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com.dslplatform.compiler.client.parameters.OracleConnection Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.dslplatform.compiler.client.parameters;

import com.dslplatform.compiler.client.CompileParameter;
import com.dslplatform.compiler.client.Context;
import com.dslplatform.compiler.client.ExitException;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public enum OracleConnection implements CompileParameter {

	public String getAlias() {
		return "oracle";

	public String getUsage() {
		return "connection_string";

	private static final String CACHE_NAME = "oracle_dsl_cache";
	private static final String ORACLE_CUSTOM_DRIVER = "oracle_jdbc_driver";

	public static Map getDatabaseDsl(final Context context) throws ExitException {
		return getDatabaseDslAndVersion(context).dsl;

	static String extractOracleVersion(final String version, final Context context) {
		final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^\\w+\\s+(\\d+\\.\\d+)").matcher(version);
		if (!matcher.find()) {
			context.warning("Unable to detect Oracle version. Found version info: " + version);
			return "";

	private static Connection getConnection(final Context context, final String url) throws SQLException {
		final Driver driver = context.load(ORACLE_CUSTOM_DRIVER);
		return driver == null
				? DriverManager.getConnection(url)
				: driver.connect(url, null);

	public static DatabaseInfo getDatabaseDslAndVersion(final Context context) throws ExitException {
		final DatabaseInfo cache = context.load(CACHE_NAME);
		if (cache != null) {
			return cache;
		final String previous = context.load("previous-sql:oracle");
		if (previous != null) {
			return extractDatabaseInfoFromMigration(context, previous);
		final String value = context.get(INSTANCE);
		final String connectionString = "jdbc:oracle:thin:" + value;
		Connection conn;
		Statement stmt;
		final String oracle;
		try {
			conn = getConnection(context, connectionString);
			stmt = conn.createStatement();
			final ResultSet dbVersion = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM V$VERSION where banner LIKE 'CORE%'");
			if ( {
				oracle = extractOracleVersion(dbVersion.getString(1), context);
			} else {
				oracle = "";
		} catch (SQLException e) {
			context.error("Error opening connection to " + connectionString);
			throw new ExitException();
		final DatabaseInfo emptyResult = new DatabaseInfo("Oracle", "", oracle, new HashMap(), null);
		try {
			final ResultSet migrationExist =
							"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.all_tables t\n" +
			final boolean hasTable = && migrationExist.getLong(1) > 0;
			if (!hasTable) {
				context.cache(CACHE_NAME, emptyResult);
				return emptyResult;
		} catch (SQLException ex) {
			context.error("Error checking for migration table in -DSL- schema");
			cleanup(conn, context);
			throw new ExitException();
		try {
			ResultSet lastMigration;
			try {
				lastMigration = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT sq.Dsls, sq.Version\n" +
						"FROM (SELECT m.Dsls, m.Version FROM \"-DSL-\".Database_Migration m ORDER BY m.Ordinal DESC) sq\n" +
						"WHERE RowNum = 1");
			}catch (Throwable ignore) {
				lastMigration = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT sq.Dsls, sq.Version\n" +
						"FROM (SELECT m.Dsls, m.Version FROM \"-NGS-\".Database_Migration m ORDER BY m.Ordinal DESC) sq\n" +
						"WHERE RowNum = 1");
			final String lastDsl;
			final String compiler;
			if ( {
				lastDsl = lastMigration.getString(1);
				compiler = lastMigration.getString(2);
			} else {
				lastDsl = compiler = "";
			if (lastDsl != null && lastDsl.length() > 0) {
				final Map dslMap = DatabaseInfo.convertToMap(lastDsl, context);
				final DatabaseInfo result = new DatabaseInfo("Oracle", compiler, oracle, dslMap, null);
				context.cache(CACHE_NAME, result);
				return result;
		} catch (SQLException ex) {
			context.error("Error loading previous DSL from migration table in -DSL- schema");
			cleanup(conn, context);
			throw new ExitException();
		context.cache(CACHE_NAME, emptyResult);
		return emptyResult;

	static DatabaseInfo extractDatabaseInfoFromMigration(final Context context, final String previous) throws ExitException {
		final String dbVersion = context.load("db-version:oracle");
		final String pattern = "INSERT INTO \"-DSL-\".Database_Migration (Ordinal, Dsls, Version) VALUES(\"-DSL-\".DM_SEQ.nextval,";
		final int persistInd = previous.lastIndexOf(pattern);
		if (persistInd == -1) {
			context.error("Unable to find INSERT INTO \"-DSL-\".Database_Migration in previous sql migration. Wrong file provided");
			throw new ExitException();
		final String lastDsl;
		final int patternSimpleStart = previous.indexOf(pattern + " '");
		final int patternComplexStart = previous.indexOf(pattern + " dsls, '");
		final String afterPersist = previous.substring(persistInd);
		final int compilerEnd = afterPersist.lastIndexOf('\'');
		final int compilerStart = compilerEnd == -1 ? -1 : afterPersist.substring(0, compilerEnd - 1).lastIndexOf('\'');
		final String compiler = compilerStart == -1 ? "" : afterPersist.substring(compilerStart + 1, compilerEnd);
		if (compiler.length() == 0) {
			context.error("Unable to find appropriate compiler info after INSERT INTO \"-DSL-\".Database_Migration in previous sql migration. Wrong file provided");
			throw new ExitException();
		} else if (patternSimpleStart >= 0) {
			lastDsl = afterPersist.substring(pattern.length() + 2, compilerStart - 3);
		} else if (patternComplexStart >= 0) {
			final StringBuilder dsls = new StringBuilder();
			int clobStart = previous.indexOf("dsls := '");
			if (clobStart == -1) {
				context.error("Unable to find appropriate dsls := in previous sql migration. Wrong file provided");
				throw new ExitException();
			clobStart += "dsls := '".length();
			int clobEnd = previous.indexOf("dsls := dsls || '");
			while (clobEnd != -1) {
				final String part = previous.substring(clobStart, clobEnd);
				final int scEnd = part.lastIndexOf('\'');
				dsls.append(part, 0, scEnd);
				clobStart = clobEnd + "dsls := dsls || '".length();
				clobEnd = previous.indexOf("dsls := dsls || '", clobStart);
			final String lastPart = previous.substring(clobStart, persistInd);
			final int scEnd = lastPart.lastIndexOf('\'');
			dsls.append(lastPart, 0, scEnd);
			lastDsl = dsls.toString();
		} else {
			context.error("Unable to find appropriate INSERT INTO \"-DSL-\".Database_Migration in previous sql migration. Wrong file provided");
			throw new ExitException();
		final Map dslMap = DatabaseInfo.convertToMap(lastDsl.replace("''", "'"), context);
		final DatabaseInfo result = new DatabaseInfo("Oracle", compiler, dbVersion, dslMap, null);
		context.cache(CACHE_NAME, result);
		return result;

	public static void execute(final Context context, final String sql) throws ExitException {
		final String value = context.get(INSTANCE);
		final String connectionString = "jdbc:oracle:thin:" + value;
		Connection conn;
		Statement stmt;
		try {
			conn = getConnection(context, connectionString);
			stmt = conn.createStatement();
		} catch (SQLException e) {
			context.error("Error opening connection to " + connectionString);
			throw new ExitException();
		final int migrationEnds = sql.indexOf("MIGRATION_DESCRIPTION*/");
		final String rawSql = migrationEnds == -1 ? sql : sql.substring(migrationEnds + "MIGRATION_DESCRIPTION*/".length());
		final String[] parts = rawSql.contains("\r\n") ? rawSql.split("\r\n/\r\n") : rawSql.split("\n/\n");
		try {
			for (final String part : parts) {
				final String trimmed = part.trim();
				if (trimmed.length() > 0) {
		} catch (SQLException ex) {
			context.error("Error executing SQL script");
			cleanup(conn, context);
			throw new ExitException();

	private static void cleanup(final Connection conn, final Context context) {
		try {
		} catch (SQLException ex2) {
			context.error("Error cleaning up connection.");

	static class Credentials {
		public final String user;
		public final String password;

		public Credentials(String user, String password) {
			this.user = user;
			this.password = password;

	private static Credentials parse(final String connectionString) {
		final String[] args = connectionString.substring(0, connectionString.indexOf('@')).split("/");
		if (args.length == 2) {
			return new Credentials(args[0], args[1]);
		return null;

	private static boolean testConnection(final Context context) throws ExitException {
		final String connectionString = context.get(INSTANCE);
		try {
			final Connection conn = getConnection(context, "jdbc:oracle:thin:" + connectionString);
			final Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
			stmt.execute("SELECT 1 FROM dual");
		} catch (SQLException e) {
			if (context.canInteract()) {
				context.warning("Error connecting to the database.");
			} else {
				context.error("Error connecting to the database.");
			if (e.getErrorCode() == 12514) {
				context.error("Oracle database not found. Please create database before using clc or check if correct connection string was provided");
				return false;
			if (e.getErrorCode() != 1017) {
				return false;
			if (!context.canInteract()) {;
				context.error("Please provide correct password to access Oracle database.");
				throw new ExitException();
			final Credentials args = parse(connectionString);
			String user = args != null ? args.user : "";
			String password = args != null ? args.password : "";
			if (password.length() != 0) {
				final String answer = context.ask("Retry database connection with different credentials (y/N):");
				if (!"y".equalsIgnoreCase(answer)) {
					return false;
			} else {
				final String question;
				if (user.length() != 0) {
					question = "Oracle username (" + user + "): ";
				} else {
					question = "Oracle username: ";
				final String value = context.ask(question);
				if (value.length() > 0) {
					user = value;
				} else if (user.length() == 0) {
					context.error("Username not provided");
					throw new ExitException();
			final char[] pass = context.askSecret("Oracle password: ");
			password = new String(pass);
			final int questionIndex = connectionString.indexOf('@');
			final String newCs = user + "/" + password + connectionString.substring(questionIndex);
			context.put(INSTANCE, newCs);
			return testConnection(context);
		return true;

	public boolean check(final Context context) throws ExitException {
		if (!context.contains(INSTANCE)) {
			return true;
		final String value = context.get(INSTANCE);
		if (value == null || !value.contains("@") || !value.contains(":")) {
			context.error("Invalid connection string defined. An example: @localhost:1521/DbRevenj");
			throw new ExitException();
		try {
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
			context.warning("Error loading Oracle driver (oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver). Will look into alternative locations ...");
			final File loc = new File(".");
			final File[] foundFiles = loc.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
				public boolean accept(File file) {
					final String name = file.getName().toLowerCase();
					return name.startsWith("ojdbc") && name.endsWith(".jar");
			final List jars = foundFiles == null ? new ArrayList(0) : new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(foundFiles));
			if (jars.size() == 0) {
				final String envOH = System.getenv("ORACLE_HOME");
				if (envOH != null) {
					context.log("Found ORACLE_HOME environment variable: " + envOH);
					final File jdbcRootFile = new File(new File(envOH), "ojdbc6.jar");
					final File jdbcLibFile = new File(new File(new File(new File(envOH), "jdbc"), "lib"), "ojdbc6.jar");
					if (jdbcRootFile.exists()) {
					} else if (jdbcLibFile.exists()) {
					} else {
						context.warning("Found ORACLE_HOME environment variable, but jar driver is missing from: "
								+ jdbcRootFile.getAbsolutePath() + " and " + jdbcLibFile.getAbsolutePath());
				} else {
					context.warning("ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set");
			if (jars.size() == 0) {
				context.error("Try downloading ojdbc6.jar from Oracle: " +
						"and place it in: " + new File(".").getAbsolutePath() + "\n" +
						"Alternatively, try adding thin ojdbc to the classpath or set correct ORACLE_HOME environment variable.");
				throw new ExitException();
			final URL[] urls = new URL[jars.size()];
			for (int i = 0; i < jars.size(); i++) {
				try {
					urls[i] = jars.get(i).toURI().toURL();
				} catch (MalformedURLException mex) {
			final URLClassLoader ucl = new URLClassLoader(urls);
			final ServiceLoader drivers = ServiceLoader.load(java.sql.Driver.class, ucl);
			for (final java.sql.Driver d : drivers) {
				context.log("Found: " + d);
				if ("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver".equals(d.getClass().getName())) {
					if (urls.length == 1) {"Found Oracle driver in: " + urls[0].getPath());
					} else {"Found Oracle driver");
					try {
						java.sql.Driver driver = d.getClass().newInstance();
						context.cache(ORACLE_CUSTOM_DRIVER, driver);
					} catch (Exception de) {
			try {
			} catch (ClassNotFoundException oex) {
				if (context.load(ORACLE_CUSTOM_DRIVER) == null) {
					context.error("Error trying to load Oracle driver using fallback method. Add thin ojdbc to the classpath.");
					throw new ExitException();
		return testConnection(context);

	public void run(final Context context) {

	public String getShortDescription() {
		return "Connection string to Oracle database. To create an SQL migration a database with previous DSL must be provided";

	public String getDetailedDescription() {
		return "Previous version of DSL is required for various actions, such as diff and SQL migration.\n" +
				"Connection string can be passed from the properties file or as command argument.\n" +
				"If password is not defined in the connection string and console is available, it will prompt for database credentials.\n" +
				"\n" +
				"Example connection strings:\n" +
				"\n" +
				"\t@localhost:1521/ServiceName\n" +
				"\tuser/pass@server:1521/DB\n" +
				"\n" +
				"More info about connection strings can be found on Oracle JDBC site:\n" +
				"Connection string is defined without the jdbc:oracle:thin: part";

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