stateLockMonitor) {
try {
// go in reverse order
for (ListIterator iTriggers = refreshTriggers.listIterator(refreshTriggers.size()); iTriggers.hasPrevious();) {
Module refreshModule = iTriggers.previous();
} catch (BundleException e) {
// TODO throw some appropriate exception
throw new IllegalStateException(Msg.ModuleContainer_StateLockError, e);
// Must not hold the module database lock while stopping bundles
// Stop any active bundles and remove non-active modules from the refreshTriggers
for (ListIterator iTriggers = refreshTriggers.listIterator(refreshTriggers.size()); iTriggers.hasPrevious();) {
Module refreshModule = iTriggers.previous();
State previousState = refreshModule.getState();
if (Module.ACTIVE_SET.contains(previousState)) {
try {
} catch (BundleException e) {
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, refreshModule, e);
if (!State.ACTIVE.equals(previousState)) {
// do a sanity check on states of the modules, they must be INSTALLED, RESOLVED or UNINSTALLED
for (Module module : modulesLocked) {
if (Module.ACTIVE_SET.contains(module.getState())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Module is in the wrong state: " + module + ": " + module.getState()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// finally apply the unresolve to the database
try {
if (timestamp != moduleDatabase.getRevisionsTimestamp())
return null; // need to try again
// remove any wires from unresolved wirings that got removed
for (Map.Entry> entry : toRemoveWireLists.entrySet()) {
List provided = entry.getKey().getProvidedModuleWires(null);
for (ModuleWire removedWire : entry.getValue()) {
// invalidate the wire
// remove any revisions that got removed as part of the refresh
for (ModuleRevision removed : toRemoveRevisions) {
// invalidate any removed wiring objects
for (ModuleWiring moduleWiring : toRemoveWirings) {
// check for any removal pendings
} finally {
// set the state of modules to unresolved
for (Module module : modulesLocked) {
if (State.RESOLVED.equals(module.getState())) {
} finally {
for (Module module : modulesLocked) {
// publish unresolved events after giving up all locks
for (Module module : modulesUnresolved) {
adaptor.publishModuleEvent(ModuleEvent.UNRESOLVED, module, module);
return refreshTriggers;
private void checkSystemExtensionRefresh(Collection initial) {
if (initial == null) {
Long zero = new Long(0);
for (Iterator iModules = initial.iterator(); iModules.hasNext();) {
Module m = iModules.next();
if (m.getId().equals(zero)) {
// never allow system bundle to be unresolved directly if the system module is active
if (Module.ACTIVE_SET.contains(m.getState())) {
} else {
if (Module.RESOLVED_SET.contains(m.getState())) {
// check if current revision is an extension of the system module
ModuleRevision current = m.getCurrentRevision();
if ((current.getTypes() & BundleRevision.TYPE_FRAGMENT) != 0) {
ModuleWiring wiring = current.getWiring();
if (wiring != null) {
List hostWires = wiring.getRequiredModuleWires(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE);
for (ModuleWire hostWire : hostWires) {
if (hostWire.getProvider().getRevisions().getModule().getId().equals(zero)) {
// The current revision is the extension to allow it to refresh
// this would just shutdown the framework for no reason
* Refreshes the specified collection of modules.
* @param initial the modules to refresh or {@code null} to refresh the
* removal pending.
* @return a resolution report for the resolve operation that may have
* occurred during the refresh operation.
* @see FrameworkWiring#refreshBundles(Collection, FrameworkListener...)
public ResolutionReport refresh(Collection initial) {
initial = initial == null ? null : new ArrayList(initial);
Collection refreshTriggers = unresolve(initial);
if (!isRefreshingSystemModule()) {
return resolve(refreshTriggers, false, true);
return new ModuleResolutionReport(null, null, null);
* Returns the dependency closure of for the specified modules.
* @param initial The initial modules for which to generate the dependency closure
* @return A collection containing a snapshot of the dependency closure of the specified
* modules, or an empty collection if there were no specified modules.
public Collection getDependencyClosure(Collection initial) {
try {
return getRefreshClosure(initial, moduleDatabase.getWiringsCopy());
} finally {
* Returns the revisions that have {@link ModuleWiring#isCurrent() non-current}, {@link ModuleWiring#isInUse() in use} module wirings.
* @return A collection containing a snapshot of the revisions which have non-current, in use ModuleWirings,
* or an empty collection if there are no such revisions.
public Collection getRemovalPending() {
return moduleDatabase.getRemovalPending();
* Return the active start level value of this container.
* If the container is in the process of changing the start level this
* method must return the active start level if this differs from the
* requested start level.
* @return The active start level value of the Framework.
public int getStartLevel() {
return frameworkStartLevel.getStartLevel();
void setStartLevel(Module module, int startlevel) {
frameworkStartLevel.setStartLevel(module, startlevel);
long getModuleLockTimeout() {
return this.moduleLockTimeout;
void open() {
void close() {
private void loadModules() {
List modules = null;
try {
modules = getModules();
for (Module module : modules) {
try {
ModuleWiring wiring = moduleDatabase.getWiring(module.getCurrentRevision());
if (wiring != null) {
} else {
} catch (BundleException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to lock module state.", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
Map wirings = moduleDatabase.getWiringsCopy();
for (ModuleWiring wiring : wirings.values()) {
} finally {
if (modules != null) {
for (Module module : modules) {
try {
} catch (IllegalMonitorStateException e) {
// ignore
private void unloadModules() {
List modules = null;
try {
modules = getModules();
for (Module module : modules) {
if (module.getId() != 0) {
try {
} catch (BundleException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to lock module state.", e); //$NON-NLS-1$
Map wirings = moduleDatabase.getWiringsCopy();
for (ModuleWiring wiring : wirings.values()) {
} finally {
if (modules != null) {
for (Module module : modules) {
if (module.getId() != 0) {
try {
} catch (IllegalMonitorStateException e) {
// ignore
* Sets all the module states uninstalled except for the system module.
* @throws BundleException
public void setInitialModuleStates() throws BundleException {
try {
List modules = getModules();
for (Module module : modules) {
if (module.getId() == 0) {
try {
} finally {
} else {
try {
} finally {
Map wirings = moduleDatabase.getWiringsCopy();
for (ModuleWiring wiring : wirings.values()) {
} finally {
Set getRefreshClosure(Collection initial, Map wiringCopy) {
Set refreshClosure = new HashSet();
if (initial == null) {
initial = new HashSet();
Collection removalPending = moduleDatabase.getRemovalPending();
for (ModuleRevision revision : removalPending) {
for (Module module : initial)
addDependents(module, wiringCopy, refreshClosure);
return refreshClosure;
private static void addDependents(Module module, Map wiringCopy, Set refreshClosure) {
if (refreshClosure.contains(module))
List revisions = module.getRevisions().getModuleRevisions();
for (ModuleRevision revision : revisions) {
ModuleWiring wiring = wiringCopy.get(revision);
if (wiring == null)
List provided = wiring.getProvidedModuleWires(null);
// No null checks; we are holding the read lock here.
// Add all requirers of the provided wires
for (ModuleWire providedWire : provided) {
addDependents(providedWire.getRequirer().getRevisions().getModule(), wiringCopy, refreshClosure);
// add all hosts of a fragment
if (revision.getTypes() == BundleRevision.TYPE_FRAGMENT) {
List hosts = wiring.getRequiredModuleWires(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE);
for (ModuleWire hostWire : hosts) {
addDependents(hostWire.getProvider().getRevisions().getModule(), wiringCopy, refreshClosure);
static Collection getDependencyClosure(ModuleRevision initial, Map wiringCopy) {
Set dependencyClosure = new HashSet();
addDependents(initial, wiringCopy, dependencyClosure);
return dependencyClosure;
private static void addDependents(ModuleRevision revision, Map wiringCopy, Set dependencyClosure) {
if (dependencyClosure.contains(revision))
ModuleWiring wiring = wiringCopy.get(revision);
if (wiring == null)
List provided = wiring.getProvidedModuleWires(null);
// No null checks; we are holding the read lock here.
// Add all requirers of the provided wires
for (ModuleWire providedWire : provided) {
addDependents(providedWire.getRequirer(), wiringCopy, dependencyClosure);
// add all hosts of a fragment
if (revision.getTypes() == BundleRevision.TYPE_FRAGMENT) {
List hosts = wiring.getRequiredModuleWires(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE);
for (ModuleWire hostWire : hosts) {
addDependents(hostWire.getProvider(), wiringCopy, dependencyClosure);
Bundle getSystemBundle() {
Module systemModule = moduleDatabase.getModule(0);
return systemModule == null ? null : systemModule.getBundle();
void checkAdminPermission(Bundle bundle, String action) {
if (bundle == null)
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null)
sm.checkPermission(new AdminPermission(bundle, action));
void refreshSystemModule() {
final SystemModule systemModule = (SystemModule) moduleDatabase.getModule(0);
if (systemModule == refreshingSystemModule.getAndSet(systemModule)) {
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
try {
} finally {
} catch (BundleException e) {
boolean isRefreshingSystemModule() {
return refreshingSystemModule.get() != null;
static Requirement getIdentityRequirement(String name, Version version) {
version = version == null ? Version.emptyVersion : version;
String filter = "(&(" + IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE + "=" + name + ")(" + IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE + "=" + version.toString() + "))"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$//$NON-NLS-4$//$NON-NLS-5$
Map directives = Collections. singletonMap(Namespace.REQUIREMENT_FILTER_DIRECTIVE, filter);
return new ModuleRequirement(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE, directives, Collections. emptyMap(), null);
class ContainerWiring implements FrameworkWiring, EventDispatcher> {
private final Object monitor = new Object();
private EventManager refreshThread = null;
public Bundle getBundle() {
return getSystemBundle();
public void refreshBundles(Collection bundles, FrameworkListener... listeners) {
checkAdminPermission(getBundle(), AdminPermission.RESOLVE);
Collection modules = getModules(bundles);
// queue to refresh in the background
// notice that we only do one refresh operation at a time
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap dispatchListeners = new CopyOnWriteIdentityMap();
dispatchListeners.put(this, listeners);
ListenerQueue> queue = new ListenerQueue>(getManager());
queue.queueListeners(dispatchListeners.entrySet(), this);
// dispatch the refresh job
queue.dispatchEventAsynchronous(0, modules);
public boolean resolveBundles(Collection bundles) {
checkAdminPermission(getBundle(), AdminPermission.RESOLVE);
Collection modules = getModules(bundles);
resolve(modules, false);
if (modules == null) {
modules = ModuleContainer.this.getModules();
for (Module module : modules) {
if (getWiring(module.getCurrentRevision()) == null)
return false;
return true;
public Collection getRemovalPendingBundles() {
try {
Collection removalPendingBundles = new HashSet();
Collection removalPending = moduleDatabase.getRemovalPending();
for (ModuleRevision moduleRevision : removalPending) {
return removalPendingBundles;
} finally {
public Collection getDependencyClosure(Collection bundles) {
Collection modules = getModules(bundles);
try {
Collection closure = getRefreshClosure(modules, moduleDatabase.getWiringsCopy());
Collection result = new ArrayList(closure.size());
for (Module module : closure) {
return result;
} finally {
public Collection findProviders(Requirement requirement) {
return InternalUtils.asListBundleCapability(moduleDatabase.findCapabilities(requirement));
private Collection getModules(final Collection bundles) {
if (bundles == null)
return null;
return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction>() {
public Collection run() {
Collection result = new ArrayList(bundles.size());
for (Bundle bundle : bundles) {
Module module = bundle.adapt(Module.class);
if (module == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not adapt a bundle to a module."); //$NON-NLS-1$
return result;
public void dispatchEvent(ContainerWiring eventListener, FrameworkListener[] frameworkListeners, int eventAction, Collection eventObject) {
try {
} finally {
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.REFRESH, moduleDatabase.getModule(0), null, frameworkListeners);
private EventManager getManager() {
synchronized (monitor) {
if (refreshThread == null) {
refreshThread = new EventManager("Refresh Thread: " + adaptor.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return refreshThread;
// because of bug 378491 we have to synchronize access to the manager
// so we can close and re-open ourselves
void close() {
synchronized (monitor) {
// force a manager to be created if it did not exist
EventManager manager = getManager();
// this prevents any operations until open is called
void open() {
synchronized (monitor) {
if (refreshThread != null) {
// Make sure it is closed just incase
// a new one will be constructed on demand
refreshThread = null;
public void optionsChanged(DebugOptions options) {
if (options != null) {
this.DEBUG_MONITOR_LAZY = options.getBooleanOption(Debug.OPTION_MONITOR_LAZY, false);
class ContainerStartLevel implements FrameworkStartLevel, EventDispatcher {
static final int USE_BEGINNING_START_LEVEL = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private static final int FRAMEWORK_STARTLEVEL = 1;
private static final int MODULE_STARTLEVEL = 2;
private final AtomicInteger activeStartLevel = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final Object eventManagerLock = new Object();
private EventManager startLevelThread = null;
private final Object frameworkStartLevelLock = new Object();
private boolean debugStartLevel = false;
void setDebugOptions() {
DebugOptions options = getAdaptor().getDebugOptions();
debugStartLevel = options == null ? false : options.getBooleanOption(Debug.OPTION_DEBUG_STARTLEVEL, false);
public Bundle getBundle() {
return getSystemBundle();
public int getStartLevel() {
return activeStartLevel.get();
void setStartLevel(Module module, int startlevel) {
checkAdminPermission(module.getBundle(), AdminPermission.EXECUTE);
if (module.getId() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Msg.ModuleContainer_SystemStartLevelError);
if (startlevel < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Msg.ModuleContainer_NegativeStartLevelError + startlevel);
if (module.getStartLevel() == startlevel) {
return; // do nothing
moduleDatabase.setStartLevel(module, startlevel);
// queue start level operation in the background
// notice that we only do one start level operation at a time
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap dispatchListeners = new CopyOnWriteIdentityMap();
dispatchListeners.put(module, new FrameworkListener[0]);
ListenerQueue queue = new ListenerQueue(getManager());
queue.queueListeners(dispatchListeners.entrySet(), this);
// dispatch the start level job
queue.dispatchEventAsynchronous(MODULE_STARTLEVEL, startlevel);
public void setStartLevel(int startlevel, FrameworkListener... listeners) {
checkAdminPermission(getBundle(), AdminPermission.STARTLEVEL);
if (startlevel < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Msg.ModuleContainer_NegativeStartLevelError + startlevel);
if (activeStartLevel.get() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(Msg.ModuleContainer_SystemNotActiveError);
if (debugStartLevel) {
Debug.println("StartLevel: setStartLevel: " + startlevel); //$NON-NLS-1$
// queue start level operation in the background
// notice that we only do one start level operation at a time
CopyOnWriteIdentityMap dispatchListeners = new CopyOnWriteIdentityMap();
dispatchListeners.put(moduleDatabase.getModule(0), listeners);
ListenerQueue queue = new ListenerQueue(getManager());
queue.queueListeners(dispatchListeners.entrySet(), this);
// dispatch the start level job
queue.dispatchEventAsynchronous(FRAMEWORK_STARTLEVEL, startlevel);
public int getInitialBundleStartLevel() {
return moduleDatabase.getInitialModuleStartLevel();
public void setInitialBundleStartLevel(int startlevel) {
checkAdminPermission(getBundle(), AdminPermission.STARTLEVEL);
if (startlevel < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Msg.ModuleContainer_NegativeStartLevelError + startlevel);
public void dispatchEvent(Module module, FrameworkListener[] listeners, int eventAction, Integer startlevel) {
switch (eventAction) {
doContainerStartLevel(module, startlevel, listeners);
if (debugStartLevel) {
Debug.println("StartLevel: changing bundle startlevel; " + toString(module) + "; newSL=" + startlevel + "; activeSL=" + getStartLevel()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
try {
if (getStartLevel() < startlevel) {
if (Module.ACTIVE_SET.contains(module.getState())) {
if (debugStartLevel) {
Debug.println("StartLevel: stopping bundle; " + toString(module) + "; with startLevel=" + startlevel); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// Note that we don't need to hold the state change lock
// here when checking the active status because no other
// thread will successfully be able to start this bundle
// since the start-level is no longer met.
} else {
if (debugStartLevel) {
Debug.println("StartLevel: resuming bundle; " + toString(module) + "; with startLevel=" + startlevel); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
module.start(StartOptions.TRANSIENT_IF_AUTO_START, StartOptions.TRANSIENT_RESUME);
} catch (BundleException e) {
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, module, e);
default :
void doContainerStartLevel(Module module, int newStartLevel, FrameworkListener... listeners) {
synchronized (frameworkStartLevelLock) {
if (newStartLevel == USE_BEGINNING_START_LEVEL) {
String beginningSL = adaptor.getProperty(Constants.FRAMEWORK_BEGINNING_STARTLEVEL);
newStartLevel = beginningSL == null ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(beginningSL);
try {
int currentSL = getStartLevel();
if (currentSL == 0) {
// check for an active framework; this is only valid when the system bundle is starting
Module systemModule = moduleDatabase.getModule(0);
if (systemModule != null && !State.STARTING.equals(systemModule.getState())) {
// Note that we must get a new list of modules each time;
// this is because additional modules could have been installed from the previous start-level
if (newStartLevel > currentSL) {
for (int i = currentSL; i < newStartLevel; i++) {
int toStartLevel = i + 1;
if (debugStartLevel) {
Debug.println("StartLevel: incremented active start level to; " + toStartLevel); //$NON-NLS-1$
incStartLevel(toStartLevel, moduleDatabase.getSortedModules(Sort.BY_START_LEVEL));
} else {
for (int i = currentSL; i > newStartLevel; i--) {
int toStartLevel = i - 1;
if (debugStartLevel) {
Debug.println("StartLevel: decremented active start level to " + toStartLevel); //$NON-NLS-1$
decStartLevel(toStartLevel, moduleDatabase.getSortedModules(Sort.BY_START_LEVEL, Sort.BY_DEPENDENCY));
if (currentSL > 0 && newStartLevel > 0) {
// Only fire the start level event if we are not in the middle
// of launching or shutting down the framework
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.START_LEVEL, module, null, listeners);
} catch (Error e) {
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, module, e, listeners);
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, module, e, listeners);
throw e;
private void incStartLevel(int toStartLevel, List sortedModules) {
incStartLevel(toStartLevel, sortedModules, true);
incStartLevel(toStartLevel, sortedModules, false);
private void incStartLevel(int toStartLevel, List sortedModules, boolean lazyOnly) {
for (Module module : sortedModules) {
if (isRefreshingSystemModule()) {
try {
int moduleStartLevel = module.getStartLevel();
if (moduleStartLevel < toStartLevel) {
// skip modules who should have already been started
} else if (moduleStartLevel == toStartLevel) {
boolean isLazyStart = module.isLazyActivate();
if (lazyOnly ? isLazyStart : !isLazyStart) {
if (debugStartLevel) {
Debug.println("StartLevel: resuming bundle; " + toString(module) + "; with startLevel=" + moduleStartLevel); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
try {
module.start(StartOptions.TRANSIENT_IF_AUTO_START, StartOptions.TRANSIENT_RESUME);
} catch (BundleException e) {
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, module, e);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// been uninstalled
} else {
// can stop resuming since any remaining modules have a greater startlevel than the active startlevel
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// been uninstalled
private void decStartLevel(int toStartLevel, List sortedModules) {
ListIterator iModules = sortedModules.listIterator(sortedModules.size());
while (iModules.hasPrevious()) {
Module module = iModules.previous();
try {
int moduleStartLevel = module.getStartLevel();
if (moduleStartLevel > toStartLevel + 1) {
// skip modules who should have already been stopped
} else if (moduleStartLevel <= toStartLevel) {
// stopped all modules we are going to for this start level
try {
if (Module.ACTIVE_SET.contains(module.getState())) {
if (debugStartLevel) {
Debug.println("StartLevel: stopping bundle; " + toString(module) + "; with startLevel=" + moduleStartLevel); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// Note that we don't need to hold the state change lock
// here when checking the active status because no other
// thread will successfully be able to start this bundle
// since the start-level is no longer met.
} catch (BundleException e) {
adaptor.publishContainerEvent(ContainerEvent.ERROR, module, e);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// been uninstalled
private EventManager getManager() {
synchronized (eventManagerLock) {
if (startLevelThread == null) {
startLevelThread = new EventManager("Start Level: " + adaptor.toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return startLevelThread;
// because of bug 378491 we have to synchronize access to the manager
// so we can close and re-open ourselves
void close() {
synchronized (eventManagerLock) {
// force a manager to be created if it did not exist
EventManager manager = getManager();
// this prevents any operations until open is called
void open() {
synchronized (eventManagerLock) {
if (startLevelThread != null) {
// Make sure it is closed just incase
// a new one will be constructed on demand
startLevelThread = null;
private String toString(Module m) {
Bundle b = m.getBundle();
return b != null ? b.toString() : m.toString();