com.disney.http.auth.server.Verifier Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* © 2018 Disney | ABC Television Group
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package com.disney.http.auth.server;
* Interface for a verifier used to authenticate and authorize servlet requests; implementations include basic, digest and signature verifiers
* @author Alex Vigdor
public interface Verifier{
* Given an incoming request, determine whether the request is authorized according to the rules
* for the verifier implementation. If the implementation calls for a WWW-Authenticate challenge
* on failure, it should be crafted and attached to the VerifierResult
* If verification is successful, the verifier should also attach either the original request, or a wrapped request
* e.g. to lazily validate content
* @param request
* @throws Exception
public VerifierResult verify(ServerAuthorizationRequest request) throws Exception;