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smithy4s.internals.DocumentDecoderSchemaVisitor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 *  Copyright 2021-2024 Disney Streaming
 *  Licensed under the Tomorrow Open Source Technology License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
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package smithy4s
package internals

import alloy.Discriminated
import alloy.Nullable
import smithy.api.JsonName
import smithy.api.TimestampFormat
import smithy.api.TimestampFormat.DATE_TIME
import smithy.api.TimestampFormat.EPOCH_SECONDS
import smithy.api.TimestampFormat.HTTP_DATE
import smithy4s.Document._
import smithy4s.capability.Covariant
import smithy4s.codecs._
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive._
import smithy4s.schema._

import java.util.Base64
import java.util.UUID
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import alloy.Untagged

trait DocumentDecoder[A] { self =>
  def apply(history: List[PayloadPath.Segment], document: Document): A
  def expected: String

  def map[B](f: A => B): DocumentDecoder[B] = new DocumentDecoder[B] {

    def apply(path: List[PayloadPath.Segment], document: Document): B = {
      f(self(path, document))

    def expected: String = self.expected

  def emap[B](f: A => Either[ConstraintError, B]): DocumentDecoder[B] =
    new DocumentDecoder[B] {

      def apply(path: List[PayloadPath.Segment], document: Document): B = {
        f(self(path, document)) match {
          case Right(value) => value
          case Left(value) =>
            throw PayloadError(PayloadPath(path), expected, value.message)

      def expected: String = self.expected

object DocumentDecoder {

  implicit val covariantInstance: Covariant[DocumentDecoder] =
    new Covariant[DocumentDecoder] {
      def map[A, B](fa: DocumentDecoder[A])(f: A => B): DocumentDecoder[B] =

  def instance[A](
      expectedType: String,
      expectedJsonShape: String
      f: PartialFunction[(List[PayloadPath.Segment], Document), A]
  ): DocumentDecoder[A] = new DocumentDecoder[A] {
    def apply(history: List[PayloadPath.Segment], document: Document): A = {
      val tuple = (history, document)
      if (f.isDefinedAt(tuple)) f(tuple)
        throw PayloadError(
          s"Expected Json Shape: $expectedJsonShape but got the following Json Shape ${}"
    def expected: String = expectedType


class DocumentDecoderSchemaVisitor(
    val cache: CompilationCache[DocumentDecoder]
) extends SchemaVisitor.Cached[DocumentDecoder] { self =>

  override def primitive[P](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      tag: Primitive[P]
  ): DocumentDecoder[P] = tag match {
    case PDocument =>
      new DocumentDecoder[Document] {
        def apply(path: List[PayloadPath.Segment], d: Document): Document = d

        def expected: String = "Json document"
    case PShort =>
      from("Short") {
        case FlexibleNumber(bd) if bd.isValidShort => bd.shortValue
    case PString =>
      from("String") { case DString(value) =>
    case PFloat =>
      from("Float") { case FlexibleNumber(bd) =>
    case PDouble =>
      from("Double") {
        case FlexibleNumber(bd) if bd.isDecimalDouble => bd.toDouble
    case PTimestamp =>
    case PBlob =>
      fromUnsafe("Base64 binary blob") { case DString(string) =>
    case PBigInt =>
      from("BigInt") {
        case FlexibleNumber(bd) if bd.isWhole => bd.toBigInt
    case PUUID =>
      fromUnsafe("UUID") { case DString(string) =>
    case PInt =>
      from("Int") {
        case FlexibleNumber(bd) if bd.isValidInt => bd.intValue
    case PBigDecimal =>
      from("BigDecimal") { case FlexibleNumber(bd) =>
    case PBoolean =>
      from("Boolean") {
        case DBoolean(value)  => value
        case DString("true")  => true
        case DString("false") => false
    case PLong =>
      from("Long") {
        case FlexibleNumber(bd) if bd.isValidLong => bd.longValue
    case PByte =>
      from("Byte") {
        case FlexibleNumber(bd) if bd.isValidByte => bd.toByte

  def forTimestampFormat(format: TimestampFormat) = {
    val formatRepr = Timestamp.showFormat(format)
    format match {
      case DATE_TIME | HTTP_DATE =>
        DocumentDecoder.instance("Timestamp", "String") {
          case (pp, DString(value)) =>
              .parse(value, format)
                throw new PayloadError(
                  s"Wrong timestamp format"

      case EPOCH_SECONDS =>
        DocumentDecoder.instance("Timestamp", "Number") {
          case (_, DNumber(value)) =>
            val epochSeconds = value.toLong
              ((value - epochSeconds) * 1000000000).toInt

  override def collection[C[_], A](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      tag: CollectionTag[C],
      member: Schema[A]
  ): DocumentDecoder[C[A]] = {
    val fa = self(member)
    DocumentDecoder.instance(, "Array") { case (pp, DArray(value)) =>
      tag.fromIterator( {
        case (document, index) =>
          val localPath = PayloadPath.Segment(index) :: pp
          fa(localPath, document)

  def option[A](schema: Schema[A]): DocumentDecoder[Option[A]] =
    new DocumentDecoder[Option[A]] {
      val decoder = schema.compile(self)
      val aIsNullable = schema.hints.has(Nullable) && schema.isOption
      def expected = decoder.expected

      def apply(
          history: List[PayloadPath.Segment],
          document: smithy4s.Document
      ): Option[A] = if (document == Document.DNull && !aIsNullable) None
      else Some(decoder(history, document))

  override def map[K, V](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      key: Schema[K],
      value: Schema[V]
  ): DocumentDecoder[Map[K, V]] = {
    val maybeKeyDecoder = DocumentKeyDecoder.trySchemaVisitor(key)
    val valueDecoder = self(value)
    maybeKeyDecoder match {
      case Some(keyDecoder) =>
        DocumentDecoder.instance("Map", "Object") { case (pp, DObject(map)) =>
          val builder = ListMap.newBuilder[K, V]
          map.foreach { case (key, value) =>
            val decodedKey = keyDecoder(DString(key)).fold(
              { case DocumentKeyDecoder.DecodeError(expectedType) =>
                val path = PayloadPath.Segment.parse(key) :: pp
                throw PayloadError(
                  "Wrong Json shape"
            val decodedValue = valueDecoder(key :: pp, value)
            builder.+=((decodedKey, decodedValue))
      case None =>
        val keyDecoder = apply(key)
        DocumentDecoder.instance("Map", "Array") { case (pp, DArray(value)) =>
          val builder = Map.newBuilder[K, V]
          var i = 0
          val newPP = PayloadPath.Segment(i) :: pp
          value.foreach {
            case KeyValueObj(k, v) =>
              val decodedKey =
                keyDecoder(PayloadPath.Segment("key") :: newPP, k)
              val decodedValue =
                valueDecoder(PayloadPath.Segment("value") :: newPP, v)
              builder.+=((decodedKey, decodedValue))
              i += 1
            case _ =>
              throw new PayloadError(
                PayloadPath((PayloadPath.Segment(i) :: pp).reverse),
                "Key Value object",
                """Expected a Json object containing two values indexed with "key" and "value". """

  override def enumeration[E](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      tag: EnumTag[E],
      values: List[EnumValue[E]],
      total: E => EnumValue[E]
  ): DocumentDecoder[E] = {
    val fromName = => e.stringValue -> e.value).toMap
    val fromOrdinal = => BigDecimal(e.intValue) -> e.value).toMap
    val label = s"value in [${fromName.keySet.mkString(", ")}]"
    tag match {
      case EnumTag.ClosedIntEnum =>
        from(label) {
          case DNumber(value) if fromOrdinal.contains(value) =>
      case EnumTag.OpenIntEnum(unknown) =>
        from(label) { case DNumber(value) =>
          fromOrdinal.getOrElse(value, unknown(value.toInt))
      case EnumTag.ClosedStringEnum =>
        from(label) {
          case DString(value) if fromName.contains(value) => fromName(value)
      case EnumTag.OpenStringEnum(unknown) =>
        from(label) { case DString(value) =>
          fromName.getOrElse(value, unknown(value))

  override def struct[S](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      fields: Vector[Field[S, _]],
      make: IndexedSeq[Any] => S
  ): DocumentDecoder[S] = {
    def jsonLabel[A](field: Field[S, A]): String =

    def fieldDecoder[A](
        field: Field[S, A]
    ): (
        Any => Unit,
        Map[String, Document]
    ) => Unit = {
      val jLabel = jsonLabel(field)

      field.getDefaultValue match {
        case Some(defaultValue) =>
              pp: List[PayloadPath.Segment],
              buffer: Any => Unit,
              fields: Map[String, Document]
          ) =>
            val path = PayloadPath.Segment(jLabel) :: pp
              .get(jLabel) match {
              case Some(document) =>
                buffer(apply(field.schema)(path, document))
              case None =>
        case None =>
              pp: List[PayloadPath.Segment],
              buffer: Any => Unit,
              fields: Map[String, Document]
          ) =>
            val path = PayloadPath.Segment(jLabel) :: pp
              .get(jLabel) match {
              case Some(document) =>
                buffer(apply(field.schema)(path, document))
              case None =>
                throw new PayloadError(
                  "Required field not found"

    val fieldDecoders = => fieldDecoder(field))

    DocumentDecoder.instance("Structure", "Object") {
      case (pp, DObject(value)) =>
        val buffer = Vector.newBuilder[Any]
        fieldDecoders.foreach(fd => fd(pp, buffer.+=(_), value))

  private def handleUnion[S](
      f: (List[PayloadPath.Segment], Document) => S
  ): DocumentDecoder[S] =
    new DocumentDecoder[S] {
      def expected: String = "Union"
      def apply(pp: List[PayloadPath.Segment], document: Document): S =
        f(pp, document)

  private type DecoderMap[S] =
    Map[String, (List[PayloadPath.Segment], Document) => S]

  private def discriminatedUnion[S](
      discriminated: Discriminated,
      decoders: DecoderMap[S]
  ): DocumentDecoder[S] = handleUnion {
    (pp: List[PayloadPath.Segment], document: Document) =>
      document match {
        case DObject(map) =>
            .get(discriminated.value) match {
            case Some(value: Document.DString) =>
              decoders.get(value.value) match {
                case Some(decoder) => decoder(pp, document)
                case None =>
                  throw new PayloadError(
                    s"Unknown discriminator: ${value.value}"
            case _ =>
              throw new PayloadError(
                s"Unable to locate discriminator under property '${discriminated.value}'"
        case other =>
          throw new PayloadError(
            s"Expected DObject, but found $other"


  private def taggedUnion[S](
      decoders: DecoderMap[S]
  ): DocumentDecoder[S] = handleUnion {
    (pp: List[PayloadPath.Segment], document: Document) =>
      document match {
        case DObject(map) if (map.size == 1) =>
          val (key: String, value: Document) = map.head
          decoders.get(key) match {
            case Some(decoder) => decoder(pp, value)
            case None =>
              throw new PayloadError(
                s"Unknown discriminator: $key"
        case _ =>
          throw new PayloadError(
            "Expected a single-key Json object"


  private def untaggedUnion[S](
      decoders: DecoderMap[S]
  ): DocumentDecoder[S] = {
    val decodersList = decoders.values.toList
    val len = decodersList.length

    handleUnion { (pp: List[PayloadPath.Segment], document: Document) =>
      var z: S = null.asInstanceOf[S]
      var i = 0
      while (z == null && i < len) {
        try {
          z = decodersList(i)(pp, document)
        } catch {
          case _: Throwable => i += 1
      if (z == null) {
        throw new PayloadError(
          "No valid alternatives found for untagged union"
      } else {

  override def union[U](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      alternatives: Vector[Alt[U, _]],
      dispatch: Alt.Dispatcher[U]
  ): DocumentDecoder[U] = {
    def jsonLabel[A](alt: Alt[U, A]): String =

    val decoders: DecoderMap[U] = { case alt @ Alt(_, instance, inject, _) =>
        val label = jsonLabel(alt)
        val encoder = { (pp: List[PayloadPath.Segment], doc: Document) =>
          inject(apply(instance)(label :: pp, doc))
        jsonLabel(alt) -> encoder

    hints match {
      case Discriminated.hint(discriminated) =>
        discriminatedUnion(discriminated, decoders)
      case Untagged.hint(_) =>
      case _ =>

  override def biject[A, B](
      schema: Schema[A],
      bijection: Bijection[A, B]
  ): DocumentDecoder[B] = apply(schema).map(bijection)

  override def refine[A, B](
      schema: Schema[A],
      refinement: Refinement[A, B]
  ): DocumentDecoder[B] = apply(schema).emap(refinement.asFunction)

  override def lazily[A](suspend: Lazy[Schema[A]]): DocumentDecoder[A] = {
    lazy val underlying = apply(suspend.value)
    new DocumentDecoder[A] {

      def apply(history: List[PayloadPath.Segment], document: Document): A =
        underlying.apply(history, document)

      def expected: String = underlying.expected

  object FlexibleNumber {
    def unapply(doc: Document): Option[BigDecimal] = doc match {
      case DNumber(value) => Some(value)
      case DString(value) =>
        try { Some(BigDecimal(value)) }
        catch { case _: Throwable => None }
      case _ => None

  object KeyValueObj {
    def unapply(doc: Document): Option[(Document, Document)] = doc match {
      case DObject(map) =>
        map.get("key").flatMap(key => map.get("value").map(key -> _))
      case _ => None

  def from[A](expectedType: String)(
      f: PartialFunction[Document, A]
  ): DocumentDecoder[A] =
    new DocumentDecoder[A] {
      def apply(path: List[PayloadPath.Segment], a: Document): A = {
        if (f.isDefinedAt(a)) f(a)
          throw PayloadError(
            "Wrong Json shape"
      def expected: String = expectedType

  def fromUnsafe[A](expectedType: String)(
      f: PartialFunction[Document, A]
  ): DocumentDecoder[A] =
    new DocumentDecoder[A] {
      def apply(path: List[PayloadPath.Segment], a: Document): A = {
        if (f.isDefinedAt(a)) {
          try {
          } catch {
            case e: Throwable =>
              throw PayloadError(
        } else
          throw PayloadError(
            "Wrong Json shape"

      def expected: String = expectedType

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