dorkbox.util.OSUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015 dorkbox, llc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dorkbox.util;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import dorkbox.executor.ShellExecutor;
* Container for all OS specific tests and methods. These do not exist in, because of dependency issues ( should not
* depend on any native libraries)
class OSUtil {
public static
class Windows {
* Version info at release.
* Windows XP 5.1.2600 (2001-10-25)
* Windows Server 2003 5.2.3790 (2003-04-24)
* Windows Home Server 5.2.3790 (2007-06-16)
* -------------------------------------------------
* Windows Vista 6.0.6000 (2006-11-08)
* Windows Server 2008 SP1 6.0.6001 (2008-02-27)
* Windows Server 2008 SP2 6.0.6002 (2009-04-28)
* -------------------------------------------------
* Windows 7 6.1.7600 (2009-10-22)
* Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1.7600 (2009-10-22)
* Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 6.1.7601 (?)
* Windows Home Server 2011 6.1.8400 (2011-04-05)
* -------------------------------------------------
* Windows 8 6.2.9200 (2012-10-26)
* Windows Server 2012 6.2.9200 (2012-09-04)
* -------------------------------------------------
* Windows 8.1 6.3.9600 (2013-10-18)
* Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3.9600 (2013-10-18)
* -------------------------------------------------
* Windows 10 10.0.10240 (2015-07-29)
* Windows 10 10.0.10586 (2015-11-12)
* Windows 10 10.0.14393 (2016-07-18)
* Windows Server 2016 10.0.14393 (2016-10-12)
* @return the [major][minor] version of windows, ie: Windows Version 10.0.10586 -> [10][0]
public static
int[] getVersion() {
int[] version = new int[2];
version[0] = 0;
version[1] = 0;
if (!OS.isWindows()) {
return version;
try {
String output = System.getProperty("os.version");
String[] split = output.split("\\.",-1);
if (split.length <= 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
version[i] = Integer.parseInt(split[i]);
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
return version;
* @return is windows XP or equivalent
public static
boolean isWindowsXP() {
return getVersion()[0] == 5;
* @return is windows Vista or equivalent
public static
boolean isWindowsVista() {
int[] version = getVersion();
return version[0] == 6 && version[1] == 0;
* @return is windows 7 or equivalent
public static
boolean isWindows7() {
int[] version = getVersion();
return version[0] == 6 && version[1] == 1;
* @return is windows 8 or equivalent
public static
boolean isWindows8() {
int[] version = getVersion();
return version[0] == 6 && version[1] == 2;
* @return is windows 8.1 or equivalent
public static
boolean isWindows8_1() {
int[] version = getVersion();
return version[0] == 6 && version[1] == 3;
* @return is greater than or equal to windows 8.1 or equivalent
public static
boolean isWindows8_1_plus() {
int[] version = getVersion();
if (version[0] == 6 && version[1] >= 3) {
return true;
else if (version[0] > 6) {
return true;
return false;
* @return is windows 10 or equivalent
public static
boolean isWindows10() {
return getVersion()[0] == 10;
* @return is windows 10 or greater
public static
boolean isWindows10_plus() {
return getVersion()[0] >= 10;
public static
class Unix {
public static
boolean isFreeBSD() {
if (!OS.isUnix()) {
return false;
try {
// uname
final ShellExecutor shell = new ShellExecutor();
String output = shell.getOutput();
return output.startsWith("FreeBSD");
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
return false;
public static
class Linux {
private static String info = null;
* @return os release info or ""
public static
String getInfo() {
if (info != null) {
return info;
if (!OS.isLinux()) {
info = "";
return info;
try {
List releaseFiles = new LinkedList();
int totalLength = 0;
// looking for files like /etc/os-release
File file = new File("/etc");
if (file.isDirectory()) {
File[] list = file.listFiles();
if (list != null) {
for (File f : list) {
if (f.isFile() && f.getName().contains("release")) {
// this is likely a file we are interested in.
totalLength += (int) file.length();
if (totalLength > 0) {
StringBuilder fileContents = new StringBuilder(totalLength);
BufferedReader reader = null;
for (File releaseFile : releaseFiles) {
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(releaseFile));
String currentLine;
// NAME="Arch Linux"
// PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
// ID=arch
// ID_LIKE=archlinux
// ANSI_COLOR="0;36"
// HOME_URL=""
// similar on other distro's. ID is always the "key" to the distro
while ((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
} finally {
if (reader != null) {
info = fileContents.toString();
return info;
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
info = "";
return info;
* @param id the info ID to check, ie: ubuntu, arch, debian, etc... This is what the OS vendor uses to ID their OS.
* @return true if this OS is identified as the specified ID.
public static
boolean getInfo(String id) {
// ID=linuxmint/fedora/arch/ubuntu/etc
return getInfo().contains("ID=" + id +"\n");
private static volatile Boolean isArch = null;
public static
boolean isArch() {
if (isArch == null) {
isArch = getInfo("arch");
return isArch;
private static volatile Boolean isDebian = null;
public static
boolean isDebian() {
if (isDebian == null) {
isDebian = getInfo("debian");
return isDebian;
private static volatile Boolean isElementaryOS = null;
public static
boolean isElementaryOS() {
if (isElementaryOS == null) {
try {
String output = getInfo();
// ID="elementary" (notice the extra quotes)
isElementaryOS = output.contains("ID=\"elementary\"\n") || output.contains("ID=elementary\n") ||
// this is specific to eOS < 0.3.2
output.contains("ID=\"elementary OS\"\n");
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
isElementaryOS = false;
return isElementaryOS;
private static volatile Boolean isFedora = null;
public static
boolean isFedora() {
if (isFedora == null) {
isFedora = getInfo("fedora");
return isFedora;
private static volatile Integer fedoraVersion = null;
public static
int getFedoraVersion() {
if (fedoraVersion != null) {
return fedoraVersion;
if (!isFedora()) {
fedoraVersion = 0;
return fedoraVersion;
try {
String output = getInfo();
// ID=fedora
if (output.contains("ID=fedora\n")) {
// should be: VERSION_ID=23\n or something
int beginIndex = output.indexOf("VERSION_ID=") + 11;
String fedoraVersion_ = output.substring(beginIndex, output.indexOf(OS.LINE_SEPARATOR_UNIX, beginIndex));
fedoraVersion = Integer.parseInt(fedoraVersion_);
return fedoraVersion;
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
fedoraVersion = 0;
return fedoraVersion;
private static volatile Boolean isLinuxMint = null;
public static
boolean isLinuxMint() {
if (isLinuxMint == null) {
isLinuxMint = getInfo("linuxmint");
return isLinuxMint;
private static volatile Boolean isUbuntu = null;
public static
boolean isUbuntu() {
if (isUbuntu == null) {
isUbuntu = getInfo("ubuntu");
return isUbuntu;
private static volatile int[] ubuntuVersion = null;
public static
int[] getUbuntuVersion() {
if (ubuntuVersion != null) {
return ubuntuVersion;
if (!isUbuntu()) {
ubuntuVersion = new int[]{0,0};
return ubuntuVersion;
String distribReleaseInfo = getDistribReleaseInfo();
if (distribReleaseInfo != null) {
String[] split = distribReleaseInfo.split("\\.");
ubuntuVersion = new int[] {Integer.parseInt(split[0]), Integer.parseInt(split[1])};
return ubuntuVersion;
ubuntuVersion = new int[]{0,0};
return ubuntuVersion;
private static volatile int[] elementaryOSVersion = null;
public static
int[] getElementaryOSVersion() {
// 0.1 Jupiter. The first stable version of elementary OS was Jupiter, published on 31 March 2011 and based on Ubuntu 10.10. ...
// 0.2 Luna. elementary OS 0.2 "Luna" ...
// 0.3 Freya. elementary OS 0.3 "Freya" ...
// 0.4 Loki. elementary OS 0.4, known by its codename, "Loki", was released on 9 September 2016. ...
// 5.0 Juno
if (elementaryOSVersion != null) {
return elementaryOSVersion;
if (!isElementaryOS()) {
elementaryOSVersion = new int[]{0,0};
return elementaryOSVersion;
String distribReleaseInfo = getDistribReleaseInfo();
if (distribReleaseInfo != null) {
String[] split = distribReleaseInfo.split("\\.");
elementaryOSVersion = new int[] {Integer.parseInt(split[0]), Integer.parseInt(split[1])};
return elementaryOSVersion;
elementaryOSVersion = new int[]{0,0};
return elementaryOSVersion;
private static Boolean isKali = null;
public static
boolean isKali() {
if (isKali == null) {
isKali = getInfo("kali");
return isKali;
* @return the `DISTRIB_RELEASE` info as a String, if possible. Otherwise NULL
public static
String getDistribReleaseInfo() {
String info = getInfo();
String releaseString = "DISTRIB_RELEASE=";
int index = info.indexOf(releaseString);
try {
if (index > -1) {
index += releaseString.length();
int newLine = info.indexOf(OS.LINE_SEPARATOR_UNIX, index);
if (newLine > index) {
return info.substring(index, newLine);
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
return null;
public static
boolean isRoot() {
// this means we are running as sudo
boolean isSudoOrRoot = System.getenv("SUDO_USER") != null;
if (!isSudoOrRoot) {
// running as root (also can be "sudo" user). A lot slower that checking a sys env, but this is guaranteed to work
try {
// id -u
final ShellExecutor shell = new ShellExecutor();
String output = shell.getOutput();
isSudoOrRoot = "0".equals(output);
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
return isSudoOrRoot;
public static
class PackageManager {
public enum Type {
APT("apt install"),
APTGET("apt-get install"),
YUM("yum install"),
PACMAN("pacman -S "),
private final String installString;
Type(final String installString) {
this.installString = installString;
String installString() {
return installString;
public static
Type get() {
if (new File("/usr/bin/apt").canExecute()) {
return Type.APT;
if (new File("/usr/bin/apt-get").canExecute()) {
return Type.APTGET;
if (new File("/usr/bin/yum").canExecute()) {
return Type.YUM;
if (new File("/usr/bin/pacman").canExecute()) {
return Type.PACMAN;
// default is apt-get, even if it isn't correct
return Type.APTGET;
* @return true if the package is installed
public static
boolean isPackageInstalled(final String packageName) {
// dpkg
// dpkg -L libappindicator3
// dpkg-query: package 'libappindicator3' is not installed
boolean is_dpkg = new File("/usr/bin/dpkg").canExecute();
if (is_dpkg) {
final ShellExecutor shell = new ShellExecutor();
String output = shell.getOutput();
return !output.contains("is not installed");
// rpm
// rpm -q libappindicator234
// package libappindicator234 is not installed
boolean is_rpm = new File("/usr/bin/rpm").canExecute();
if (is_rpm) {
final ShellExecutor shell = new ShellExecutor();
String output = shell.getOutput();
return !output.contains("is not installed");
// pacman
// pacman -Qi
// use the exit code to determine if the packages existes on the system or not (0 the package exists, 1 it doesn't)
boolean is_pacmac = new File("/usr/bin/pacman").canExecute();
if (is_rpm) {
final ShellExecutor shell = new ShellExecutor();
int start = shell.start();
// 0 the package exists, 1 it doesn't
return start == 0;
return false;
public static
class DesktopEnv {
public enum Env {
public enum EnvType {
public static
Env get() {
// if we are running as ROOT, we *** WILL NOT *** have access to 'XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP'
// *unless env's are preserved, but they are not guaranteed to be
// see:
String XDG = System.getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP");
if (XDG == null) {
// maybe we are running as root???
XDG = "unknown"; // try to autodetect if we should use app indicator or gtkstatusicon
// Ubuntu 17.10+ is special ... this is ubuntu:GNOME (it now uses wayland instead of x11, so many things have changed...)
// So it's gnome, and gnome-shell, but with some caveats
// see:
// BLEH. if gnome-shell is running, IT'S REALLY GNOME!
// we must ALWAYS do this check!!
if (OSUtil.DesktopEnv.isGnome()) {
XDG = "gnome";
else if (OSUtil.DesktopEnv.isKDE()) {
// same thing with plasmashell!
XDG = "kde";
// Ubuntu Unity is a weird combination. It's "Gnome", but it's not "Gnome Shell".
if ("unity".equalsIgnoreCase(XDG)) {
return Env.Unity;
// Ubuntu Unity7 is a weird combination. It's "Gnome", but it's not "Gnome Shell".
if ("unity:unity7".equalsIgnoreCase(XDG)) {
return Env.Unity7;
if ("xfce".equalsIgnoreCase(XDG)) {
return Env.XFCE;
if ("lxde".equalsIgnoreCase(XDG)) {
return Env.LXDE;
if ("kde".equalsIgnoreCase(XDG)) {
return Env.KDE;
if ("pantheon".equalsIgnoreCase(XDG)) {
return Env.Pantheon;
if ("gnome".equalsIgnoreCase(XDG)) {
return Env.Gnome;
// maybe it's chromeOS?
if (isChromeOS()) {
return Env.ChromeOS;
if (isMATE()) {
return Env.MATE;
return Env.Unknown;
private static
boolean isValidCommand(final String partialExpectationInOutput, final String commandOutput) {
return commandOutput.contains(partialExpectationInOutput)
&& !commandOutput.contains("not installed")
&& !commandOutput.contains ("No such file or directory");
public static EnvType getType() {
String XDG = System.getenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE");
if (XDG == null) {
XDG = "unknown"; // have no idea how this can happen....
if ("x11".equals(XDG)) {
return EnvType.X11;
if ("wayland".equals(XDG)) {
return EnvType.WAYLAND;
return EnvType.Unknown;
public static
boolean isX11() {
EnvType env = getType();
return env == EnvType.X11;
public static
boolean isWayland() {
EnvType env = getType();
return env == EnvType.WAYLAND;
public static
boolean isUnity() {
Env env = get();
return isUnity(env);
public static
boolean isUnity(final Env env) {
return env == OSUtil.DesktopEnv.Env.Unity || env == OSUtil.DesktopEnv.Env.Unity7;
private static volatile Boolean isMATE = null;
public static
boolean isMATE() {
if (!OS.isLinux() && !OS.isUnix()) {
return false;
if (isMATE != null) {
return isMATE;
try {
isMATE = new File("/usr/bin/mate-about").exists();
return isMATE;
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
isMATE = false;
return isMATE;
private static volatile Boolean isGnome = null;
public static
boolean isGnome() {
if (!OS.isLinux() && !OS.isUnix()) {
return false;
if (isGnome != null) {
return isGnome;
try {
// note: some versions of linux can ONLY access "ps a"; FreeBSD and most linux is "ps x"
// we try "x" first
// ps x | grep gnome-shell
ShellExecutor shell = new ShellExecutor();
String output = shell.getOutput();
boolean contains = output.contains("gnome-shell");
if (!contains && OS.isLinux()) {
// only try again if we are linux
// ps a | grep gnome-shell
shell = new ShellExecutor();
output = shell.getOutput();
contains = output.contains("gnome-shell");
isGnome = contains;
return isGnome;
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
isGnome = false;
return isGnome;
private static volatile boolean hasGnomeVersion = false;
private static volatile String gnomeVersion = null;
* @return a string representing the current gnome-shell version, or NULL if it could not be found
public static
String getGnomeVersion() {
if (hasGnomeVersion) {
return gnomeVersion;
if (!OS.isLinux() && !OS.isUnix()) {
return null;
hasGnomeVersion = true;
try {
// gnome-shell --version
final ShellExecutor shellVersion = new ShellExecutor();
String versionString = shellVersion.getOutput();
if (!versionString.isEmpty()) {
// GNOME Shell 3.14.1
String version = versionString.replaceAll("[^\\d.]", "");
if (version.length() > 0 && version.indexOf('.') > 0) {
// should just be 3.14.1 or 3.20 or similar
gnomeVersion = version;
return gnomeVersion;
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
gnomeVersion = null;
return gnomeVersion;
private static volatile Boolean isKDE = null;
public static
boolean isKDE() {
if (isKDE != null) {
return isKDE;
String XDG = System.getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP");
if (XDG == null) {
// Check if plasmashell is running, if it is -- then we are most likely KDE
double plasmaVersion = OSUtil.DesktopEnv.getPlasmaVersion();
isKDE = plasmaVersion > 0;
return isKDE;
} else if ("kde".equalsIgnoreCase(XDG)) {
isKDE = true;
return false;
isKDE = false;
return false;
* The first two decimal places of the version number of plasma shell (if running) as a double.
* @return cannot represent '5.6.5' as a number, so we return just the first two decimal places instead
public static
double getPlasmaVersion() {
String versionAsString = getPlasmaVersionFull();
if (versionAsString == null) {
return 0;
if (versionAsString.startsWith("0")) {
return 0;
// this isn't the BEST way to do this, but it's simple and easy to understand
String[] split = versionAsString.split("\\.",3);
if (split.length > 2) {
return Double.parseDouble(split[0] + "." + split[1]);
} else {
return Double.parseDouble(split[0]);
private static volatile boolean hasPlasmaVersion = false;
private static volatile String getPlasmaVersionFull = null;
* The full version number of plasma shell (if running) as a String.
* @return cannot represent '5.6.5' as a number, so we return a String instead or NULL if unknown
public static
String getPlasmaVersionFull() {
if (hasPlasmaVersion) {
return getPlasmaVersionFull;
if (!OS.isLinux() && !OS.isUnix()) {
return null;
hasPlasmaVersion = true;
try {
// plasma-desktop -v
// plasmashell --version
final ShellExecutor shellVersion = new ShellExecutor();
String output = shellVersion.getOutput();
if (!output.isEmpty()) {
// DEFAULT icon size is 16. KDE is bananas on what they did with tray icon scale
// should be: plasmashell 5.6.5 or something
String s = "plasmashell ";
if (isValidCommand(s, output)) {
String substring = output.substring(output.indexOf(s) + s.length(), output.length());
getPlasmaVersionFull = substring;
return getPlasmaVersionFull;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;
private static volatile Boolean isNautilus = null;
* There are sometimes problems with nautilus (the file browser) and some GTK methods. It is ridiculous for me to have to
* work around their bugs like this.
* see:
public static
boolean isNautilus() {
if (isNautilus != null) {
return isNautilus;
if (!OS.isLinux() && !OS.isUnix()) {
isNautilus = false;
return false;
try {
// nautilus --version
final ShellExecutor shellVersion = new ShellExecutor();
String output = shellVersion.getOutput();
if (!output.isEmpty()) {
// should be: GNOME nautilus 3.14.3 or something
String s = "GNOME nautilus ";
if (isValidCommand(s, output)) {
isNautilus = true;
return true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
isNautilus = false;
return false;
private static volatile Boolean isChromeOS = null;
public static
boolean isChromeOS() {
if (isChromeOS == null) {
if (!OS.isLinux()) {
isChromeOS = false;
return false;
isChromeOS = false;
try {
// ps aux | grep chromeos
final ShellExecutor shellVersion = new ShellExecutor();
String output = shellVersion.getOutput();
if (!output.isEmpty()) {
if (output.contains("chromeos")) {
isChromeOS = true;
return true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return isChromeOS;
* @param channel which XFCE channel to query. Cannot be null
* @param property which property (in the channel) to query. Null will list all properties in the channel
* @return the property value or "".
public static
String queryXfce(String channel, String property) {
if (!OS.isLinux() && !OS.isUnix()) {
return "";
if (channel == null) {
return "";
try {
// xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -l
final ShellExecutor xfconf_query = new ShellExecutor();
xfconf_query.addArgument("-c " + channel);
if (property != null) {
// get property for channel
xfconf_query.addArgument("-p " + property);
} else {
// list all properties for the channel
return xfconf_query.getOutput();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return "";