com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellTable Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.BrowserEvents;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.TableLayout;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Style.Unit;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.TableCellElement;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.TableColElement;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.TableElement;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.TableRowElement;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.TableSectionElement;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.ClientBundle;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.CssResource;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.CssResource.ImportedWithPrefix;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.ImageResource;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.ImageResource.ImageOptions;
import com.google.gwt.resources.client.ImageResource.RepeatStyle;
import com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.LoadingStateChangeEvent.LoadingState;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DeckPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Image;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.SimplePanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
import com.google.gwt.view.client.ProvidesKey;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* A tabular view that supports paging and columns.
The {@link Column} class defines the
* {@link com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell} used to render a column. Implement
* {@link Column#getValue(Object)} to retrieve the field value from the row
* object that will be rendered in the {@link com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell}.
Headers and Footers
A {@link Header} can be placed at the top
* (header) or bottom (footer) of the {@link CellTable}. You can specify a
* header as text using {@link #addColumn(Column, String)}, or you can create a
* custom {@link Header} that can change with the value of the cells, such as a
* column total. The {@link Header} will be rendered every time the row data
* changes or the table is redrawn. If you pass the same header instance (==)
* into adjacent columns, the header will span the columns.
* - Trivial example
* - {@example com.google.gwt.examples.cellview.CellTableExample}
* - Handling user input with trivial FieldUpdater example
* - {@example com.google.gwt.examples.cellview.CellTableFieldUpdaterExample}
* - Handling user input with complex FieldUpdater example
* - {@example
* com.google.gwt.examples.cellview.CellTableFieldUpdaterExampleComplex}
* - Pushing data with List Data Provider (backed by {@link java.util.List})
* - {@example com.google.gwt.examples.view.ListDataProviderExample}
* - Pushing data asynchronously with Async Data Provider
* - {@example com.google.gwt.examples.view.AsyncDataProviderExample}
* - Writing a custom data provider
* - {@example com.google.gwt.examples.view.RangeChangeHandlerExample}
* - Using a key provider to track objects as they change
* - {@example com.google.gwt.examples.view.KeyProviderExample}
* @param the data type of each row
public class CellTable extends AbstractCellTable implements
AbstractCellTable.TableSectionChangeHandler {
* Resources that match the GWT standard style theme.
public interface BasicResources extends Resources {
* The styles used in this widget.
BasicStyle cellTableStyle();
* A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
* The background used for footer cells.
@ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.Horizontal, flipRtl = true)
ImageResource cellTableFooterBackground();
* The background used for header cells.
@ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.Horizontal, flipRtl = true)
ImageResource cellTableHeaderBackground();
* The loading indicator used while the table is waiting for data.
@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
ImageResource cellTableLoading();
* The background used for selected cells.
@ImageOptions(repeatStyle = RepeatStyle.Horizontal, flipRtl = true)
ImageResource cellTableSelectedBackground();
* Icon used when a column is sorted in ascending order.
@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
ImageResource cellTableSortAscending();
* Icon used when a column is sorted in descending order.
@ImageOptions(flipRtl = true)
ImageResource cellTableSortDescending();
* The styles used in this widget.
Style cellTableStyle();
* Styles used by this widget.
public interface Style extends CssResource {
* The path to the default CSS styles used by this resource.
String DEFAULT_CSS = "com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellTable.css";
* Applied to every cell.
String cellTableCell();
* Applied to even rows.
String cellTableEvenRow();
* Applied to cells in even rows.
String cellTableEvenRowCell();
* Applied to the first column.
String cellTableFirstColumn();
* Applied to the first column footers.
String cellTableFirstColumnFooter();
* Applied to the first column headers.
String cellTableFirstColumnHeader();
* Applied to footers cells.
String cellTableFooter();
* Applied to headers cells.
String cellTableHeader();
* Applied to the hovered row.
String cellTableHoveredRow();
* Applied to the cells in the hovered row.
String cellTableHoveredRowCell();
* Applied to the keyboard selected cell.
String cellTableKeyboardSelectedCell();
* Applied to the keyboard selected row.
String cellTableKeyboardSelectedRow();
* Applied to the cells in the keyboard selected row.
String cellTableKeyboardSelectedRowCell();
* Applied to the last column.
String cellTableLastColumn();
* Applied to the last column footers.
String cellTableLastColumnFooter();
* Applied to the last column headers.
String cellTableLastColumnHeader();
* Applied to the loading indicator.
String cellTableLoading();
* Applied to odd rows.
String cellTableOddRow();
* Applied to cells in odd rows.
String cellTableOddRowCell();
* Applied to selected rows.
String cellTableSelectedRow();
* Applied to cells in selected rows.
String cellTableSelectedRowCell();
* Applied to header cells that are sortable.
String cellTableSortableHeader();
* Applied to header cells that are sorted in ascending order.
String cellTableSortedHeaderAscending();
* Applied to header cells that are sorted in descending order.
String cellTableSortedHeaderDescending();
* Applied to the table.
String cellTableWidget();
* Styles used by {@link BasicResources}.
interface BasicStyle extends Style {
* The path to the default CSS styles used by this resource.
String DEFAULT_CSS = "com/google/gwt/user/cellview/client/CellTableBasic.css";
* Adapter class to convert {@link Resources} to
* {@link AbstractCellTable.Resources}.
private static class ResourcesAdapter implements AbstractCellTable.Resources {
private final CellTable.Resources resources;
private final StyleAdapter style;
public ResourcesAdapter(CellTable.Resources resources) {
this.resources = resources;
this.style = new StyleAdapter(resources.cellTableStyle());
public ImageResource sortAscending() {
return resources.cellTableSortAscending();
public ImageResource sortDescending() {
return resources.cellTableSortDescending();
public AbstractCellTable.Style style() {
return style;
* Adapter class to convert {@link Style} to {@link AbstractCellTable.Style}.
private static class StyleAdapter implements AbstractCellTable.Style {
private final CellTable.Style style;
public StyleAdapter(CellTable.Style style) {
this.style = style;
public String cell() {
return style.cellTableCell();
public String evenRow() {
return style.cellTableEvenRow();
public String evenRowCell() {
return style.cellTableEvenRowCell();
public String firstColumn() {
return style.cellTableFirstColumn();
public String firstColumnFooter() {
return style.cellTableFirstColumnFooter();
public String firstColumnHeader() {
return style.cellTableFirstColumnHeader();
public String footer() {
return style.cellTableFooter();
public String header() {
return style.cellTableHeader();
public String hoveredRow() {
return style.cellTableHoveredRow();
public String hoveredRowCell() {
return style.cellTableHoveredRowCell();
public String keyboardSelectedCell() {
return style.cellTableKeyboardSelectedCell();
public String keyboardSelectedRow() {
return style.cellTableKeyboardSelectedRow();
public String keyboardSelectedRowCell() {
return style.cellTableKeyboardSelectedRowCell();
public String lastColumn() {
return style.cellTableLastColumn();
public String lastColumnFooter() {
return style.cellTableLastColumnFooter();
public String lastColumnHeader() {
return style.cellTableLastColumnHeader();
public String oddRow() {
return style.cellTableOddRow();
public String oddRowCell() {
return style.cellTableOddRowCell();
public String selectedRow() {
return style.cellTableSelectedRow();
public String selectedRowCell() {
return style.cellTableSelectedRowCell();
public String sortableHeader() {
return style.cellTableSortableHeader();
public String sortedHeaderAscending() {
return style.cellTableSortedHeaderAscending();
public String sortedHeaderDescending() {
return style.cellTableSortedHeaderDescending();
public String widget() {
return style.cellTableWidget();
* The default page size.
private static final int DEFAULT_PAGESIZE = 15;
private static Resources DEFAULT_RESOURCES;
private static Resources getDefaultResources() {
if (DEFAULT_RESOURCES == null) {
DEFAULT_RESOURCES = GWT.create(Resources.class);
* Create the default loading indicator using the loading image in the
* specified {@link Resources}.
* @param resources the resources
* @return a widget loading indicator
private static Widget createDefaultLoadingIndicator(Resources resources) {
ImageResource loadingImg = resources.cellTableLoading();
return (loadingImg == null) ? null : new Image(loadingImg);
final TableColElement colgroup;
private final SimplePanel emptyTableWidgetContainer = new SimplePanel();
private final SimplePanel loadingIndicatorContainer = new SimplePanel();
* A {@link DeckPanel} to hold widgets associated with various loading states.
private final DeckPanel messagesPanel = new DeckPanel();
private final Style style;
private final TableElement table;
private TableSectionElement tbody;
private final TableSectionElement tbodyLoading;
private final TableCellElement tbodyLoadingCell;
private TableSectionElement tfoot;
private TableSectionElement thead;
private boolean colGroupEnabled = true;
* Constructs a table with a default page size of 15.
public CellTable() {
* Constructs a table with the given page size.
* @param pageSize the page size
public CellTable(final int pageSize) {
this(pageSize, getDefaultResources());
* Constructs a table with a default page size of 15, and the given
* {@link ProvidesKey key provider}.
* @param keyProvider an instance of ProvidesKey, or null if the record
* object should act as its own key
public CellTable(ProvidesKey keyProvider) {
this(DEFAULT_PAGESIZE, keyProvider);
* Constructs a table with the given page size with the specified
* {@link Resources}.
* @param pageSize the page size
* @param resources the resources to use for this widget
public CellTable(int pageSize, Resources resources) {
this(pageSize, resources, null);
* Constructs a table with the given page size and the given
* {@link ProvidesKey key provider}.
* @param pageSize the page size
* @param keyProvider an instance of ProvidesKey, or null if the record
* object should act as its own key
public CellTable(int pageSize, ProvidesKey keyProvider) {
this(pageSize, getDefaultResources(), keyProvider);
* Constructs a table with the given page size, the specified
* {@link Resources}, and the given key provider.
* @param pageSize the page size
* @param resources the resources to use for this widget
* @param keyProvider an instance of ProvidesKey, or null if the record
* object should act as its own key
public CellTable(final int pageSize, Resources resources, ProvidesKey keyProvider) {
this(pageSize, resources, keyProvider, createDefaultLoadingIndicator(resources));
* Constructs a table with the specified page size, {@link Resources}, key
* provider, and loading indicator.
* @param pageSize the page size
* @param resources the resources to use for this widget
* @param keyProvider an instance of ProvidesKey, or null if the record
* object should act as its own key
* @param loadingIndicator the widget to use as a loading indicator, or null
* to disable
public CellTable(final int pageSize, Resources resources, ProvidesKey keyProvider,
Widget loadingIndicator) {
this(pageSize, resources, keyProvider, loadingIndicator, true, true);
* Constructs a table with the specified page size, {@link Resources}, key
* provider, and loading indicator.
* @param pageSize the page size
* @param resources the resources to use for this widget
* @param keyProvider an instance of ProvidesKey, or null if the record
* object should act as its own key
* @param loadingIndicator the widget to use as a loading indicator, or null
* to disable
* @param enableColGroup enable colgroup element. This is used when the table is using fixed
* layout and when column style is added. Ignoring this element will boost rendering
* performance. Note that when colgroup is disabled, {@link #setColumnWidth},
* {@link setTableLayoutFixed} and {@link addColumnStyleName} are no longe supported
* @param attachLoadingPanel attaching the table section that contains the empty table widget and
* the loading indicator. Attaching this to the table significantly improve the rendering
* performance in webkit based browsers but also introduces significantly larger latency
* in IE. If the panel is not attached to the table, it won't be displayed. But the user
* can call {@link #getTableLoadingSection} and attach it to other elements outside the
* table element
public CellTable(final int pageSize, Resources resources, ProvidesKey keyProvider,
Widget loadingIndicator, boolean enableColGroup, boolean attachLoadingPanel) {
super(Document.get().createTableElement(), pageSize, new ResourcesAdapter(resources),
this.style = resources.cellTableStyle();
this.colGroupEnabled = enableColGroup;
table = getElement().cast();
if (enableColGroup) {
colgroup = Document.get().createColGroupElement();
} else {
colgroup = null;
thead = table.createTHead();
// Some browsers create a tbody automatically, others do not.
if (table.getTBodies().getLength() > 0) {
tbody = table.getTBodies().getItem(0);
} else {
tbody = Document.get().createTBodyElement();
tbodyLoading = Document.get().createTBodyElement();
if (attachLoadingPanel) {
tfoot = table.createTFoot();
// Attach the messages panel.
tbodyLoadingCell = Document.get().createTDElement();
TableRowElement tr = Document.get().createTRElement();
// Set the loading indicator.
setLoadingIndicator(loadingIndicator); // Can be null.
// Sink events.
Set eventTypes = new HashSet();
CellBasedWidgetImpl.get().sinkEvents(this, eventTypes);
public void addColumnStyleName(int index, String styleName) {
assertColumnGroupEnabled("Cannot add column style when colgroup is disabled");
* Return the height of the table body.
* @return an int representing the body height
public int getBodyHeight() {
return tbody.getClientHeight();
* Return the height of the table header.
* @return an int representing the header height
public int getHeaderHeight() {
return thead.getClientHeight();
* Return the section that display loading indicator and the empty table widget. If
* attachLoadingPanel is set to false in the constructor, this section may not be attached
* to any element.
public TableSectionElement getTableLoadingSection() {
return tbodyLoading;
public void onTableBodyChange(TableSectionElement newTBody) {
tbody = newTBody;
public void onTableFootChange(TableSectionElement newTFoot) {
tfoot = newTFoot;
public void onTableHeadChange(TableSectionElement newTHead) {
thead = newTHead;
public void removeColumnStyleName(int index, String styleName) {
assertColumnGroupEnabled("Cannot remove column style when colgroup is disabled");
if (index >= colgroup.getChildCount()) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* The layout behavior depends on whether or not the table is using fixed
* layout.
* @see #setTableLayoutFixed(boolean)
public void setColumnWidth(Column column, String width) {
assertColumnGroupEnabled("Cannot set column width when colgroup is disabled");
// Overridden to add JavaDoc comments about fixed layout.
super.setColumnWidth(column, width);
* {@inheritDoc}
* The layout behavior depends on whether or not the table is using fixed
* layout.
* @see #setTableLayoutFixed(boolean)
public void setColumnWidth(Column column, double width, Unit unit) {
// Overridden to add JavaDoc comments about fixed layout.
super.setColumnWidth(column, width, unit);
public void setEmptyTableWidget(Widget widget) {
public void setLoadingIndicator(Widget widget) {
* Enable or disable fixed table layout.
Fixed Table Layout
* When using the fixed table layout, cell contents are truncated as needed,
* which allows you to set the exact width of columns and the table. The
* default column width is 0 (invisible). In order to see all columns, you
* must set the width of the table (recommended 100%), or set the width of
* every column in the table. The following conditions are true for fixed
* layout tables:
* -
* If the widths of all columns are set, the width becomes a weight and
* the columns are resized proportionally.
* - If the widths of some columns are set using absolute values
* (PX), those columns are fixed and the remaining width is divided evenly
* over the other columns. If there is no remaining width, the other columns
* will not be visible.
* - If the width of some columns are set in absolute values (PX) and others
* are set in relative values (PCT), the absolute columns will be fixed and
* the remaining width is divided proportionally over the PCT columns. This
* allows users to define how the remaining width is allocated.
* @param isFixed true to use fixed table layout, false not to
* @see W3C HTML
* Specification
public void setTableLayoutFixed(boolean isFixed) {
if (isFixed && !colGroupEnabled) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set table to fixed layout when colgroup is disabled");
if (isFixed) {
} else {
* Set the width of the width and specify whether or not it should use fixed
* table layout. See {@link #setTableLayoutFixed(boolean)} for more
* information about fixed layout tables.
* @param width the width of the table
* @param isFixedLayout true to use fixed width layout, false not to
* @see #setTableLayoutFixed(boolean)
* @see W3C HTML
* Specification
public final void setWidth(String width, boolean isFixedLayout) {
protected void doSetColumnWidth(int column, String width) {
// This is invoked when column width is set (which will throw an exception if colgroup is not
// enabled), and refreshColumnWidth/clearColumnWidth. The latter two are no op if setColumnWidth
// is not invoked first.
if (colGroupEnabled) {
if (width == null) {
} else {
ensureTableColElement(column).getStyle().setProperty("width", width);
protected void doSetHeaderVisible(boolean isFooter, boolean isVisible) {
setVisible(isFooter ? tfoot : thead, isVisible);
protected TableSectionElement getTableBodyElement() {
return tbody;
protected TableSectionElement getTableFootElement() {
return tfoot;
protected TableSectionElement getTableHeadElement() {
return thead;
* Called when the loading state changes.
* @param state the new loading state
protected void onLoadingStateChanged(LoadingState state) {
Widget message = null;
if (state == LoadingState.LOADING) {
// Loading indicator.
message = loadingIndicatorContainer;
} else if (state == LoadingState.LOADED && getPresenter().isEmpty()) {
// Empty table.
message = emptyTableWidgetContainer;
// Switch out the message to display.
if (message != null) {
// Adjust the colspan of the messages panel container.
tbodyLoadingCell.setColSpan(Math.max(1, getRealColumnCount()));
// Show the correct container.
showOrHide(getChildContainer(), message == null);
showOrHide(tbodyLoading, message != null);
// Fire an event.
protected void refreshColumnWidths() {
* Set the width to zero for all col elements that appear after the last
* column. Clearing the width would cause it to take up the remaining width
* in a fixed layout table.
if (colGroupEnabled) {
int colCount = colgroup.getChildCount();
for (int i = getRealColumnCount(); i < colCount; i++) {
doSetColumnWidth(i, "0px");
* Assert if colgroup is enabled, and throw an exception with the supplied message if it's not
* enabled.
private void assertColumnGroupEnabled(String message) {
if (!colGroupEnabled) {
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
* Get the {@link TableColElement} at the specified index, creating it if
* necessary.
* @param index the column index
* @return the {@link TableColElement}
private TableColElement ensureTableColElement(int index) {
// Ensure that we have enough columns.
for (int i = colgroup.getChildCount(); i <= index; i++) {
return colgroup.getChild(index).cast();
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