smithy4s.Hints.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021-2024 Disney Streaming
* Licensed under the Tomorrow Open Source Technology License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package smithy4s
* A hint is an arbitrary piece of data that can be added to a schema,
* at the struct level, or at the field/member level.
* You can think of it as an annotation that can communicate
* additional information to encoders/decoders (for instance, a change
* in a label, a regex pattern some string should abide by, a range, etc)
* This `Hints` interface is a container for hints.
* Under the hood, the hints are composed of two maps : one for member-level hints,
* one for target-level hints. Member-level hints typically hold values corresponding
* to member traits, whereas target hints hold values corresponding to normal data shapes.
trait Hints {
def isEmpty: Boolean
def all: Iterable[Hints.Binding]
def memberHintsMap: Map[ShapeId, Hints.Binding]
def targetHintsMap: Map[ShapeId, Hints.Binding]
* Returns a map of hints from both level, the member-level having priority
* over the target-level one.
def toMap: Map[ShapeId, Hints.Binding]
def get[A](implicit key: ShapeTag[A]): Option[A]
final def has[A](implicit key: ShapeTag[A]): Boolean = this.get[A].isDefined
final def get[A](key: ShapeTag.Has[A]): Option[A] = get(key.getTag)
final def get[T](nt: Newtype[T]): Option[nt.Type] = get(nt.tag)
final def filter(predicate: Hint => Boolean): Hints =
final def filterNot(predicate: Hint => Boolean): Hints =
filter(hint => !predicate(hint))
* Concatenates two set of hints. The levels are concatenated independently.
def ++(other: Hints): Hints
* Add hints to the member-level.
def addMemberHints(hints: Hints): Hints
* Add hints to the member-level.
final def addMemberHints(hints: Hint*): Hints = addMemberHints(
Hints(hints: _*)
* Add hints to the member level
final def add(hints: Hint*): Hints = addMemberHints(hints: _*)
* Add hints to the target-level.
def addTargetHints(hints: Hints): Hints
* Add hints to the target-level.
final def addTargetHints(hints: Hint*): Hints = addTargetHints(
Hints(hints: _*)
* Provides an instance of hints containing only the member-level hints.
def memberHints: Hints
* Provides an instance of hints containing only the target-level hints.
def targetHints: Hints
* Adds a new hint provided a specific hint is present
final def expand[A, B](f: A => Hint)(implicit key: ShapeTag[A]): Hints =
get(key) match {
case Some(a) => addMemberHints(f(a))
case None => this
object Hints {
val empty: Hints = new Impl(Map.empty, Map.empty)
def apply(bindings: Hint*): Hints =
def dynamic(bindings: (String, Document)*): Hints =
fromSeq( { case (k, v) => ShapeId.parse(k) -> v }.collect {
case (Some(id), v) => Binding.DynamicBinding(id, v)
implicit final class HintsLazyOps(underlying: => Hints) {
* Suspends the evaluation of the hints until they are needed.
* This is needed to avoid a deadlock in case of concurrent initialization of the hints' classes: see #537.
def lazily: Hints = Hints.LazyHints(Lazy(underlying))
def member(bindings: Hint*): Hints =
Impl(memberHintsMap = mapFromSeq(bindings), targetHintsMap = Map.empty)
def fromSeq(bindings: Seq[Hint]): Hints =
Impl(memberHintsMap = Map.empty, targetHintsMap = mapFromSeq(bindings))
private def mapFromSeq(bindings: Seq[Hint]): Map[ShapeId, Hint] = { {
case b @ Binding.StaticBinding(k, _) => -> b
case b @ Binding.DynamicBinding(k, _) => k -> b
private[smithy4s] final case class Impl(
memberHintsMap: Map[ShapeId, Hint],
targetHintsMap: Map[ShapeId, Hint]
) extends Hints {
val toMap = targetHintsMap ++ memberHintsMap
def isEmpty = toMap.isEmpty
def all: Iterable[Hint] = toMap.values
def get[A](implicit key: ShapeTag[A]): Option[A] =
toMap.get( {
case Binding.StaticBinding(k, value) =>
if (key.eq(k)) Some(value.asInstanceOf[A]) else None
case Binding.DynamicBinding(_, value) =>
def ++(other: Hints): Hints = concat(this, other)
def targetHints: Hints = Impl(Map.empty, targetHintsMap)
def memberHints: Hints = Impl(memberHintsMap, Map.empty)
def addMemberHints(hints: Hints): Hints =
memberHintsMap = memberHintsMap ++ hints.toMap,
targetHintsMap = targetHintsMap
def addTargetHints(hints: Hints): Hints =
memberHintsMap = memberHintsMap,
targetHintsMap = targetHintsMap ++ hints.toMap
override def toString(): String =
s"Hints(${all.mkString(", ")})"
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case h: Hints => toMap == h.toMap
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = toMap.hashCode()
private[smithy4s] final case class LazyHints(underlying: Lazy[Hints])
extends Hints {
override def isEmpty: Boolean = underlying.value.isEmpty
override def all: Iterable[Binding] = underlying.value.all
override def memberHintsMap: Map[ShapeId, Binding] =
override def targetHintsMap: Map[ShapeId, Binding] =
override def toMap: Map[ShapeId, Binding] = underlying.value.toMap
override def get[A](implicit key: ShapeTag[A]): Option[A] =
override def ++(other: Hints): Hints = concat(this, other)
override def addMemberHints(hints: Hints): Hints =
override def addTargetHints(hints: Hints): Hints =
override def memberHints: Hints = underlying.value.memberHints
override def targetHints: Hints = underlying.value.targetHints
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = underlying.value.equals(obj)
override def hashCode(): Int = underlying.value.hashCode()
private def concat(lhs: Hints, rhs: Hints): Hints = (lhs, rhs) match {
case (LazyHints(lazyA), LazyHints(lazyB)) =>
LazyHints(Lazy(lazyA.value ++ lazyB.value))
case (LazyHints(lazyA), _) => LazyHints(Lazy(lazyA.value ++ rhs))
case (_, LazyHints(lazyB)) => LazyHints(Lazy(lhs ++ lazyB.value))
case _ => {
memberHintsMap = lhs.memberHintsMap ++ rhs.memberHintsMap,
targetHintsMap = lhs.targetHintsMap ++ rhs.targetHintsMap
sealed trait Binding extends Product with Serializable {
def keyId: ShapeId
object Binding {
final case class StaticBinding[A](key: ShapeTag[A], value: A)
extends Binding {
override def keyId: ShapeId =
override def toString: String = value.toString()
final case class DynamicBinding(keyId: ShapeId, value: Document)
extends Binding {
override def toString = Document.obj( -> value).toString()
implicit def fromValue[A, AA <: A](value: AA)(implicit
key: ShapeTag[A]
): Binding = StaticBinding(key, value)
implicit def fromTuple(tup: (ShapeId, Document)): Binding =
DynamicBinding(tup._1, tup._2)
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