weaver.framework.Fingerprints.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package weaver
package framework
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import cats.effect.Sync
import weaver.internals.Reflection._
import weaver.{ EffectSuite, GlobalResourceF }
import sbt.testing.{ Fingerprint, SubclassFingerprint, TaskDef }
object WeaverFingerprints {
// format: off
abstract class Mixin[F[_], SC <: EffectSuite.Provider[F], GRIC <: GlobalResourceF[F]](
implicit SC: ClassTag[SC], GRIC: ClassTag[GRIC], F : Sync[F]) extends WeaverFingerprints[F] {
type SuiteClass = SC
val SuiteClass = SC
type GlobalResourcesInitClass = GRIC
val GlobalResourcesInitClass = GRIC
// format: on
* Contains reference of the classes the build tool will be looking for when
* searching for tests
abstract class WeaverFingerprints[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]) {
type SuiteClass <: EffectSuite.Provider[F]
implicit protected def SuiteClass: ClassTag[SuiteClass]
type GlobalResourcesInitClass <: GlobalResourceF[F]
implicit protected def GlobalResourcesInitClass: ClassTag[GlobalResourcesInitClass]
def suiteLoader(classLoader: ClassLoader): SuiteLoader[F] =
new SuiteLoader[F] {
def apply(taskDef: TaskDef): Option[Loader] =
taskDef.fingerprint() match {
case SuiteFingerprint.matches() =>
val mkSuite = F.delay {
val module = loadModule(taskDef.fullyQualifiedName(), classLoader)
val provider = cast(module)(SuiteClass): EffectSuite.Provider[F]
case ResourceSharingSuiteFingerprint.matches() =>
val cst: F[GlobalResourceF.Read[F] => EffectSuite.Provider[F]] =
// inherently unsafe, as it assumes the user doesn't
F.delay(loadConstructor[GlobalResourceF.Read[F], SuiteClass](
classLoader): GlobalResourceF.Read[F] => EffectSuite.Provider[
Some(ResourcesSharingSuiteRef(read =>
case GlobalResourcesFingerprint.matches() =>
val module =
loadModule(taskDef.fullyQualifiedName(), classLoader)
val init = cast(module)(GlobalResourcesInitClass)
* A fingerprint that searches only for singleton objects of type
* [[weaver.EffectSuite]].
object SuiteFingerprint extends WeaverFingerprint {
val isModule = true
def requireNoArgConstructor(): Boolean = true
def superclassName(): String = SuiteClass.runtimeClass.getName
* A fingerprint that searches only for classes extending
* [[weaver.EffectSuite]]. that have a constructor that takes a single
* [[weaver.GlobalResources.Read]] parameter.
object ResourceSharingSuiteFingerprint extends WeaverFingerprint {
val isModule = false
def requireNoArgConstructor(): Boolean = false
def superclassName(): String = SuiteClass.runtimeClass.getName
object GlobalResourcesFingerprint extends WeaverFingerprint {
val isModule = true
def requireNoArgConstructor(): Boolean = true
def superclassName(): String = GlobalResourcesInitClass.runtimeClass.getName
trait WeaverFingerprint extends SubclassFingerprint {
object matches {
def unapply(fingerPrint: Fingerprint): Boolean = fingerPrint match {
case sf: SubclassFingerprint if fingerprintMatches(sf) => true
case _ => false
private def fingerprintMatches(sf: SubclassFingerprint): Boolean = {
sf.isModule() == this.isModule() &&
sf.requireNoArgConstructor() == this.requireNoArgConstructor() &&
sf.superclassName() == this.superclassName()