com.dropbox.core.DbxWebAuth Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.dropbox.core;
import static com.dropbox.core.util.StringUtil.jq;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.dropbox.core.http.HttpRequestor;
import com.dropbox.core.util.StringUtil;
import com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxRawClientV2;
/*>>> import checkers.nullness.quals.Nullable; */
* Does the OAuth 2 "authorization code" flow. (This SDK does not support the "token" flow.)
* Eventually yields an access token, which can be used with {@link
* com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxClientV2} to make Dropbox API calls. You typically only need to do this
* for a user when they first use your application. Once you have an access token for that user, it
* remains valid for years.
Redirect example
* One-time setup typically done on server initialization:
* {@link DbxRequestConfig} requestConfig = new DbxRequestConfig("text-edit/0.1");
* {@link DbxAppInfo} appInfo = DbxAppInfo.Reader.readFromFile("");
* DbxWebAuth auth = new DbxWebAuth(requestConfig, appInfo);
* String redirectUri = "";
* Part 1
* Handler for "":
* {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest} request = ...
* {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse} response = ...
* // Select a spot in the session for DbxWebAuth to store the CSRF token.
* {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSession} session = request.getSession(true);
* String sessionKey = "dropbox-auth-csrf-token";
* {@link DbxSessionStore} csrfTokenStore = new DbxStandardSessionStore(session, sessionKey);
* // Build an auth request
* {@link DbxWebAuth.Request} authRequest = DbxWebAuth.newRequestBuilder()
* .withRedirectUri(redirectUri, csrfTokenStore)
* .build();
* // Start authorization.
* String authorizePageUrl = auth.{@link #authorize authorize}(authRequest);
* // Redirect the user to the Dropbox website so they can approve our application.
* // The Dropbox website will send them back to ""
* // when they're done.
* response.sendRedirect(authorizePageUrl);
* Part 2
* Handler for "":
* {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest} request = ...
* {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse} response = ...
* // Fetch the session to verify our CSRF token
* {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSession} session = request.getSession(true);
* String sessionKey = "dropbox-auth-csrf-token";
* {@link DbxSessionStore} csrfTokenStore = new DbxStandardSessionStore(session, sessionKey);
* String redirectUri = "";
* {@link DbxAuthFinish} authFinish;
* try {
* authFinish = auth.{@link #finishFromRedirect finishFromRedirect}(redirectUri, csrfTokenStore, request.getParameterMap());
* } catch (DbxWebAuth.BadRequestException ex) {
* log("On /dropbox-auth-finish: Bad request: " + ex.getMessage());
* response.sendError(400);
* return;
* } catch (DbxWebAuth.BadStateException ex) {
* // Send them back to the start of the auth flow.
* response.sendRedirect("");
* return;
* } catch (DbxWebAuth.CsrfException ex) {
* log("On /dropbox-auth-finish: CSRF mismatch: " + ex.getMessage());
* response.sendError(403, "Forbidden.");
* return;
* } catch (DbxWebAuth.NotApprovedException ex) {
* // When Dropbox asked "Do you want to allow this app to access your
* // Dropbox account?", the user clicked "No".
* ...
* return;
* } catch (DbxWebAuth.ProviderException ex) {
* log("On /dropbox-auth-finish: Auth failed: " + ex.getMessage());
* response.sendError(503, "Error communicating with Dropbox.");
* return;
* } catch (DbxException ex) {
* log("On /dropbox-auth-finish: Error getting token: " + ex.getMessage());
* response.sendError(503, "Error communicating with Dropbox.");
* return;
* }
* String accessToken = authFinish.getAccessToken();
* // Save the access token somewhere (probably in your database) so you
* // don't need to send the user through the authorization process again.
* ...
* // Now use the access token to make Dropbox API calls.
* {@link com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxClientV2} client = new DbxClientV2(requestConfig, accessToken);
* ...
* No Redirect Example
* {@link DbxRequestConfig} requestConfig = new DbxRequestConfig("text-edit/0.1");
* {@link DbxAppInfo} appInfo = DbxAppInfo.Reader.readFromFile("");
* DbxWebAuth auth = new DbxWebAuth(requestConfig, appInfo);
* {@link DbxWebAuth.Request} authRequest = DbxWebAuth.newRequestBuilder()
* .withNoRedirect()
* .build();
* String authorizeUrl = auth.authorize(authRequest);
* System.out.println("1. Go to " + authorizeUrl);
* System.out.println("2. Click \"Allow\" (you might have to log in first).");
* System.out.println("3. Copy the authorization code.");
* System.out.print("Enter the authorization code here: ");
* String code = System.console().readLine();
* if (code != null) {
* code = code.trim();
* {@link DbxAuthFinish} authFinish = webAuth.{@link #finishFromCode finishFromCode}(code);
* {@link com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxClientV2} client = new DbxClientV2(requestConfig, authFinish.getAccessToken());
* }
public class DbxWebAuth {
private static final SecureRandom RAND = new SecureRandom();
private static final int CSRF_BYTES_SIZE = 16;
private static final int CSRF_STRING_SIZE = StringUtil.urlSafeBase64Encode(new byte[CSRF_BYTES_SIZE]).length();
/** Role representing the team account associated with a user. Used by {@link Request.Builder#withRequireRole}. */
public static final String ROLE_WORK = "work";
/** Role representing the personal account associated with a user. Used by {@link Request.Builder#withRequireRole}. */
public static final String ROLE_PERSONAL = "personal";
private final DbxRequestConfig requestConfig;
private final DbxAppInfo appInfo;
private final Request deprecatedRequest;
* Creates a new instance that will perform the OAuth2 authorization flow using a redirect URI.
* @param requestConfig HTTP request configuration, never {@code null}.
* @param appInfo Your application's Dropbox API information (the app key and secret), never
* {@code nulL}.
* @param redirectUri Where to redirect the user after authorization has completed, never {@code null}.
* @param sessionStore Session store to use for storing CSRF nonces across requests, never {@code null}.
* @deprecated use {@link #DbxWebAuth(DbxRequestConfig,DbxAppInfo)} and {@link #authorize}
* instead
public DbxWebAuth(DbxRequestConfig requestConfig, DbxAppInfo appInfo, String redirectUri, DbxSessionStore sessionStore) {
if (requestConfig == null) throw new NullPointerException("requestConfig");
if (appInfo == null) throw new NullPointerException("appInfo");
this.requestConfig = requestConfig;
this.appInfo = appInfo;
this.deprecatedRequest = newRequestBuilder()
.withRedirectUri(redirectUri, sessionStore)
* Creates a new instance that will perform the OAuth2 authorization flow using the given OAuth
* request configuration.
* @param requestConfig HTTP request configuration, never {@code null}.
* @param appInfo Your application's Dropbox API information (the app key and secret), never
* {@code null}.
public DbxWebAuth(DbxRequestConfig requestConfig, DbxAppInfo appInfo) {
if (requestConfig == null) throw new NullPointerException("requestConfig");
if (appInfo == null) throw new NullPointerException("appInfo");
this.requestConfig = requestConfig;
this.appInfo = appInfo;
this.deprecatedRequest = null;
* Starts authorization and returns a "authorization URL" on the Dropbox website that gives the
* lets the user grant your app access to their Dropbox account.
* If a redirect URI was specified, then users will be redirected to the redirect URI after
* completing the authorization flow. Call {@link #finishFromRedirect finishFromRedirect(..)} with the query parameters
* received from the redirect.
If no redirect URI was specified, then users who grant access will be shown an
* "authorization code". The user must copy/paste the authorization code back into your app, at
* which point you can call {@link #finishFromCode(String)} to get an access token.
* @param urlState additional state to add to the flow that will be returned upon redirect
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if urlState exceeds maximum size of 476 bytes
* @throws IllegalStateException if this instance was not created using the deprecated {@link #DbxWebAuth(DbxRequestConfig,DbxAppInfo,String,DbxSessionStore)} constructor
* @return Authorization URL of website user can use to authorize your app.
* @deprecated use {@link #DbxWebAuth(DbxRequestConfig,DbxAppInfo)} and {@link #authorize}
* instead.
public String start(/*@Nullable*/String urlState) {
if (deprecatedRequest == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Must use DbxWebAuth.authorize instead.");
return authorizeImpl(
* Starts authorization and returns a "authorization URL" on the Dropbox website that gives the
* lets the user grant your app access to their Dropbox account.
If a redirect URI was specified ({@link Request.Builder#withRedirectUri}), then users
* will be redirected to the redirect URI after completing the authorization flow. Call {@link
* #finishFromRedirect} with the query parameters received from the redirect.
If no redirect URI was specified ({@link Request.Builder#withNoRedirect}), then users who
* grant access will be shown an "authorization code". The user must copy/paste the
* authorization code back into your app, at which point you can call {@link
* #finishFromCode(String)} to get an access token.
* @param request OAuth 2.0 web-based authorization flow request configuration
* @return Authorization URL of website user can use to authorize your app.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this {@link DbxWebAuth} instance was created using the
* deprecated {@link #DbxWebAuth(DbxRequestConfig,DbxAppInfo,String,DbxSessionStore)}
* constructor.
public String authorize(Request request) {
if (deprecatedRequest != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Must create this instance using DbxWebAuth(DbxRequestConfig,DbxAppInfo) to call this method.");
return authorizeImpl(request);
private String authorizeImpl(Request request) {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("client_id", appInfo.getKey());
params.put("response_type", "code");
if (request.redirectUri != null) {
params.put("redirect_uri", request.redirectUri);
params.put("state", appendCsrfToken(request));
if (request.requireRole != null) {
params.put("require_role", request.requireRole);
if (request.forceReapprove != null) {
params.put("force_reapprove", Boolean.toString(request.forceReapprove).toLowerCase());
if (request.disableSignup != null) {
params.put("disable_signup", Boolean.toString(request.disableSignup).toLowerCase());
return DbxRequestUtil.buildUrlWithParams(
* Call this after the user has visited the authorizaton URL and copy/pasted the authorization
* code that Dropbox gave them.
* @param code The authorization code shown to the user when they clicked "Allow" on the
* authorization, page on the Dropbox website, never {@code null}.
* @throws DbxException if an error occurs communicating with Dropbox.
public DbxAuthFinish finishFromCode(String code) throws DbxException {
return finish(code);
* Call this after the user has visited the authorizaton URL with a redirectUrl and copy/pasted
* the authorization code that Dropbox gave them.
* @param code The authorization code shown to the user when they clicked "Allow" on the
* authorization, page on the Dropbox website, never {@code null}.
* @param redirectUri The original redirect URI used by {@link #authorize}, never {@code null}.
* @throws DbxException if an error occurs communicating with Dropbox.
public DbxAuthFinish finishFromCode(String code, String redirectUri) throws DbxException {
return finish(code, redirectUri, null);
* Call this after the user has visited the authorizaton URL and Dropbox has redirected them
* back to you at the redirect URI.
* @param redirectUri The original redirect URI used by {@link #authorize}, never {@code null}.
* @param sessionStore Session store used by {@link #authorize} to store CSRF tokens, never
* {@code null}.
* @param params The query parameters on the GET request to your redirect URI, never {@code
* null}.
* @throws BadRequestException If the redirect request is missing required query parameters,
* contains duplicate parameters, or includes mutually exclusive parameters (e.g. {@code
* "error"} and {@code "code"}).
* @throws BadStateException If the CSRF token retrieved from {@code sessionStore} is {@code
* null} or malformed.
* @throws CsrfException If the CSRF token passed in {@code params} does not match the CSRF
* token from {@code sessionStore}. This implies the redirect request may be forged.
* @throws NotApprovedException If the user chose to deny the authorization request.
* @throws ProviderException If an OAuth2 error response besides {@code "access_denied"} is
* set.
* @throws DbxException If an error occurs communicating with Dropbox.
public DbxAuthFinish finishFromRedirect(String redirectUri,
DbxSessionStore sessionStore,
Map params)
throws DbxException, BadRequestException, BadStateException, CsrfException, NotApprovedException, ProviderException {
if (redirectUri == null) throw new NullPointerException("redirectUri");
if (sessionStore == null) throw new NullPointerException("sessionStore");
if (params == null) throw new NullPointerException("params");
String state = getParam(params, "state");
if (state == null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Missing required parameter: \"state\".");
String error = getParam(params, "error");
String code = getParam(params, "code");
String errorDescription = getParam(params, "error_description");
if (code == null && error == null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Missing both \"code\" and \"error\".");
if (code != null && error != null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Both \"code\" and \"error\" are set.");
if (code != null && errorDescription != null) {
throw new BadRequestException("Both \"code\" and \"error_description\" are set.");
state = verifyAndStripCsrfToken(state, sessionStore);
if (error != null) {
if (error.equals("access_denied")) {
// User clicked "Deny"
String exceptionMessage = errorDescription == null ?
"No additional description from Dropbox" :
"Additional description from Dropbox: " + errorDescription;
throw new NotApprovedException(exceptionMessage);
} else {
// All other errors
String exceptionMessage = errorDescription == null ?
error :
String.format("%s: %s", error, errorDescription);
throw new ProviderException(exceptionMessage);
return finish(code, redirectUri, state);
private DbxAuthFinish finish(String code) throws DbxException {
return finish(code, null, null);
private DbxAuthFinish finish(String code, String redirectUri, final String state) throws DbxException {
if (code == null) throw new NullPointerException("code");
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("grant_type", "authorization_code");
params.put("code", code);
params.put("locale", requestConfig.getUserLocale());
if (redirectUri != null) {
params.put("redirect_uri", redirectUri);
List headers = new ArrayList();
DbxRequestUtil.addBasicAuthHeader(headers, appInfo.getKey(), appInfo.getSecret());
return DbxRequestUtil.doPostNoAuth(
new DbxRequestUtil.ResponseHandler() {
public DbxAuthFinish handle(HttpRequestor.Response response) throws DbxException {
if (response.getStatusCode() != 200) {
throw DbxRequestUtil.unexpectedStatus(response);
return DbxRequestUtil.readJsonFromResponse(DbxAuthFinish.Reader, response)
* Call this after the user has visited the authorizaton URL and Dropbox has redirected them
* back to you (using the {@code redirectUri} you passed in to {@link #start}.
* @param queryParams The query parameters on the GET request to your {@code redirectUri}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this instance was not created using the deprecated {@link #DbxWebAuth(DbxRequestConfig,DbxAppInfo,String,DbxSessionStore)} constructor
* @throws BadRequestException If the redirect request is missing required query parameters,
* contains duplicate parameters, or includes mutually exclusive parameters (e.g. {@code
* "error"} and {@code "code"})
* @throws BadStateException If the CSRF token retrieved from {@code sessionStore} is missing or
* malformed. Missing tokens often imply the user session has expired.
* @throws CsrfException If the CSRF token passed in {@code params} does not match the CSRF
* token from {@code sessionStore}. This implies the redirect request may be forged.
* @throws NotApprovedException If the user chose to deny the authorization request
* @throws ProviderException If an OAuth 2.0 error response besides {@code "access_denied"} is
* set.
* @throws DbxException If an error occurs communicating with Dropbox
* @deprecated use {@link #finishFromRedirect finishFromRedirect(..)} instead.
public DbxAuthFinish finish(Map queryParams)
throws DbxException, BadRequestException, BadStateException, CsrfException, NotApprovedException, ProviderException {
if (deprecatedRequest == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Must use DbxWebAuth.finishFromRedirect(..) instead.");
return finishFromRedirect(
private static String appendCsrfToken(Request request) {
// add a CSRF nonce for security
byte[] csrf = new byte[CSRF_BYTES_SIZE];
String prefix = StringUtil.urlSafeBase64Encode(csrf);
if (prefix.length() != CSRF_STRING_SIZE) {
throw new AssertionError("unexpected CSRF token length: " + prefix.length());
if (request.sessionStore != null) {
if (request.state == null) {
return prefix;
} else {
String combined = prefix + request.state;
if (combined.length() > Request.MAX_STATE_SIZE) {
throw new AssertionError("unexpected combined state length: " + combined.length());
return combined;
private static String verifyAndStripCsrfToken(String state, DbxSessionStore sessionStore)
throws CsrfException, BadStateException {
String expected = sessionStore.get();
if (expected == null) {
throw new BadStateException("No CSRF Token loaded from session store.");
if (expected.length() < CSRF_STRING_SIZE) {
throw new BadStateException("Token retrieved from session store is too small: " + expected);
if (state.length() < CSRF_STRING_SIZE) {
throw new CsrfException("Token too small: " + state);
String actual = state.substring(0, CSRF_STRING_SIZE);
if (!StringUtil.secureStringEquals(expected, actual)) {
throw new CsrfException("expecting " + jq(expected) + ", got " + jq(actual));
String stripped = state.substring(CSRF_STRING_SIZE, state.length());
return stripped.isEmpty() ? null : stripped;
private static /*@Nullable*/String getParam(Map params, String name) throws BadRequestException {
String[] v = params.get(name);
if (v == null) {
return null;
} else if (v.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter \"" + name + "\" missing value.");
} else if (v.length == 1) {
return v[0];
} else {
throw new BadRequestException("multiple occurrences of \"" + name + "\" parameter");
* The base class for authorization redirect errors. You should catch each subclass
* individually.
public static abstract class Exception extends java.lang.Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
public Exception(String message) { super(message); }
* Thrown when the parameters passed to your redirect URI are not well-formed.
* IMPORTANT: The exception's message must not be shown the the user, but may be logged.
* The recommended action is to show an HTTP 400 error page.
public static final class BadRequestException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
public BadRequestException(String message) { super(message); }
* Thrown if all the parameters to your redirect URI are well-formed, but there's no CSRF token
* in the session. This probably means that the user's session expired and they must restart
* the OAuth 2 process.
* IMPORTANT: The exception's message must not be shown the the user, but may be logged.
* The recommended action is to redirect the user's browser to try the approval process again.
public static final class BadStateException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
public BadStateException(String message) { super(message); }
* Thrown if the given 'state' parameter doesn't contain the expected CSRF token. This request
* should be blocked to prevent CSRF attacks.
* IMPORTANT: The exception's message must not be shown the the user, but may be logged.
* The recommended action is to show an HTTP 403 error page.
public static final class CsrfException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
public CsrfException(String message) { super(message); }
* Thrown when Dropbox tells us that the user chose not to grant your app access to their
* Dropbox account (i.e. the user clicked the "Deny" button).
* IMPORTANT: The exception's message must not be shown the the user, but may be logged.
public static final class NotApprovedException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
public NotApprovedException(String message) { super(message); }
* Thrown when Dropbox tells us that some other error occurred in the authorization process.
* IMPORTANT: The exception's message should not be shown the the user, but should be logged.
public static final class ProviderException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
public ProviderException(String message) { super(message); }
* Returns a new request builder with default values (e.g. no redirect).
* @return new request builder with default values
public static Request.Builder newRequestBuilder() {
return Request.newBuilder();
* OAuth web-based authorization flow request.
* Used by {@link #authorize} for initiating OAuth web-based authorization flows.
public static final class Request {
private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
private static final int MAX_STATE_SIZE = 500;
private final String redirectUri;
private final String state;
private final String requireRole;
private final Boolean forceReapprove;
private final Boolean disableSignup;
private final DbxSessionStore sessionStore;
private Request(String redirectUri,
String state,
String requireRole,
Boolean forceReapprove,
Boolean disableSignup,
DbxSessionStore sessionStore) {
this.redirectUri = redirectUri;
this.state = state;
this.requireRole = requireRole;
this.forceReapprove = forceReapprove;
this.disableSignup = disableSignup;
this.sessionStore = sessionStore;
* Returns a copy of this request.
* @return copy of this request
public Builder copy() {
return new Builder(redirectUri,
* Returns a new request builder with default values (e.g. no redirect).
* @return new request builder with default values
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
* Builder for OAuth2 requests. Use this builder to configure the OAuth authorization flow.
public static final class Builder {
private String redirectUri;
private String state;
private String requireRole;
private Boolean forceReapprove;
private Boolean disableSignup;
private DbxSessionStore sessionStore;
private Builder() {
this(null, null, null, null, null, null);
private Builder(String redirectUri,
String state,
String requireRole,
Boolean forceReapprove,
Boolean disableSignup,
DbxSessionStore sessionStore) {
this.redirectUri = redirectUri;
this.state = state;
this.requireRole = requireRole;
this.forceReapprove = forceReapprove;
this.disableSignup = disableSignup;
this.sessionStore = sessionStore;
* Do not redirect the user after authorization has completed (default).
* After a user authorizes the app using the authorization URL, a code will be
* displayed that they must copy and paste into your app. If you want users to be
* redirected after authorization back to your app, use {@link #withRedirectUri}
* instead. Websites should always provide a redirect URI.
* @return this builder
public Builder withNoRedirect() {
this.redirectUri = null;
this.sessionStore = null;
return this;
* Where to redirect the user after authorization has completed.
This must be the exact URI registered in the App Console;
* even {@code "localhost"} must be listed if it is used for testing. All redirect URIs must be
* HTTPS except for localhost URIs. If the redirect URI is omitted, the code will be
* presented directly to the user and they will be invited to enter the information in
* your app.
The given session store will be used for storing the Cross-Site Request Forgery
* (CSRF) nonce generated during the authorization flow. To prevent CSRF attacks, {@link
* DbxWebAuth} appends a nonce to each authorization request. When the authorization
* flow is complete, the returned nonce is compared with the one in the store to ensure
* the response is valid. A session store must be specified if a redirect URI is
* set.
* @param redirectUri URI to redirect authorization response, never {@code null}.
* @param sessionStore Session store to use for storing CSRF nonces across requests, never {@code null}.
* @return this builder
* @throws NullPointerException if either redirectUri or sessionStore is {@code null}
public Builder withRedirectUri(String redirectUri, DbxSessionStore sessionStore) {
if (redirectUri == null) throw new NullPointerException("redirectUri");
if (sessionStore == null) throw new NullPointerException("sessionStore");
this.redirectUri = redirectUri;
this.sessionStore = sessionStore;
return this;
* Up to 476 bytes of arbitrary data that will be passed back to your redirect URI.
Note that {@link DbxWebAuth} will always automatically append a nonce to the
* state to protect against cross-site request forgery. This is true even if no state is
* provided.
State should only be provided if a redirect URI is provided as well, otherwise
* {@link #build} will throw an {@link IllegalStateException}.
* @param state additional state to pass back to the redirect URI, or {@code null} to
* pass back no additional state.
* @return this builder
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if state is greater than 476 bytes
public Builder withState(String state) {
if (state != null && (state.getBytes(UTF8).length + CSRF_STRING_SIZE) > MAX_STATE_SIZE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UTF-8 encoded state cannot be greater than " + (MAX_STATE_SIZE - CSRF_STRING_SIZE) + " bytes.");
this.state = state;
return this;
* Request the user authorize with the particular type of Dropbox account.
* If specified, the user will be asked to authorize with a particular type of Dropbox
* account (e.g. a team account or personal account).
* @param requireRole which role should authorize this app, or {@code null} for any
* role.
* @return this builder
* @see DbxWebAuth#ROLE_WORK
* @see DbxWebAuth#ROLE_PERSONAL
public Builder withRequireRole(String requireRole) {
this.requireRole = requireRole;
return this;
* Whether or not to force the user to approve the app again if they've already done so.
If {@code false} (default), a user who has already approved the application may
* be automatically redirected to the URI specified by {@link #withRedirectUri}. If
* {@code true}, the user will not be automatically redirected and will have to approve
* the app again.
* @return this builder
* @param forceReapprove whether to force a user to re-approve this app, or {@code null}
* for default behavior
public Builder withForceReapprove(Boolean forceReapprove) {
this.forceReapprove = forceReapprove;
return this;
* Whether or not to allow non-users to sign up for a Dropbox account via the authorization page.
When {@code true} (default is {@code false}) users will not be able to sign up
* for a Dropbox account via the authorization page. Instead, the authorization page
* will show a link to install Dropbox (typically through a mobile app store). This is
* only intended for use when necessary for compliance with App Store policies.
* @param disableSignup whether or not to allow users to sign up in the authorization
* flow, or {@code null} for default behavior
* @return this builder
public Builder withDisableSignup(Boolean disableSignup) {
this.disableSignup = disableSignup;
return this;
* Returns a new OAuth {@link Request} that can be used in
* {@link DbxWebAuth#DbxWebAuth(DbxRequestConfig,DbxAppInfo)} to authorize a user.
* @return new OAuth {@link Request} configuration.
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@link #withState} was called with a non-{@code
* null} value, but no redirect URI was specified.
public Request build() {
if (redirectUri == null && state != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot specify a state without a redirect URI.");
return new Request(redirectUri,