com.dua3.utility.fx.controls.ComboBoxEx Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.dua3.utility.fx.controls;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.ButtonType;
import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox;
import javafx.scene.control.ListCell;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.util.Callback;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
* A custom ComboBox control that supports additional features like editing, adding, and removing items.
* @param the type of the items contained in the ComboBox
public class ComboBoxEx extends CustomControl implements InputControl {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(ComboBoxEx.class);
private @Nullable Comparator super T> comparator = null;
private final @Nullable UnaryOperator edit;
private final @Nullable Supplier add;
private final @Nullable BiPredicate, T> remove;
private final Function format;
private final ObservableList items;
private final ComboBox comboBox;
* Constructs a ComboBoxEx with the specified edit, add, remove, format, and items.
* @param edit the unary operator to perform editing on the selected item (nullable)
* @param add the supplier to provide a new item to add (nullable)
* @param remove the bi-predicate to determine if an item should be removed (nullable)
* @param format the function to format the items as strings
* @param items the initial items to populate the ComboBox (variadic parameter)
public ComboBoxEx(@Nullable UnaryOperator edit, @Nullable Supplier add, @Nullable BiPredicate, T> remove, Function format, T... items) {
this(edit, add, remove, format, Arrays.asList(items));
* Constructs a ComboBoxEx with the specified edit, add, remove, format, and items.
* @param edit the unary operator to perform editing on the selected item (nullable)
* @param add the supplier to provide a new item to add (nullable)
* @param remove the bi-predicate to determine if an item should be removed (nullable)
* @param format the function to format the items as strings
* @param items the initial items to populate the ComboBox (variadic parameter)
public ComboBoxEx(@Nullable UnaryOperator edit, @Nullable Supplier add, @Nullable BiPredicate, T> remove, Function<@Nullable T, String> format, Collection items) {
super(new HBox());
this.format = format;
this.items = FXCollections.observableArrayList(List.copyOf(items));
this.comboBox = new ComboBox<>(this.items);
ObservableList children = container.getChildren();
if (edit != null) {
this.edit = edit;
Button buttonEdit = Controls.button().text("✎").action(this::editItem).build();
} else {
this.edit = null;
if (add != null) {
this.add = add;
Button buttonAdd = Controls.button().text("+").action(this::addItem).build();
} else {
this.add = null;
if (remove != null) {
this.remove = remove;
Button buttonRemove = Controls.button().text("-").action(this::removeItem).build();
() -> comboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem() != null && this.items.size() > 1,
comboBox.selectionModelProperty(), this.items)
} else {
this.remove = null;
Callback<@Nullable ListView<@Nullable T>, ListCell<@Nullable T>> cellFactory = new Callback<>() {
public ListCell<@Nullable T> call(@Nullable ListView lv) {
return new ListCell<>() {
protected void updateItem(@Nullable T item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
String text = "";
if (!empty) {
try {
text = format.apply(item);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("error during formatting", e);
text = String.valueOf(item);
private void editItem() {
if (edit == null) {
LOG.warn("editing not supported");
int idx = comboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex();
if (idx >= 0) {
T item = items.get(idx);
item = edit.apply(item);
if (item != null) {
items.add(idx, item);
private void addItem() {
Optional.ofNullable(add).map(Supplier::get).ifPresent((T item) -> {
private void removeItem() {
T item = comboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if (Optional.ofNullable(remove).orElse(ComboBoxEx::alwaysRemoveSelectedItem).test(this, item)) {
int idx = items.indexOf(item);
idx = Math.min(idx, items.size() - 1);
if (idx >= 0) {
* Prompts the user with a confirmation dialogue to verify whether to remove the selected item.
* Pass this as the {@code remove} parameter to the constructor to show a confirmation dialog
* when the user wants to remove an item.
* @param item the item to be removed
* @return true if the user confirms the removal, false otherwise
public boolean askBeforeRemoveSelectedItem(T item) {
return Dialogs.confirmation(Optional.ofNullable(getScene()).map(Scene::getWindow).orElse(null))
.header("Remove %s?", format.apply(item))
.map(bt -> bt == ButtonType.YES || bt == ButtonType.OK)
* Remove the selected item without showing a confirmation dialog.
Pass this as the {@code remove} parameter to the constructor to remove items without showing
* a confirmation dialog.
* @param the type of items contained in the {@code ComboBoxEx}
* @param cb the {@code ComboBoxEx} to remove the item from
* @param item the item to be removed
* @return true if the user confirms the removal, false otherwise
public static boolean alwaysRemoveSelectedItem(ComboBoxEx cb, T item) {
return true;
* Retrieves the currently selected item from the ComboBoxEx.
* @return an Optional containing the selected item if one is selected, or an empty Optional if no item is selected
public Optional getSelectedItem() {
//noinspection OptionalOfNullableMisuse - false positive; from reading the JavaFX source, the selected item might well be null
return Optional.ofNullable(comboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem());
* Retrieves a copy of the items in the ComboBoxEx.
* @return an immutable list containing the current items in the ComboBoxEx
public List getItems() {
return List.copyOf(items);
* Returns the property containing the selected item in the ComboBoxEx.
* @return the ReadOnlyObjectProperty representing the selected item property
public ReadOnlyObjectProperty selectedItemProperty() {
return comboBox.selectionModelProperty().get().selectedItemProperty();
* Sets the comparator for the ComboBoxEx and sorts the items accordingly.
* If the comparator is null, the items will not be sorted.
* @param comparator the comparator to set, which is used for sorting the items
public void setComparator(Comparator super T> comparator) {
this.comparator = comparator;
* Sorts the items in the ComboBoxEx using the defined comparator.
* If the comparator is null, the method returns without performing any action.
* The currently selected item, if any, will remain selected after sorting.
public void sortItems() {
if (comparator == null) {
Optional selectedItem = getSelectedItem();
selectedItem.ifPresent((T item) -> comboBox.selectionModelProperty().get().select(item));
public Node node() {
return this;
public Property<@Nullable T> valueProperty() {
return comboBox.valueProperty();
public void reset() {
public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty validProperty() {
return new SimpleBooleanProperty(true);
public ReadOnlyStringProperty errorProperty() {
return new SimpleStringProperty("");