tag.on.grvt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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info="Open an async channel to receive events from remote clients",
body="closure to process incoming messages from remote clients; the message data (if any) is passed as the first argument to the closure, and if the closure accepts a second argument the websocket session is also passed in",
sample="on(event:'reverseMessage'){ it.reverse() }",
returns="Some value that will be supplied to the remote callback function, if any",
name = "event",
info="The name of the remote event to react to",
required = true
name = "var",
info="the name of the variable to bind the AsyncChannel object that can be used to close this acceptor, or check its state",
required = false
name = "completed",
info = '''optional callback to execute when the channel is completed after being closed or halted,
it is passed the last result of the handler call and may investigate any 'error',
and should return the final result for the channel''',
required = false
name = "q",
info="Optionally, a maximum queue size for this acceptor, defaults to unbounded. Behavior with a full queue is determined by policy",
required = false
name = "policy",
info="what to do with new messages when queue is full, one of (drop|evict|block), defaults to block (backpressure)",
required = false
class On{
def tag(Map atts, Closure body){
def event = resolve(atts,'event',String.class)
assert event
accept(*:atts, channel: [remote: event]){ msg->
def rval
if(body.maximumNumberOfParameters > 1){
rval = body.call(msg.data, msg.session)
rval = body.call(msg.data)
catch(Throwable th){
def err = "Error processing remote message on channel '${atts.event}'"
log(error: err, thrown: th)
rval = [error: "${err}: ${th.message}"]
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