com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.session.SessionFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2023 DiffusionData Ltd., All Rights Reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the
* property of Push Technology. The intellectual and technical
* concepts contained herein are proprietary to Push Technology and
* may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and
* are protected by trade secret or copyright law.
package com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.session;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.Diffusion;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.callbacks.Callback;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.callbacks.ContextCallback;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.features.Messaging;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.session.proxy.HTTPProxyAuthentication;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.session.proxy.ProxyAuthenticationFactory;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.session.reconnect.ReconnectionStrategy;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.session.retry.RetryStrategy;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.types.Credentials;
import com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.types.Credentials.Type;
* Factory for client {@link Session sessions}.
* Each instance is immutable, and has a number of session attributes that
* determine how sessions should be established. An initial instance of this
* factory with default values for all attributes can be obtained from
* {@link Diffusion#sessions()}. Methods such as {@link #inputBufferSize(int)}
* or {@link #maximumMessageSize(int)} that allow attributes to be changed do
* not modify this instance. Each method returns a copy of this factory, with a
* single changed attribute.
Establishing a session
* A new session can be created using {@link #openAsync(String)} specifying a
* URL that identifies the server. This is a non-blocking method that returns
* immediately, and provides the result asynchronously using a
* {@link CompletableFuture}.
* {@link #open(String)} is a blocking alternative to {@code openAsync} that
* waits for a session to be established before returning.
* There are two further non-blocking alternatives,
* {@link #open(String, OpenCallback)} and
* {@link #open(String, Object, OpenContextCallback)} that provide the result
* asynchronously using a callback. These callback methods were part of the
* product before {@code CompletableFuture} became available with Java 8.
* The overloaded methods {@link #openAsync()} or {@link #open()} use the
* session factory attributes to locate a server rather than a URL. The server
* is identified by the {@link #serverHost(String)} and
* {@link #serverPort(int)}, {@link #requestPath(String)},
* {@link #secureTransport(boolean)} attributes. The
* {@link #transports(SessionAttributes.Transport...)} attributes allows the
* configuration of multiple transports for cascading.
* If a URL is specified, it takes precedence over the {@code serverHost},
* {@code serverPort}, {@code requestPath}, and {@code secureTransport} session
* factory attributes. A URL can only be used to configure a single transport
* and cannot be used to configure cascading, so the {@code transports}
* attribute is ignored.
URL format
* URLs should take the form scheme://host:port, where scheme
* is chosen from the following table and determines the transport protocol used
* to send Diffusion messages.
* Scheme
* Transport Protocol
* {@code ws}
* WebSocket. See RFC 6455
* .
* {@code wss}
* WebSocket over TLS.
* {@code xhr}
* HTTP polling.
* {@code xhrs}
* HTTP polling over TLS.
* We recommend using the WebSocket protocol options ({@code ws} or
* {@code wss}).
* TLS is Transport Layer Security, commonly known as SSL. TLS-based
* protocols use cryptography to provide transport-level privacy,
* authentication, and integrity, and protects against network-sniffing and
* man-in-the-middle attacks. We recommend using the TLS variants for all
* communication. For a typical application, you should only consider
* not using TLS for unauthenticated ("anonymous") client sessions.
* @author DiffusionData Limited
* @since 5.0
public interface SessionFactory {
* Nominates a listener for session events from a session.
* If not specified, there will be no session listener.
* @param listener specifies a listener to be used for subsequent sessions
* that are created. Null may be specified to remove any previously
* specified listener
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the listener changed
SessionFactory listener(Session.Listener listener);
* Nominates an error handler for a session.
* If not specified, an instance of {@link Session.ErrorHandler.Default}
* will be used.
* @param errorHandler specifies the error handler to use for subsequent
* sessions that are created. Null may be specified to remove any
* previously specified handler and effectively revert to using the
* default handler
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the error handler
* changed
SessionFactory errorHandler(Session.ErrorHandler errorHandler);
* Sets the security principal.
* By default this will be {@link Session#ANONYMOUS}.
* @param principal the principal
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the principal
* changed
SessionFactory principal(String principal);
* Set credentials to {@link Type#NONE}.
* This is the default.
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the credentials
* changed
SessionFactory noCredentials();
* Set credentials.
* The default is {@link Type#NONE}.
* @param credentials the credentials
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the credentials
* changed
SessionFactory credentials(Credentials credentials);
* Set credentials of type {@link Type#PLAIN_PASSWORD}.
* The default is {@link Type#NONE}.
* @param password the password
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the credentials
* changed
SessionFactory password(String password);
* Set credentials of type {@link Type#CUSTOM}.
* The default is {@link Type#NONE}.
* @param bytes the credentials
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the credentials
* changed
SessionFactory customCredentials(byte[] bytes);
* Sets the connection timeout.
* This constrains the time taken to establish an initial connection to the
* server. The {@link #writeTimeout(int) write timeout} constrains the time
* to send the connection request. The server is responsible for limiting
* the overall time taken to complete a connection once it has received the
* request.
* The default is {@link SessionAttributes#DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT}.
* @param timeout the default connection timeout in milliseconds. If this
* exceeds one hour (3600000ms) a warning will be logged and the
* time-out will be set to one hour.
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the connection
* timeout changed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an illegal timeout value is supplied
SessionFactory connectionTimeout(int timeout)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Disable reconnection. Sessions will not attempt to reconnect in the event
* of unexpected connection loss.
* This is equivalent to calling {@link SessionFactory#reconnectionTimeout}
* with a timeout of 0
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with reconnection
* disabled
* @since 5.5
SessionFactory noReconnection();
* Sets the initial retry strategy.
* The strategy will determine whether a failure to open a session due to a
* {@link SessionEstablishmentTransientException} should be retried and if
* so, at what interval and for how many attempts.
* If no initial retry strategy is set there will be no attempt to retry
* after such a failure.
* @param strategy the retry strategy to use
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the initial retry
* strategy changed
* @since 6.9
SessionFactory initialRetryStrategy(RetryStrategy strategy);
* Sets the reconnection timeout. This determines the duration that sessions
* will attempt to reconnect for, in the event of unexpected connection
* loss.
* The default is {@link SessionAttributes#DEFAULT_RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT}.
* A timeout value of 0
or less is equivalent to to calling
* {@link SessionFactory#noReconnection}.
* @param timeout the timeout duration to use when attempting to reconnect,
* in milliseconds
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the reconnection
* timeout changed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an illegal timeout value is supplied
* @since 5.5
SessionFactory reconnectionTimeout(int timeout)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Sets the reconnection strategy. If reconnection is enabled, this strategy
* will be called in the event of an unexpected connection loss.
* If the reconnection timeout has been set, but not a strategy, sessions
* will use a default strategy that attempts to reconnect on a regular basis
* of 5 seconds until the reconnection timeout is exceeded.
* @param strategy the reconnection strategy to use
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the reconnection
* strategy changed
* @since 5.5
SessionFactory reconnectionStrategy(ReconnectionStrategy strategy);
* Sets the input buffer size for socket connection buffers and message
* receiving buffers.
* This controls both how much pending data the socket can accommodate and
* how much available data will be read by the input tasks. In general
* setting both this and {@link #outputBufferSize(int)} to the same
* reasonable size will result in higher network throughput. The cost of the
* receiving buffer is only incurred when actually reading data for
* processing. The cost of the socket buffer is always incurred and may be
* modified by the operating system.
* The default is {@link SessionAttributes#DEFAULT_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE}.
* @param size input buffer size in bytes. This may not be less than
* {@link SessionAttributes#MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE_MIN}.
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the input buffer
* size changed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input buffer size is invalid
SessionFactory inputBufferSize(int size) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Sets the output buffer size for socket connection buffers and message
* sending buffers.
* This controls both how much pending data the socket can accommodate and
* how much data will be batched by sending messages. In general setting
* both this and {@link #inputBufferSize(int)} to the same reasonable size
* will result in higher network throughput. The cost of the sending buffer
* is only incurred when actually queuing data for output. The cost of the
* socket buffer is always incurred and may be modified by the operating
* system.
* The default is {@link SessionAttributes#DEFAULT_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE}.
* @param size output buffer size in bytes.
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the output buffer
* size changed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the output buffer size is invalid
SessionFactory outputBufferSize(int size) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Set the optional local socket address, used prior to connection.
* By default no local socket address is used.
* @param address the local socket address. Setting this to null effectively
* removes any previous setting
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the local socket
* address changed
SessionFactory localSocketAddress(SocketAddress address);
* Sets the SSL Context if a secure connection is required.
* If not explicitly supplied, the {@link SSLContext#getDefault() default
* context} will be used.
* Setting the SSL Context will not enable transport layer security. It must
* also be specified by the URL or {@link #secureTransport(boolean)}.
* @param context the SSL Context to use when making the connection
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the SSL context
* changed
SessionFactory sslContext(SSLContext context);
* Sets the write timeout value for blocking writes.
* Blocking writes are only used for the initial connection request. If it
* is not possible to complete the write within this time, the connection is
* closed.
* The default is {@link SessionAttributes#DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT}.
* @param timeout the write timeout in milliseconds. If this exceeds one
* hour (3600000ms) a warning will be logged and the time-out will be
* set to one hour.
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the write timeout
* changed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code timeout} is invalid
SessionFactory writeTimeout(int timeout) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Set the maximum message size.
* This constrains the size of messages that will be accepted from the
* server and thus the size of any content that can be received. The limit
* is simply to protect against unexpectedly large messages.
* By default, the size of received messages is unconstrained – see
* {@link SessionAttributes#DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE}.
* @param size the maximum message size in bytes. This must not be less than
* {@link SessionAttributes#MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE_MIN}
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the maximum message
* size changed
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified {@code size} is invalid
SessionFactory maximumMessageSize(int size) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Set the address of the HTTP Proxy that should be used to make connections
* to the server.
* This allows connection to a server using HTTP CONNECT tunnelling through
* the specified proxy.
* @param host the host name of the HTTP proxy
* @param port the port of the HTTP proxy
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory that will use the
* provided HTTP proxy
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified {@code host} or
* {@code port} are invalid
* @see #httpProxy(String, int, HTTPProxyAuthentication)
SessionFactory httpProxy(String host, int port)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
* A variant of {@link #httpProxy(String, int)} that provides authentication
* details to the HTTP proxy.
* This allows connection to a server using HTTP CONNECT tunnelling through
* the specified proxy, with authentication.
* The {@code authentication} parameter only affects communication with the
* proxy, it is not passed on to the server.
* {@link Diffusion#proxyAuthentication()} and
* {@link ProxyAuthenticationFactory} can be used to create a suitable
* instance. For example, to specify HTTP BASIC authentication with a user
* name joe and password s3cret:
* HTTPProxyAuthentication authentication =
* Diffusion.proxyAuthentication().basic("joe", "s3cret")
* The {@link #principal(String)} and {@link #credentials(Credentials)}
* methods control authentication with the server and do not affect proxy
* authentication.
* @param host the host name of the HTTP proxy
* @param port the port of the HTTP proxy
* @param authentication the authentication details
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory that will use the
* provided HTTP proxy and proxy authentication details
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified {@code host} or
* {@code port} are invalid
SessionFactory httpProxy(
String host,
int port,
HTTPProxyAuthentication authentication)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Set the host name of the server to connect the session to.
* This value is only used if a URL is not provided when opening a session.
* @param host the host name of the server
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory that will use the
* provided host
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified {@code host} is invalid
* @since 5.8
SessionFactory serverHost(String host) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Set the port of the server to connect the session to.
* This value is only used if a URL is not provided when opening a session.
* If the port is not set using this method or a URL, the port will be
* inferred based on the transport and security configuration.
* The provided value must be within the range used for port numbers.
* @param port the port of the server
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory that will use the
* provided port
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified {@code port} is invalid
* @since 5.8
SessionFactory serverPort(int port) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Set the transports to use to connect the session to the server.
* When a session is opened, it will try to establish a connection with each
* transport in the list until successful. If a connection cannot be
* established using any of the transports, the session will be closed.
* This value is only used if a URL is not provided when opening a session.
* The WebSocket transport will be used by default.
* @param transports the transports to use to connect the session to the
* server. The provided transports may not be null, contain null or
* be an empty array.
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory that will use the
* provided transports
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified {@code transports} are
* invalid
* @since 5.8
SessionFactory transports(SessionAttributes.Transport... transports)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Set if a secure transport should be used.
* This value is only used if a URL is not provided when opening a session.
* Enables or disables the use of transport layer security. TLS is disabled
* by default because in most cases to correctly enable TLS an
* {@link SSLContext} must also be provided using
* {@link #sslContext(SSLContext)}.
* @param secureTransport If transport layer security is enabled
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory that will use the
* provided setting
* @since 5.8
SessionFactory secureTransport(boolean secureTransport);
* Set the path used for HTTP requests.
* This value is only used if a URL is not provided when opening a session.
* The path must start with a '/' and end with '/diffusion'.
* The default is {@link SessionAttributes#DEFAULT_REQUEST_PATH}.
* @param requestPath the path used for HTTP requests
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory that will use the
* provided path
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified {@code requestPath} is
* invalid
* @since 5.8
SessionFactory requestPath(String requestPath)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Set the recovery buffer size.
* If the server is configured to support reconnection, a session
* established with a non-zero
* {@link SessionAttributes#getReconnectionTimeout() reconnection} time
* retains a buffer of sent messages. If the session disconnects and
* reconnects, this buffer is used to re-send messages that the server has
* not received.
* The default is {@link SessionAttributes#DEFAULT_RECOVERY_BUFFER_SIZE}.
* Higher values increase the chance of successful reconnection, but
* increase the per-session memory footprint.
* @param size the recovery buffer size in messages; can be 0
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory that will use the
* provided recovery buffer size
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified {@code size} is
* negative
* @since 5.8
SessionFactory recoveryBufferSize(int size) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Sets the maximum size of the outbound message queue for the connection.
* The outbound message queue should be large enough to accommodate all the
* messages sent to the server. This would include topic updates, messages
* sent using {@link Messaging}, and service requests such as registering a
* handler.
* It may be necessary to increase this value for applications that send
* messages in bursts, or continue to send messages when a session is
* disconnected and reconnecting. Larger values allow more messages to be
* queued, and increase the memory footprint of the session.
* If the outbound message queue fills, sending a message will cause the
* session to close with an error.
* The default is {@link SessionAttributes#DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_QUEUE_SIZE}.
* @param size a positive integer indicating the maximum number of messages
* that may be queued
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory that will use the
* provided maximum queue size
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified size is not a positive
* integer
* @since 5.9
SessionFactory maximumQueueSize(int size) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* Sets a user-defined session property value.
* Supplied session properties will be provided to the server when a session
* is created using this session factory. The supplied properties will be
* validated during authentication and may be discarded or changed.
* The specified property will be added to any existing properties set for
* this session factory.
* For details of how session properties are used see {@link Session}.
* @param key the property key
* @param value the property value
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the named property
* set. If the property was already set it will be overwritten.
* @see #properties(Map)
* @since 6.2
SessionFactory property(String key, String value);
* Sets user-defined session property values.
* Supplied session properties will be provided to the server when a session
* is created using this session factory. The supplied properties will be
* validated during authentication and may be discarded or changed.
* The specified properties will be added to any existing properties set for
* this session factory. If any of the keys have been previously declared
* then they will be overwritten with the new values.
* For details of how session properties are used see {@link Session}.
* @param properties a map of user-defined session properties
* @return a new immutable instance of the factory with the supplied
* properties set
* @see #property(String, String)
* @since 6.2
SessionFactory properties(Map properties);
* Open a connection to a server and request a new session.
* The server location is configured using the {@link #serverHost(String)},
* {@link #serverPort(int)},
* {@link #transports(SessionAttributes.Transport...)},
* {@link #secureTransport(boolean)} and {@link #requestPath(String)}
* methods.
* This method is non-blocking. The result is provided asynchronously by the
* returned {@link CompletableFuture}.
* @return a CompletableFuture that completes when a response is received
* from the server.
* If a session was established, the CompletableFuture will complete
* successfully with a {@link Session} value.
* Otherwise, the CompletableFuture will complete exceptionally with
* a {@link CompletionException}. Common reasons for failure, listed
* by the exception reported as the
* {@link CompletionException#getCause() cause}, include:
* - {@link IllegalStateException} – if any of the session
* attributes are found to be inconsistent. For example, if the
* default SSL context could not be loaded;
- {@link SessionEstablishmentException} – if an initial
* connection could not be established;
- {@link AuthenticationException} –if the client is
* insufficiently authorized to start the session, based on the
* supplied client credentials.
* @since 6.0
* @see #open()
CompletableFuture openAsync();
* Open a connection to a server and request a new session.
* This method is a variant of {@link #openAsync()} that uses a URL to
* specify the server location, ignoring the {@link #serverHost(String)
* serverHost} and {@link #serverPort(int) serverPort},
* {@link #requestPath(String) requestPath},
* {@link #secureTransport(boolean) secureTransport} and
* {@link #transports(SessionAttributes.Transport...) transports} session
* factory attributes.
* @param url the server location, see the {@link SessionFactory class
* documentation}
* @return a CompletableFuture that completes when a response is received
* from the server.
* If a session was established, the CompletableFuture will complete
* successfully with a {@link Session} value.
* Otherwise, the CompletableFuture will complete exceptionally with
* a {@link CompletionException}. Common reasons for failure, listed
* by the exception reported as the
* {@link CompletionException#getCause() cause}, include:
* - {@link IllegalArgumentException} – if {@code url} is
* invalid;
- {@link IllegalStateException} – if any of the session
* attributes are found to be inconsistent. For example, if the
* default SSL context could not be loaded;
- {@link SessionEstablishmentException} – if an initial
* connection could not be established;
- {@link AuthenticationException} –if the client is
* insufficiently authorized to start the session, based on the
* supplied client credentials.
* @since 6.0
CompletableFuture openAsync(String url);
* Open a connection to a server and request a new client session.
* This is a convenience version of {@link #openAsync(String)} which blocks
* until the session has been established.
* @param url the server location, see the {@link SessionFactory class
* documentation}
* @return a new session
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code url} is invalid
* @throws IllegalStateException if any of the session attributes are found
* to be inconsistent. For example, if the default SSL context could
* not be loaded.
* @throws SessionEstablishmentException if an initial connection could not
* be established
* @throws AuthenticationException if the client is insufficiently
* authorized to start the session, based on the supplied client
* credentials
Session open(String url)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException,
* Open a connection to a server and request a new session.
* This method is a callback-based variant of {@link #openAsync(String)}. It
* will return immediately. The result of the attempt to open the session
* will be notified to the specified {@code callback}.
* @param url the server URL, see the {@link SessionFactory class
* documentation}
* @param callback which will be notified of the result of attempting to
* open the session
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code url} is invalid
* @throws IllegalStateException if any of the session attributes are found
* to be inconsistent. For example, if the default SSL context could
* not be loaded.
* @since 5.3
* @see #openAsync()
* @deprecated since 6.7
* Methods that use callbacks are deprecated and will be removed
* in a future release. Use CompletableFuture variant instead.
void open(String url, OpenCallback callback)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException;
* Open a connection to a server and request a new session.
* This is the same as {@link #open(String, OpenCallback)} but with the
* addition of an arbitrary context object.
* @param url the server URL, see the {@link SessionFactory class
* documentation}
* @param context the context to pass to the callback, may be null
* @param callback which will be notified of the result of attempting to
* open the session
* @param the context type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code url} is invalid
* @throws IllegalStateException if any of the session attributes are found
* to be inconsistent. For example, if the default SSL context could
* not be loaded.
* @since 5.3
* @deprecated since 6.7
* Methods that use callbacks are deprecated and will be removed
* in a future release. Use CompletableFuture variant instead.
void open(
String url,
C context,
OpenContextCallback callback)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException;
* Open a connection to a server and request a new session.
* This is a convenience version of {@link #openAsync()} which blocks until
* the session has been established.
* @return a new session
* @throws IllegalStateException if any of the session attributes are found
* to be inconsistent. For example, if the default SSL context could
* not be loaded.
* @throws SessionEstablishmentException if an initial connection could not
* be established
* @throws AuthenticationException if the client is insufficiently
* authorized to start the session, based on the supplied client
* credentials
* @since 5.8
Session open() throws IllegalStateException,
* Open a connection to a server and request a new session.
* This method is a callback-based variant of {@link #openAsync()}. It will
* return immediately. The result of the attempt to open the session will be
* notified to the specified {@code callback}.
* @param callback which will be notified of the result of attempting to
* open the session
* @throws IllegalStateException if any of the session attributes are found
* to be inconsistent. For example, if the default SSL context could
* not be loaded.
* @since 5.8
* @deprecated since 6.7
* Methods that use callbacks are deprecated and will be removed
* in a future release. Use CompletableFuture variant instead.
void open(OpenCallback callback) throws IllegalStateException;
* Open a connection to a server and request a new session.
* This is the same as {@link #open(OpenCallback)} but with the addition of
* an arbitrary context object.
* @param context the context to pass to the callback, may be null
* @param callback which will be notified of the result of attempting to
* open the session
* @param the context type
* @throws IllegalStateException if any of the session attributes are found
* to be inconsistent. For example, if the default SSL context could
* not be loaded.
* @since 5.8
* @deprecated since 6.7
* Methods that use callbacks are deprecated and will be removed
* in a future release. Use CompletableFuture variant instead.
void open(C context, OpenContextCallback callback)
throws IllegalStateException;
* Callback interface for non-blocking opening of sessions.
* This is used when a session is opened using
* {@link SessionFactory#open(String, OpenCallback)}.
* It is guaranteed that one and only one of the callback methods will be
* called.
* @since 5.3
* @deprecated since 6.7
* Methods that use callbacks are deprecated and will be removed
* in a future release. Use CompletableFuture variant instead.
interface OpenCallback extends Callback {
* Called when a session has been successfully opened.
* @param session the session
void onOpened(Session session);
* Contextual version of {@link OpenCallback} for use with
* {@link SessionFactory#open(String, Object, OpenContextCallback)}
* Attaches an arbitrary context object to callback notifications.
* @param the context type
* @since 5.3
* @deprecated since 6.7
* Methods that use callbacks are deprecated and will be removed
* in a future release. Use CompletableFuture variant instead.
interface OpenContextCallback extends ContextCallback {
* Called when a session has been successfully opened.
* @param context the context object supplied when making the call
* @param session the session
void onOpened(C context, Session session);