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smithy4s.internals.DocumentEncoderSchemaVisitor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 *  Copyright 2021-2024 Disney Streaming
 *  Licensed under the Tomorrow Open Source Technology License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package smithy4s
package internals

import smithy.api.JsonName
import smithy.api.TimestampFormat
import smithy.api.TimestampFormat.DATE_TIME
import smithy.api.TimestampFormat.EPOCH_SECONDS
import smithy.api.TimestampFormat.HTTP_DATE
import alloy.Discriminated
import smithy4s.capability.EncoderK
import smithy4s.schema._

import scala.collection.mutable.Builder

import Document._
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PShort
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PBigInt
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PBoolean
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PByte
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PBigDecimal
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PInt
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PBlob
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PTimestamp
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PDocument
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PFloat
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PUUID
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PDouble
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PLong
import smithy4s.schema.Primitive.PString
import alloy.Untagged

trait DocumentEncoder[A] { self =>

  def apply(a: A): Document
  final def contramap[B](f: B => A): DocumentEncoder[B] =
    new DocumentEncoder[B] {
      def apply(b: B): Document = self.apply(f(b))

  final def mapDocument(f: Document => Document): DocumentEncoder[A] =
    new DocumentEncoder[A] {
      def apply(a: A): Document = f(self(a))


object DocumentEncoder {

  implicit val encoderKInstance: EncoderK[DocumentEncoder, Document] =
    new EncoderK[DocumentEncoder, Document] {
      def apply[A](fa: DocumentEncoder[A], a: A): Document = fa.apply(a)
      def absorb[A](f: A => Document): DocumentEncoder[A] =
        new DocumentEncoder[A] {
          def apply(a: A): Document = f(a)


class DocumentEncoderSchemaVisitor(
    val cache: CompilationCache[DocumentEncoder],
    val explicitDefaultsEncoding: Boolean
) extends SchemaVisitor.Cached[DocumentEncoder] {
  self =>

  def this(cache: CompilationCache[DocumentEncoder]) =
    this(cache, explicitDefaultsEncoding = false)

  override def primitive[P](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      tag: Primitive[P]
  ): DocumentEncoder[P] = tag match {
    case PShort      => from(short => DNumber(BigDecimal(short.toInt)))
    case PBigInt     => from(bigInt => DNumber(BigDecimal(bigInt)))
    case PBoolean    => from(DBoolean(_))
    case PByte       => from(byte => DNumber(BigDecimal(byte.toInt)))
    case PBigDecimal => from(DNumber(_))
    case PInt        => from(int => DNumber(BigDecimal(int)))
    case PBlob =>
      from(bytes => DString(bytes.toBase64String))
    case PTimestamp =>
        .getOrElse(TimestampFormat.EPOCH_SECONDS) match {
        case DATE_TIME     => ts => DString(ts.format(DATE_TIME))
        case HTTP_DATE     => ts => DString(ts.format(HTTP_DATE))
        case EPOCH_SECONDS => ts => DNumber(BigDecimal(ts.epochSecond))
    case PDocument => from(identity)
    case PFloat    => from(float => DNumber(BigDecimal(float.toDouble)))
    case PUUID     => from(uuid => DString(uuid.toString()))
    case PDouble   => from(double => DNumber(BigDecimal(double)))
    case PLong     => from(long => DNumber(BigDecimal(long)))
    case PString   => from(DString(_))

  override def collection[C[_], A](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      tag: CollectionTag[C],
      member: Schema[A]
  ): DocumentEncoder[C[A]] = {
    val encoderS = self(member)
    from[C[A]](c => DArray(tag.iterator(c).map(encoderS.apply).toIndexedSeq))

  override def option[A](schema: Schema[A]): DocumentEncoder[Option[A]] = {
    val encoder = self(schema)
    locally {
      case Some(a) => encoder.apply(a)
      case None    => Document.DNull

  override def map[K, V](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      key: Schema[K],
      value: Schema[V]
  ): DocumentEncoder[Map[K, V]] = {
    val maybeKeyEncoder = DocumentKeyEncoder.trySchemaVisitor(key)
    val valueEncoder = self(value)
    maybeKeyEncoder match {
      case Some(keyEncoder) =>
        from[Map[K, V]] { map =>
          val mapBuilder = Map.newBuilder[String, Document]
          map.foreach { case (k, v) =>
            val key = keyEncoder.apply(k)
            val value = valueEncoder.apply(v)
            mapBuilder.+=((key, value))
      case None =>
        from[Map[K, V]] { map =>
          val keyAsValueEncoder = apply(key)
          val arrayBuilder = IndexedSeq.newBuilder[Document]
 { case (k, v) =>
                  "key" -> keyAsValueEncoder.apply(k),
                  "value" -> valueEncoder.apply(v)

  override def enumeration[E](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      tag: EnumTag[E],
      values: List[EnumValue[E]],
      total: E => EnumValue[E]
  ): DocumentEncoder[E] =
    tag match {
      case EnumTag.IntEnum() =>
        from(e => Document.fromInt(total(e).intValue))
      case _ =>
        from(e => DString(total(e).stringValue))

  override def struct[S](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      fields: Vector[Field[S, _]],
      make: IndexedSeq[Any] => S
  ): DocumentEncoder[S] = {
    val discriminator =
      DiscriminatedUnionMember.hint.unapply(hints).map { discriminated =>
        (discriminated.propertyName -> Document.fromString(
    def fieldEncoder[A](
        field: Field[S, A]
    ): (S, Builder[(String, Document), Map[String, Document]]) => Unit = {
      val encoder = apply(field.schema)
      val jsonLabel = field.hints
      (s, builder) =>
        if (explicitDefaultsEncoding) {
          builder.+=(jsonLabel -> encoder.apply(field.get(s)))
        } else
          field.getUnlessDefault(s).foreach { value =>
            builder.+=(jsonLabel -> encoder.apply(value))

    val encoders = => fieldEncoder(field))
    new DocumentEncoder[S] {
      def apply(s: S): Document = {
        val builder = Map.newBuilder[String, Document]
        encoders.foreach(_(s, builder))
        DObject(builder.result() ++ discriminator)

  override def union[U](
      shapeId: ShapeId,
      hints: Hints,
      alternatives: Vector[Alt[U, _]],
      dispatcher: Alt.Dispatcher[U]
  ): DocumentEncoder[U] = {
    val precompile = new Alt.Precompiler[DocumentEncoder] {
      def apply[A](label: String, schema: Schema[A]): DocumentEncoder[A] = {
        val jsonLabel =
        hints match {
          case Discriminated.hint(discriminated) =>
            val unionMemberHint = DiscriminatedUnionMember(
          case Untagged.hint(_) => self.apply(schema)
          case _ =>
            self.apply(schema).mapDocument(d => Document.obj(jsonLabel -> d))

  override def biject[A, B](
      schema: Schema[A],
      bijection: Bijection[A, B]
  ): DocumentEncoder[B] =

  override def refine[A, B](
      schema: Schema[A],
      refinement: Refinement[A, B]
  ): DocumentEncoder[B] = apply(schema).contramap(refinement.from)

  override def lazily[A](suspend: Lazy[Schema[A]]): DocumentEncoder[A] = {
    lazy val underlying = apply(suspend.value)
    new DocumentEncoder[A] {
      def apply(a: A): Document = underlying(a)

  def from[A](f: A => Document): DocumentEncoder[A] =
    new DocumentEncoder[A] {
      def apply(a: A): Document = f(a)

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