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* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Barchart, Inc.
* All rights reserved. Licensed under the OSI BSD License.
package com.barchart.udt;
import com.barchart.udt.anno.Native;
import com.barchart.udt.nio.KindUDT;
import com.barchart.udt.util.HelpUDT;
import dorkbox.util.FileUtil;
import dorkbox.util.OS;
import dorkbox.util.OsType;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* UDT native socket wrapper
* note: current implementation supports IPv4 only (no IPv6)
class SocketUDT {
* Maximum number of connections queued in listening mode by
* {@link #accept()}
public static final int DEFAULT_ACCEPT_QUEUE_SIZE = 256;
* Block size used by {@link #sendFile(File, long, long)}
public static final int DEFAULT_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
* Maximum number sockets that can participate in a
* {@link com.barchart.udt.nio.SelectorUDT#select()} operation; see epoll.h
* to confirm current limit
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SELECTOR_SIZE = 1024;
* Minimum timeout of a {@link com.barchart.udt.nio.SelectorUDT#select()}
* operations.
public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_SELECTOR_TIMEOUT = 10;
* infinite message time to live;
public static final int INFINITE_TTL = -1;
* Helper value that can be checked from CCC class and force JNI library
* load
public static boolean INIT_OK = false;
protected static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SocketUDT.class);
* JNI Signature that must match between java code and c++ code on all
* platforms; failure to match will abort native library load, as an
* indication of inconsistent build.
public static final int SIGNATURE_JNI = 20150706; // VersionUDT.BUILDTIME;
* infinite timeout:
* blocking send/receive
* epoll wait
public static final int TIMEOUT_INFINITE = -1;
* zero timeout:
* epoll wait
public static long TIMEOUT_NONE = 0;
* UDT::select() sizeArray/sizeBuffer index offset for EXCEPTION report
public static final int UDT_EXCEPT_INDEX = 2;
* UDT::select() sizeArray/sizeBuffer index offset for READ interest
public static final int UDT_READ_INDEX = 0;
* UDT::select() sizeArray/sizeBuffer size count or number of arrays/buffers
public static final int UDT_SIZE_COUNT = 3;
* UDT::select() sizeArray/sizeBuffer index offset for WRITE interest
public static final int UDT_WRITE_INDEX = 1;
* Native library loader.
* @throws RuntimeException
static {
// we are either from a jar or as source
ProtectionDomain pDomain = SocketUDT.class.getProtectionDomain();
CodeSource cSource = pDomain.getCodeSource();
// file:/X:/workspace/XYZ/classes/ when it's in ide/flat
// jar:/X:/workspace/XYZ/jarname.jar when it's jar
URL loc = cSource.getLocation();
final String path = loc.getPath();
final boolean isContainer = path.endsWith(".jar") || path.endsWith(".box");
final OsType os = OS.get();
String osName = os.getName();
boolean loaded = false;
if (isContainer) {
// have to extract our correct file to temp then load it, ONLY if we are not already loaded!
String sourceFileName = "udt-core-2.3.2";
if (OS.isLinux()) {
sourceFileName += ".so";
else if (OS.isWindows()) {
sourceFileName += ".dll";
else {
sourceFileName += ".dylib";
try {"Loading release libraries.");
final String packageName = TypeUDT.class.getPackage()
.replaceAll("\\.", "/");
sourceFileName = packageName + "/natives/" + osName + "/" + sourceFileName;
NativeLoader.loadLibrary(sourceFileName, "libnetty-UDT", TypeUDT.class);"Release libraries loaded.");
loaded = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
else {
try {"Loading release libraries.");
final URI uri = TypeUDT.class.getResource("natives/" + osName + "/")
final String host = uri.getPath();
File libPath = new File(host).getAbsoluteFile();
if (libPath.canRead()) {
List libs = FileUtil.parseDir(libPath, os.getLibraryNames());
for (File lib : libs) {
// load the libs in that dir (there will be only one)
}"Release libraries loaded.");
loaded = true;
} catch (final Throwable e) {
log.error("Release libraries missing: {}", e.getMessage());
if (!loaded) {
log.error("Failed to load UDT native library");
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load UDT native library");
try {
} catch (final Throwable e) {
log.error("Failed to INIT native library", e);
throw new RuntimeException("init", e);
if (SIGNATURE_JNI != getSignatureJNI0()) {
log.error("Java/Native SIGNATURE inconsistent");
throw new RuntimeException("signature");
INIT_OK = true;
log.debug("native library load & init OK");
public static
void init() {
* Cleans up global JNI references and the UDT library.
* The behavior of SocketUDT class after a call to cleanup is undefined, so
* it should only ever be called once you are done and you are ready for the
* class loader to unload the JNI library
* @throws ExceptionUDT
public static
void cleanup() throws ExceptionUDT {
* @see UDT::epoll_add_usock()
protected static native
void epollAdd0( //
final int epollID, //
final int socketID, //
final int epollOpt //
) throws ExceptionUDT;
* @return epoll id
* @see UDT::epoll_create()
protected static native
int epollCreate0() throws ExceptionUDT;
* @see UDT::epoll_release()
protected static native
void epollRelease0(final int epollID) throws ExceptionUDT;
* @see UDT::epoll_remove_usock()
protected static native
void epollRemove0( //
final int epollID, final int socketID) throws ExceptionUDT;
* update epoll mask
protected static native
void epollUpdate0(int epollID, int socketID, int epollMask) throws ExceptionUDT;
* query epoll mask
protected static native
int epollVerify0(int epollID, int socketID) throws ExceptionUDT;
* @see UDT::epoll_wait()
protected static native
int epollWait0( //
final int epollID, //
final IntBuffer readBuffer, //
final IntBuffer writeBuffer, //
final IntBuffer sizeBuffer, //
final long millisTimeout) throws ExceptionUDT;
* Verify that java code and c++ code builds are consistent.
protected static native
int getSignatureJNI0();
* Call this after loading native library.
* @see UDT::startup()
protected static native
void initClass0() throws ExceptionUDT;
* receive into a complete byte array
* @see UDT::recv()
* @see UDT::recvmsg()
protected static native
int receive0(//
final int socketID, //
final int socketType, //
final byte[] array //
) throws ExceptionUDT;
* receive into a portion of a byte array
* @see UDT::recv()
* @see UDT::recvmsg()
protected static native
int receive1( //
final int socketID, //
final int socketType, //
final byte[] array, //
final int position, //
final int limit //
) throws ExceptionUDT;
* receive into a {@link java.nio.channels.DirectByteBuffer}
* @see UDT::recv()
* @see UDT::recvmsg()
protected static native
int receive2( //
final int socketID, //
final int socketType, //
final ByteBuffer buffer, //
final int position, //
final int limit //
) throws ExceptionUDT;
* Receive file.
* @see UDT::recvfile
protected static native
long receiveFile0( //
final int socketID, //
final String path, //
long offset, //
long length, //
int block //
) throws ExceptionUDT;
* Basic access to UDT socket readiness selection feature. Based on
* {@link java.nio.DirectIntBuffer} info exchange.Timeout is in
* milliseconds.
* @param millisTimeout
* "Finally, for epoll_wait, negative timeout value will make the
* function to wait until an event happens. If the timeout value
* is 0, then the function returns immediately with any sockets
* associated an IO event. If timeout occurs before any event
* happens, the function returns 0".
* @return <0 : should not happen
* =0 : timeout, no ready sockets
* >0 : total number or reads, writes, exceptions
* @see #epollWait0(int, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, IntBuffer, long)
public static
int selectEpoll( //
final int epollId, //
final IntBuffer readBuffer, //
final IntBuffer writeBuffer, //
final IntBuffer sizeBuffer, //
final long millisTimeout) throws ExceptionUDT {
/** asserts are contracts */
assert readBuffer != null && readBuffer.isDirect();
assert writeBuffer != null && writeBuffer.isDirect();
assert sizeBuffer != null && sizeBuffer.isDirect();
return epollWait0( //
epollId, //
readBuffer, //
writeBuffer, //
sizeBuffer, //
millisTimeout //
* send from a complete byte[] array;
* wrapper for UDT::send(), UDT::sendmsg()
* @see UDT::send()
* @see UDT::sendmsg()
protected static native
int send0( //
final int socketID, //
final int socketType, //
final int timeToLive, //
final boolean isOrdered, //
final byte[] array //
) throws ExceptionUDT;
* send from a portion of a byte[] array;
* wrapper for UDT::send(), UDT::sendmsg()
* @see UDT::send()
* @see UDT::sendmsg()
protected static native
int send1( //
final int socketID, //
final int socketType, //
final int timeToLive, //
final boolean isOrdered, //
final byte[] array, // /
final int arayPosition, //
final int arrayLimit //
) throws ExceptionUDT;
* send from {@link java.nio.DirectByteBuffer};
* wrapper for UDT::send(), UDT::sendmsg()
* @see UDT::send()
* @see UDT::sendmsg()
protected static native
int send2( //
final int socketID, //
final int socketType, //
final int timeToLive, //
final boolean isOrdered, //
final ByteBuffer buffer, //
final int bufferPosition, //
final int bufferLimit //
) throws ExceptionUDT;
* Send file.
* @see UDT::sendfile
protected static native
long sendFile0( //
final int socketID, //
final String path, //
long offset, //
long length, //
int block //
) throws ExceptionUDT;
* Call this before unloading native library.
* @see UDT::cleanup()
protected static native
void stopClass0() throws ExceptionUDT;
// ###########################################
// ### used for development & testing only
// ###
protected static native
void testCrashJVM0();
protected static native
void testDirectByteBufferAccess0(ByteBuffer buffer);
protected static native
void testDirectIntBufferAccess0(IntBuffer buffer);
protected static native
void testDirectIntBufferLoad0(IntBuffer buffer);
protected static native
void testEmptyCall0();
protected static native
void testFillArray0(byte[] array);
protected static native
void testFillBuffer0(ByteBuffer buffer);
protected static native
void testGetSetArray0(int[] array, boolean isReturn);
protected static native
void testInvalidClose0(int socketID) throws ExceptionUDT;
protected static native
void testIterateArray0(Object[] array);
protected static native
void testIterateSet0(Set