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sx.blah.discord.api.internal.DiscordClientImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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A Java binding for the official Discord API, forked from the inactive Copyright (c) 2017, Licensed under GNU LGPLv3

The newest version!
 *     This file is part of Discord4J.
 *     Discord4J is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *     (at your option) any later version.
 *     Discord4J is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *     along with Discord4J.  If not, see .

package sx.blah.discord.api.internal;

import sx.blah.discord.Discord4J;
import sx.blah.discord.api.IDiscordClient;
import sx.blah.discord.api.IShard;
import sx.blah.discord.api.internal.json.objects.InviteObject;
import sx.blah.discord.api.internal.json.objects.UserObject;
import sx.blah.discord.api.internal.json.objects.VoiceRegionObject;
import sx.blah.discord.api.internal.json.requests.AccountInfoChangeRequest;
import sx.blah.discord.api.internal.json.requests.PresenceUpdateRequest;
import sx.blah.discord.api.internal.json.requests.voice.VoiceStateUpdateRequest;
import sx.blah.discord.api.internal.json.responses.ApplicationInfoResponse;
import sx.blah.discord.api.internal.json.responses.GatewayResponse;
import sx.blah.discord.handle.impl.obj.Guild;
import sx.blah.discord.handle.impl.obj.User;
import sx.blah.discord.handle.impl.obj.VoiceState;
import sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.*;
import sx.blah.discord.modules.Configuration;
import sx.blah.discord.modules.ModuleLoader;
import sx.blah.discord.util.*;
import sx.blah.discord.util.cache.ICacheDelegateProvider;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionHandler;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * The default implementation of {@link IDiscordClient}.
public final class DiscordClientImpl implements IDiscordClient {

	 * The shards this client controls.
	private final List shards = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();

	 * The user that represents the bot account.
	volatile User ourUser;

	 * The authentication token for this account.
	protected volatile String token;

	 * The client's event dispatcher.
	volatile EventDispatcher dispatcher;

	 * The client's reconnect manager.
	volatile ReconnectManager reconnectManager;

	 * The client's module loader.
	private volatile ModuleLoader loader;

	 * The cache of the available voice regions.
	private final Map regions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

	 * The maximum number of heartbeats that Discord can miss before a reconnect begins.
	final int maxMissedPings;

	 * Whether the websocket should act as a daemon.
	private final boolean isDaemon;

	 * The total number of shards this client manages.
	private int shardCount;

	 * Provides cache objects used by this client.
	private final ICacheDelegateProvider cacheProvider;

	 * The sharding information for this client.
	private final int[] shard;

	 * The requests holder object.
	public final Requests REQUESTS = new Requests(this);

	 * Timer to keep the program alive if the client is not daemon
	volatile Timer keepAlive;

	 * The number of times the client will retry on a 5xx HTTP response from Discord.
	private final int retryCount;

	 * The maximum number of messages that will be cached per channel.
	private final int maxCacheCount;

	 * The presence object that should be sent to Discord when identifying.
	private final PresenceUpdateRequest identifyPresence;

	 * The ID of the owner of this application.
	private volatile long applicationOwnerID;

	public DiscordClientImpl(String token, int shardCount, boolean isDaemon, int maxMissedPings, int maxReconnectAttempts,
							 int retryCount, int maxCacheCount, ICacheDelegateProvider provider, int[] shard,
							 RejectedExecutionHandler backpressureHandler, int minimumPoolSize, int maximumPoolSize,
							 int overflowCapacity, long eventThreadTimeout, TimeUnit eventThreadTimeoutUnit,
							 PresenceUpdateRequest identifyPresence) {
		this.token = "Bot " + token;
		this.retryCount = retryCount;
		this.maxMissedPings = maxMissedPings;
		this.isDaemon = isDaemon;
		this.shardCount = shardCount == -1 ? 1 : shardCount;
		this.maxCacheCount = maxCacheCount;
		this.cacheProvider = provider;
		this.shard = shard;
		this.dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(this, backpressureHandler, minimumPoolSize, maximumPoolSize,
				overflowCapacity, eventThreadTimeout, eventThreadTimeoutUnit);
		this.reconnectManager = new ReconnectManager(this, maxReconnectAttempts);
		this.loader = new ModuleLoader(this);

		// Fixes null from getModuleLoader from enable().

		this.identifyPresence = identifyPresence;

		Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
			if (this.keepAlive != null)

	public List getShards() {
		return this.shards;

	public int getShardCount() {
		return this.shardCount;

	public EventDispatcher getDispatcher() {
		return this.dispatcher;

	public ModuleLoader getModuleLoader() {
		return this.loader;

	public String getToken() {
		return this.token;

	private void changeAccountInfo(String username, String avatar) {
		checkLoggedIn("change account info");

		Discord4J.LOGGER.debug(LogMarkers.API, "Changing account info.");
		REQUESTS.PATCH.makeRequest(DiscordEndpoints.USERS+"@me", new AccountInfoChangeRequest(username, avatar));

	public void changeUsername(String username) {
		changeAccountInfo(username, Image.forUser(ourUser).getData());

	public void changeAvatar(Image avatar) {
		changeAccountInfo(ourUser.getName(), avatar.getData());

	public IUser getOurUser() {
		return ourUser;

	private void loadStandardRegions() {
		synchronized (regions) {
			if (regions.isEmpty()) { // Guarantee so standard regions are first
				VoiceRegionObject[] regionObjects = RequestBuffer.request(() ->
						(VoiceRegionObject[]) REQUESTS.GET.makeRequest(
								DiscordEndpoints.VOICE + "regions", VoiceRegionObject[].class)).get();
						.forEach(r -> regions.putIfAbsent(r.getID(), r));

	public IRegion getGuildRegion(Guild guild) {
		synchronized (regions) {
			IRegion region = regions.get(guild.getRegionID());

			if (region == null) { // New region types means Discord has updated
				VoiceRegionObject[] regionObjects = RequestBuffer.request(() ->
						(VoiceRegionObject[]) REQUESTS.GET.makeRequest(
								DiscordEndpoints.GUILDS + guild.getStringID() + "/regions", VoiceRegionObject[].class)).get();
						.forEach(r -> regions.putIfAbsent(r.getID(), r));

				region = regions.get(guild.getRegionID());

			return region;

	private void loadAllRegions() {
				.map(g -> (Guild) g)

	public List getRegions() {
		return new ArrayList<>(regions.values());

	public IRegion getRegionByID(String regionID) {
		IRegion region = regions.get(regionID);

		if (region == null) {
			region = regions.get(regionID);

		return region;

	private ApplicationInfoResponse getApplicationInfo() {
		return REQUESTS.GET.makeRequest(DiscordEndpoints.APPLICATIONS+"/@me", ApplicationInfoResponse.class);

	public String getApplicationDescription() {
		try {
			return getApplicationInfo().description;
		} catch (RateLimitException e) {
			Discord4J.LOGGER.error(LogMarkers.API, "Discord4J Internal Exception", e);
		return null;

	public String getApplicationIconURL() {
		try {
			ApplicationInfoResponse info = getApplicationInfo();
			return String.format(DiscordEndpoints.APPLICATION_ICON,, info.icon);
		} catch (RateLimitException e) {
			Discord4J.LOGGER.error(LogMarkers.API, "Discord4J Internal Exception", e);
		return null;

	public String getApplicationClientID() {
		try {
			return getApplicationInfo().id;
		} catch (RateLimitException e) {
			Discord4J.LOGGER.error(LogMarkers.API, "Discord4J Internal Exception", e);
		return null;

	public String getApplicationName() {
		try {
			return getApplicationInfo().name;
		} catch (RateLimitException e) {
			Discord4J.LOGGER.error(LogMarkers.API, "Discord4J Internal Exception", e);
		return null;

	public IUser getApplicationOwner() {
		if (applicationOwnerID == 0L) {
			try {
				applicationOwnerID = Long.parseUnsignedLong(getApplicationInfo();
			} catch (RateLimitException e) {
				Discord4J.LOGGER.error(LogMarkers.API, "Discord4J Internal Exception", e);
				return null;

		return fetchUser(applicationOwnerID);

	public List getCategories() {

	public ICategory getCategoryByID(long categoryID) {
		for(IShard shard : shards) {
			ICategory category = shard.getCategoryByID(categoryID);
			if (category != null) {
				return category;

		return null;

	public List getCategoriesByName(String name) {
				.filter(category -> category.getName().equals(name))

	private String obtainGateway() {
		String gateway = null;
		try {
			GatewayResponse response = REQUESTS.GET.makeRequest(DiscordEndpoints.GATEWAY, GatewayResponse.class);
			gateway = response.url + "?encoding=json&v=" + DiscordUtils.API_VERSION;
		} catch (RateLimitException | DiscordException e) {
			Discord4J.LOGGER.error(LogMarkers.API, "Discord4J Internal Exception", e);
		Discord4J.LOGGER.debug(LogMarkers.API, "Obtained gateway {}.", gateway);
		return gateway;

	private void validateToken() {
		REQUESTS.GET.makeRequest(DiscordEndpoints.USERS + "@me");

	// Sharding delegation

	public void login() {
		if (!getShards().isEmpty()) {
			throw new DiscordException("Attempt to login client more than once.");


		String gateway = obtainGateway();
		new RequestBuilder(this).setAsync(true).doAction(() -> {
			if (shard != null) {
				ShardImpl shardObj = new ShardImpl(this, gateway, new int[]{shard[0], shard[1]}, identifyPresence);

			} else {
				for (int i = 0; i < shardCount; i++) {
					final int shardNum = i;
					ShardImpl shard = new ShardImpl(this, gateway, new int[]{shardNum, shardCount}, identifyPresence);
					getShards().add(shardNum, shard);


					if (i != shardCount - 1) { // all but last
						Discord4J.LOGGER.trace(LogMarkers.API, "Sleeping for login ratelimit.");
			getDispatcher().dispatch(new ReadyEvent());
			return true;

		if (!isDaemon) {
			if (keepAlive == null) keepAlive = new Timer("DiscordClientImpl Keep Alive");
			keepAlive.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
				public void run() {
					Discord4J.LOGGER.trace(LogMarkers.API, "DiscordClientImpl Keep Alive");
			}, 0, 10000);

	public void logout() {
		for (IShard shard : getShards()) {
		if (keepAlive != null) keepAlive.cancel();

	public boolean isLoggedIn() {
		return getShards().size() == getShardCount() && getShards().stream().map(IShard::isLoggedIn).allMatch(bool -> bool);

	public boolean isReady() {
		return getShards().size() == getShardCount() && getShards().stream().map(IShard::isReady).allMatch(bool -> bool);

	public void changePresence(StatusType status, ActivityType activity, String text) {
		getShards().forEach(shard -> shard.changePresence(status, activity, text));

	public void changePresence(StatusType status) {
		getShards().forEach(shard -> shard.changePresence(status));

	public void changeStreamingPresence(StatusType status, String text, String streamUrl) {
		getShards().forEach(shard -> shard.changeStreamingPresence(status, text, streamUrl));

	public void mute(IGuild guild, boolean isSelfMuted) {
		VoiceState voiceState = (VoiceState) ourUser.getVoiceStateForGuild(guild);

		String channelID = null;
		long connectingID = ((Guild) guild).connectingVoiceChannelID;
		if (connectingID != 0) {
			channelID = Long.toUnsignedString(connectingID);
		} else if (voiceState.getChannel() != null) {
			channelID = voiceState.getChannel().getStringID();


		((ShardImpl) guild.getShard()).ws.send(GatewayOps.VOICE_STATE_UPDATE, new VoiceStateUpdateRequest(
				guild.getStringID(), channelID, isSelfMuted, voiceState.isSelfDeafened()));

	public void deafen(IGuild guild, boolean isSelfDeafened) {
		VoiceState voiceState = (VoiceState) ourUser.getVoiceStateForGuild(guild);

		String channelID = null;
		long connectingID = ((Guild) guild).connectingVoiceChannelID;
		if (connectingID != 0) {
			channelID = Long.toUnsignedString(connectingID);
		} else if (voiceState.getChannel() != null) {
			channelID = voiceState.getChannel().getStringID();


		((ShardImpl) guild.getShard()).ws.send(GatewayOps.VOICE_STATE_UPDATE, new VoiceStateUpdateRequest(
				guild.getStringID(), channelID, voiceState.isSelfMuted(), isSelfDeafened));

	public List getGuilds() {
		return getShards().stream()

	public IGuild getGuildByID(long guildID) {
		for (IShard shard : shards) {
			IGuild guild = shard.getGuildByID(guildID);
			if (guild != null)
				return guild;

		return null;

	public List getChannels(boolean includePrivate) {
		return getShards().stream()
				.map(c -> c.getChannels(includePrivate))

	public List getChannels() {
		return getShards().stream()

	public IChannel getChannelByID(long channelID) {
		for (IShard shard : shards) {
			IChannel channel = shard.getChannelByID(channelID);
			if (channel != null)
				return channel;

		return null;

	public List getVoiceChannels() {
		return getShards().stream()

	public List getConnectedVoiceChannels() {
		return ((User) getOurUser()).voiceStates.values().stream().map(IVoiceState::getChannel).filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList());

	public IVoiceChannel getVoiceChannelByID(long id) {
		for (IShard shard : shards) {
			IVoiceChannel voiceChannel = shard.getVoiceChannelByID(id);
			if (voiceChannel != null)
				return voiceChannel;

		return null;

	public List getUsers() {
		return getShards().stream()

	public IUser getUserByID(long userID) {
		for (IShard shard : shards) {
			IUser user = shard.getUserByID(userID);
			if (user != null)
				return user;

		return null;

	public IUser fetchUser(long id) {
		IUser cached = getUserByID(id);
		return cached == null ? DiscordUtils.getUserFromJSON(shards.get(0), REQUESTS.GET.makeRequest(DiscordEndpoints.USERS + Long.toUnsignedString(id), UserObject.class)) : cached;

	public List getUsersByName(String name) {
		return getUsersByName(name, false);

	public List getUsersByName(String name, boolean ignoreCase) {
		return getUsers().stream()
				.filter(u -> ignoreCase ? u.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) : u.getName().equals(name))

	public List getRoles() {
		return getShards().stream()

	public IRole getRoleByID(long roleID) {
		for (IShard shard : shards) {
			IRole role = shard.getRoleByID(roleID);
			if (role != null)
				return role;

		return null;

	public List getMessages(boolean includePrivate) {
		return getShards().stream()
				.map(c -> c.getMessages(includePrivate))

	public List getMessages() {
		return getShards().stream()

	public IMessage getMessageByID(long messageID) {
		for (IShard shard : shards) {
			IMessage message = shard.getMessageByID(messageID);
			if (message != null)
				return message;

		return null;

	public IPrivateChannel getOrCreatePMChannel(IUser user) {
		return user.getShard().getOrCreatePMChannel(user);

	public IInvite getInviteForCode(String code) {
		checkLoggedIn("get invite");
		return DiscordUtils.getInviteFromJSON(this, REQUESTS.GET.makeRequest(DiscordEndpoints.INVITE + code, InviteObject.class));

	public int getRetryCount() {
		return retryCount;

	public int getMaxCacheCount() {
		return maxCacheCount;

	public ICacheDelegateProvider getCacheProvider() {
		return cacheProvider;

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