smithy4s.http.Metadata.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021-2024 Disney Streaming
* Licensed under the Tomorrow Open Source Technology License, Version 1.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package smithy4s
package http
import smithy4s.http.internals.HttpResponseCodeSchemaVisitor
import smithy4s.http.internals.MetaEncode._
import smithy4s.http.internals.SchemaVisitorMetadataReader
import smithy4s.http.internals.SchemaVisitorMetadataWriter
import smithy4s.schema.CachedSchemaCompiler
import smithy4s.schema.CompilationCache
* Datatype containing metadata associated to a http message.
* The metadata is what is found in the http headers, and can be
* derived from the http path, the query parameters, or the headers.
* Associated to it are a pair of Encoder/Decoder typeclasses, that
* can be derived from a schema.
* @param path the path parameters of the http message
* @param query the query parameters of the http message
* @param headers the header parameters of the http message
case class Metadata(
path: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
query: Map[String, Seq[String]] = Map.empty,
headers: Map[CaseInsensitive, Seq[String]] = Map.empty,
statusCode: Option[Int] = None
) { self =>
def headersFlattened: Vector[(CaseInsensitive, String)] =
headers.toVector.flatMap { case (k, v) => -> _)
def queryFlattened: Vector[(String, String)] = query.toVector.flatMap {
case (k, v) => -> _)
def addHeader(ciKey: CaseInsensitive, value: String): Metadata = {
headers.get(ciKey) match {
case Some(existing) =>
copy(headers = headers + (ciKey -> (value +: existing)))
case None =>
copy(headers = headers + (ciKey -> List(value)))
def addHeader(str: String, value: String): Metadata = {
addHeader(CaseInsensitive(str), value)
def addPathParam(key: String, value: String): Metadata =
copy(path = path + (key -> value))
def addQueryParam(key: String, value: String): Metadata =
query.get(key) match {
case Some(existing) =>
copy(query = query + (key -> (existing :+ value)))
case None => copy(query = query + (key -> List(value)))
def addQueryParamsIfNoExist(key: String, values: String*): Metadata =
query.get(key) match {
case Some(_) => self
case None => copy(query = query + (key -> values.toList))
def addMultipleHeaders(
ciKey: CaseInsensitive,
value: List[String]
): Metadata = {
headers.get(ciKey) match {
case Some(existing) =>
copy(headers = headers + (ciKey -> (value ++ existing)))
case None => copy(headers = headers + (ciKey -> value))
def addMultipleHeaders(key: String, value: List[String]): Metadata =
addMultipleHeaders(CaseInsensitive(key), value)
def addMultipleQueryParams(key: String, value: List[String]): Metadata =
query.get(key) match {
case Some(existing) =>
copy(query = query + (key -> (existing ++ value)))
case None => copy(query = query + (key -> value))
def ++(other: Metadata): Metadata = {
def mergeMaps[K, V](
left: Map[K, Seq[V]],
right: Map[K, Seq[V]]
): Map[K, Seq[V]] = {
val m = for {
(k, v) <- left
(k2, v2) <- right if k == k2
} yield (k, v ++ v2)
val l = left.filterNot { case (k, _) => right.contains(k) }
val r = right.filterNot { case (k, _) => left.contains(k) }
l ++ r ++ m
this.path ++ other.path,
mergeMaps(this.query, other.query),
mergeMaps(this.headers, other.headers),
def find(location: HttpBinding): Option[(String, List[String])] =
location match {
case HttpBinding.HeaderBinding(httpName) =>
headers.get(httpName).flatMap {
case head :: tl => Some((head, tl))
case Nil => None
case HttpBinding.QueryBinding(httpName) =>
query.get(httpName).flatMap {
case head :: tl => Some((head, tl))
case Nil => None
case HttpBinding.PathBinding(httpName) => path.get(httpName).map(_ -> Nil)
case _ => None
object Metadata {
def fold[A](i: Iterable[A])(f: A => Metadata): Metadata =
i.foldLeft(empty)((acc, a) => acc ++ f(a))
val empty = Metadata(Map.empty, Map.empty, Map.empty)
trait Access {
def metadata: Metadata
def encode[A](a: A)(implicit encoder: Encoder[A]): Metadata =
implicit def encoderFromSchema[A: Schema]: Encoder[A] =
* If possible, decode the data from fields that are bound to http metadata.
def decode[A](metadata: Metadata)(implicit
decoder: Decoder[A]
): Either[MetadataError, A] =
* Reads metadata and produces a map that contains values extracted from it, labelled
* by field names.
type Decoder[A] =
smithy4s.codecs.Decoder[Either[MetadataError, *], Metadata, A]
implicit def decoderFromSchema[A: Schema]: Decoder[A] =
object Decoder
extends CachedDecoderCompilerImpl(
awsHeaderEncoding = false,
allowNaNAndInfiniteValues = false
) {
type Compiler = CachedSchemaCompiler[Decoder]
private[smithy4s] object AwsDecoder
extends CachedDecoderCompilerImpl(
awsHeaderEncoding = true,
allowNaNAndInfiniteValues = true
private[http] class CachedDecoderCompilerImpl(
awsHeaderEncoding: Boolean,
allowNaNAndInfiniteValues: Boolean
) extends CachedSchemaCompiler.DerivingImpl[Decoder] {
type Aux[A] = internals.MetaDecode[A]
def apply[A](implicit instance: Decoder[A]): Decoder[A] =
def fromSchema[A](
schema: Schema[A],
cache: CompilationCache[internals.MetaDecode]
): Decoder[A] = {
val metaDecode =
new SchemaVisitorMetadataReader(
metaDecode match {
case internals.MetaDecode.StructureMetaDecode(decodeFunction) =>
decodeFunction(_: Metadata)
case _ =>
(_: Metadata) =>
"Impossible to formulate a decoder for the data"
* Reads metadata and produces a map that contains values extracted from it, labelled
* by field names.
type Encoder[A] = smithy4s.codecs.Encoder[Metadata, A]
trait EncoderCompiler extends CachedSchemaCompiler[Metadata.Encoder] {
def withExplicitDefaultsEncoding(explicitDefaults: Boolean): EncoderCompiler
object Encoder
extends CachedEncoderCompilerImpl(
awsHeaderEncoding = false,
explicitDefaultsEncoding = false
) {
type Compiler = CachedSchemaCompiler[Encoder]
private[smithy4s] object AwsEncoder
extends CachedEncoderCompilerImpl(
awsHeaderEncoding = true,
explicitDefaultsEncoding = false
private[http] class CachedEncoderCompilerImpl(
awsHeaderEncoding: Boolean,
explicitDefaultsEncoding: Boolean
) extends CachedSchemaCompiler.DerivingImpl[Encoder]
with EncoderCompiler {
type Aux[A] = internals.MetaEncode[A]
def apply[A](implicit instance: Encoder[A]): Encoder[A] = instance
def withExplicitDefaultsEncoding(
explicitDefaultsEncoding: Boolean
): EncoderCompiler = new CachedEncoderCompilerImpl(
awsHeaderEncoding = awsHeaderEncoding,
explicitDefaultsEncoding = explicitDefaultsEncoding
def fromSchema[A](
schema: Schema[A],
cache: Cache
): Encoder[A] = {
val toStatusCode: A => Option[Int] =
schema.compile(new HttpResponseCodeSchemaVisitor()).toFunction
val schemaVisitor = new SchemaVisitorMetadataWriter(
commaDelimitedEncoding = awsHeaderEncoding,
explicitDefaultsEncoding = explicitDefaultsEncoding
schemaVisitor(schema) match {
case StructureMetaEncode(f) if awsHeaderEncoding => { (a: A) =>
val metadata = f(a)
// AWS does not want to receive empty header values.
val trimmedHeaders = metadata.headers
.map { case (key, values) => (key, values.filterNot(_.isEmpty)) }
metadata.copy(statusCode = toStatusCode(a), headers = trimmedHeaders)
case StructureMetaEncode(f) => { (a: A) =>
val struct = f(a)
struct.copy(statusCode = toStatusCode(a))
case _ => (_: A) => Metadata.empty
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