com.ebiznext.comet.extractor.ExtractScriptGenConfig.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ebiznext.comet.extractor
import better.files.File
import scopt.{OParser, RenderingMode}
case class ExtractScriptGenConfig(
domain: String = "",
scriptTemplateFile: File = File("."),
scriptOutputDir: File = File("."),
deltaColumn: Option[String] = None
object ExtractScriptGenConfig {
val builder = OParser.builder[ExtractScriptGenConfig]
def exists(name: String)(path: String): Either[String, Unit] =
if (File(path).exists) Right(())
else Left(s"$name at path $path does not exist")
val parser: OParser[Unit, ExtractScriptGenConfig] = {
import builder._
head("comet", "1.x"),
|The schemas should at least, specify :
| - a table name (
| - a file pattern (schemas.pattern) which is used as the export file base name
| - a write mode (schemas.metadata.write): APPEND or OVERWRITE
| - a delta column (schemas.merge.timestamp) if in APPEND mode : the default column which is used to determine new rows for each exports
| - the columns to extract (*)
|You also have to provide a Mustache ( template file.
|In there you'll write your extraction export process (sqlplus for Oracle, pgsql for PostgreSQL as an example).
|In that template you can use the following parameters:
| - table_name -> the table to export
| - delimiter -> the resulting dsv file delimiter
| - columns -> the columns to export
| columns is a Mustache map, it gives you access, for each column, to:
| - name -> the column name
| - trailing_col_char -> the separator to append to the column (, if there are more columns to come, "" otherwise)
| Here is an example how to use it in a template:
| {{#columns}}
| TO_CHAR({{name}}){{trailing_col_char}}
| {{/columns}}
| {{table_name}};
| export_file -> the export file name
| full_export -> if the export is a full or delta export (the logic is to be implemented in your script)
.action((x, c) => c.copy(domain = x))
.text("The domain for which to generate extract scripts"),
.validate(exists("Script template file"))
.action((x, c) => c.copy(scriptTemplateFile = File(x)))
.text("Script template file"),
.validate(exists("Script output folder"))
.action((x, c) => c.copy(scriptOutputDir = File(x)))
.text("Scripts output folder"),
.action((x, c) => c.copy(deltaColumn = Some(x)))
.text("""The default date column used to determine new rows to export.
|Overrides config database-extractor.default-column value.""".stripMargin)
val usage: String = OParser.usage(parser, RenderingMode.TwoColumns)
/** Function to parse command line arguments (domain and schema).
* @param args : Command line parameters
* @return : an Option of MetricConfing with the parsed domain and schema names.
def parse(args: Seq[String]): Option[ExtractScriptGenConfig] =
OParser.parse(parser, args, ExtractScriptGenConfig.apply())