com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.topics.TopicSelector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2023 DiffusionData Ltd., All Rights Reserved.
* Use is subject to licence terms.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the
* property of DiffusionData. The intellectual and technical
* concepts contained herein are proprietary to DiffusionData and
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package com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.topics;
* A {@code TopicSelector} is a value that identifies one or more topics.
* Depending on where it is used, a selector may be evaluated by either the
* server or the client library. For example, the server evaluates the selector
* used to subscribe to a topic. In contrast, the selector used to register a
* topic handler is evaluated by the client. Applications do not normally need
* to evaluate selectors, but may do so using {@link #selects(String) selects}.
* A client may receive a selector providing the context for certain operations.
* For example, to allow it to veto subscriptions. Limited ability to query the
* selector's {@link #getType() type}, associated {@link #getExpression()
* expression}, and {@link TopicPathSelector#getPath() topic path} is provided.
* Selectors may be compared using {@link Object#equals(Object) equals}.
* Selectors of different types are never equal.
* Selectors may be created using {@link TopicSelectors}.
* @author DiffusionData Limited
* @since 5.0
* @see TopicSelectors
public interface TopicSelector {
* Prefix used for {@link TopicSelector.Type#PATH PATH} expressions.
char PATH_PREFIX = '>';
* Prefix used for {@link TopicSelector.Type#SPLIT_PATH_PATTERN
* SPLIT_PATH_PATTERN} expressions.
* Prefix used for {@link TopicSelector.Type#FULL_PATH_PATTERN
* FULL_PATH_PATTERN} expressions.
* Prefix used for {@link TopicSelector.Type#SELECTOR_SET SET} expressions.
* The type of this selector.
* @return The selector type.
Type getType();
* The expression associated with this selector.
* See {@link TopicSelectors#parse(String)} for the expression format for
* {@code PATH}, {@code SPLIT_PATH_PATTERN}, {@code FULL_PATH_PATTERN}, and
* {@code SELECTOR_SET} selectors. Expressions for these types of selectors
* can be re-parsed, and {@code selector.equals(}
* {@code Diffusion.topicSelectors().parse(selector.getExpression())}
* {@code ) == true} .
* @return The expression.
String getExpression();
* Get the topic path prefix from this selector pattern.
* Returns the largest fixed topic path that begins the selector expression.
* For {@code PATH} selectors, this is the entire path. For
* {@code SPLIT_PATH_PATTERN} or {@code FULL_PATH_PATTERN} selectors, this
* is a topic path up to, but not including, the first part of the path that
* contains a regular expression.
* For {@code SELECTOR_SET}s, this method will return the largest prefix
* that is common to all included selectors.
* If there is no common prefix, an empty string will be returned.
* @return the topic path prefix
* @since 5.1
String getPathPrefix();
* Evaluate this selector against a topic path.
* @param topicPath The topic path.
* @return {@code true} If this selector selects {@code topicPath}.
boolean selects(String topicPath);
* Topic selector type.
enum Type {
* The selector is a simple topic path.
* @see TopicSelectors#parse(String)
* The selector is a split-path pattern.
* @see TopicSelectors#parse(String)
* The selector is a full-path pattern.
* @see TopicSelectors#parse(String)
* The selector is a composite of other selectors.
* @see TopicSelectors#anyOf(TopicSelector...)
private final char expressionPrefix;
Type(char expressionPrefix) {
this.expressionPrefix = expressionPrefix;
* The expression prefix character used for this type.
* @return The prefix.
* @see TopicSelectors#parse(String)
public char getExpressionPrefix() {
return expressionPrefix;