com.disney.uriparcel.ContentValueHandler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* © 2018 Disney | ABC Television Group
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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package com.disney.uriparcel;
import java.util.Map;
* Core extension API for ContentValueHandlers, which are components able to provide serialization or deserialization
* between binary streams and java classes. Handlers are prioritized for predictable fallback order. Handlers must
* return false or null for unsupported classes or content streams in order to allow graceful fallback.
* ContentValueHandlers are discovered automatically using the Java ServiceLoader mechanism; in order to wire in a custom implementation
* you should package it in a jar file with a manifest at "/META-INF/services/com.disney.uriparcel.ContentValueHandler" that lists the
* fully qualified class name(s) of your implementation.
* @author Alex Vigdor
public interface ContentValueHandler extends Comparable {
//return Object if content is considered loaded or valid, null if unable to process
public T load(InputStream stream, String contentType, Class valueClass, Map,?> config) throws Exception;
//return true if object was able to be stored successfully, false if unable to process
public boolean store(OutputStream stream, String contentType, Object value, Map,?> config) throws Exception;
//return true if this handler is prepared to marshal/unmarshal objects of the provided class from streams of the optional content type
public boolean isSupported(Class> valueClass, String contentType);
//determines order of attempts; more specific loaders, e.g. specific classes,
//should take higher priority (e.g. 100), while more general-purpose loaders
//like json should take lower priority (e.g. 1)
int getPriority();