com.xxdb.DBConnection Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.xxdb;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.xxdb.comm.SqlStdEnum;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Sets up a connection to DolphinDB server through TCP/IP protocol
* Executes DolphinDB scripts
* Example:
* import com.xxdb;
* DBConnection conn = new DBConnection();
* boolean success = conn.connect("localhost", 8080);
public class DBConnection {
private static final int MAX_FORM_VALUE = Entity.DATA_FORM.values().length - 1;
private static final int MAX_TYPE_VALUE = Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_DECIMAL128_ARRAY.getValue();
private static final int DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 4;
private static final int DEFAULT_PARALLELISM = 64;
private ReentrantLock mutex_;
private DBConnectionImpl conn_;
private String uid_;
private String pwd_;
private String initialScript_ = null;
private boolean enableHighAvailability_;
private List nodes_ = new ArrayList<>();
private Random nodeRandom_ = new Random();
private int connTimeout_ = 0;
private int connectTimeout_ = 0;
private int readTimeout_ = 0;
private boolean closed_ = false;
private boolean loadBalance_ = false;
private String runClientId_ = null;
private long runSeqNo_ = 0;
private int[] serverVersion_;
private boolean isReverseStreaming_ = false;
private int tryReconnectNums = -1;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DBConnection.class);
private enum ExceptionType{
public int value;
ExceptionType(int value){
this.value = value;
private static class Node {
private String hostName;
private int port;
private double load = -1.0;
public Node(){
this.load = -1.0;
public Node(String hostName, int port, double load){
this.hostName = hostName;
this.port = port;
this.load = load;
public Node(String hostName, int port){
this.hostName = hostName;
this.port = port;
this.load = -1.0;
public Node(String ipPort){
String[] v = ipPort.split(":");
if (v.length < 2){
throw new RuntimeException("The ipPort '" + ipPort + "' is invalid.");
this.hostName = v[0];
this.port = Integer.parseInt(v[1]);
this.load = -1.0;
public boolean equals(Object o){
if(o instanceof Node) {
Node node = (Node) o;
return false;
int diff = hostName.compareTo(node.hostName);
if (diff != 0)
return false;
return port == node.port;
return false;
enum Property{
private class DBConnectionImpl{
private Socket socket_;
private String sessionID_;
private String hostName_;
private int port_;
private String userId_;
private String pwd_;
private boolean encrypted_ = true;
private boolean isConnected_;
private boolean sslEnable_ = false;
private boolean asynTask_ = false;
private boolean compress_ = false;
private boolean ifUrgent_ = false;
private int connTimeout_ = 0;
private int connectTimeout_ = 0;
private int readTimeout_ = 0;
private ExtendedDataInput in_;
private ExtendedDataOutput out_;
private boolean remoteLittleEndian_;
private ReentrantLock lock_;
private boolean isReverseStreaming_ = false;
private boolean python_ = false;
private SqlStdEnum sqlStd_;
private DBConnectionImpl(boolean asynTask, boolean sslEnable, boolean compress, boolean python, boolean ifUrgent, boolean isReverseStreaming, SqlStdEnum sqlStd){
sessionID_ = "";
this.sslEnable_ = sslEnable;
this.asynTask_ = asynTask;
this.compress_ = compress;
this.ifUrgent_ = ifUrgent;
this.python_ = python;
this.isReverseStreaming_ = isReverseStreaming;
this.sqlStd_ = sqlStd;
this.lock_ = new ReentrantLock();
private boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, int connTimeout, int connectTimeout, int readTimeout) throws IOException{
this.hostName_ = hostName;
this.port_ = port;
this.userId_ = userId;
this.pwd_ = password;
this.connTimeout_ = connTimeout;
this.connectTimeout_ = connectTimeout;
this.readTimeout_ = readTimeout;
return connect();
private boolean connect() throws IOException {
this.isConnected_ = false;
try {
if (sslEnable_)
socket_ = getSSLSocketFactory().createSocket();
socket_ = new Socket();
// set 'connectTimeout' param to connect()
if (this.connTimeout_ > 0 && this.connectTimeout_ == 0)
socket_.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostName_, port_), connTimeout_);
else if (this.connTimeout_ > 0 && this.connectTimeout_ > 0)
socket_.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostName_, port_), connectTimeout_);
else if (this.connTimeout_ == 0 && this.connectTimeout_ > 0)
socket_.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostName_, port_), connectTimeout_);
else if (this.connTimeout_ == 0 && this.connectTimeout_ == 0)
socket_.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostName_, port_), 3000);
} catch (IOException ex) {
log.error("Connect to " + this.hostName_ + ":" + this.port_ + " failed.");
throw ex;
// set 'readTimeout' param to setSoTimeout
if (this.connTimeout_ > 0 && this.readTimeout_ == 0)
else if (this.connTimeout_ > 0 && this.readTimeout_ > 0)
else if (this.connTimeout_ == 0 && this.readTimeout_ > 0)
out_ = new LittleEndianDataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(socket_.getOutputStream()));
in_ = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(socket_.getInputStream()));
String body = "connect\n";
out_.writeBytes("API 0 ");
int flag = generateRequestFlag(false);
out_.writeBytes(" / " + String.valueOf(flag) + "_1_" + String.valueOf(4) + "_" + String.valueOf(2));
String line = in_.readLine();
int endPos = line.indexOf(' ');
if (endPos <= 0) {
return false;
sessionID_ = line.substring(0, endPos);
int startPos = endPos + 1;
endPos = line.indexOf(' ', startPos);
if (endPos != line.length() - 2) {
return false;
String msg = in_.readLine();
isConnected_ = true;
if (line.charAt(endPos + 1) == '0') {
remoteLittleEndian_ = false;
out_ = new BigEndianDataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(socket_.getOutputStream()));
} else
remoteLittleEndian_ = true;
if (!userId_.isEmpty() && !pwd_.isEmpty()) {
if (asynTask_) {
login(userId_, pwd_, false);
} else {
}"Connect to " + this.hostName_ + ":" + this.port_ + " successfully.");
return true;
private int generateRequestFlag(boolean clearSessionMemory){
int flag = 0;
if (this.ifUrgent_)
flag += 1;
flag += 4;
flag += 16;
flag += 64;
if (this.python_)
flag += 2048;
if (this.isReverseStreaming_)
flag += 131072;
if (Objects.nonNull(this.sqlStd_)) {
flag += sqlStd_.getCode()<<19;
return flag;
private void login(String userId, String password, boolean enableEncryption) throws IOException {
try {
this.userId_ = userId;
this.pwd_ = password;
this.encrypted_ = enableEncryption;
} finally {
private void login() throws IOException {
List args = new ArrayList<>();
if (encrypted_) {
BasicString keyCode = (BasicString) run("getDynamicPublicKey", new ArrayList(),0);
PublicKey key = RSAUtils.getPublicKey(keyCode.getString());
byte[] usr = RSAUtils.encryptByPublicKey(userId_.getBytes(), key);
byte[] pass = RSAUtils.encryptByPublicKey(pwd_.getBytes(), key);
args.add(new BasicString(Base64.getMimeEncoder().encodeToString(usr)));
args.add(new BasicString(Base64.getMimeEncoder().encodeToString(pass)));
args.add(new BasicBoolean(true));
} else {
args.add(new BasicString(userId_));
args.add(new BasicString(pwd_));
run("login", args, 0);
private Entity run(String script,long seqNum) throws IOException {
List args = new ArrayList<>();
return run(script, "script", (ProgressListener)null, args, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM, 0, false, seqNum);
private Entity run(String script, ProgressListener listener,int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize, boolean clearMemory, String tableName, long seqNum) throws IOException{
List args = new ArrayList<>();
return run(script, "script", listener, args, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, clearMemory, tableName,seqNum);
private Entity run(String function, List arguments,long seqNum) throws IOException {
return run(function,"function", (ProgressListener)null, arguments, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM, 0, false, seqNum);
private Entity run(String function, String scriptType, List arguments,long seqNum)throws IOException{
return run(function, scriptType, (ProgressListener)null, arguments, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM, 0, false, seqNum);
private Entity run(String function, ProgressListener listener,List args, int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize, boolean clearMemory,long seqNum) throws IOException{
return run(function, "function", listener, args, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, clearMemory,seqNum);
private Entity run(String script, String scriptType, ProgressListener listener, List args, int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize, boolean clearMemory,long seqNum) throws IOException{
return run(script, scriptType, listener, args, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, clearMemory, "", seqNum);
//flag) + "_1_" + String.valueOf(priority) + "_" + String.valueOf(parallelism));
// if (fetchSize > 0)
// out_.writeBytes("__" + String.valueOf(fetchSize
private Entity run(String script, String scriptType, ProgressListener listener, List args, int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize, boolean clearMemory, String tableName, long seqNum) throws IOException{
if (!isConnected_)
throw new IOException("Couldn't send script/function to the remote host because the connection has been closed");
if (fetchSize > 0 && fetchSize < 8192)
throw new IOException("fetchSize must be greater than 8192");
if (socket_ == null || !socket_.isConnected() || socket_.isClosed()) {
if (sessionID_.isEmpty())
throw new IOException("Database connection is not established yet.");
else {
socket_ = new Socket(hostName_, port_);
out_ = new LittleEndianDataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(socket_.getOutputStream()));
if (!tableName.equals("")){
script = tableName + "=" + script;
BasicDictionary schema = (BasicDictionary) run(tableName + ".schema()",0);
BasicTable colDefs = (BasicTable)schema.get(new BasicString("colDefs"));
BasicStringVector colDefsName = (BasicStringVector)colDefs.getColumn("name");
BasicIntVector colDefsTypeInt = (BasicIntVector)colDefs.getColumn("typeInt");
int cols = colDefs.rows();
int rows = ((BasicInt) run("rows(" + tableName + ")",0)).getInt();
Map types2Index = new HashMap<>();
Map name2Index = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++){
types2Index.put(types2Index.size(), Entity.DATA_TYPE.valueOf(colDefsTypeInt.getInt(i)));
name2Index.put(name2Index.size(), colDefsName.getString(i));
return new BasicTableSchema(types2Index, name2Index, rows, cols, tableName,DBConnection.this);
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();
int argCount = args.size();
if (scriptType == "script")
body.append("script\n" + script) ;
else {
body.append(scriptType + "\n" + script);
body.append("\n" + String.valueOf(argCount));
body.append(remoteLittleEndian_ ? "1" : "0");
try {
out_.writeBytes((listener != null ? "API2 " : "API ") + sessionID_ + " ");
out_.writeBytes(String.valueOf(AbstractExtendedDataOutputStream.getUTFlength(body.toString(), 0, 0)));
int flag = generateRequestFlag(clearMemory);
Map properties=new HashMap<>();
properties.put(Property.flag, flag);
properties.put(Property.priority, priority);
properties.put(Property.parallelism, parallelism);
//String propInfo=" / " + String.valueOf(flag) + "_1_" + String.valueOf(priority) + "_" + String.valueOf(parallelism);
//out_.writeBytes(" / " + String.valueOf(flag) + "_1_" + String.valueOf(priority) + "_" + String.valueOf(parallelism));
//if (fetchSize > 0)
// out_.writeBytes("__" + String.valueOf(fetchSize));
if (fetchSize > 0)
properties.put(Property.fetchSize, fetchSize);
if(enableHighAvailability_ && runClientId_ != null && seqNum != 0){
properties.put(Property.clientId, runClientId_);
properties.put(Property.seqNo, seqNum);
{//write properties
int lastNotNullValue = -1;
StringBuilder sbProp = new StringBuilder(" / ");
for (Property key : Property.values()) {
Object value = properties.get(key);
if (value != null) {
lastNotNullValue = sbProp.length();
sbProp.delete(lastNotNullValue, sbProp.length());
if (argCount > 0){
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
if (compress_ && args.get(i).isTable()) {
args.get(i).writeCompressed(out_); //TODO: which compress method to use
} else
}else {
}catch (IOException ex){
isConnected_ = false;
socket_ = null;
throw new IOException("Couldn't send script/function to the remote host because the connection has been closed");
if (asynTask_)
return null;
String header = null;
try {
header = in_.readLine();
while (header.equals("MSG")) {
//read intermediate message to indicate the progress
String msg = in_.readString();
if (listener != null)
header = in_.readLine();
}catch (IOException ex){
if (ex instanceof SocketTimeoutException) {
// isConnected_ = true;
throw ex;
} else {
isConnected_ = false;
socket_ = null;
throw new IOException("Failed to read response header from the socket with IO error " + ex.getMessage());
String[] headers = header.split(" ");
if (headers.length != 3){
isConnected_ = false;
socket_ = null;
throw new IOException("Received invalid header");
int numObject = Integer.parseInt(headers[1]);
try {
header = in_.readLine();
}catch (IOException ex){
isConnected_ = false;
socket_ = null;
throw new IOException("Failed to read response header from the socket with IO error " + ex.getMessage());
if (!header.equals("OK")){
if (scriptType == "script")
throw new IOException(hostName_+":"+port_+" Server response: " + header + ". script: " + script + "");
throw new IOException(hostName_+":"+port_+" Server response: " + header + ". " + scriptType + ": " + script + "");
if (numObject == 0){
return new Void();
short flag;
try {
flag = in_.readShort();
int form = flag >> 8;
int type = flag & 0xff;
boolean extended = type >= 128;
if(type >= 128)
type -= 128;
if (form < 0 || form > MAX_FORM_VALUE)
throw new IOException("Invalid form value: " + form);
if (type < 0 || type > MAX_TYPE_VALUE)
throw new IOException("Invalid type value: " + type);
Entity.DATA_FORM df = Entity.DATA_FORM.values()[form];
Entity.DATA_TYPE dt = Entity.DATA_TYPE.valueOf(type);
if(fetchSize>0 && df == Entity.DATA_FORM.DF_VECTOR && dt == Entity.DATA_TYPE.DT_ANY){
return new EntityBlockReader(in_);
EntityFactory factory = BasicEntityFactory.instance();
return factory.createEntity(df, dt, in_, extended);
}catch (IOException ex){
isConnected_ = false;
socket_ = null;
throw new IOException("Failed to read object flag from the socket with IO error type " + ex.getMessage());
public void upload(String name, Entity obj,long seqNum) throws IOException{
if (!Utils.isVariableCandidate(name))
throw new RuntimeException(name + " is not a qualified variable name.");
List args = new ArrayList<>();
run(name, "variable", args, seqNum);
public void upload(List names, List objs,long seqNum) throws IOException{
if (names.size() != objs.size())
throw new RuntimeException("the size of variable names doesn't match the size of objects.");
if (names.isEmpty())
StringBuilder varNames = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i){
if (!Utils.isVariableCandidate(names.get(i)))
throw new RuntimeException(names.get(i) + " is not a qualified variable name.");
if (i > 0)
run(varNames.toString(), "variable", objs, seqNum);
public void close(){
try {
if (socket_ != null){
socket_ = null;
sessionID_ = "";
}catch (IOException ex){
}finally {
isConnected_ = false;
public boolean isConnected(){
return isConnected_;
public void getNode(Node node){
node.hostName = hostName_;
node.port = port_;
public boolean getRemoteLittleEndian(){
return this.remoteLittleEndian_;
public ExtendedDataInput getDataInputStream() {
return in_;
private DBConnectionImpl createEnableReverseStreamingDBConnectionImpl(boolean asynTask, boolean sslEnable, boolean compress, boolean python, boolean ifUrgent, SqlStdEnum sqlStd) {
return new DBConnectionImpl(asynTask, sslEnable, compress, python, ifUrgent, true, sqlStd);
public DBConnection() {
this(false, false, false);
public DBConnection(SqlStdEnum sqlStd) {
this(false, false, false, false, false, sqlStd);
public DBConnection(boolean asynchronousTask) {
this(asynchronousTask, false, false);
public DBConnection(boolean asynchronousTask, boolean useSSL) {
this(asynchronousTask, useSSL, false);
public DBConnection(boolean asynchronousTask, boolean useSSL, boolean compress) {
this(asynchronousTask, useSSL, compress, false);
public DBConnection(boolean asynchronousTask, boolean useSSL, boolean compress, boolean usePython){
this.conn_ = new DBConnectionImpl(asynchronousTask, useSSL, compress, usePython, false, false, SqlStdEnum.DolphinDB);
this.mutex_ = new ReentrantLock();
public DBConnection(boolean asynchronousTask, boolean useSSL, boolean compress, boolean usePython, SqlStdEnum sqlStd){
this.conn_ = new DBConnectionImpl(asynchronousTask, useSSL, compress, usePython, false, false, sqlStd);
this.mutex_ = new ReentrantLock();
public DBConnection(boolean asynchronousTask, boolean useSSL, boolean compress, boolean usePython, boolean isUrgent){
this.conn_ = new DBConnectionImpl(asynchronousTask, useSSL, compress, usePython, isUrgent, false, SqlStdEnum.DolphinDB);
this.mutex_ = new ReentrantLock();
public DBConnection(boolean asynchronousTask, boolean useSSL, boolean compress, boolean usePython, boolean isUrgent, SqlStdEnum sqlStd){
this.conn_ = new DBConnectionImpl(asynchronousTask, useSSL, compress, usePython, isUrgent, false, sqlStd);
this.mutex_ = new ReentrantLock();
* This method has been deprecated since 'Java API'.
* @param asynchronousTask
* @param useSSL
* @param compress
* @param usePython
* @param isUrgent
* @param isReverseStreaming
* @param sqlStd
private DBConnection(boolean asynchronousTask, boolean useSSL, boolean compress, boolean usePython, boolean isUrgent, boolean isReverseStreaming, SqlStdEnum sqlStd){
this.conn_ = new DBConnectionImpl(asynchronousTask, useSSL, compress, usePython, isUrgent, isReverseStreaming, sqlStd);
this.mutex_ = new ReentrantLock();
public static DBConnection internalCreateEnableReverseStreamingDBConnection(boolean asynchronousTask, boolean useSSL, boolean compress, boolean usePython, boolean isUrgent, SqlStdEnum sqlStd) {
return new DBConnection(asynchronousTask, useSSL, compress, usePython, isUrgent, true, sqlStd);
public boolean isBusy() {
if (!mutex_.tryLock())
return true;
else {
return false;
private int getVersionNumber(String ver) {
try {
String[] s = ver.split(" ");
if (s.length >= 2) {
String vernum = s[0].replace(".", "");
return Integer.parseInt(vernum);
catch (Exception ex) {}
return 0;
public void setLoadBalance(boolean loadBalance){
this.loadBalance_ = loadBalance;
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", null, false, null);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, int timeout) throws IOException {
this.connTimeout_ = timeout;
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", null, false, null);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, int connectTimeout, int readTimeout) throws IOException {
if (connectTimeout < 0 || readTimeout < 0) {
log.error("The param connectTimeout or readTimeout cannot less than zero.");
return false;
this.connectTimeout_ = connectTimeout;
this.readTimeout_ = readTimeout;
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", null, false, null);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, int timeout, boolean reconnect) throws IOException {
this.connTimeout_ = timeout;
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", null, false, null, reconnect);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, boolean reconnect) throws IOException {
if (connectTimeout < 0 || readTimeout < 0) {
log.error("The param connectTimeout or readTimeout cannot less than zero.");
return false;
this.connectTimeout_ = connectTimeout;
this.readTimeout_ = readTimeout;
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", null, false, null, reconnect);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, int timeout, boolean reconnect, int tryReconnectNums) throws IOException {
this.connTimeout_ = timeout;
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", null, false, null, reconnect, tryReconnectNums);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, boolean reconnect, int tryReconnectNums) throws IOException {
if (connectTimeout < 0 || readTimeout < 0) {
log.error("The param connectTimeout or readTimeout cannot less than zero.");
return false;
this.connectTimeout_ = connectTimeout;
this.readTimeout_ = readTimeout;
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", null, false, null, reconnect, tryReconnectNums);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String initialScript) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", initialScript, false, null);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String initialScript, boolean enableHighAvailability) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", initialScript, enableHighAvailability, null);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, boolean enableHighAvailability) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", null, enableHighAvailability, null);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String[] highAvailabilitySites) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", null, true, highAvailabilitySites);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String initialScript, String[] highAvailabilitySites) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, "", "", initialScript, true, highAvailabilitySites);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, null, false, null);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, boolean enableHighAvailability) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, null, enableHighAvailability, null);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, String[] highAvailabilitySites) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, null, true, highAvailabilitySites);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, String initialScript) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, initialScript, false, null);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, String initialScript, boolean enableHighAvailability) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, initialScript, enableHighAvailability, null);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, String initialScript, String[] highAvailabilitySites) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, initialScript, true, highAvailabilitySites);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, String initialScript, boolean enableHighAvailability, String[] highAvailabilitySites) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, initialScript, enableHighAvailability, highAvailabilitySites, false);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, String initialScript, boolean enableHighAvailability, String[] highAvailabilitySites, boolean reconnect) throws IOException {
if (enableHighAvailability)
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, initialScript, enableHighAvailability, highAvailabilitySites, reconnect, true);
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, initialScript, enableHighAvailability, highAvailabilitySites, reconnect, false);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, String initialScript, boolean enableHighAvailability, String[] highAvailabilitySites, boolean reconnect, int tryReconnectNums) throws IOException {
if (enableHighAvailability)
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, initialScript, enableHighAvailability, highAvailabilitySites, reconnect, true, tryReconnectNums);
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, initialScript, enableHighAvailability, highAvailabilitySites, reconnect, false, tryReconnectNums);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, String initialScript, boolean enableHighAvailability, String[] highAvailabilitySites, boolean reconnect, boolean enableLoadBalance) throws IOException {
return connect(hostName, port, userId, password, initialScript, enableHighAvailability, highAvailabilitySites, reconnect, enableLoadBalance, -1);
public boolean connect(String hostName, int port, String userId, String password, String initialScript, boolean enableHighAvailability, String[] highAvailabilitySites, boolean reconnect, boolean enableLoadBalance, int tryReconnectNums) throws IOException {
try {
this.uid_ = userId;
this.pwd_ = password;
this.initialScript_ = initialScript;
this.enableHighAvailability_ = enableHighAvailability;
this.loadBalance_ = enableLoadBalance;
if (tryReconnectNums <= 0)
this.tryReconnectNums = -1;
this.tryReconnectNums = tryReconnectNums;
if (this.loadBalance_ && !this.enableHighAvailability_)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot only enable loadbalance but not enable highAvailablity.");
if (enableHighAvailability) {
nodes_.add(new Node(hostName, port));
if (highAvailabilitySites != null) {
for (String site : highAvailabilitySites) {
Node node = new Node(site);
if (!nodes_.contains(node))
Node connectedNode = new Node();
BasicTable bt = null;
while (!closed_) {
int totalConnectAttemptNums = this.tryReconnectNums * nodes_.size();
int attempt = 0;
while (!conn_.isConnected() && !closed_) {
if (this.tryReconnectNums > 0) {
// finite try to connect.
for (Node one : nodes_) {
attempt ++;
// System.out.println("Current init connect node: " + one.hostName + ":" + one.port);
if (connectNode(one)) {
connectedNode = one;
try {
} catch (Exception e){
return false;
if (attempt == totalConnectAttemptNums) {
log.error("Connect failed after " + tryReconnectNums + " reconnect attempts for every node in high availability sites.");
return false;
} else {
// infinite try to connect.
for (Node one : nodes_) {
if (connectNode(one)) {
connectedNode = one;
try {
} catch (Exception e){
return false;
try {
bt = (BasicTable)"select host,port,(memoryUsed/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0)/maxMemSize as memLoad,ratio(connectionNum,maxConnections) as connLoad,avgLoad from rpc(getControllerAlias(),getClusterPerf) where mode=0",0);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("ERROR getting other data nodes, exception: " + e.getMessage());
Node node1 = new Node();
if (isConnected()) {
ExceptionType type = parseException(e.getMessage(), node1);
if (type == ExceptionType.ET_IGNORE){
} else if (type == ExceptionType.ET_NEWLEADER || type == ExceptionType.ET_NODENOTAVAIL){
} else {
if (closed_)
return false;
if ( bt!=null && bt.getDataForm() != Entity.DATA_FORM.DF_TABLE)
throw new IOException("Run getClusterPerf() failed.");
if (bt!=null) {
if (!loadBalance_) {
if (highAvailabilitySites == null) {
BasicStringVector colHost = (BasicStringVector) bt.getColumn("host");
BasicIntVector colPort = (BasicIntVector) bt.getColumn("port");
for (int i = 0; i < colHost.rows(); i++) {
Node curNode = new Node(colHost.getString(i), colPort.getInt(i));
if (!(curNode.hostName.equals(hostName) && curNode.port == port))
} else {
// enable loadBalance
//ignore very high load nodes, rand one in low load nodes
List lowLoadNodes=new ArrayList<>();
BasicStringVector colHost = (BasicStringVector) bt.getColumn("host");
BasicIntVector colPort = (BasicIntVector) bt.getColumn("port");
BasicDoubleVector memLoad = (BasicDoubleVector) bt.getColumn("memLoad");
BasicDoubleVector connLoad = (BasicDoubleVector) bt.getColumn("connLoad");
BasicDoubleVector avgLoad = (BasicDoubleVector) bt.getColumn("avgLoad");
for (int i = 0; i < colHost.rows(); i++) {
Node nodex = new Node(colHost.getString(i), colPort.getInt(i));
Node pexistNode = null;
if (highAvailabilitySites != null) {
for (Node node : nodes_) {
if ((node.hostName.equals(nodex.hostName) || nodex.hostName.equals("localhost")) && node.port == nodex.port){
pexistNode = node;
//node is out of highAvailabilitySites
if (pexistNode == null)
double load=(memLoad.getDouble(i)+connLoad.getDouble(i)+avgLoad.getDouble(i))/3.0;
if (pexistNode != null) {
pexistNode.load = load;
} else {
pexistNode=new Node(colHost.getString(i), colPort.getInt(i), load);
// low load
if (memLoad.getDouble(i)<0.8 && connLoad.getDouble(i)<0.9 && avgLoad.getDouble(i)<0.8)
Node pMinNode;
if (!lowLoadNodes.isEmpty()) {
} else {
if (pMinNode != null && !pMinNode.equals(connectedNode)){"Switch to node: " + pMinNode.hostName + ":" + pMinNode.port);
} else {
if (reconnect) {
nodes_.add(new Node(hostName, port));
switchDataNode(new Node(hostName, port));
} else {
if (!connectNode(new Node(hostName, port)))
return false;
return true;
} finally {
private void initConnection() throws IOException{
runClientId_ = null;
if(getServerVersion()) {
if (checkClientIdValid()) {
runClientId_ = BasicUuid.random().getString();
runSeqNo_ = 0;
if (initialScript_!=null && initialScript_.length() > 0){
public void switchDataNode(Node node) throws IOException{
int attempt = 0;
boolean isConnected = false;
do {
attempt ++;
if (node.hostName != null && node.hostName.length() > 0) {
if (connectNode(node)) {
if (nodes_.size() > 1)"Switch to node: " + node.hostName + ":" + node.port + " successfully.");
isConnected = true;
if (nodes_.isEmpty()){
log.error("Connect to " + node.hostName + ":" + node.port + " failed.");
throw new RuntimeException("Connect to " + node.hostName + ":" + node.port + " failed.");
if (nodes_.size() > 1) {
int index = nodeRandom_.nextInt(nodes_.size());
if (connectNode(nodes_.get(index))){"Switch to node: " + nodes_.get(index).hostName + ":" + nodes_.get(index).port + " successfully.");
isConnected = true;
try {
} catch (Exception e){
} while (!closed_ && (tryReconnectNums == -1 || attempt < tryReconnectNums));
if (!closed_ && !isConnected)
throw new RuntimeException("Connect to " + node.hostName + ":" + node.port + " failed after " + attempt + " reconnect attempts.");
if (initialScript_!=null && initialScript_.length() > 0){
public boolean connectNode(Node node) throws IOException {"Connect to " + node.hostName + ":" + node.port + ".");
while (!closed_){
try {
return conn_.connect(node.hostName, node.port, uid_, pwd_, connTimeout_, connectTimeout_, readTimeout_);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (isConnected()){
Node tmpNode = new Node();
tmpNode.hostName = node.hostName;
tmpNode.port = node.port;
ExceptionType type = parseException(e.getMessage(), tmpNode);
if (type != ExceptionType.ET_NEWLEADER){
if (type == ExceptionType.ET_IGNORE)
return true;
else if (type == ExceptionType.ET_NODENOTAVAIL)
return false;
throw e;
} else {
if (Objects.nonNull(e.getMessage()))
return false;
try {
}catch (Exception e){
return false;
return false;
public ExceptionType parseException(String msg, Node node) {
node.hostName = "";
node.port = 0;
return ExceptionType.ET_UNKNOW;
int index = msg.indexOf("");
if (index != -1){
index = msg.indexOf(">");
String ipport = msg.substring(index + 1);
if (!Pattern.matches("\\d+", ipport)) {
log.error("The control node you are accessing is not the leader node of the highly available (raft) cluster.");
return ExceptionType.ET_NOTLEADER;
} else {
parseIpPort(ipport, node);"New leader is " + node.hostName + ":" + node.port);
return ExceptionType.ET_NEWLEADER;
}else if ((index = msg.indexOf("")) != -1){
index = msg.indexOf(">");
String ipport = msg.substring(index + 1);
Node newNode = new Node();
parseIpPort(ipport, newNode);
Node lastNode = new Node();
node.hostName = "";
node.port = 0;;
return ExceptionType.ET_NODENOTAVAIL;
}else if ((index = msg.indexOf("The datanode isn't initialized yet. Please try again later")) != -1){
node.hostName = "";
node.port = 0;
return ExceptionType.ET_NOINITIALIZED;
} else if (msg.contains("Read timed out")) {
return ExceptionType.ET_READTIMEDOUT;
} else if (msg.contains("Failed to read response header from the socket with IO error null")) {
return ExceptionType.ET_NORESPONSEHEADER;
} else {
node.hostName = "";
node.port = 0;
return ExceptionType.ET_UNKNOW;
public void parseIpPort(String ipport, Node node){
String[] v = ipport.split(":");
if (v.length < 2){
throw new RuntimeException("The ipPort '" + ipport + "' is invalid.");
node.hostName = v[0];
node.port = Integer.parseInt(v[1]);
public boolean connected(){
try {
BasicInt ret= (BasicInt)"1+1",0);
return !ret.isNull() && (ret.getInt() == 2);
}catch (Exception e){
return false;
public void login(String userId, String password, boolean enableEncryption)throws IOException{
conn_.login(userId, password, enableEncryption);
uid_ = userId;
pwd_ = password;
public boolean getRemoteLittleEndian() {
return this.conn_.getRemoteLittleEndian();
public Entity tryRun(String script) throws IOException {
public Entity tryRun(String script, int priority, int parallelism) throws IOException {
return tryRun(script, priority, parallelism, 0, false);
public Entity tryRun(String script, int priority, int parallelism, boolean clearSessionMemory) throws IOException {
return tryRun(script, priority, parallelism, 0, clearSessionMemory);
public Entity tryRun(String script, int priority, int parallelism,int fetchSize, boolean clearSessionMemory) throws IOException {
if (!mutex_.tryLock())
return null;
try {
return run(script, (ProgressListener) null, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, clearSessionMemory);
} finally {
public Entity run(String script, String tableName) throws IOException{
return run(script, (ProgressListener) null, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM, 0, false, tableName);
public Entity run(String script) throws IOException {
return run(script, (ProgressListener) null, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM);
public Entity run(String script, int priority) throws IOException {
return run(script, (ProgressListener) null, priority, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM);
public Entity run(String script, int priority, int parallelism) throws IOException {
return run(script, (ProgressListener) null, priority, parallelism);
public Entity run(String script, ProgressListener listener) throws IOException {
return run(script, listener, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM);
public Entity run(String script, ProgressListener listener, boolean clearSessionMemory) throws IOException {
return run(script, listener, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM, 0, clearSessionMemory);
public Entity run(String script, int priority, boolean clearSessionMemory) throws IOException {
return run( script, (ProgressListener)null, priority, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM, 0, clearSessionMemory);
public Entity run(String script, ProgressListener listener, int priority, int parallelism) throws IOException {
return run( script, listener, priority, parallelism, 0,false);
public Entity run(String script, ProgressListener listener, int priority, int parallelism, boolean clearSessionMemory) throws IOException {
return run( script, listener, priority, parallelism, 0,clearSessionMemory);
public Entity run(String script, int priority, int parallelism, boolean clearSessionMemory) throws IOException {
return run(script, (ProgressListener)null, priority, parallelism, 0,clearSessionMemory);
public Entity run(String script, ProgressListener listener, int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize) throws IOException {
return run( script, listener, priority, parallelism, fetchSize,false);
public Entity tryRun(String script, boolean clearSessionMemory) throws IOException {
if (!mutex_.tryLock())
return null;
try {
return run(script, (ProgressListener) null, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM, 0, clearSessionMemory);
} finally {
public Entity run(String script, boolean clearSessionMemory) throws IOException {
return run(script, (ProgressListener) null, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM,0, clearSessionMemory);
public Entity run(String script, ProgressListener listener, int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize, boolean clearSessionMemory) throws IOException{
return run(script, listener, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, clearSessionMemory, "");
public Entity run(String script, ProgressListener listener, int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize, boolean clearSessionMemory, String tableName, boolean enableSeqNo) throws IOException{
try {
if (!nodes_.isEmpty()) {
long currentSeqNo;
if (enableSeqNo)
currentSeqNo = newSeqNo();
currentSeqNo = 0;
while (!closed_) {
try {
return, listener, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, clearSessionMemory, tableName, currentSeqNo);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (currentSeqNo > 0)
currentSeqNo = -currentSeqNo;
Node node = new Node();
if (connected()) {
ExceptionType type = parseException(e.getMessage(), node);
if (type == ExceptionType.ET_IGNORE)
return new Void();
else if (type == ExceptionType.ET_UNKNOW)
throw e;
else if (type == ExceptionType.ET_READTIMEDOUT)
cancelConsoleJob(enableSeqNo, currentSeqNo, e);
} else {
ExceptionType type = parseException(e.getMessage(), node);
if (type == ExceptionType.ET_READTIMEDOUT)
cancelConsoleJob(enableSeqNo, currentSeqNo, e);
return null;
} else {
return, listener, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, clearSessionMemory, tableName, 0);
} finally {
private void cancelConsoleJob(boolean enableSeqNo, long currentSeqNo, IOException e) throws IOException {
String cancelConsoleJobScript =
"jobs = exec rootJobId from getConsoleJobs() where sessionId = " + conn_.sessionID_ + "\n" +
(conn_.python_ ? "if size(jobs):\n" : "if (size(jobs))\n") +
" cancelConsoleJob(jobs)\n";
conn_.ifUrgent_ = true;
// conn_.asynTask_ = true;
if (enableSeqNo)
currentSeqNo = newSeqNo();
try {, currentSeqNo);
conn_.ifUrgent_ = false;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
conn_.ifUrgent_ = false;
throw new RuntimeException("Execute cancelConsoleJob failed after current connnection read timed out. ");
throw e;
public Entity run(String script, ProgressListener listener, int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize, boolean clearSessionMemory, String tableName) throws IOException{
return run(script, listener, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, clearSessionMemory, tableName, true);
public Entity tryRun(String function, List arguments) throws IOException {
return tryRun(function, arguments, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM);
public Entity tryRun(String function, List arguments, int priority, int parallelism) throws IOException {
return tryRun(function, arguments, priority, parallelism,0);
public Entity tryRun(String function, List arguments, int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize) throws IOException {
if (!mutex_.tryLock())
return null;
try {
return run(function, arguments, priority, parallelism, fetchSize);
} finally {
public Entity run(String function, List arguments) throws IOException {
return run(function, arguments, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM);
public Entity run(String function, List arguments, int priority) throws IOException {
return run(function, arguments, priority, DEFAULT_PARALLELISM);
public Entity run(String function, List arguments, int priority, int parallelism) throws IOException {
return run(function, arguments, priority, parallelism, 0);
private long newSeqNo(){
if(runSeqNo_ <= 0){
runSeqNo_ = 1;
long res=runSeqNo_;
return res;
public Entity run(String function, List arguments, int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize, boolean enableSeqNo) throws IOException {
try {
if (!nodes_.isEmpty()) {
long currentSeqNo;
if (enableSeqNo)
currentSeqNo = newSeqNo();
currentSeqNo = 0;
while (!closed_) {
try {
return, (ProgressListener)null, arguments, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, false, currentSeqNo);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (currentSeqNo > 0)
currentSeqNo = -currentSeqNo;
Node node = new Node();
if (connected()){
ExceptionType type = parseException(e.getMessage(), node);
if (type == ExceptionType.ET_IGNORE)
return new Void();
else if (type == ExceptionType.ET_UNKNOW)
throw e;
}else {
parseException(e.getMessage(), node);
return null;
} else {
return, (ProgressListener)null, arguments, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, false, 0);
} finally {
public Entity run(String function, List arguments, int priority, int parallelism, int fetchSize) throws IOException {
return run(function, arguments, priority, parallelism, fetchSize, true);
public void tryUpload(final Map variableObjectMap) throws IOException {
if (!mutex_.tryLock())
throw new IOException("The connection is in use.");
try {
} finally {
public void upload(final Map variableObjectMap) throws IOException {
try {
List keys = new ArrayList<>();
List objs = new ArrayList<>();
if (!nodes_.isEmpty()){
while (!closed_){
try {
for (String key : variableObjectMap.keySet()){
if (variableObjectMap.size() == 1){
Entity obj = variableObjectMap.get(key);
conn_.upload(key, obj,0);
}else {
if (variableObjectMap.size() > 1)
conn_.upload(keys, objs,0);
}catch (Exception e){
Node node = new Node();
if (connected()){
ExceptionType type = parseException(e.getMessage(), node);
if (type == ExceptionType.ET_IGNORE)
else if (type == ExceptionType.ET_UNKNOW)
throw e;
}else {
parseException(e.getMessage(), node);
}else {
for (String key : variableObjectMap.keySet()){
if (variableObjectMap.size() == 1){
Entity obj = variableObjectMap.get(key);
conn_.upload(key, obj, 0);
}else {
if (variableObjectMap.size() > 1)
conn_.upload(keys, objs, 0);
}finally {
public void close() {
try {
closed_ = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
public String getHostName() {
return this.conn_.hostName_;
public int getPort() {
return this.conn_.port_;
public String getUserId(){
return this.conn_.userId_;
public String getPwd(){
return this.conn_.pwd_;
public String getSessionID() {
return this.conn_.sessionID_;
public InetAddress getLocalAddress() {
return this.conn_.socket_.getLocalAddress();
public Socket getSocket(){return this.conn_.socket_;}
public ExtendedDataInput getDataInputStream()
return conn_.getDataInputStream();
public boolean isConnected() {
return this.conn_.socket_ != null && this.conn_.socket_.isConnected();
private SSLSocketFactory getSSLSocketFactory(){
try {
SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
new TrustManager[]{new X509TrustManager() {
public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] x509Certificates, String s) throws CertificateException {
public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] x509Certificates, String s) throws CertificateException {
public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
return null;
return context.getSocketFactory();
}catch (Exception ex){
return null;
private boolean getServerVersion() throws IOException {
try {
Entity ret ="version()",0);
throw new IOException("run version failed");
String version = ret.getString();
String[] verList=version.split(" ");
if(verList.length > 1){
verList = version.split("\\.");
serverVersion_=new int[4];
int size=verList.length;
else if(size<3)
return false;
for(int i=0;i version[i];
return true;
private boolean checkClientIdValid(){
return compareVersionGE(new int[]{1,30,20,5});
}else if(serverVersion_[0]==2){//2.00.9
return compareVersionGE(new int[]{2,0,9,0});
return true;