Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.divpundir.mavlink.definitions.common
import com.divpundir.mavlink.api.GeneratedMavField
import com.divpundir.mavlink.api.GeneratedMavMessage
import com.divpundir.mavlink.api.MavEnumValue
import com.divpundir.mavlink.api.MavMessage
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.MavDataDecoder
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.MavDataEncoder
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.encodeEnumValue
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.encodeFloat
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.encodeInt16
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.encodeInt32
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.encodeUInt16
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.encodeUInt8
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.encodeUInt8Array
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.safeDecodeEnumValue
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.safeDecodeFloat
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.safeDecodeInt16
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.safeDecodeInt32
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.safeDecodeUInt16
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.safeDecodeUInt8
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.safeDecodeUInt8Array
import com.divpundir.mavlink.serialization.truncateZeros
import kotlin.Byte
import kotlin.ByteArray
import kotlin.Float
import kotlin.Int
import kotlin.Short
import kotlin.UByte
import kotlin.UInt
import kotlin.UShort
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.List
* Data for filling the OpenDroneID Location message. The float data types are 32-bit IEEE 754. The
* Location message provides the location, altitude, direction and speed of the aircraft.
* @param targetSystem System ID (0 for broadcast).
* @param targetComponent Component ID (0 for broadcast).
* @param idOrMac Only used for drone ID data received from other UAs. See detailed description at
* @param status Indicates whether the unmanned aircraft is on the ground or in the air.
* @param direction Direction over ground (not heading, but direction of movement) measured
* clockwise from true North: 0 - 35999 centi-degrees. If unknown: 36100 centi-degrees.
* units = cdeg
* @param speedHorizontal Ground speed. Positive only. If unknown: 25500 cm/s. If speed is larger
* than 25425 cm/s, use 25425 cm/s.
* units = cm/s
* @param speedVertical The vertical speed. Up is positive. If unknown: 6300 cm/s. If speed is
* larger than 6200 cm/s, use 6200 cm/s. If lower than -6200 cm/s, use -6200 cm/s.
* units = cm/s
* @param latitude Current latitude of the unmanned aircraft. If unknown: 0 (both Lat/Lon).
* units = degE7
* @param longitude Current longitude of the unmanned aircraft. If unknown: 0 (both Lat/Lon).
* units = degE7
* @param altitudeBarometric The altitude calculated from the barometric pressue. Reference is
* against 29.92inHg or 1013.2mb. If unknown: -1000 m.
* units = m
* @param altitudeGeodetic The geodetic altitude as defined by WGS84. If unknown: -1000 m.
* units = m
* @param heightReference Indicates the reference point for the height field.
* @param height The current height of the unmanned aircraft above the take-off location or the
* ground as indicated by height_reference. If unknown: -1000 m.
* units = m
* @param horizontalAccuracy The accuracy of the horizontal position.
* @param verticalAccuracy The accuracy of the vertical position.
* @param barometerAccuracy The accuracy of the barometric altitude.
* @param speedAccuracy The accuracy of the horizontal and vertical speed.
* @param timestamp Seconds after the full hour with reference to UTC time. Typically the GPS
* outputs a time-of-week value in milliseconds. First convert that to UTC and then convert for this
* field using ((float) (time_week_ms % (60*60*1000))) / 1000. If unknown: 0xFFFF.
* units = s
* @param timestampAccuracy The accuracy of the timestamps.
id = 12_901u,
crcExtra = -2,
public data class OpenDroneIdLocation(
* System ID (0 for broadcast).
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint8_t")
public val targetSystem: UByte = 0u,
* Component ID (0 for broadcast).
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint8_t")
public val targetComponent: UByte = 0u,
* Only used for drone ID data received from other UAs. See detailed description at
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint8_t[20]")
public val idOrMac: List = emptyList(),
* Indicates whether the unmanned aircraft is on the ground or in the air.
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint8_t")
public val status: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u),
* Direction over ground (not heading, but direction of movement) measured clockwise from true
* North: 0 - 35999 centi-degrees. If unknown: 36100 centi-degrees.
* units = cdeg
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint16_t")
public val direction: UShort = 0u,
* Ground speed. Positive only. If unknown: 25500 cm/s. If speed is larger than 25425 cm/s, use
* 25425 cm/s.
* units = cm/s
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint16_t")
public val speedHorizontal: UShort = 0u,
* The vertical speed. Up is positive. If unknown: 6300 cm/s. If speed is larger than 6200 cm/s,
* use 6200 cm/s. If lower than -6200 cm/s, use -6200 cm/s.
* units = cm/s
@GeneratedMavField(type = "int16_t")
public val speedVertical: Short = 0,
* Current latitude of the unmanned aircraft. If unknown: 0 (both Lat/Lon).
* units = degE7
@GeneratedMavField(type = "int32_t")
public val latitude: Int = 0,
* Current longitude of the unmanned aircraft. If unknown: 0 (both Lat/Lon).
* units = degE7
@GeneratedMavField(type = "int32_t")
public val longitude: Int = 0,
* The altitude calculated from the barometric pressue. Reference is against 29.92inHg or
* 1013.2mb. If unknown: -1000 m.
* units = m
@GeneratedMavField(type = "float")
public val altitudeBarometric: Float = 0F,
* The geodetic altitude as defined by WGS84. If unknown: -1000 m.
* units = m
@GeneratedMavField(type = "float")
public val altitudeGeodetic: Float = 0F,
* Indicates the reference point for the height field.
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint8_t")
public val heightReference: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u),
* The current height of the unmanned aircraft above the take-off location or the ground as
* indicated by height_reference. If unknown: -1000 m.
* units = m
@GeneratedMavField(type = "float")
public val height: Float = 0F,
* The accuracy of the horizontal position.
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint8_t")
public val horizontalAccuracy: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u),
* The accuracy of the vertical position.
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint8_t")
public val verticalAccuracy: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u),
* The accuracy of the barometric altitude.
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint8_t")
public val barometerAccuracy: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u),
* The accuracy of the horizontal and vertical speed.
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint8_t")
public val speedAccuracy: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u),
* Seconds after the full hour with reference to UTC time. Typically the GPS outputs a
* time-of-week value in milliseconds. First convert that to UTC and then convert for this field
* using ((float) (time_week_ms % (60*60*1000))) / 1000. If unknown: 0xFFFF.
* units = s
@GeneratedMavField(type = "float")
public val timestamp: Float = 0F,
* The accuracy of the timestamps.
@GeneratedMavField(type = "uint8_t")
public val timestampAccuracy: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u),
) : MavMessage {
override val instanceCompanion: MavMessage.MavCompanion = Companion
override fun serializeV1(): ByteArray {
val encoder = MavDataEncoder(SIZE_V1)
encoder.encodeUInt8Array(idOrMac, 20)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(status.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(heightReference.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(horizontalAccuracy.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(verticalAccuracy.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(barometerAccuracy.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(speedAccuracy.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(timestampAccuracy.value, 1)
return encoder.bytes
override fun serializeV2(): ByteArray {
val encoder = MavDataEncoder(SIZE_V2)
encoder.encodeUInt8Array(idOrMac, 20)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(status.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(heightReference.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(horizontalAccuracy.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(verticalAccuracy.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(barometerAccuracy.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(speedAccuracy.value, 1)
encoder.encodeEnumValue(timestampAccuracy.value, 1)
return encoder.bytes.truncateZeros()
public companion object : MavMessage.MavCompanion {
private const val SIZE_V1: Int = 59
private const val SIZE_V2: Int = 59
override val id: UInt = 12_901u
override val crcExtra: Byte = -2
override fun deserialize(bytes: ByteArray): OpenDroneIdLocation {
val decoder = MavDataDecoder(bytes)
val latitude = decoder.safeDecodeInt32()
val longitude = decoder.safeDecodeInt32()
val altitudeBarometric = decoder.safeDecodeFloat()
val altitudeGeodetic = decoder.safeDecodeFloat()
val height = decoder.safeDecodeFloat()
val timestamp = decoder.safeDecodeFloat()
val direction = decoder.safeDecodeUInt16()
val speedHorizontal = decoder.safeDecodeUInt16()
val speedVertical = decoder.safeDecodeInt16()
val targetSystem = decoder.safeDecodeUInt8()
val targetComponent = decoder.safeDecodeUInt8()
val idOrMac = decoder.safeDecodeUInt8Array(20)
val status = decoder.safeDecodeEnumValue(1).let { value ->
val entry = MavOdidStatus.getEntryFromValueOrNull(value)
if (entry != null) MavEnumValue.of(entry) else MavEnumValue.fromValue(value)
val heightReference = decoder.safeDecodeEnumValue(1).let { value ->
val entry = MavOdidHeightRef.getEntryFromValueOrNull(value)
if (entry != null) MavEnumValue.of(entry) else MavEnumValue.fromValue(value)
val horizontalAccuracy = decoder.safeDecodeEnumValue(1).let { value ->
val entry = MavOdidHorAcc.getEntryFromValueOrNull(value)
if (entry != null) MavEnumValue.of(entry) else MavEnumValue.fromValue(value)
val verticalAccuracy = decoder.safeDecodeEnumValue(1).let { value ->
val entry = MavOdidVerAcc.getEntryFromValueOrNull(value)
if (entry != null) MavEnumValue.of(entry) else MavEnumValue.fromValue(value)
val barometerAccuracy = decoder.safeDecodeEnumValue(1).let { value ->
val entry = MavOdidVerAcc.getEntryFromValueOrNull(value)
if (entry != null) MavEnumValue.of(entry) else MavEnumValue.fromValue(value)
val speedAccuracy = decoder.safeDecodeEnumValue(1).let { value ->
val entry = MavOdidSpeedAcc.getEntryFromValueOrNull(value)
if (entry != null) MavEnumValue.of(entry) else MavEnumValue.fromValue(value)
val timestampAccuracy = decoder.safeDecodeEnumValue(1).let { value ->
val entry = MavOdidTimeAcc.getEntryFromValueOrNull(value)
if (entry != null) MavEnumValue.of(entry) else MavEnumValue.fromValue(value)
return OpenDroneIdLocation(
targetSystem = targetSystem,
targetComponent = targetComponent,
idOrMac = idOrMac,
status = status,
direction = direction,
speedHorizontal = speedHorizontal,
speedVertical = speedVertical,
latitude = latitude,
longitude = longitude,
altitudeBarometric = altitudeBarometric,
altitudeGeodetic = altitudeGeodetic,
heightReference = heightReference,
height = height,
horizontalAccuracy = horizontalAccuracy,
verticalAccuracy = verticalAccuracy,
barometerAccuracy = barometerAccuracy,
speedAccuracy = speedAccuracy,
timestamp = timestamp,
timestampAccuracy = timestampAccuracy,
public operator fun invoke(builderAction: Builder.() -> Unit): OpenDroneIdLocation =
public class Builder {
public var targetSystem: UByte = 0u
public var targetComponent: UByte = 0u
public var idOrMac: List = emptyList()
public var status: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u)
public var direction: UShort = 0u
public var speedHorizontal: UShort = 0u
public var speedVertical: Short = 0
public var latitude: Int = 0
public var longitude: Int = 0
public var altitudeBarometric: Float = 0F
public var altitudeGeodetic: Float = 0F
public var heightReference: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u)
public var height: Float = 0F
public var horizontalAccuracy: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u)
public var verticalAccuracy: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u)
public var barometerAccuracy: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u)
public var speedAccuracy: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u)
public var timestamp: Float = 0F
public var timestampAccuracy: MavEnumValue = MavEnumValue.fromValue(0u)
public fun build(): OpenDroneIdLocation = OpenDroneIdLocation(
targetSystem = targetSystem,
targetComponent = targetComponent,
idOrMac = idOrMac,
status = status,
direction = direction,
speedHorizontal = speedHorizontal,
speedVertical = speedVertical,
latitude = latitude,
longitude = longitude,
altitudeBarometric = altitudeBarometric,
altitudeGeodetic = altitudeGeodetic,
heightReference = heightReference,
height = height,
horizontalAccuracy = horizontalAccuracy,
verticalAccuracy = verticalAccuracy,
barometerAccuracy = barometerAccuracy,
speedAccuracy = speedAccuracy,
timestamp = timestamp,
timestampAccuracy = timestampAccuracy,
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