weaver.Runner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package weaver
import cats.Monoid
import cats.data.Chain
import cats.effect.std.Queue
import cats.effect.{ Async, Ref }
import cats.syntax.all._
import TestOutcome.{ Summary, Verbose }
import Colours._
class Runner[F[_]: Async](
args: List[String],
maxConcurrentSuites: Int)(
printLine: String => F[Unit]) {
import Runner._
// Signaling option, because we need to detect completion
private type Channel[A] = Queue[F, Option[A]]
def run(suites: fs2.Stream[F, Suite[F]]): F[Outcome] =
for {
buffer <- Ref[F].of(Chain.empty[SpecEvent])
channel <- Queue.unbounded[F, Option[SpecEvent]]
outcome <-
Async[F].background(consume(channel, buffer)).use { outcome =>
val res = outcome.flatMap(_.embed(onCancel = Outcome.empty.pure[F]))
.parEvalMap(math.max(1, maxConcurrentSuites)) { suite =>
.map(SpecEvent(suite.name, _))
.drain *> complete(channel) *> res
} yield outcome
private def produce(ch: Channel[SpecEvent])(event: SpecEvent): F[Unit] =
private def complete(channel: Channel[SpecEvent]): F[Unit] =
channel.offer(None) // We are done !
// Recursively consumes from a channel until a "None" gets produced,
// indicating the end of the stream.
private def consume(
ch: Channel[SpecEvent],
buffer: Ref[F, Chain[SpecEvent]]): F[Outcome] = {
val stars = "*************"
def newLine = printLine("")
def printTestEvent(mode: TestOutcome.Mode)(event: TestOutcome) =
def handle(specEvent: SpecEvent): F[Outcome] = {
val (successes, failures, outcome) =
// format: off
specEvent.events.foldMap[(List[TestOutcome],List[TestOutcome],Outcome)] {
case ev if ev.status.isFailed => (List.empty, List(ev), Outcome.fromEvent(ev))
case ev => (List(ev), List.empty, Outcome.fromEvent(ev))
// format: on
for {
_ <- printLine(cyan(specEvent.name))
_ <- (successes ++ failures).traverse(printTestEvent(Summary))
_ <- newLine
_ <- buffer
.update(_.append(specEvent.copy(events = failures)))
} yield outcome
.compile.foldMonoid.flatMap {
outcome =>
for {
failures <- buffer.get
_ <- (printLine(red(stars) + "FAILURES" + red(stars)) *> failures
.traverse[F, Unit] { specEvent =>
printLine(cyan(specEvent.name)) *>
specEvent.events.traverse(printTestEvent(Verbose)) *>
_ <- printLine(outcome.formatted)
} yield outcome
object Runner {
case class SpecEvent(name: String, events: List[TestOutcome])
case class Outcome(
successes: Int,
ignored: Int,
cancelled: Int,
failures: Int) { self =>
def total = successes + ignored + cancelled + failures
def formatted: String =
s"Total $total, Failed $failures, Passed $successes, Ignored $ignored, Cancelled $cancelled"
object Outcome {
val empty = Outcome(0, 0, 0, 0)
def fromEvent(event: TestOutcome): Outcome = event.status match {
case TestStatus.Exception =>
Outcome(0, 0, 0, failures = 1)
case TestStatus.Failure =>
Outcome(0, 0, 0, failures = 1)
case TestStatus.Success =>
Outcome(successes = 1, 0, 0, 0)
case TestStatus.Ignored =>
Outcome(0, ignored = 1, 0, 0)
case TestStatus.Cancelled =>
Outcome(0, 0, cancelled = 1, 0)
implicit val monoid: Monoid[Outcome] = new Monoid[Outcome] {
override def empty = Outcome.empty
override def combine(left: Outcome, right: Outcome) = Outcome(
left.successes + right.successes,
left.ignored + right.ignored,
left.cancelled + right.cancelled,
left.failures + right.failures