tag.emit.grvt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* © 2018 Disney | ABC Television Group
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info = "Emit an event that can be received by remote clients",
body = "optional alternative to value attribute, the streaming output or return value of the body closure may be used to produce the message value",
attrs = [
name = "event",
info="The name of the event to emit to subscribed remote clients",
required = true
name = "user",
info="The name of an authenticated user to restrict the event broadcast to",
required = false
name = "value",
info="used to specify a message (or error) value; null is only allowed as a termination message indicating a sender closing a channel",
required = false
name = "timeout",
info="number of seconds to try and enqueue the message to acceptors",
required = false
class Emit{
def tag(Map atts, Closure body){
def event = resolve(atts,'event',String.class)
assert event
def channel = [event: event]
def user = resolve(atts,'user',String.class)
channel.user = user
offer(*:atts, channel: channel, body)
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