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com.dispalt.vitess.quill.VitessContext.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright 2016-2017 Dan Di Spaltro
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.dispalt.vitess.quill

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.{ Date, UUID }
import java.time.LocalDate

import com.dispalt.vitess.Response.RpcResponse
import com.dispalt.vitess._
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
import{ BindVariable, BoundQuery }
import io.getquill.{ MySQLDialect, NamingStrategy }
import io.getquill.context.sql.SqlContext
import io.getquill.idiom.{ Idiom => BaseIdiom }
import io.getquill.idiom.Idiom
import com.dispalt.vitess.Client
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, ExecutionContext, Future, Promise }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.classTag
import scala.util.{ DynamicVariable, Failure, Success, Try }

class VitessContext[Naming <: NamingStrategy](client: ManagedClient, _ctx: VitessCallerCtx, tabletType: TabletType)
    extends SqlContext[VitessDialect, Naming]
    with VitessEncoder
    with VitessDecoder {

  protected val logger: Logger =

  type PrepareRow = BoundQuery
  type ResultRow  = Row

  type RunQueryResult[T]                = Future[List[T]]
  type RunQuerySingleResult[T]          = Future[T]
  type RunActionResult                  = Future[Long]
  type RunActionReturningResult[T]      = Future[T]
  type RunBatchActionResult             = Future[List[Long]]
  type RunBatchActionReturningResult[T] = Future[List[T]]

  def probe(statement: String): Try[_] = Try {
    implicit val ctx = VitessCallerCtx.empty
    Await.result(withClient(_.execute(statement, Map.empty, TabletType.MASTER)), Duration.Inf)

  def close(): Unit = client.closeBlocking()

  // Not used yet.
  // TODO: I don't think I need to the TxnEc stuff anymore here.
  def handleEx[T](r: RpcResponse)(f: Response => T)(implicit ctx: VitessCallerCtx, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = {
    val p = Promise[T]()
    ec match {
      case tec: TransactionalExecutionContext =>
        r.onComplete {
          case Success(Left(failure)) =>
            tec.session = failure.session
          case Success(Right(ok)) =>
            tec.session = ok.session
          case Failure(fail) =>
            // Unknown error
      case _ =>
        r.onComplete {
          case Success(Left(failure)) => p.failure(failure)
          case Success(Right(ok))     => p.success(f(ok))
          case Failure(fail)          => p.failure(fail) // Unknown error



  def executeQuery[T](
      sql: String,
      prepare: PrepareRow => PrepareRow = identity,
      extractor: Row => T = identity[Row] _
  )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, ctx: VitessCallerCtx): Future[List[T]] = {
    val bq = prepare(BoundQuery(sql = sql))

      cli =>
        handleEx(cli.execute(bq, tabletType)) { f =>



  def executeQuerySingle[T](sql: String, prepare: PrepareRow => PrepareRow = identity, extractor: Row => T = identity[Row] _)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, ctx: VitessCallerCtx): Future[T] =
    executeQuery(sql, prepare, extractor).map(handleSingleResult)

  def executeAction[T](
      sql: String,
      prepare: PrepareRow => PrepareRow = identity
  )(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, ctx: VitessCallerCtx): Future[Long] = {
    val bq = prepare(BoundQuery(sql = sql))

      cli =>
        handleEx(cli.execute(bq, tabletType)) { f =>

  def transaction[T](f: TransactionalExecutionContext => Future[T])(implicit ctx: VitessCallerCtx,
                                                                    ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = {

  def executeBatchAction(groups: List[BatchGroup])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
                                                   ctx: VitessCallerCtx): Future[List[Long]] =
      .sequence { {
          case BatchGroup(sql, prepare) =>
            prepare.foldLeft(Future.successful(List.empty[Long])) {
              case (acc, prepare) =>
                acc.flatMap { list =>
                  executeAction(sql, prepare).map(list :+ _)

  private def withClient[T](f: Client => T) =


trait VitessEncoder { this: VitessContext[_] =>

  type Encoder[T] = VEncoder[T]

  case class VEncoder[T](encoder: BaseEncoder[T]) extends BaseEncoder[T] {
    override def apply(index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) =
      encoder(index, value, row)

  def encoder[T](e: BaseEncoder[T]): Encoder[T] = VEncoder(e)

  def encoder[T: ClassTag]: Encoder[T] =
    VEncoder[T]((index, value, row) => row.addBindVariables(s"v$index" -> Proto.buildBindVariable(value)))

  // TODO: Probably a better way to do this.
  private[this] val nullEncoder: Encoder[Null] =
    encoder((index, value, row) => row.addBindVariables(s"v$index" -> Proto.buildBindVariable(value)))

  implicit def mappedEncoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], encoder: Encoder[O]): Encoder[I] =
    VEncoder(mappedBaseEncoder(mapped, encoder.encoder))

  implicit def optionEncoder[T](implicit d: Encoder[T]): Encoder[Option[T]] = encoder { (index, value, row) =>
    value match {
      case Some(v) => d(index, v, row)
      case None    => nullEncoder(index, null, row)

  implicit val stringEncoder: Encoder[String]         = encoder[String]
  implicit val bigDecimalEncoder: Encoder[BigDecimal] = encoder[BigDecimal]
  implicit val booleanEncoder: Encoder[Boolean]       = encoder[Boolean]
  implicit val byteEncoder: Encoder[Byte]             = encoder[Byte]
  implicit val shortEncoder: Encoder[Short]           = encoder[Short]
  implicit val intEncoder: Encoder[Int]               = encoder[Int]
  implicit val longEncoder: Encoder[Long]             = encoder[Long]
  implicit val floatEncoder: Encoder[Float]           = encoder[Float]
  implicit val doubleEncoder: Encoder[Double]         = encoder[Double]
  implicit val byteArrayEncoder: Encoder[Array[Byte]] = encoder[Array[Byte]]
  implicit val dateEncoder: Encoder[Date]             = encoder[Date]
  implicit val localDateEncoder: Encoder[LocalDate]   = encoder[LocalDate]
  implicit val uuidEncoder: Encoder[UUID]             = encoder[UUID]

trait VitessDecoder { this: VitessContext[_] =>

  import io.getquill.util.Messages._
  type Decoder[T] = VDecoder[T]

  case class VDecoder[T](decoder: BaseDecoder[T]) extends BaseDecoder[T] {
    override def apply(index: Index, row: ResultRow) =
      decoder(index, row)

  def decoder[T](d: BaseDecoder[T]): Decoder[T] = VDecoder(
    (index, row) => {
      row.get[T](index) match {
        case null => fail(s"Expected column at index $index to be defined but is was empty")
        case _    => d(index, row)

  def decoder[T]: Decoder[T] = VDecoder(
    (index, row) => {
      row.get[T](index) match {
        case null => fail(s"Expected column at index $index to be defined but is was empty")
        case f    => f

  def typedDecoder[T: ClassTag](f: PartialFunction[Any, T]): Decoder[T] =
    VDecoder { (index: Index, row: ResultRow) =>
      val value = row.getAny(index)
      f.lift(value).getOrElse(fail(s"Value '$value' can't be decoded to '${classTag[T].runtimeClass}'"))

  implicit def optionDecoder[T](implicit d: Decoder[T]): Decoder[Option[T]] =
    VDecoder((index, row) => {
      row.get[T](index) match {
        case null => None
        case _    => Some(d(index, row))

  implicit def mappedDecoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], decoder: Decoder[I]): Decoder[O] =
    VDecoder(mappedBaseDecoder(mapped, decoder.decoder))

  implicit val stringDecoder: Decoder[String] = typedDecoder[String] {
    case a: Array[Byte @unchecked] => new String(a)
  implicit val bigDecimalDecoder: Decoder[BigDecimal] = decoder[BigDecimal]
  implicit val booleanDecoder: Decoder[Boolean] = typedDecoder[Boolean] {
    case i: Integer                => i == 1
    case i: Long                   => i == 1
    case i: UnsignedLong           => i.compareTo(UnsignedLong.ONE) == 0
    case i: Array[Byte @unchecked] => i(0) == 1

  implicit val byteDecoder: Decoder[Byte]             = decoder[Byte]
  implicit val shortDecoder: Decoder[Short]           = decoder[Short]
  implicit val intDecoder: Decoder[Int]               = decoder[Int]
  implicit val longDecoder: Decoder[Long]             = decoder[Long]
  implicit val floatDecoder: Decoder[Float]           = decoder[Float]
  implicit val doubleDecoder: Decoder[Double]         = decoder[Double]
  implicit val byteArrayDecoder: Decoder[Array[Byte]] = decoder[Array[Byte]]
  implicit val dateDecoder: Decoder[Date]             = decoder[Date]
  implicit val localDateDecoder: Decoder[LocalDate]   = decoder[LocalDate]
  implicit val uuidDecoder: Decoder[UUID] = VDecoder[UUID](
    (index, row) => {
      val bb   = ByteBuffer.wrap(row.getAny(index).asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]])
      val high = bb.getLong()
      val low  = bb.getLong()
      new UUID(high, low)

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