dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.TiffConformanceChecker Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* TiffConformanceChecker.java
This program is free software: you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version; or,
* at your choice, under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. SPDX GPL-3.0+ or MPL-2.0+.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License and the Mozilla Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and the Mozilla Public
* License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
* and at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0 .
NB: for the
* © statement, include Easy Innova SL or other company/Person contributing the code.
* 2015 Easy Innova, SL
* @author Víctor Muñoz Solà
* @version 1.0
* @since 23/7/2015
package dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.ConformanceChecker;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.configuration.Configuration;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.configuration.Field;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.implementation_checker.ImplementationCheckerLoader;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.implementation_checker.TiffImplementationChecker;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.implementation_checker.Validator;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.implementation_checker.model.TiffValidationObject;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.implementation_checker.rules.RuleResult;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.metadata_fixer.Fix;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.metadata_fixer.Fixes;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.metadata_fixer.autofixes.autofix;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.metadata_fixer.autofixes.clearPrivateData;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.metadata_fixer.autofixes.makeBaselineCompliant;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.policy_checker.Rules;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.reporting.HtmlReport;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.reporting.MetsReport;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.reporting.PdfReport;
import dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.reporting.XmlReport;
import dpfmanager.shell.core.DPFManagerProperties;
import dpfmanager.shell.core.app.MainConsoleApp;
import dpfmanager.shell.modules.interoperability.core.ConformanceConfig;
import dpfmanager.shell.modules.report.core.IndividualReport;
import dpfmanager.shell.modules.report.core.ReportGenerator;
import com.google.common.reflect.ClassPath;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.io.TiffInputStream;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.ReadIccConfigIOException;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.ReadTagsIOException;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.TiffDocument;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.model.types.IccProfile;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.reader.TiffReader;
import com.easyinnova.tiff.writer.TiffWriter;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
* The Class TiffConformanceChecker.
public class TiffConformanceChecker extends ConformanceChecker {
private Configuration checkConfig;
public static String POLICY_ISO = "Policy checker";
public TiffConformanceChecker(ConformanceConfig config, Configuration checkConfig){
this.checkConfig = checkConfig;
* Gets the conformance checker options.
* @return the conformance checker options
public static String getConformanceCheckerOptions() {
String output;
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
Element conformenceCheckerElement = doc.createElement("conformanceCheckerOptions");
addElement(doc, conformenceCheckerElement, "name", "TIFF conformance checker");
addElement(doc, conformenceCheckerElement, "author", "Víctor Muñoz Solà");
addElement(doc, conformenceCheckerElement, "version", "0.1");
addElement(doc, conformenceCheckerElement, "company", "Easy Innova");
addElement(doc, conformenceCheckerElement, "media_type", "image/tiff");
Element extensions = doc.createElement("extensions");
addElement(doc, extensions, "extension", "tiff");
addElement(doc, extensions, "extension", "tif");
Element magics = doc.createElement("magicNumbers");
Element magicNumber = doc.createElement("magicNumber");
addElement(doc, magicNumber, "offset", "0");
addElement(doc, magicNumber, "signature", "\\x49\\x49\\x2A\\x00");
magicNumber = doc.createElement("magicNumber");
addElement(doc, magicNumber, "offset", "0");
addElement(doc, magicNumber, "signature", "\\x4D\\x4D\\x00\\x2A");
Element implementationChecker = doc.createElement("implementationCheckerOptions");
Element standards = doc.createElement("standards");
// Baseline 6
Element standard = doc.createElement("standard");
addElement(doc, standard, "name", "TIFF");
addElement(doc, standard, "description", "TIFF Baseline 6.0");
// Tiff/EP
standard = doc.createElement("standard");
addElement(doc, standard, "name", "TIFF/EP");
addElement(doc, standard, "description", "TIFF extension for Electronic Photography");
// Tiff/IT
standard = doc.createElement("standard");
addElement(doc, standard, "name", "TIFF/IT");
addElement(doc, standard, "description", "TIFF extension for Image Technology");
// Policy checker
Element policyChecker = doc.createElement("policyCheckerOptions");
Element fields = doc.createElement("fields");
// Image Width
Element field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "ImageWidth");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "integer");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Image Width in pixels");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", ">,<,=");
// Image Height
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "ImageLength");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "integer");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Image Height in pixels");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", ">,<,=");
// Pixel Density
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "PixelDensity");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "integer");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Pixels per centimeter");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", ">,<,=");
// Number of images
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "NumberImages");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "integer");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Number of images in the TIFF");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", ">,<,=");
// BitDepth
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "BitDepth");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "integer");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Number of bits per pixel component");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", ">,<,=");
addElement(doc, field, "values", "1,2,4,8,16,32,64");
// DPI
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "DPI");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "integer");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Dots per Inch");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", "=");
addElement(doc, field, "values", "Even,Uneven");
// Extra Channels
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "ExtraChannels");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "integer");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Extra pixel components");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", ">,<,=");
// XY Resolution
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "EqualXYResolution");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "integer");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "XResolution equal to YResolution");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", "=");
addElement(doc, field, "values", "False,True");
// BlankPage
//field = doc.createElement("field");
//addElement(doc, field, "name", "BlankPage");
//addElement(doc, field, "type", "integer");
//addElement(doc, field, "description", "Page devoid of content (completely white)");
//addElement(doc, field, "operators", "=");
//addElement(doc, field, "values", "False,True");
// NumberBlankPage
//field = doc.createElement("field");
//addElement(doc, field, "name", "NumberBlankImages");
//addElement(doc, field, "type", "integer");
//addElement(doc, field, "description", "Number of Blank Pages");
//addElement(doc, field, "operators", ">,<,=");
// Compression
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "Compression");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "string");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Compression scheme");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", "=");
addElement(doc, field, "values", compressionName(1) + "," + compressionName(2) + "," + compressionName(32773) + "," + compressionName(3) + "," + compressionName(4) + "," + compressionName(5) + "," + compressionName(6) + "," + compressionName(7) + "," + compressionName(8) + "," + compressionName(9) + "," + compressionName(10) + "");
// Photometric
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "Photometric");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "string");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Color space of the image data");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", "=");
addElement(doc, field, "values", photometricName(1) + "," + photometricName(2) + "," + photometricName(3) + "," + photometricName(4) + "," + photometricName(5) + "," + photometricName(6) + "," + photometricName(10) + "");
// Planar
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "Planar");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "string");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "How the pixels components are stored");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", "=");
addElement(doc, field, "values", planarName(1) + "," + planarName(2));
// Byteorder
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "ByteOrder");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "string");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Byte Order (BigEndian, LittleEndian)");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", "=");
addElement(doc, field, "values", ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN.toString() + "," + ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN.toString());
// FileSize
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "FileSize");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "string");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "The file size in bytes");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", ">,<,=");
// IccProfileClass
field = doc.createElement("field");
addElement(doc, field, "name", "IccProfileClass");
addElement(doc, field, "type", "string");
addElement(doc, field, "description", "Class of the device ICC Profile");
addElement(doc, field, "operators", "=");
addElement(doc, field, "values", IccProfile.ProfileClass.Abstract + "," + IccProfile.ProfileClass.Input + "," + IccProfile.ProfileClass.Display + "," + IccProfile.ProfileClass.Output + "," + IccProfile.ProfileClass.DeviceLink + "," + IccProfile.ProfileClass.ColorSpace + "," + IccProfile.ProfileClass.NamedColor + "," + IccProfile.ProfileClass.Unknown);
TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
transformer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "2");
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
transformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(writer));
output = writer.getBuffer().toString().replaceAll("\n|\r", "");
} catch (Exception ex) {
output = null;
return output;
// public ArrayList getConformanceCheckerExtensions() {
// String xml = getConformanceCheckerOptions();
// Document doc = convertStringToDocument(xml);
// ArrayList extensions = new ArrayList();
// NodeList nodelist = doc.getElementsByTagName("extension");
// for (int i = 0; i < nodelist.getLength(); i++) {
// Node node = nodelist.item(i);
// extensions.add(node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
// }
// return extensions;
// }
public ArrayList getConformanceCheckerStandards() {
String xml = getConformanceCheckerOptions();
Document doc = convertStringToDocument(xml);
ArrayList standards = new ArrayList();
NodeList nodelist = doc.getElementsByTagName("standard");
for (int i = 0; i < nodelist.getLength(); i++) {
Node node = nodelist.item(i);
return standards;
public ArrayList getConformanceCheckerFields() {
String xml = getConformanceCheckerOptions();
Document doc = convertStringToDocument(xml);
ArrayList fields = new ArrayList();
NodeList nodelist = doc.getElementsByTagName("field");
for (int i = 0; i < nodelist.getLength(); i++) {
Node node = nodelist.item(i);
NodeList childs = node.getChildNodes();
Field field = new Field(childs);
return fields;
public static String compressionName(int code) {
switch (code) {
case 1: return "None";
case 2: return "CCITT";
case 3: return "CCITT GR3";
case 4: return "CCITT GR4";
case 5: return "LZW";
case 6: return "OJPEG";
case 7: return "JPEG";
case 8: return "DEFLATE Adobe";
case 9: return "JBIG BW";
case 10: return "JBIG C";
case 32773: return "PackBits";
return "Unknown";
public static String photometricName(int code) {
switch (code) {
case 0:
case 1: return "Bilevel";
case 2: return "RGB";
case 3: return "Palette";
case 4: return "Transparency Mask";
case 5: return "CMYK";
case 6: return "YCbCr";
case 8:
case 9:
case 10: return "CIELAB";
return "Unknown";
public static String planarName(int code) {
switch (code) {
case 1: return "Chunky";
case 2: return "Planar";
return "Unknown";
public static int compressionCode(String name) {
switch (name) {
case "None": return 1;
case "CCITT": return 2;
case "CCITT GR3": return 3;
case "CCITT GR4": return 4;
case "LZW": return 5;
case "OJPEG": return 6;
case "JPEG": return 7;
case "DEFLATE Adobe": return 8;
case "JBIG BW": return 9;
case "JBIG C": return 10;
case "PackBits": return 32773;
return -1;
public static int photometricCode(String name) {
switch (name) {
case "Bilevel": return 1;
case "RGB": return 2;
case "Palette": return 3;
case "Transparency Mask": return 4;
case "CMYK": return 5;
case "YCbCr": return 6;
case "CIELAB": return 10;
return -1;
public static int planarCode(String name) {
switch (name) {
case "Chunky": return 1;
case "Planar": return 2;
return -1;
private static Document convertStringToDocument(String xmlStr) {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder;
try {
builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlStr)));
return doc;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public static String getAutofixesClassPath() {
return "dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.metadata_fixer.autofixes";
* Adds a element to the XML object.
* @param doc the Document (XML object)
* @param conformenceCheckerElement the Main element in the XML object
* @param name the element name
* @param content the content of the element
static void addElement(Document doc, Element conformenceCheckerElement, String name,
String content) {
Element element = doc.createElement(name);
* Gets autofixes.
* @return the autofixes
public static ArrayList getAutofixes() {
ArrayList classes = null;
try {
Logger.println("Loading autofixes from JAR");
String path = "DPF Manager-jfx.jar";
if (new File(path).exists()) {
ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(path));
for (ZipEntry entry = zip.getNextEntry(); entry != null; entry = zip.getNextEntry()) {
if (!entry.isDirectory() && entry.getName().endsWith(".class") && entry.getName().contains("autofixes") && !entry.getName().contains("autofix.class")) {
if (classes == null) {
classes = new ArrayList();
classes.add(entry.getName().substring(entry.getName().lastIndexOf("/") + 1).replace(".class", ""));
} else {
Logger.println("Jar not found");
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.println("Error " + ex.toString());
if (classes == null) {
Logger.println("Loading autofixes through reflection");
try {
//Reflections reflections = new Reflections(TiffConformanceChecker.getAutofixesClassPath(), new SubTypesScanner(false));
//Set> classesSet = reflections.getSubTypesOf(Object.class);
Class cls = Class.forName("dpfmanager.conformancechecker.tiff.TiffConformanceChecker");
ClassLoader cll = cls.getClassLoader();
Set classesInPackage = ClassPath.from(cll).getTopLevelClassesRecursive(TiffConformanceChecker.getAutofixesClassPath());
classes = new ArrayList();
for (ClassPath.ClassInfo cl : classesInPackage) {
if (!cl.toString().endsWith(".autofix")) {
classes.add(cl.toString().substring(cl.toString().lastIndexOf(".") + 1));
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.println("Exception getting classes");
if (classes == null) {
Logger.println("Autofixes loaded manually");
classes = new ArrayList();
Logger.println("Found " + classes.size() + " classes:");
for (String cl : classes) {
return classes;
public static String getValidationXmlString(TiffReader tr) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException, JAXBException {
TiffDocument td = tr.getModel();
return getValidationXmlString(td);
public static String getValidationXmlString(TiffDocument td) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException, JAXBException {
TiffImplementationChecker tic = new TiffImplementationChecker();
TiffValidationObject tiffValidation = tic.CreateValidationObject(td);
return tiffValidation.getXml();
private String addXmlReportToPremisSection (String xmlReport, String metsReport){
//FIXME revisar el procediment, cal afegir el contingut del report xml com un node al mets report
//FIXME el node del mets és el premis:eventOutcomeDetail, aquí dins s'ha de colocar el report
// try {
// DocumentBuilderFactory domFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
// domFactory.setNamespaceAware(true);
// DocumentBuilder builder = domFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
// Document docMets = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(metsReport)));
// Document docXML = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlReport)));
// Element outcomeDetail = (Element)docMets.getElementsByTagName("premis:eventOutcomeDetail").item(0);
// outcomeDetail.appendChild(docXML);
// //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4613140/xml-to-append-xml-document-into-the-node-of-another-document
// } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// } catch (SAXException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// } catch (IOException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
return "";
* Process tiff file.
* @param pathToFile the path in local disk to the file
* @param reportFilename the file name that will be displayed in the report
* @return the individual report
* @throws ReadTagsIOException the read tags io exception
* @throws ReadIccConfigIOException the read icc config io exception
public IndividualReport processFile(String pathToFile, String reportFilename, String internalReportFolder, Configuration config, int id) throws ReadTagsIOException, ReadIccConfigIOException {
try {
// Logger.println("Reading Tiff file");
if (config == null){
config = getDefaultConfiguration();
TiffReader tr = new TiffReader();
int result = tr.readFile(pathToFile);
switch (result) {
case -1:
Logger.println("File '" + pathToFile + "' does not exist");
case -2:
Logger.println("IO Exception in file '" + pathToFile + "'");
case 0:
//Logger.println("Validating Tiff");
Map validations = getValidations(tr, config);
String pathNorm = reportFilename.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
String name = pathNorm.substring(pathNorm.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
IndividualReport ir = new IndividualReport(name, pathToFile, reportFilename, tr.getModel(), validations);
ArrayList isosCheck = new ArrayList<>(config.getIsos());
Collections.sort(isosCheck, Collator.getInstance());
Rules rules = config.getRules();
XmlReport xmlReport = new XmlReport();
String output = xmlReport.parseIndividual(ir, config.getRules());
if (config.getRules() != null && config.getRules().getRules() != null && config.getRules().getRules().size() > 0) {
//Mets report
MetsReport metsReport = new MetsReport();
String xmlOutput = output;
output = metsReport.parseIndividual(ir, config);
Fixes fixes = config.getFixes();
if (config.getFormats().contains("HTML")) {
int htmlMode = 0;
if (fixes != null && fixes.getFixes().size() > 0) htmlMode = 1;
HtmlReport htmlReport = new HtmlReport();
output = htmlReport.parseIndividual(ir, htmlMode, id);
if (config.getFormats().contains("PDF")) {
PdfReport pdfReport = new PdfReport();
if (fixes != null && fixes.getFixes().size() > 0) {
TiffDocument td = ir.getTiffModel();
String nameOriginalTif = ir.getFilePath();
tr = new TiffReader();
for (Fix fix : fixes.getFixes()) {
if (fix.getOperator() != null) {
if (fix.getOperator().equals("addTag")) {
td.addTag(fix.getTag(), fix.getValue());
} else if (fix.getOperator().equals("removeTag")) {
} else {
String className = fix.getTag();
autofix autofix = (autofix) Class.forName(TiffConformanceChecker.getAutofixesClassPath() + "." + className).newInstance();
String outputFolder = config.getOutput();
if (outputFolder == null) outputFolder = internalReportFolder;
File dir = new File(outputFolder + "/fixed/");
if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdir();
String pathFixed = outputFolder + "/fixed/" + new File(reportFilename).getName();
if (new File(Paths.get(pathFixed).toString()).exists()) new File(Paths.get(pathFixed).toString()).delete();
TiffInputStream ti = new TiffInputStream(new File(nameOriginalTif));
TiffWriter tw = new TiffWriter(ti);
tr = new TiffReader();
TiffDocument to = tr.getModel();
//Logger.println("Validating Tiff");
Map validationsFixed = getValidations(tr, config);
pathNorm = pathFixed.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
name = pathNorm.substring(pathNorm.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
IndividualReport ir2 = new IndividualReport(name, pathFixed, pathFixed, to, validationsFixed);
int ind = reportFilename.lastIndexOf(".tif");
ir2.setReportPath(reportFilename.substring(0, ind) + "_fixed.tif");
//context.sendConsole(BasicConfig.MODULE_MESSAGE, new LogMessage(getClass(), Level.DEBUG, "Fixed file " + pathFixed + " created"));
ir2.setFileName(new File(nameOriginalTif).getName() + " Fixed");
//Make report
output = xmlReport.parseIndividual(ir2, rules);
ir2.addValidation(POLICY_ISO, getPcValidation(output));
//Make due report in METS
//FIXME cal revisar xq aixo dóna null
MetsReport metsReportFixed = new MetsReport();
output = metsReport.parseIndividual(ir2, config);
if (config.getFormats().contains("HTML")) {
HtmlReport htmlReport = new HtmlReport();
output = htmlReport.parseIndividual(ir2, 2, id);
if (config.getFormats().contains("PDF")) {
PdfReport pdfReport = new PdfReport();
return ir;
Logger.println("Unknown result (" + result + ") in file '" + pathToFile + "'");
} catch (ReadTagsIOException e) {
Logger.println("Error loading Tiff library dependencies (tags)");
} catch (ReadIccConfigIOException e) {
Logger.println("Error loading Tiff library dependencies (icc)");
} catch (OutOfMemoryError error) {
Logger.println("Out of memory");
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
Logger.println("Error in Tiff file (1)");
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.println("Error in Tiff file (2)");
} catch (SAXException e) {
Logger.println("Error in Tiff file (3)");
} catch (JAXBException e) {
Logger.println("Error in Tiff file (4)");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
Logger.println("Error in Fix");
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private Map getValidations(TiffReader tr, Configuration config) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException, JAXBException {
String content = TiffConformanceChecker.getValidationXmlString(tr);
Map validations = new HashMap<>();
for (String path : ImplementationCheckerLoader.getPathsList()){
boolean check = config.getIsos().contains(ImplementationCheckerLoader.getFileName(path));
Validator validation = new Validator(Logger);
validation.validate(content, path, !check);
validations.put(ImplementationCheckerLoader.getFileName(path), validation);
for (String iso : config.getIsos()){
if (iso.endsWith(".xml")){
Validator validation = new Validator(Logger);
validation.validate(content, iso, false);
validations.put(iso, validation);
return validations;
public Configuration getDefaultConfiguration(){
return checkConfig;
* Gets pc validation.
* @param output the output
* @return the pc validation
static ArrayList getPcValidation(String output) {
ArrayList valid = new ArrayList<>();
int index = output.indexOf("", index) + 1;
index = output.indexOf("", index) + 1;
String test = output.substring(index);
test = test.substring(0, test.indexOf(""));
index = output.indexOf("", index) + 1;
String text = output.substring(index);
text = text.substring(0, text.indexOf(""));
RuleResult val = new RuleResult();
val.setLocation("Policy checker");
index = output.indexOf("", index) + 1;
index = output.indexOf("", index) + 1;
String test = output.substring(index);
test = test.substring(0, test.indexOf(""));
index = output.indexOf("", index) + 1;
String text = output.substring(index);
text = text.substring(0, text.indexOf(""));
RuleResult val = new RuleResult();
val.setLocation("Policy checker");
return valid;
static ArrayList getPcValidationOld(String output) {
ArrayList valid = new ArrayList<>();
// Errors
int index = output.indexOf(" -1) {
String text = output.substring(output.indexOf("text>", index));
text = text.substring(text.indexOf(">") + 1);
text = text.substring(0, text.indexOf(""));
String desc = output.substring(output.indexOf("test=\"@", index)+7);
desc = desc.substring(0, desc.indexOf("\""));
desc = desc.replace(">", ">").replace("<", ">");
index = output.indexOf(" -1) {
String text = output.substring(output.indexOf("text>", index));
text = text.substring(text.indexOf(">") + 1);
text = text.substring(0, text.indexOf(""));
String desc = output.substring(output.indexOf("test=\"@", index)+7);
desc = desc.substring(0, desc.indexOf("\""));
desc = desc.replace(">", ">").replace("<", ">");
index = output.indexOf("