com.ebiznext.comet.utils.TextSubstitutionEngine.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ebiznext.comet.utils
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* This class provides a basic text substitution engine, suitable for performing basic variable
* substitution in a way that is more reliable and faster than applying a sequence of `String#replace`
* operations.
* The default start and end variable separators are \_\_ and \_\_, respectively, but can be configured to be
* anything suitable.
final class TextSubstitutionEngine private (
substitutions: Map[String, String],
patternStart: String,
patternEnd: String
) {
* perform variable substitutions on a piece of text content
* @param sourceContent
* @return sourceContent after performing substitutions
def apply(sourceContent: String): String = {
def recursiveApply(buffer: StringBuilder, start: Int, nextEvent: Int): String = {
sourceContent.indexOf(patternStart, start) match {
case -1 =>
/* this is it, we're done! */
case index =>
val endIndex = sourceContent.indexOf(patternEnd, index + patternStart.length)
endIndex match {
case -1 =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"at position ${index}, unclosed ${patternStart}substitution${patternEnd}\n in fileContent=${sourceContent}"
case nextIndex =>
val substitutionName = sourceContent.substring(index + patternStart.length, nextIndex)
substitutions.get(substitutionName) match {
case None =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"at position ${index}, unknown substitution ${patternStart}${substitutionName}${patternEnd}\n in fileContent=${sourceContent}"
case Some(substitutionValue) =>
buffer.append(sourceContent.substring(start, index))
val nextEvent = sourceContent.indexOf("__", index + patternEnd.length)
recursiveApply(buffer, nextIndex + patternEnd.length, nextEvent)
/* we don't use fileContent.replace(pattern1, value1).replace(pattern2, value2) etc. as:
1. String#replace internally compiles a regex (!)
2. it is difficult to manage priorities between patterns and what happens if one pattern match overlaps another
(e.g if we have ____COMET_TEST_ROOT____ in the resource file, the correct output is __COMET_TEST_ROOT__ not
val firstEvent = sourceContent.indexOf(patternStart)
if (firstEvent < 0) {
sourceContent /* NO substitution — break here immediately */
} else {
val result = recursiveApply(new StringBuilder, 0, firstEvent)
object TextSubstitutionEngine {
val DefaultSubstitutionPatternStart = "__"
val DefaultSubstitutionPatternEnd = "__"
def apply(
patternStart: String,
patternEnd: String,
variables: Seq[(String, String)]
): TextSubstitutionEngine =
new TextSubstitutionEngine(variables.toMap + ("" -> ""), patternStart, patternEnd)
* This is the default constructor, where one supplies variable substitutions
* @param variables any number of variable substitutions to be performed.
* @return a [[TextSubstitutionEngine]] configured with default substitution pattern start and ends.
* @note recursive variable substitution is not performed.
def apply(variables: (String, String)*): TextSubstitutionEngine =
apply(DefaultSubstitutionPatternStart, DefaultSubstitutionPatternEnd, variables)