com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.callbacks.ErrorReason Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2024 DiffusionData Ltd., All Rights Reserved.
* Use is subject to licence terms.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the
* property of DiffusionData. The intellectual and technical
* concepts contained herein are proprietary to DiffusionData and
* may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and
* are protected by trade secret or copyright law.
package com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.callbacks;
* Reason codes used to report error conditions.
* An application can check whether an ErrorReason is equal to some expected
* value using {@link Object#equals(Object)}. Equality is derived from the
* {@link #getReasonCode() reasonCode}, with instances with equal codes
* considered equal.
* Some common ErrorReason values are defined as constants in this class. More
* specific reasons may be defined by individual
* {@link com.pushtechnology.diffusion.client.session.Feature features}.
* @author DiffusionData Limited
* @since 5.1
* @see Callback#onError
public final class ErrorReason {
// Common reasons.
* Communication with the server failed.
public static final ErrorReason COMMUNICATION_FAILURE =
new ErrorReason(100, "Communication with server failed");
* Communication with the server failed because the session is closed.
public static final ErrorReason SESSION_CLOSED =
new ErrorReason(101, "Session is closed");
* Communication with the server failed because a service request timed out.
public static final ErrorReason REQUEST_TIME_OUT =
new ErrorReason(102, "Request time out");
* The request was rejected because the caller has insufficient permissions.
public static final ErrorReason ACCESS_DENIED =
new ErrorReason(103, "Access denied");
* The request was rejected because the requested service is unsupported for this caller.
* @since 5.9
public static final ErrorReason UNSUPPORTED =
new ErrorReason(104, "Unsupported service");
* An application callback threw an exception. Check logs for more information.
* @since 5.9
public static final ErrorReason CALLBACK_EXCEPTION =
new ErrorReason(105, "An application callback threw an exception. Check logs for more information.");
* An operation failed because invalid data was received.
* @since 6.0
public static final ErrorReason INVALID_DATA =
new ErrorReason(106, "Invalid data.");
* The session does not exist on the server.
* @since 6.0
public static final ErrorReason NO_SUCH_SESSION =
new ErrorReason(107, "No session was found");
* A datatype operation has failed due to incompatibility.
* @since 6.0
public static final ErrorReason INCOMPATIBLE_DATATYPE =
new ErrorReason(108, "Datatype is incompatible");
* A message was not handled by the server.
* @since 6.0
public static final ErrorReason UNHANDLED_MESSAGE =
new ErrorReason(109, "A message was not handled");
* A cluster operation failed because partition ownership changed during
* processing.
* This is a transient error that occurs while the cluster is recovering
* from failure. The session can retry the operation.
* @since 6.0
public static final ErrorReason CLUSTER_REPARTITION =
new ErrorReason(110, "The cluster was repartitioning and the request could not be routed.");
* A topic update could not be performed because the topic is managed by a
* component (for example, fan-out) which prohibits external updates.
* @since 6.0
public static final ErrorReason INCOMPATIBLE_STATE =
new ErrorReason(
"Topic operation not performed because it is managed by a component that prohibits external updates");
* A cluster operation failed to be routed to a server within the cluster
* due to a communication failure, or the server that owns a partition is
* not currently known.
* This is a transient error that occurs while the cluster is recovering
* from failure. The session can retry the operation.
* @since 6.5
public static final ErrorReason CLUSTER_ROUTING =
new ErrorReason(112, "The cluster operation could not be routed.");
* A conflicting registration exists on the same branch of the topic tree.
public static final ErrorReason TOPIC_TREE_REGISTRATION_CONFLICT =
new ErrorReason(
"A conflicting registration exists on the same branch of the topic tree");
* A conflicting registration exists.
public static final ErrorReason HANDLER_CONFLICT =
new ErrorReason(201, "Conflict with existing handler");
* An invalid path was supplied.
public static final ErrorReason INVALID_PATH =
new ErrorReason(202, "Invalid path");
private final int reasonCode;
private final String description;
* Constructor.
* Application code should prefer pre-defined constants such as
* {@link ErrorReason#COMMUNICATION_FAILURE}, rather than calling this.
* @param reasonCode a unique code
* @param description a description of the reason, may be context-specific
public ErrorReason(int reasonCode, String description) {
this.reasonCode = reasonCode;
this.description = description;
* A code that uniquely identifies this reason.
* Applications should rarely need to call this method and prefer
* {@link #equals(Object)} to compare instances for equality.
* Reasons defined by DiffusionData have reason codes in the range 0 to
* 65535 inclusive.
* @return the code
public int getReasonCode() {
return reasonCode;
* Description of the error reason, may be context-specific.
* @return the description
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public int hashCode() {
return getReasonCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
if (o == null || o.getClass() != getClass()) {
return false;
final ErrorReason other = (ErrorReason) o;
return other.getReasonCode() == getReasonCode();
public String toString() {
return reasonCode + ": " + description;