com.dua3.utility.fx.controls.InputControl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.dua3.utility.fx.controls;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox;
import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.stage.FileChooser;
import javafx.util.StringConverter;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
* Interface for an input field.
* @param the input result type
public interface InputControl {
* Creates a {@link SimpleInputControl} for a TextField with String input.
* @param dflt a {@link Supplier} providing the default value for the TextField
* @param validate a {@link Function} that takes a String and returns an Optional containing a validation error message, if any
* @return a {@link SimpleInputControl} containing the TextField and associated properties
static SimpleInputControl stringInput(Supplier dflt, Function> validate) {
TextField control = new TextField();
StringProperty value = control.textProperty();
return new SimpleInputControl<>(control, value, dflt, validate);
* Creates a new {@link SimpleInputControl} for a {@link TextField} with bidirectional binding.
* @param dflt The supplier providing the default value.
* @param validate A function to validate the value, returning an optional error message.
* @param converter The StringConverter to convert between the value and its string representation.
* @param The type of the value.
* @return A {@link SimpleInputControl} containing the {@link TextField} and associated properties.
static SimpleInputControl stringInput(Supplier dflt, Function<@Nullable T, Optional> validate, StringConverter<@Nullable T> converter) {
TextField control = new TextField();
ObjectProperty<@Nullable T> value = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
Bindings.bindBidirectional(control.textProperty(), value, converter);
return new SimpleInputControl<>(control, value, dflt, validate);
* Creates a {@link SimpleInputControl} for integer values.
* @param dflt the default value {@link Supplier}
* @param validate the {@link Function} to validate the integer input
* @return a {@link SimpleInputControl} for integer input
static SimpleInputControl integerInput(Supplier<@Nullable Integer> dflt, Function<@Nullable Integer, Optional> validate) {
TextField control = new TextField();
StringProperty textProperty = control.textProperty();
IntegerProperty value = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
textProperty.bindBidirectional(value, NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(Locale.getDefault()));
return new SimpleInputControl<>(control, value.asObject(), dflt, validate);
* Creates a {@link SimpleInputControl} for decimal input using a {@link TextField}.
* @param dflt the {@link Supplier} providing the default value for the input
* @param validate the {@link Function} to validate the input value
* @return a {@link SimpleInputControl} that manages a TextField for Decimal input
static SimpleInputControl decimalInput(Supplier<@Nullable Double> dflt, Function<@Nullable Double, Optional> validate) {
TextField control = new TextField();
StringProperty textProperty = control.textProperty();
DoubleProperty value = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
textProperty.bindBidirectional(value, NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()));
return new SimpleInputControl<>(control, value.asObject(), dflt, validate);
* Creates a {@link SimpleInputControl} for a {@link CheckBox} with a default value, text, and validation function.
* @param dflt a {@link Supplier} providing the default Boolean value
* @param text the text to be displayed with the {@link CheckBox}
* @param validate a {@link Function} that takes a Boolean value and returns an {@link Optional} containing an error message if validation fails
* @return a new instance of {@link SimpleInputControl} configured with a {@link CheckBox} and the provided parameters
static SimpleInputControl checkBoxInput(Supplier<@Nullable Boolean> dflt, String text, Function<@Nullable Boolean, Optional> validate) {
CheckBox control = new CheckBox(text);
BooleanProperty value = control.selectedProperty();
return new SimpleInputControl<>(control, value.asObject(), dflt, validate);
* Creates a {@link ComboBox} input control with specified choices, default value {@link Supplier}, and validation {@link Function}.
* @param the type of the items in the {@link ComboBox}
* @param choices the collection of available choices for the {@link ComboBox}
* @param dflt a {@link Supplier} providing the default value
* @param validate a {@link Function} to validate the selected item which returns an optional error message
* @return a {@link SimpleInputControl} containing the ComboBox and its value property
static SimpleInputControl, T> comboBoxInput(Collection extends T> choices, Supplier dflt, Function> validate) {
ComboBox control = new ComboBox<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList(choices));
Property value = control.valueProperty();
return new SimpleInputControl<>(control, value, dflt, validate);
* Creates a new {@code SimpleInputControl} for a {@link ComboBoxEx} with the specified parameters.
* @param the type of items contained in the {@link ComboBoxEx}
* @param choices the collection of choices to populate the {@link ComboBoxEx}
* @param dflt a {@link Supplier} for the default value
* @param edit a {@link UnaryOperator} to perform editing on the selected item (nullable)
* @param add a {@link Supplier} to provide a new item to add (nullable)
* @param remove a {@link BiPredicate} to determine if an item should be removed (nullable)
* @param format a {@link Function} to format the items as strings
* @param validate a {@link Function} to validate the current value
* @return a new instance of {@code SimpleInputControl} configured with a {@link ComboBoxEx} and its value property
static SimpleInputControl, T> comboBoxExInput(
Collection choices,
Supplier dflt,
@Nullable UnaryOperator edit,
@Nullable Supplier add,
@Nullable BiPredicate, T> remove,
Function format,
Function> validate) {
ComboBoxEx control = new ComboBoxEx<>(edit, add, remove, format, FXCollections.observableArrayList(choices));
Property value = control.valueProperty();
return new SimpleInputControl<>(control, value, dflt, validate);
* Provides a file chooser input control.
* @param dflt a {@link Supplier} providing the default file path.
* @param mode the {@link FileDialogMode} of the dialog (e.g., OPEN, SAVE, DIRECTORY).
* @param existingOnly specifies if only existing files can be chosen.
* @param filters a {@link Collection} of {@link javafx.stage.FileChooser.ExtensionFilter} to apply.
* @param validate a {@link Function} that validates the selected file path.
* @return An {@code InputControl} instance for file selection.
static InputControl chooseFile(Supplier dflt, FileDialogMode mode, boolean existingOnly, Collection filters,
Function> validate) {
return new FileInput(mode, existingOnly, dflt, filters, validate);
* Get the {@link Node} for this input element.
* @return the node
Node node();
* Get value.
* @return the current value
default T get() {
return valueProperty().getValue();
* Provides the property representing the value of this input control.
* @return the property containing the current value
Property<@Nullable T> valueProperty();
* Set value.
* @param arg the value to set
default void set(@Nullable T arg) {
* Test if content is valid.
* @return true, if content is valid
default boolean isValid() {
return validProperty().get();
* Set/update control state.
default void init() {
// nop
* Reset value to default
void reset();
* Provides a read-only property representing the validity of the input.
* @return a ReadOnlyBooleanProperty that is true if the input is valid and false otherwise
ReadOnlyBooleanProperty validProperty();
* Provides a read-only property representing the error message for this input control.
* This property contains an error message if the input is invalid, otherwise it is empty.
* @return a ReadOnlyStringProperty containing the error message if there is a validation error, otherwise empty
ReadOnlyStringProperty errorProperty();
* State class encapsulates a value, validation logic, error message, and validity state.
* @param the type of the value being managed
class State {
private final Property value;
private final BooleanProperty valid = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true);
private final StringProperty error = new SimpleStringProperty("");
private Supplier extends R> dflt;
private Function super R, Optional> validate;
* Constructs a State object with the given value.
* @param value the property representing the value managed by this State
public State(Property value) {
this(value, freeze(value));
* Constructs a State object with the given value and default value supplier.
* @param value the property representing the value managed by this State
* @param dflt a supplier that provides the default value for the property
public State(Property value, Supplier dflt) {
this(value, dflt, s -> Optional.empty());
* Creates a supplier that always returns the current value of the given ObservableValue,
* capturing its value at the moment this method is called.
* @param value the ObservableValue whose current value is to be captured
* @return a Supplier that returns the captured value
private static Supplier freeze(ObservableValue extends R> value) {
final R frozen = value.getValue();
return () -> frozen;
* Constructs a State object with the given value, default value supplier, and validation function.
* @param value the property representing the value managed by this State
* @param dflt a supplier that provides the default value for the property
* @param validate a function that validates the value and returns an optional error message
public State(Property value, Supplier extends R> dflt, Function super R, Optional> validate) {
this.value = value;
this.value.addListener((v, o, n) -> updateValidState(n));
this.dflt = dflt;
this.validate = validate;
this.value.addListener((v, o, n) -> updateValidState(n));
private void updateValidState(@Nullable R r) {
Optional result = validate.apply(r);
* Sets the validation function for the State.
* @param validate a function that validates the value and returns an optional error message
public void setValidate(Function super R, Optional> validate) {
this.validate = validate;
* Returns the property representing the value managed by this State.
* @return the property representing the value
public Property valueProperty() {
return value;
* Provides a read-only boolean property indicating the validity state.
* @return a {@link ReadOnlyBooleanProperty} representing whether the current state is valid
public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty validProperty() {
return valid;
* Returns a read-only string property representing the current error message.
* If the value is valid, the error message will be an empty string.
* @return ReadOnlyStringProperty representing the error message.
public ReadOnlyStringProperty errorProperty() {
return error;
* Sets the default value supplier for this State.
* @param dflt a supplier that provides the default value for the property
public void setDefault(Supplier extends R> dflt) {
this.dflt = dflt;
* Resets the state to its default value.
* This method sets the current value of the property managed by this
* state to the default value supplied during the creation of the state.
public void reset() {