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 * Copyright 2014 dorkbox, llc
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

import org.slf4j.Logger;


import dorkbox.util.OS;
import dorkbox.util.serialization.SerializationManager;

// a note on file locking between c and java
// Also, file locks on linux are ADVISORY. if an app doesn't care about locks, then it can do stuff -- even if locked by another app

class StorageBase {
    protected final Logger logger;

    // File pointer to the data start pointer header.
    private static final long VERSION_HEADER_LOCATION = 0;

    // File pointer to the num records header.
    private static final long NUM_RECORDS_HEADER_LOCATION = 4;

    // File pointer to the data start pointer header.
    private static final long DATA_START_HEADER_LOCATION = 8;

    // Total length in bytes of the global database headers.
    static final int FILE_HEADERS_REGION_LENGTH = 16;

    // must be volatile
    // The in-memory index (for efficiency, all of the record info is cached in memory).
    private volatile HashMap memoryIndex;

    private final Object singleWriterLock = new Object[0];

    // Recommended for best performance while adhering to the "single writer principle". Must be static-final
    private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater memoryREF =
            AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(StorageBase.class, HashMap.class, "memoryIndex");

    // determines how much the index will grow by
    private final Float weight;

    // The keys are weak! When they go, the map entry is removed!
    private final ReentrantLock referenceLock = new ReentrantLock();

    // file/raf that are used
    private final File baseFile;
    private final RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile;

     * Version number of database (4 bytes).
    private int databaseVersion = 0;

     * Number of records (4 bytes).
    private int numberOfRecords;

     * File pointer to the first byte of the record data (8 bytes).
    private long dataPosition;

    // save references to these, so they don't have to be created/destroyed any time there is I/O
    private final SerializationManager serializationManager;

    private final Output output;
    private final Input input;

    // input/output write buffer size before flushing to/from the file
    private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;

     * Creates or opens a new database file.
    StorageBase(final File filePath, final SerializationManager serializationManager, final Logger logger) throws IOException {
        this.serializationManager = serializationManager;
        this.logger = logger;

        if (logger != null) {
  "Opening storage file: '{}'", filePath.getAbsolutePath());

        this.baseFile = filePath;

        boolean newStorage = !filePath.exists();

        if (newStorage) {
            File parentFile = this.baseFile.getParentFile();
            if (parentFile != null && !parentFile.exists()) {
                if (!parentFile.mkdirs()) {
                    throw new IOException("Unable to create dirs for: " + filePath);

        this.randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(this.baseFile, "rw");

        if (newStorage || this.randomAccessFile.length() <= FILE_HEADERS_REGION_LENGTH) {
            setVersion(this.randomAccessFile, 0);
            setRecordCount(this.randomAccessFile, 0);

            // pad the metadata with 21 records, so there is about 1k of padding before the data starts
            long indexPointer = Metadata.getMetaDataPointer(21);
            // have to make sure we can read header info (even if it's blank)
        else {
            this.databaseVersion = this.randomAccessFile.readInt();
            this.numberOfRecords = this.randomAccessFile.readInt();
            this.dataPosition = this.randomAccessFile.readLong();

            if (this.randomAccessFile.length() < this.dataPosition) {
                if (logger != null) {
                    logger.error("Corrupted storage file!");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse header information from storage. Maybe it's corrupted?");

        //noinspection AutoBoxing
        if (logger != null) {
  "Storage version: {}", this.databaseVersion);

        // If we want to use compression (no need really, since this file is small already),
        // then we have to make sure it's sync'd on flush AND have actually call outputStream.flush().
        final InputStream inputStream = Channels.newInputStream(randomAccessFile.getChannel());
        final OutputStream outputStream = Channels.newOutputStream(randomAccessFile.getChannel());

        // read/write 1024 bytes at a time
        output = new Output(outputStream, BUFFER_SIZE);
        input = new Input(inputStream, BUFFER_SIZE);

        this.weight = 0.5F;

        // synchronized is used here to ensure the "single writer principle", and make sure that ONLY one thread at a time can enter this
        // section. Because of this, we can have unlimited reader threads all going at the same time, without contention.
        synchronized (singleWriterLock) {
            this.memoryIndex = new HashMap(this.numberOfRecords);

            if (!newStorage) {
                Metadata meta;
                for (int index = 0; index < this.numberOfRecords; index++) {
                    meta = Metadata.readHeader(this.randomAccessFile, index);
                    if (meta == null) {
                        // because we guarantee that empty metadata are ALWAYS at the end of the section, if we get a null one, break!
                    this.memoryIndex.put(meta.key, meta);

                if (this.memoryIndex.size() != (this.numberOfRecords)) {
                    setRecordCount(this.randomAccessFile, this.memoryIndex.size());
                    if (logger != null) {
                       logger.warn("Mismatch record count in storage, auto-correcting size.");

     * Returns the current number of records in the database.
    int size() {
        // wrapper flushes first (protected by lock)
        // not protected by lock

        // access a snapshot of the memoryIndex (single-writer-principle)
        HashMap memoryIndex = memoryREF.get(this);
        return memoryIndex.size();

     * Checks if there is a record belonging to the given key.
    boolean contains(StorageKey key) {
        // protected by lock

        // access a snapshot of the memoryIndex (single-writer-principle)
        HashMap memoryIndex = memoryREF.get(this);
        return memoryIndex.containsKey(key);

     * @return an object for a specified key ONLY FROM THE REFERENCE CACHE
     T getCached(StorageKey key) {
        // protected by lock

        // access a snapshot of the memoryIndex (single-writer-principle)
        HashMap memoryIndex = memoryREF.get(this);
        Metadata meta = (Metadata) memoryIndex.get(key);

        if (meta == null) {
            return null;

        // now stuff it into our reference cache so subsequent lookups are fast!
        //noinspection Duplicates
        try {

            // if we have registered it, get it!
            WeakReference ref = meta.objectReferenceCache;

            if (ref != null) {
                T referenceObject = (T) ref.get();
                return referenceObject;
        } finally {

        return null;

     * @return an object for a specified key form referenceCache FIRST, then from DISK. NULL if it doesn't exist or there was an error.
     T get(StorageKey key) {
        // NOT protected by lock

        // access a snapshot of the memoryIndex (single-writer-principle)
        HashMap memoryIndex = memoryREF.get(this);
        Metadata meta = (Metadata) memoryIndex.get(key);
        if (meta == null) {
            return null;

        // now get it from our reference cache so subsequent lookups are fast!
        //noinspection Duplicates
        try {

            // if we have registered it, get it!
            WeakReference ref = meta.objectReferenceCache;

            if (ref != null) {
                T referenceObject = (T) ref.get();
                return referenceObject;
        } finally {

        try {
//            System.err.println("--Reading data from: " + meta.dataPointer);

            // else, we have to load it from disk

            T readRecordData = Metadata.readData(this.serializationManager, this.input);

            if (readRecordData != null) {
                // now stuff it into our reference cache for future lookups!
                try {

                    meta.objectReferenceCache = new WeakReference(readRecordData);
                } finally {

            return readRecordData;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String message = e.getMessage();
            int index = message.indexOf(OS.LINE_SEPARATOR);
            if (index > -1) {
                message = message.substring(0, index);
            if (logger != null) {
                logger.error("Error reading data from disk: {}", message);
            else {
                System.err.print("Error reading data from disk: " + message);
            return null;

     * Deletes a record
     * @return true if the delete was successful. False if there were problems deleting the data.
    boolean delete(StorageKey key) {
        // pending ops flushed (protected by lock)

        // synchronized is used here to ensure the "single writer principle", and make sure that ONLY one thread at a time can enter this
        // section. Because of this, we can have unlimited reader threads all going at the same time, without contention.
        synchronized (singleWriterLock) {
            Metadata delRec = this.memoryIndex.get(key);

            try {
                deleteRecordData(delRec, delRec.dataCapacity);

                // delete the record index
                int currentNumRecords = this.memoryIndex.size();
                if (delRec.indexPosition != currentNumRecords - 1) {
                    Metadata last = Metadata.readHeader(this.randomAccessFile, currentNumRecords - 1);
                    assert last != null;

                    last.moveRecord(this.randomAccessFile, delRec.indexPosition);

                setRecordCount(this.randomAccessFile, currentNumRecords - 1);

                return true;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                if (this.logger != null) {
                    this.logger.error("Error while deleting data from disk", e);
                } else {
                return false;

     * Closes the database and file.
    void close() {
        // pending ops flushed (protected by lock)
        // not protected by lock

        if (this.logger != null) {
  "Closing storage file: '{}'", this.baseFile.getAbsolutePath());

        try {

            // synchronized is used here to ensure the "single writer principle", and make sure that ONLY one thread at a time can enter this
            // section. Because of this, we can have unlimited reader threads all going at the same time, without contention.
            synchronized (singleWriterLock) {

        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (this.logger != null) {
                this.logger.error("Error while closing the file", e);
            } else {

     * Gets the backing file size.
     * @return -1 if there was an error
    long getFileSize() {
        // protected by actionLock
        try {
            return this.randomAccessFile.length();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (this.logger != null) {
                this.logger.error("Error getting file size for {}", this.baseFile.getAbsolutePath(), e);
            } else {
            return -1L;

     * @return the file that backs this storage
    File getFile() {
        return this.baseFile;

     * Saves the given data to storage.

* Also will update existing data. If the new contents do not fit in the original space, then the update is handled by * deleting the old data and adding the new. *

* Will also save the object in a cache. */ private void save0(StorageKey key, Object object) { Metadata metaData; // synchronized is used here to ensure the "single writer principle", and make sure that ONLY one thread at a time can enter this // section. Because of this, we can have unlimited reader threads all going at the same time, without contention. synchronized (singleWriterLock) { metaData = this.memoryIndex.get(key); int currentRecordCount = this.numberOfRecords; if (metaData != null) { // now we have to UPDATE instead of add! try { if (currentRecordCount == 1) { // if we are the ONLY one, then we can do things differently. // just dump the data again to disk. FileLock lock = this.randomAccessFile.getChannel() .lock(this.dataPosition, Long.MAX_VALUE - this.dataPosition, false); // don't know how big it is, so max value it; // this is the end of the file, we know this ahead-of-time Metadata.writeData(this.serializationManager, object, this.output); // have to re-specify the capacity and size //noinspection NumericCastThatLosesPrecision int sizeOfWrittenData = (int) (this.randomAccessFile.length() - this.dataPosition); metaData.dataCapacity = sizeOfWrittenData; metaData.dataCount = sizeOfWrittenData; lock.release(); } else { // this is comparatively slow, since we serialize it first to get the size, then we put it in the file. ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream = getDataAsByteArray(this.serializationManager, object); int size = dataStream.size(); if (size > metaData.dataCapacity) { deleteRecordData(metaData, size); // stuff this record to the end of the file, since it won't fit in it's current location metaData.dataPointer = this.randomAccessFile.length(); // have to make sure that the CAPACITY of the new one is the SIZE of the new data! // and since it is going to the END of the file, we do that. metaData.dataCapacity = size; metaData.dataCount = 0; } // TODO: should check to see if the data is different. IF SO, then we write, otherwise nothing! metaData.writeDataRaw(dataStream, this.randomAccessFile); } metaData.writeDataInfo(this.randomAccessFile); } catch (IOException e) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.error("Error while saving data to disk", e); } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { // metadata == null... try { // set the number of records that this storage has setRecordCount(this.randomAccessFile, currentRecordCount + 1); // This will make sure that there is room to write a new record. This is zero indexed. // this will skip around if moves occur ensureIndexCapacity(this.randomAccessFile); // append record to end of file long length = this.randomAccessFile.length(); // System.err.println("--Writing data to: " + length); metaData = new Metadata(key, currentRecordCount, length); metaData.writeMetaDataInfo(this.randomAccessFile); // add new entry to the index this.memoryIndex.put(key, metaData); // save out the data. Because we KNOW that we are writing this to the end of the file, // there are some tricks we can use. // don't know how big it is, so max value it FileLock lock = this.randomAccessFile.getChannel() .lock(0, Long.MAX_VALUE, false); // this is the end of the file, we know this ahead-of-time; int total = Metadata.writeData(this.serializationManager, object, this.output); lock.release(); metaData.dataCount = metaData.dataCapacity = total; // have to save it. metaData.writeDataInfo(this.randomAccessFile); } catch (IOException e) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.error("Error while writing data to disk", e); } else { e.printStackTrace(); } return; } } } // put the object in the reference cache so we can read/get it later on metaData.objectReferenceCache = new WeakReference(object); } private static ByteArrayOutputStream getDataAsByteArray(SerializationManager serializationManager, Object data) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Output output = new Output(outputStream, 1024); // write 1024 at a time serializationManager.writeFullClassAndObject(output, data); output.flush(); outputStream.flush(); outputStream.close(); return outputStream; } void doActionThings(Map actions) { // actions is thrown away after this invocation. GC can pick it up. // we are only interested in the LAST action that happened for some data. // items to be "autosaved" are automatically injected into "actions". final Set> entries = actions.entrySet(); for (Entry entry : entries) { StorageKey key = entry.getKey(); Object object = entry.getValue(); // our action list is for explicitly saving objects (but not necessarily "registering" them to be auto-saved save0(key, object); } } ///////////////////// ///////////////////// // private/index only methods ///////////////////// ///////////////////// /** * "intelligent" move strategy. *

* we should increase by some weight (ie: .5) would increase the number of allocated * record headers by 50%, instead of just incrementing them by one at a time. */ private int getWeightedNewRecordCount(int numberOfRecords) { //noinspection AutoUnboxing,NumericCastThatLosesPrecision return numberOfRecords + 1 + (int) (numberOfRecords * this.weight); } // protected by singleWriterLock private void deleteRecordData(Metadata deletedRecord, int sizeOfDataToAdd) throws IOException { if (this.randomAccessFile.length() == deletedRecord.dataPointer + deletedRecord.dataCapacity) { // shrink file since this is the last record in the file FileLock lock = this.randomAccessFile.getChannel() .lock(deletedRecord.dataPointer, Long.MAX_VALUE - deletedRecord.dataPointer, false); this.randomAccessFile.setLength(deletedRecord.dataPointer); lock.release(); } else { // we MIGHT be the FIRST record Metadata first = index_getMetaDataFromData(this.dataPosition); if (first == deletedRecord) { // the record to delete is the FIRST (of many) in the file. // the FASTEST way to delete is to grow the number of allowed records! // Another option is to move the #2 data to the first data, but then there is the same gap after #2. int numberOfRecords = this.numberOfRecords; // "intelligent" move strategy. int newNumberOfRecords = getWeightedNewRecordCount(numberOfRecords); long endIndexPointer = Metadata.getMetaDataPointer(newNumberOfRecords); long endOfDataPointer = deletedRecord.dataPointer + deletedRecord.dataCapacity; long newEndOfDataPointer = endOfDataPointer - sizeOfDataToAdd; if (endIndexPointer < this.dataPosition && endIndexPointer <= newEndOfDataPointer) { // one option is to shrink the RECORD section to fit the new data setDataStartPosition(newEndOfDataPointer); } else { // option two is to grow the RECORD section, and put the data at the end of the file setDataStartPosition(endOfDataPointer); } } else { Metadata previous = index_getMetaDataFromData(deletedRecord.dataPointer - 1); if (previous != null) { // append space of deleted record onto previous record previous.dataCapacity += deletedRecord.dataCapacity; previous.writeDataInfo(this.randomAccessFile); } else { // because there is no "previous", that means we MIGHT be the FIRST record // well, we're not the first record. which one is RIGHT before us? // it should be "previous", so something messed up if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.error("Trying to delete an object, and it's in a weird state"); } else { System.err.println("Trying to delete an object, and it's in a weird state"); } } } } } /** * Writes the number of records header to the file. */ private void setVersion(RandomAccessFile file, int versionNumber) throws IOException { this.databaseVersion = versionNumber; FileLock lock = this.randomAccessFile.getChannel() .lock(VERSION_HEADER_LOCATION, 4, false);; file.writeInt(versionNumber); lock.release(); } /** * Writes the number of records header to the file. */ private void setRecordCount(RandomAccessFile file, int numberOfRecords) throws IOException { if (this.numberOfRecords != numberOfRecords) { this.numberOfRecords = numberOfRecords; // System.err.println("Set recordCount: " + numberOfRecords); FileLock lock = this.randomAccessFile.getChannel() .lock(NUM_RECORDS_HEADER_LOCATION, 4, false);; file.writeInt(numberOfRecords); lock.release(); } } /** * Writes the data start position to the file. */ private void setDataStartPosition(long dataPositionPointer) throws IOException { FileLock lock = this.randomAccessFile.getChannel() .lock(DATA_START_HEADER_LOCATION, 8, false); // System.err.println("Setting data position: " + dataPositionPointer); dataPosition = dataPositionPointer;; randomAccessFile.writeLong(dataPositionPointer); lock.release(); } int getVersion() { return this.databaseVersion; } void setVersion(int versionNumber) { try { setVersion(this.randomAccessFile, versionNumber); } catch (IOException e) { if (this.logger != null) { this.logger.error("Unable to set the version number", e); } else { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Returns the record to which the target file pointer belongs - meaning the specified location in the file is part * of the record data of the RecordHeader which is returned. Returns null if the location is not part of a record. * (O(n) mem accesses) */ private Metadata index_getMetaDataFromData(long targetFp) { // access a snapshot of the memoryIndex (single-writer-principle) HashMap memoryIndex = memoryREF.get(this); Iterator iterator = memoryIndex.values().iterator(); //noinspection WhileLoopReplaceableByForEach while (iterator.hasNext()) { Metadata next = (Metadata); if (targetFp >= next.dataPointer && targetFp < next.dataPointer + next.dataCapacity) { return next; } } return null; } /** * Ensure index capacity. This operation makes sure the INDEX REGION is large enough to accommodate additional entries. */ private void ensureIndexCapacity(RandomAccessFile file) throws IOException { // because we are zero indexed, this is ALSO the index where the record will START int numberOfRecords = this.numberOfRecords; // +1 because this is where that index will END (the start of the NEXT one) long endIndexPointer = Metadata.getMetaDataPointer(numberOfRecords + 1); // just set the data position to the end of the file, since we don't have any data yet. if (endIndexPointer > file.length() && numberOfRecords == 0) { file.setLength(endIndexPointer); setDataStartPosition(endIndexPointer); return; } // now we have to check, is there room for just 1 more entry? long readDataPosition = this.dataPosition; if (endIndexPointer < readDataPosition) { // we have room for this entry. return; } // otherwise, we have to grow our index. Metadata first; // "intelligent" move strategy. int newNumberOfRecords = getWeightedNewRecordCount(numberOfRecords); endIndexPointer = Metadata.getMetaDataPointer(newNumberOfRecords); // sometimes the endIndexPointer is in the middle of data, so we cannot move a record to where // data already exists, we have to move it to the end. Since we GUARANTEE that there is never "free space" at the // end of a file, this is ok if (endIndexPointer > file.length()) { // make sure we adjust the file size file.setLength(endIndexPointer); } else { endIndexPointer = file.length(); } // we know that the start of the NEW data position has to be here. setDataStartPosition(endIndexPointer); long writeDataPosition = endIndexPointer; // if we only have ONE record left, and we move it to the end, then no reason to keep looking for records. while (endIndexPointer > readDataPosition && numberOfRecords > 0) { // this is the FIRST record that is in our data section first = index_getMetaDataFromData(readDataPosition); if (first == null) { //nothing is here, so keep checking readDataPosition += Metadata.INDEX_ENTRY_LENGTH; continue; } // System.err.println("\nMoving record: " + first.indexPosition + " -> " + writeDataPosition); first.moveData(file, writeDataPosition); int dataCapacity = first.dataCapacity; readDataPosition += dataCapacity; writeDataPosition += dataCapacity; numberOfRecords--; } } }